198 research outputs found

    Non-linear Autoregressive Neural Networks to Forecast Short-Term Solar Radiation for Photovoltaic Energy Predictions

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    Nowadays, green energy is considered as a viable solution to hinder CO2 emissions and greenhouse effects. Indeed, it is expected that Renewable Energy Sources (RES) will cover 40% of the total energy request by 2040. This will move forward decentralized and cooperative power distribution systems also called smart grids. Among RES, solar energy will play a crucial role. However, reliable models and tools are needed to forecast and estimate with a good accuracy the renewable energy production in short-term time periods. These tools will unlock new services for smart grid management. In this paper, we propose an innovative methodology for implementing two different non-linear autoregressive neural networks to forecast Global Horizontal Solar Irradiance (GHI) in short-term time periods (i.e. from future 15 to 120min). Both neural networks have been implemented, trained and validated exploiting a dataset consisting of four years of solar radiation values collected by a real weather station. We also present the experimental results discussing and comparing the accuracy of both neural networks. Then, the resulting GHI forecast is given as input to a Photovoltaic simulator to predict energy production in short-term time periods. Finally, we present the results of this Photovoltaic energy estimation discussing also their accuracy

    Machine learning techniques to forecast non-linear trends in smart environments

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    Forecasting short-term solar radiation for photovoltaic energy predictions

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    In the world, energy demand continues to grow incessantly. At the same time, there is a growing need to reduce CO2 emissions, greenhouse effects and pollution in our cities. A viable solution consists in producing energy by exploiting renewable sources, such as solar energy. However, for the efficient use of this energy, accurate estimation methods are needed. Indeed, applications like Demand/Response require prediction tools to estimate the generation profiles of renewable energy sources. This paper presents an innovative methodology for short-term (e.g. 15 minutes) forecasting of Global Horizontal Solar Irradiance (GHI). The proposed methodology is based on a Non-linear Autoregressive neural network. This neural network has been trained and validated with a dataset consisting of solar radiation samples collected for four years by a real weather station. Then GHI forecast, the output of the neural network, is given as input to our Photovoltaic simulator to predict energy production in short-term time periods. Finally, experimental results for both GHI forecast and Photovoltaic energy prediction are presented and discussed

    Application of artificial neural networks as a predictive tool for the analysis of chemical engineering processes.

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    Master of Science in Chemical Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2017.Abstract available in PDF file

    On microelectronic self-learning cognitive chip systems

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    After a brief review of machine learning techniques and applications, this Ph.D. thesis examines several approaches for implementing machine learning architectures and algorithms into hardware within our laboratory. From this interdisciplinary background support, we have motivations for novel approaches that we intend to follow as an objective of innovative hardware implementations of dynamically self-reconfigurable logic for enhanced self-adaptive, self-(re)organizing and eventually self-assembling machine learning systems, while developing this new particular area of research. And after reviewing some relevant background of robotic control methods followed by most recent advanced cognitive controllers, this Ph.D. thesis suggests that amongst many well-known ways of designing operational technologies, the design methodologies of those leading-edge high-tech devices such as cognitive chips that may well lead to intelligent machines exhibiting conscious phenomena should crucially be restricted to extremely well defined constraints. Roboticists also need those as specifications to help decide upfront on otherwise infinitely free hardware/software design details. In addition and most importantly, we propose these specifications as methodological guidelines tightly related to ethics and the nowadays well-identified workings of the human body and of its psyche

    Automatic detection of relationships between banking operations using machine learning

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    In their daily business, bank branches should register their operations with several systems in order to share information with other branches and to have a central repository of records. In this way, information can be analysed and processed according to different requisites: fraud detection, accounting or legal requirements. Within this context, there is increasing use of big data and artificial intelligence techniques to improve customer experience. Our research focuses on detecting matches between bank operation records by means of applied intelligence techniques in a big data environment and business intelligence analytics. The business analytics function allows relationships to be established and comparisons to be made between variables from the bank's daily business. Finally, the results obtained show that the framework is able to detect relationships between banking operation records, starting from not homogeneous information and taking into account the large volume of data involved in the process. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Research Program of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - Government of Spain, (DeepEMR project TIN2017-87548-C2-1-R)

    Applications and Techniques for Fast Machine Learning in Science

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    In this community review report, we discuss applications and techniques for fast machine learning (ML) in science - the concept of integrating powerful ML methods into the real-time experimental data processing loop to accelerate scientific discovery. The material for the report builds on two workshops held by the Fast ML for Science community and covers three main areas: applications for fast ML across a number of scientific domains; techniques for training and implementing performant and resource-efficient ML algorithms; and computing architectures, platforms, and technologies for deploying these algorithms. We also present overlapping challenges across the multiple scientific domains where common solutions can be found. This community report is intended to give plenty of examples and inspiration for scientific discovery through integrated and accelerated ML solutions. This is followed by a high-level overview and organization of technical advances, including an abundance of pointers to source material, which can enable these breakthroughs

    Optimización de la gestión de redes de riego a presión a diferentes escalas mediante Inteligencia Artificial

