21 research outputs found

    A quantitative analysis of secondary RNA structure using domination based parameters on trees

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    BACKGROUND: It has become increasingly apparent that a comprehensive database of RNA motifs is essential in order to achieve new goals in genomic and proteomic research. Secondary RNA structures have frequently been represented by various modeling methods as graph-theoretic trees. Using graph theory as a modeling tool allows the vast resources of graphical invariants to be utilized to numerically identify secondary RNA motifs. The domination number of a graph is a graphical invariant that is sensitive to even a slight change in the structure of a tree. The invariants selected in this study are variations of the domination number of a graph. These graphical invariants are partitioned into two classes, and we define two parameters based on each of these classes. These parameters are calculated for all small order trees and a statistical analysis of the resulting data is conducted to determine if the values of these parameters can be utilized to identify which trees of orders seven and eight are RNA-like in structure. RESULTS: The statistical analysis shows that the domination based parameters correctly distinguish between the trees that represent native structures and those that are not likely candidates to represent RNA. Some of the trees previously identified as candidate structures are found to be "very" RNA like, while others are not, thereby refining the space of structures likely to be found as representing secondary RNA structure. CONCLUSION: Search algorithms are available that mine nucleotide sequence databases. However, the number of motifs identified can be quite large, making a further search for similar motif computationally difficult. Much of the work in the bioinformatics arena is toward the development of better algorithms to address the computational problem. This work, on the other hand, uses mathematical descriptors to more clearly characterize the RNA motifs and thereby reduce the corresponding search space. These preliminary findings demonstrate that graph-theoretic quantifiers utilized in fields such as computer network design hold significant promise as an added tool for genomics and proteomics

    Random subgraphs make identification affordable

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    An identifying code of a graph is a dominating set which uniquely determines all the vertices by their neighborhood within the code. Whereas graphs with large minimum degree have small domination number, this is not the case for the identifying code number (the size of a smallest identifying code), which indeed is not even a monotone parameter with respect to graph inclusion. We show that every graph GG with nn vertices, maximum degree Δ=ω(1)\Delta=\omega(1) and minimum degree δclogΔ\delta\geq c\log{\Delta}, for some constant c>0c>0, contains a large spanning subgraph which admits an identifying code with size O(nlogΔδ)O\left(\frac{n\log{\Delta}}{\delta}\right). In particular, if δ=Θ(n)\delta=\Theta(n), then GG has a dense spanning subgraph with identifying code O(logn)O\left(\log n\right), namely, of asymptotically optimal size. The subgraph we build is created using a probabilistic approach, and we use an interplay of various random methods to analyze it. Moreover we show that the result is essentially best possible, both in terms of the number of deleted edges and the size of the identifying code

    Reformulação de Estratégia de Aliança Defensiva e Ofensiva em Grafos

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    Neste trabalho é proposto um novo problema chamado de reformulação de estratégia de alianças, onde a aliança defensiva se transforma em uma aliança ofensiva que contém os vértices da aliança defensiva de origem, e vice-versa. O objetivo é reformular a estratégia de aliança defensiva e ofensiva de cardinalidade mínima para algumas classes de grafos como caminhos, ciclos, rodas, grafos completos, bipartidos completos, estrela e árvores binárias balanceadas

    On the size of identifying codes in triangle-free graphs

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    In an undirected graph GG, a subset CV(G)C\subseteq V(G) such that CC is a dominating set of GG, and each vertex in V(G)V(G) is dominated by a distinct subset of vertices from CC, is called an identifying code of GG. The concept of identifying codes was introduced by Karpovsky, Chakrabarty and Levitin in 1998. For a given identifiable graph GG, let \M(G) be the minimum cardinality of an identifying code in GG. In this paper, we show that for any connected identifiable triangle-free graph GG on nn vertices having maximum degree Δ3\Delta\geq 3, \M(G)\le n-\tfrac{n}{\Delta+o(\Delta)}. This bound is asymptotically tight up to constants due to various classes of graphs including (Δ1)(\Delta-1)-ary trees, which are known to have their minimum identifying code of size nnΔ1+o(1)n-\tfrac{n}{\Delta-1+o(1)}. We also provide improved bounds for restricted subfamilies of triangle-free graphs, and conjecture that there exists some constant cc such that the bound \M(G)\le n-\tfrac{n}{\Delta}+c holds for any nontrivial connected identifiable graph GG

    Alliance free sets in Cartesian product graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a graph. For a non-empty subset of vertices SVS\subseteq V, and vertex vVv\in V, let δS(v)={uS:uvE}\delta_S(v)=|\{u\in S:uv\in E\}| denote the cardinality of the set of neighbors of vv in SS, and let Sˉ=VS\bar{S}=V-S. Consider the following condition: {equation}\label{alliancecondition} \delta_S(v)\ge \delta_{\bar{S}}(v)+k, \{equation} which states that a vertex vv has at least kk more neighbors in SS than it has in Sˉ\bar{S}. A set SVS\subseteq V that satisfies Condition (\ref{alliancecondition}) for every vertex vSv \in S is called a \emph{defensive} kk-\emph{alliance}; for every vertex vv in the neighborhood of SS is called an \emph{offensive} kk-\emph{alliance}. A subset of vertices SVS\subseteq V, is a \emph{powerful} kk-\emph{alliance} if it is both a defensive kk-alliance and an offensive (k+2)(k +2)-alliance. Moreover, a subset XVX\subset V is a defensive (an offensive or a powerful) kk-alliance free set if XX does not contain any defensive (offensive or powerful, respectively) kk-alliance. In this article we study the relationships between defensive (offensive, powerful) kk-alliance free sets in Cartesian product graphs and defensive (offensive, powerful) kk-alliance free sets in the factor graphs

    On the complement graph and defensive k-alliances

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    AbstractIn this paper, we obtain several tight bounds of the defensive k-alliance number in the complement graph from other parameters of the graph. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the alliance numbers of the complement graph and the minimum and maximum degree, the domination number and the isoperimetric number of the graph. Moreover, we prove the NP-completeness of the decision problem underlying the defensive k-alliance number