9 research outputs found

    Educational Painter for Preschool Children

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    A lot of people are trying to educate their children via ICT from the early stages of their age. Thus, the learning by drawing using computers is important to promote children skills because drawing develops children imagination. There are a lot of educational programs about the education of children on the drawing, but these programs are designed at a high level in which it is difficult for children to use it. The proposed painter application is designed to teach children drawing, by providing relevant drawing tools. It is also equipped with alphabet learning and it is pronunciation, so that can learn letters while drawing

    Defining security requirements through misuse actions

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    An important aspect of security requirements is the understanding and listing of the possible threats to the system. Only then can we decide what specific defense mechanisms to use. We show here an approach to list all threats by considering each action in each use case and analyzing how it can be subverted by an internal or external attacker. From this list we can deduce what policies are necessary to prevent or mitigate the threats. These policies can then be used as guidelines for design. The proposed method can include formal design notations for validation and verification.1st International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software Technology - Session 3: Software Development ProcessRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Software Evolution for Industrial Automation Systems. Literature Overview

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    A qualitative assessment of the efficacy of UML diagrams as a form of graphical documentation in aiding program understanding

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    Desenvolvimento de Software WEB para Dimensionamento de Condensadores do Tipo Wire-On-Tube para Aplicação na Indústria de Refrigeração

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Eletrônica.As ferramentas disponíveis para simulação de sistemas térmicos fornecem soluções não específicas para os usuários, adicionando assim um passo extra de manipulação de dados, de modo a se obter os resultados desejados. Além disso, essas ferramentas exigem uma versão desktop instalada para a realização das simulações. Esse trabalho descreve os passos de desenvolvimento para um aplicativo WEB customizado para simulação de trocadores de calor do tipo arame sobre tubo. Os passos de desenvolvimento consistem no entendimento do problema enfrentado pelo usuário, a modelagem do software por meio de diagramas UML, o desenvolvimento do algoritmo e a programação dos arquivos utilizando as linguagens de programação e os frameworks WEB mais utilizados no mercado. No final, mostram-se as capturas de tela da ferramenta desenvolvida, como resultados deste trabalho.Available tools for thermal systems simulation provide nonspecific solutions for the users, adding an extra step of filtering data to reach the desired outputs. Moreover, these tools require a desktop installed version to perform the simulations. This work describes the development steps of a of a custom heat exchanger simulation tool embedded in a WEB application. The development steps comprise the understanding of the problem faced by the user of the tool, the modelling of the software through UML diagrams, the algorithm development and the programming of files applying some of the most used WEB languages and frameworks. In the end, screenshots of the developed application are shown as results of this work

    A Re-engineering approach for software systems complying with the utilisation of ubiquitous computing technologies.

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    The evident progression of ubiquitous technologies has put forward the introduction of new features which software systems can sustain. Several of the ubiquitous technologies available today are regarded as fundamental elements of many software applications in various domains. The utilisation of ubiquitous technologies has an apparent impact on business processes that can grant organisations a competitive advantage and improve their productivity. The change in the business processes in such organisations typically leads to a change in the underlying software systems. In addressing the need for change in the underlying software systems, this research is focused on establishing a general framework and methodology to facilitate the reengineering of software systems in order to allow the incorporation of new features which are introduced by the employment of ubiquitous technologies. Although this thesis aims to be general and not limited to a specific programming language or software development approach, the focus is on Object-Oriented software. The reengineering framework follows a systematic step-based approach, with greater focus on the reverse engineering aspect. The four stages of the framework are: program understanding, additional-requirement engineering, integration, and finally the testing and operation stage. In its first stage, the proposed reengineering framework regards the source code as the starting point to understand the system using a static-analysis based method. The second stage is concerned with the elicitation of the user functional requirements resulting from the introduction of ubiquitous technologies. In the third stage, the goal is to integrate the system’s components and hardware handlers using a developed integration algorithm and available integration techniques. In the fourth and final stage, which is discussed in a general manner only in this thesis, the reengineered system is tested and put in the operation phase. The proposed approach is demonstrated using a case study in Java to show that the proposed approach is feasible and promising in its domain. Conclusions are drawn based on analysis and further research directions are discussed at the end of the study

    Architecture design in global and model-centric software development

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    This doctoral dissertation describes a series of empirical investigations into representation, dissemination and coordination of software architecture design in the context of global software development. A particular focus is placed on model-centric and model-driven software development.LEI Universiteit LeidenAlgorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    A systematic approach for detecting faults in agent designs

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    This thesis proposes a mechanism, including automated tool support, for early-phase defect detection by comparing the plan structures of a belief-desire-intention (BDI) agent design against the following: (1) requirement models, specified in terms of scenarios and goals; and (2) agent communication models. The intuition of our approach is to extract sets of possible behaviour runs from the agent-behaviour models and to verify whether these runs conform to the specifications of the system-to-be. The proposed approach in this thesis is applicable at design time and does not require source code. Our approach is based on the Prometheus agent-design methodology but is applicable to other methodologies that support the same notions. We evaluate the proposed verification framework on designs, ranging from student projects to case studies of industry-level projects. Our evaluation demonstrates that even a simple specification developed by relatively experienced developers is prone to defects, and our approach is successful in uncovering most of these defects. In addition, we conduct a scalability analysis of our methods, and the outcomes reveal that our approach can scale when designs grow in size