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    Factors such as climate change, world population growth or the competition for the water resources make freshwater availability become an increasingly large and complex global challenge. Under this scenario of reduced water availability, increasing droughts frequency and uncertainties associated with a changing climate, the irrigated agriculture sector, particularly in the Mediterranean region, will need to be even more efficient in the use of the water resources. In Spain, many irrigation districts have been modernized in recent years, replacing the obsolete open channels by pressurized water distribution networks towards improvements in water use efficiency. Thanks to this, water use has reduced but the energy demand and the water costs have dramatically increased. Thus, strategies to reduce simultaneously water and energy uses in irrigation districts are required. This thesis consists of nine chapters, which include several models to optimize the management of the irrigation districts and increase the efficiency of water and energy use.Factores tales como el cambio climático, el crecimiento de la población mundial o la competencia por los recursos hídricos hacen que la disponibilidad de agua se esté convirtiendo en un desafío global cada vez más grande y complejo. En este escenario de reducción de la disponibilidad de agua, aumento de la frecuencia de las sequías y de las incertidumbres asociadas a un cambio climático, el sector de la agricultura de regadío, en particular en la región mediterránea, tendrá que ser aún más eficiente en el uso de los recursos hídricos. En España, muchas comunidades de regantes se han modernizado en los últimos años, sustituyendo los obsoletos canales abiertos por redes de distribución de agua a presión con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia en el uso del agua. Gracias a esto, el uso del agua se ha reducido, pero la demanda de energía y los costos del agua se han incrementado drásticamente. Por lo tanto, se requieren estrategias para reducir simultáneamente el uso de agua y energía en las comunidades de regantes. Esta tesis consta de nueve capítulos que incluyen varios modelos para optimizar la gestión de las comunidades de regantes y aumentar la eficiencia en el uso del agua y la energía

    Neuromorphic systems based on memristive devices - From the material science perspective to bio-inspired learning hardware

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    Hardware computation is facing in the present age a deep transformation of its own paradigms. Silicon based computation is reaching its limit due to the physical constraints of transistor technology. As predicted by the Moore’s law, downscaling of transistor dimensions doubled each year since the 60s, leading nowadays to the extreme of 16-nm channel width of the present state-of-the-art technology. No further improvement is possible, since laws of physics impose a different electrical behavior when lower dimensions are attempted. Multiple solutions are then envisaged, spanning the range from quantum computing to neuromorphic computing. The present dissertation wants to be a preliminary study for understanding the opportunities enabled by neuromorphic computing based on resistive switching memories. In particular, brain inspires technology and architecture of new generation processors because of its unique properties: parallel and distributed computation, superposition of processing and memory unit, low power consumption, to cite only some of them. Such features make brain particularly efficient and robust against degraded data, further than particularly suitable to process and store in memory new nformation. Despite many research projects and some commercial products are already proposing brain-like computing processors, like spiNNaker or IBM’s Bluenorth, they only mimic the brain functioning with standard Silicon technology, that is inherently serial and distinguish between processing and memory unit. Resistive switching technology on the other hand, would allow to overcome many of these issues, enabling a far better match between biological and artificial neuromorphic computation. Resistive switching are, generally speaking, Metal-Insulator-Metal structures able to change their electrical conductance as a consequence of the history of applied electric signal. In such sense, they behave exactly as synapses do in a biological neural networks. For this reason, resistive switching when modeled as memristor, i.e. memory-resistor, can act as artificial synapses and, moreover, are particularly suitable to be interfaced with artificial Silicon neurons that are designed to replicate the biological behavior when excited with electric pulses. Anyhow, from the technological standpoint, there is still no standard on the design and fabrication of resistive switching, so that multiple structure and materials are investigated. In this dissertation, it is reported an analysis of multiple resistive switching devices, based on various materials, i.e. TiO2, ZnO and HfO, and device architectures, i.e. thin film and nanostructured devices, with the scope of both characterizing and comprehending the physics behind resistive switching phenomena. Furthermore, numerical simulations of artificial spiking neural networks, embedding Silicon neurons and HfO-based resistive switching are designed and performed, in order to give a systematic analysis of the performances reached by this new kind of computing paradigm

    Optimisation, Optimal Control and Nonlinear Dynamics in Electrical Power, Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Systems

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    The electrical power system is undergoing a revolution enabled by advances in telecommunications, computer hardware and software, measurement, metering systems, IoT, and power electronics. Furthermore, the increasing integration of intermittent renewable energy sources, energy storage devices, and electric vehicles and the drive for energy efficiency have pushed power systems to modernise and adopt new technologies. The resulting smart grid is characterised, in part, by a bi-directional flow of energy and information. The evolution of the power grid, as well as its interconnection with energy storage systems and renewable energy sources, has created new opportunities for optimising not only their techno-economic aspects at the planning stages but also their control and operation. However, new challenges emerge in the optimization of these systems due to their complexity and nonlinear dynamic behaviour as well as the uncertainties involved.This volume is a selection of 20 papers carefully made by the editors from the MDPI topic “Optimisation, Optimal Control and Nonlinear Dynamics in Electrical Power, Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Systems”, which was closed in April 2022. The selected papers address the above challenges and exemplify the significant benefits that optimisation and nonlinear control techniques can bring to modern power and energy systems