473 research outputs found

    QoS Provisioning for Multi-Class Traffic in Wireless Networks

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    Physical constraints, bandwidth constraints and host mobility all contribute to the difficulty of providing Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in wireless networks. There is a growing demand for wireless networks to support all the services that are available on wired networks. These diverse services, such as email, instant messaging, web browsing, video conferencing, telephony and paging all place different demands on the network, making QoS provisioning for wireless networks that carry multiple classes of traffic a complex problem. We have developed a set of admission control and resource reservation schemes for QoS provisioning in multi-class wireless networks. We present three variations of a novel resource borrowing scheme for cellular networks that exploits the ability of some multimedia applications to adapt to transient fluctuations in the supplied resources. The first of the schemes is shown to be proportionally fair: the second scheme is max-min fair. The third scheme for cellular networks uses knowledge about the relationship between streams that together comprise a multimedia session in order to further improve performance. We also present a predictive resource reservation scheme for LEO satellite networks that exploits the regularity of the movement patterns of mobile hosts in LEO satellite networks. We have developed the cellular network simulator (CNS) for evaluating call-level QoS provisioning schemes. QoS at the call-level is concerned with call blocking probability (CBP), call dropping probability (CDP), and supplied bandwidth. We introduce two novel QoS parameters that relate to supplied bandwidth—the average percent of desired bandwidth supplied (DBS), and the percent of time spent operating at the desired bandwidth level (DBT)

    Service-Oriented Bandwidth Borrowing Scheme for Mobile Multimedia Wireless Networks

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    Multimedia applications (audio phone, video on demand, video conference, file transfer, etc.) will be integrated into future mobile communication systems. Bandwidth is the most critical resource in mobile multimedia wireless networks. Due to mobile user mobility and limited bandwidth in the mobile wireless communications networks, the quality-of-service (QoS) guarantee becomes very complicated for multimedia applications. Therefore, the available bandwidth of wireless networks should be managed in the most efficient manner. In order to provide mobile hosts (MHs) with highly satisfying degree of QoS in mobile communication systems, new and efficient bandwidth allocation schemes must be developed. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a novel scheme for bandwidth borrowing in mobile multimedia wireless networks. We employ a service-oriented bandwidth borrowing strategy to reduce the overhead of bandwidth reconfiguration and to satisfy QoS requirements of ongoing MHs in cellular systems. Furthermore, we design efficient call admission control algorithms for different multimedia services. The QoS guarantees can be maintained at a comfortable level in cellular systems. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme outperform the previously proposed scheme

    Efficient resource allocation and call admission control in high capacity wireless networks

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    Resource Allocation (RA) and Call Admission Control (CAC) in wireless networks are processes that control the allocation of the limited radio resources to mobile stations (MS) in order to maximize the utilization efficiency of radio resources and guarantee the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of mobile users. In this dissertation, several distributed, adaptive and efficient RA/CAC schemes are proposed and analyzed, in order to improve the system utilization while maintaining the required QoS. Since the most salient feature of the mobile wireless network is that users are moving, a Mobility Based Channel Reservation (MBCR) scheme is proposed which takes the user mobility into consideration. The MBCR scheme is further developed into PMBBR scheme by using the user location information in the reservation making process. Through traffic composition analysis, the commonly used assumption is challenged in this dissertation, and a New Call Bounding (NCB) scheme, which uses the number of channels that are currently occupied by new calls as a decision variable for the CAC, is proposed. This dissertation also investigates the pricing as another dimension for RA/CAC. It is proven that for a given wireless network there exists a new call arrival rate which can maximize the total utility of users, while maintaining the required QoS. Based on this conclusion, an integrated pricing and CAC scheme is proposed to alleviate the system congestion

    Adaptive Predictive Handoff Scheme with Channel Borrowing in Cellular Network

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    Previously, we presented an extension of predictive channel reservation (PCR) scheme, called HPCR_CB, for handoff motivated by the rapid evolving technology of mobile positioning. In this thesis, the author proposes a new scheme, called adaptive PCR_CB (APCR_CB), which is an extension of HPCR_CB by incorporating the concept of adaptive guard channels. In APCR_CB, the number of guard channel(s) is adjusted automatically based on the average handoff blocking rate measured in the past certain time period. The handoff blocking rate is controlled under the designated threshold and the new call blocking rate is minimized. The performance evaluation of the APCR_CB scheme is done by simulation. The result shows the APCR_CB scheme outperforms the original PCR, GC, and HPCR_CB schemes by controlling a hard constraint on the handoff blocking probability. It is able to achieve the optimal performance by maximizing the resource utilization and by adapting to changing traffic conditions automatically

    Adaptive Predictive Handoff Scheme with Channel Borrowing in Cellular Network

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    Previously, we presented an extension of predictive channel reservation (PCR) scheme, called HPCR_CB, for handoff motivated by the rapid evolving technology of mobile positioning. In this thesis, the author proposes a new scheme, called adaptive PCR_CB (APCR_CB), which is an extension of HPCR_CB by incorporating the concept of adaptive guard channels. In APCR_CB, the number of guard channel(s) is adjusted automatically based on the average handoff blocking rate measured in the past certain time period. The handoff blocking rate is controlled under the designated threshold and the new call blocking rate is minimized. The performance evaluation of the APCR_CB scheme is done by simulation. The result shows the APCR_CB scheme outperforms the original PCR, GC, and HPCR_CB schemes by controlling a hard constraint on the handoff blocking probability. It is able to achieve the optimal performance by maximizing the resource utilization and by adapting to changing traffic conditions automatically

