1,741 research outputs found

    Towards autonomous robotic systems: seamless localization and trajectory planning in dynamic environments

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    Evolucionar hacia una sociedad más automatizada y robotizada en la que podamos convivir con sistemas robóticos que desempeñen tareas poco atractivas o peligrosas para el ser humano, supone plantearnos, entre otras cuestiones, qué soluciones existen actualmente y cuáles son las mejoras a incorporar a las mismas. La mayoría de aplicaciones ya desarrolladas son soluciones robustas y adecuadas para el fin que se diseñan. Sin embargo, muchas de las técnicas implantadas podrían funcionar de manera más eficiente o bien adaptarse a otras necesidades. Asimismo, en la mayoría de aplicaciones robóticas adquiere importancia el contexto en el que desempeñan su función. Hay entornos estructurados y fáciles de modelar, mientras que otros apenas presentan características utilizables para obtener información de los mismos.Esta tesis se centra en dos de las funciones básicas que debe tener cualquier sistema robótico autónomo para desplazarse de forma robusta en cualquier tipo de entorno: la localización y el cálculo de trayectorias seguras. Además, los escenarios en los que se desea poner en práctica la investigación son complejos: un parque industrial con zonas cuyas características de entorno (usualmente geométricas) son utilizadas para que un robot se localice, varían; y entornos altamente ocupados por otros agentes móviles, como el vestíbulo de un teatro, en los que se debe considerar las características dinámicas de los demás para calcular un movimiento que sea seguro tanto para el robot como para los demás agentes.La información que se puede percibir de los escenarios con ambientes no homogéneos, por ejemplo de interior y exterior, suele ser de características diferentes. Cuando la información que se dispone del entorno proviene de sensores diferentes hay que definir un método que integre las medidas para tener una estimación de la localización del robot en todo momento. El tema de la localización se ha investigado intensamente y existen soluciones robustas en interior y exterior, pero no tanto en zonas mixtas. En las zonas de transición interior-exterior y viceversa es necesario utilizar sensores que funcionan correctamente en ambas zonas, realizando una integración sensorial durante la transición para evitar discontinuidades en la localización o incluso que el robot se pierda. De esta manera la navegación autónoma, dependiente de la correcta localización, funcionará sin discontinuidades ni movimientos bruscos.En entornos dinámicos es esencial definir una forma de representar la información que refleje su naturaleza cambiante. Por ello, se han definido en la literatura diferentes modelos que representan el dinamismo del entorno, y que permiten desarrollar una planificación de trayectorias directamente sobre las variables que controlan el movimiento del robot, en nuestro caso, las velocidades angular y lineal para un robot diferencial. Los planificadores de trayectorias y navegadores diseñados para entornos estáticos no funcionan correctamente en escenarios dinámicos, ya que son puramente reactivos. Es necesario tener en cuenta la predicción del movimiento de los obstáculos móviles para planificar trayectorias seguras sin colisión. Los temas abordados y las contribuciones aportadas en esta tesis son:• Diseño de un sistema de localización continua en entornos de interior y exterior, poniendo especial interés en la fusión de las medidas obtenidas de diferentes sensores durante las transiciones interior-exterior, aspecto poco abordado en la literatura. De esta manera se obtiene una estimación acotada de la localización durante toda la navegación del robot. Además, la localización se integra con una técnica reactiva de navegación, construyendo un sistema completo de navegación. El sistema integrado se ha evaluado en un escenario real de un parque industrial, para una aplicación logística en la que las transiciones interior-exterior y viceversa suponían un problema fundamental a resolver.• Definición de un modelo para representar el entorno dinámico del robot, llamado Dynamic Obstacle Velocity-Time Space (DOVTS). En este modelo aparecen representadas las velocidades permitidas y prohibidas para que el robot evite las colisiones con los obstáculos de alrededor. Este modelo puede ser utilizado por algoritmos de navegación ya existentes, y sirve de base para las nuevas técnicas de navegación desarrolladas en la tesis y explicadas en los siguientes puntos. • Desarrollo de una técnica de planificación y navegación basada en el modelo DOVTS. En este modelo se identifica un conjunto de situaciones relativas entre el robot y los obstáculos. A cada situación se asocia una estrategia de navegación, que considera la seguridad del robot para evitar colisiones, a la vez que intenta minimizar el tiempo al objetivo.• Implementación de una técnica de planificación y navegación basada en el modelo DOVTS, que utiliza explícitamente la información del tiempo para la planificación del movimiento. Se desarrolla un algoritmo A*-like que planifica los movimientos de los siguientes instantes, incrementando la maniobrabilidad del robot para la evitación de obstáculos respecto al método del anterior punto, a costa de un mayor tiempo de cómputo. Se analizan las diferencias en el comportamiento global del robot con respecto a la técnica anterior.Los diferentes aspectos que se han investigado en esta tesis tratan de avanzar en el objetivo de conseguir robots autónomos que puedan adaptarse a nuestra vida cotidiana en escenarios que son típicamente dinámicos de una forma natural y segura.<br /