    Admission Control for Multiuser Communication Systems

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    During the last few years, broadband wireless communication has experienced very rapid growth in telecommunications industry. Hence, the performance analysis of such systems is one of the most important topics. However, accurate systems’ analysis requires first good modeling of the network traffic. Moreover, broadband wireless communication should achieve certain performance in order to satisfy the customers as well as the operators. Therefore, some call admission control techniques should be integrated with wireless networks in order to deny new users/services if accepting them will lead to degrade the network performance to less than the allowed threshold. This thesis mainly discusses the above two issues which can be summarized as follows. First issue is the traffic modeling of wireless communication. The performance analysis is discussed in terms of the quality of services (QoS) and also the grade of services (GoS). Different scenarios have been studies such as enhancing the GoS of handover users. The second issue is the admission control algorithms. Admission Control is part of radio resource management. The performance of admission control is affected by channel characteristics such as fading and interference. Hence, some wireless channel characteristics are introduced briefly. Seven different channel allocation schemes have been discussed and analyzed. Moreover, different admission control algorithms are analyzed such as power-based and multi-classes fuzzy-logic based. Some simulations analyses are given as well to show the system performance of different algorithms and scenarios.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format


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    In 4G cellular networks, call admission control (CAC) has a direct impact on quality of service (QoS) for individual connections and overall system efficiency. Reservation-based CAC schemes have been previously proposed for cellular networks where a certain amount of system bandwidth is reserved for high-priority calls, e.g., hand-off calls and real-time new calls. Traditional reservation-based schemes are not efficient for 4G vehicular networks, as the reserved bandwidth may not be utilized effectively in low hand-off rates. We propose a channel borrowing approach in which new best effort (BE) calls can borrow the reserved bandwidth for high-priority calls. Later, if a hand-off call arrives and all the channels are busy, it will pre-empt the service of a borrower BE call if there exists any. Our focus in this paper is on the system modeling and performance evaluation of the proposed scheme. We present two system models that approximate the operation of the proposed scheme. For these models, we derive the CBP and CDP analytically. It is shown that our analytical results are very close to the ones obtained from simulations

    A Comparative Study of Prioritized Handoff Schemes with Guard Channels in Wireless Cellular Networks

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    Mobility management has always been the main challenge in most mobile systems. It involves the management of network radio channel resource capacity for the purpose of achieving optimum quality of service (QoS) standard. In this era of wireless Personal Communication Networks such as Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode (WATM), Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), there is a continuous increase in demand for network capacity. In order to accommodate the increased demand for network capacity (radio resource) over the wireless medium, cell sizes are reduced. As a result of such reduction in cell sizes, handoffs occur more frequently, and thereby result in increased volume of handoff related signaling. Therefore, a handoff scheme that can handle the increased signaling load while sustaining the standard QoS parameters is required.This work presents a comparative analysis of four popular developed handoff schemes. New call blocking probability, forced termination probability and throughput are the QoS parameters employed in comparing the four schemes. The four schemes are:RCS-GC,MRCS-GC, NCBS-GC, and APS-GC. NCBS-GChas the leased new call blocking probability while APS-GC has the worst. In terms of forced termination probability, MRCS-GC has the best result, whileRCS-GChas the worst scheme.MRCS-GC delivers the highest number of packets per second while APS-GC delivers the least. These performance metrics are computed by using the analytical expressions developed for these metrics in the considered models in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet environment.http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v34i3.2

    Mobility-based predictive call admission control and resource reservation for next-generation mobile communications networks.

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    Recently, the need for wireless and mobile communications has grown tremendously and it is expected that the number of users to be supported will increase with high rates in the next few years. Not only the number of users, but also the required bandwidth to support each user is supposed to increase especially with the deploying of the multimedia and the real time applications. This makes the researchers in the filed of mobile and wireless communications more interested in finding efficient solutions to solve the limitations of the available natural radio resources. One of the important things to be considered in the wireless mobile environment is that the user can move from one location to another when there is an ingoing call. Resource reservation ( RR ) schemes are used to reserve the bandwidth ( BW ) required for the handoff calls. This will enable the user to continue his/her call while he/she is moving. Also, call admission control ( CAC ) schemes are used as a provisioning strategy to limit the number of call connections into the network in order to reduce the network congestion and the call dropping. The problem of CAC and RR is one of the most challenging problems in the wireless mobile networks. Also, in the fourth generation ( 4G ) of mobile communication networks, many types of different mobile systems such as wireless local area networks ( WLAN s) and cellular networks will be integrated. The 4G mobile networks will support a broad range of multimedia services with high quality of service.New Call demission control and resource reservation techniques are needed to support the new 4G systems. Our research aims to solve the problems of Call Admission Control (CAC), and resource reservation (RR) in next-generation cellular networks and in the fourth generation (4G) wireless heterogeneous networks. In this dissertation, the problem of CAC and RR in wireless mobile networks is addressed in detail for two different architectures of mobile networks: (1) cellular networks, and (2) wireless heterogeneous networks (WHNs) which integrate cellular networks and wireless local area networks (WLANs). We have designed, implemented, and evaluated new mobility-based predictive call admission control and resource reservation techniques for the next-generation cellular networks and for the 4G wireless heterogeneous networks. These techniques are based on generating the mobility models of the mobile users using one-dimensional and multidimensional sequence mining techniques that have been designed for the wireless mobile environment. The main goal of our techniques is to reduce the call dropping probability and the call blocking probability, and to maximize the bandwidth utilization n the mobile networks. By analyzing the previous movements of the mobile users, we generate local and global mobility profiles for the mobile users, which are utilized effectively in prediction of the future path of the mobile user. Extensive simulation was used to analyze and study the performance of these techniques and to compare its performance with other techniques. Simulation results show that the proposed techniques have a significantly enhanced performance which is comparable to the benchmark techniques
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