    Scalable Approach to Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Design of Interconnected Dynamical Systems

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    Development of robust dynamical systems and networks such as autonomous aircraft systems capable of accomplishing complex missions faces challenges due to the dynamically evolving uncertainties coming from model uncertainties, necessity to operate in a hostile cluttered urban environment, and the distributed and dynamic nature of the communication and computation resources. Model-based robust design is difficult because of the complexity of the hybrid dynamic models including continuous vehicle dynamics, the discrete models of computations and communications, and the size of the problem. We will overview recent advances in methodology and tools to model, analyze, and design robust autonomous aerospace systems operating in uncertain environment, with stress on efficient uncertainty quantification and robust design using the case studies of the mission including model-based target tracking and search, and trajectory planning in uncertain urban environment. To show that the methodology is generally applicable to uncertain dynamical systems, we will also show examples of application of the new methods to efficient uncertainty quantification of energy usage in buildings, and stability assessment of interconnected power networks

    Uncertainty and social considerations for mobile assistive robot navigation

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    An increased interest in mobile robots has been seen over the past years. The wide range of possible applications, from vacuum cleaners to assistant robots, makes such robots an interesting solution to many everyday problems. A key requirement for the mass deployment of such robots is to ensure they can safely navigate around our daily living environments. A robot colliding with or bumping into a person may be, in some contexts, unacceptable. For example, if a robot working around elderly people collides with one of them, it may cause serious injuries. This thesis explores four major components required for effective robot navigation: sensing the static environment, detection and tracking of moving people, obstacle and people avoidance with uncertainty measurement, and basic social navigation considerations. First, to guarantee adherence to basic safety constraints, sensors and algorithms required to measure the complex structure of our daily living environments are explored. Not only do the static components of the environment have to be measured, but so do any people present. A people detection and tracking algorithm, aimed for a crowded environment is proposed, thus enhancing the robot's perception capabilities. Our daily living environments present many inherent sources of uncertainty for robots, one of them arising due to the robot's inability to know people's intentions as they move. To solve this problem, a motion model that assumes unknown long-term intentions is proposed. This is used in conjunction with a novel uncertainty aware local planner to create feasible trajectories. In social situations, the presence of groups of people cannot be neglected when navigating. To avoid the robot interrupting groups of people, it first needs to be able to detect such groups. A group detector is proposed which relies on a set of gaze- and geometric-based features. Avoiding group disruption is finally incorporated into the navigation algorithm by means of taking into account the probability of disrupting a group's activities. The effectiveness of the four different components is evaluated using real world and simulated data, demonstrating the benefits for mobile robot navigation.Open Acces

    Graceful Navigation for Mobile Robots in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments.

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    The ability to navigate in everyday environments is a fundamental and necessary skill for any autonomous mobile agent that is intended to work with human users. The presence of pedestrians and other dynamic objects, however, makes the environment inherently dynamic and uncertain. To navigate in such environments, an agent must reason about the near future and make an optimal decision at each time step so that it can move safely toward the goal. Furthermore, for any application intended to carry passengers, it also must be able to move smoothly and comfortably, and the robot behavior needs to be customizable to match the preference of the individual users. Despite decades of progress in the field of motion planning and control, this remains a difficult challenge with existing methods. In this dissertation, we show that safe, comfortable, and customizable mobile robot navigation in dynamic and uncertain environments can be achieved via stochastic model predictive control. We view the problem of navigation in dynamic and uncertain environments as a continuous decision making process, where an agent with short-term predictive capability reasons about its situation and makes an informed decision at each time step. The problem of robot navigation in dynamic and uncertain environments is formulated as an on-line, finite-horizon policy and trajectory optimization problem under uncertainty. With our formulation, planning and control becomes fully integrated, which allows direct optimization of the performance measure. Furthermore, with our approach the problem becomes easy to solve, which allows our algorithm to run in real time on a single core of a typical laptop with off-the-shelf optimization packages. The work presented in this thesis extends the state-of-the-art in analytic control of mobile robots, sampling-based optimal path planning, and stochastic model predictive control. We believe that our work is a significant step toward safe and reliable autonomous navigation that is acceptable to human users.PhDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120760/1/jongjinp_1.pd

    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics

    Robot navigation in dense human crowds: Statistical models and experimental studies of human–robot cooperation

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    We consider the problem of navigating a mobile robot through dense human crowds. We begin by exploring a fundamental impediment to classical motion planning algorithms called the “freezing robot problem”: once the environment surpasses a certain level of dynamic complexity, the planner decides that all forward paths are unsafe, and the robot freezes in place (or performs unnecessary maneuvers) to avoid collisions. We argue that this problem can be avoided if the robot anticipates human cooperation, and accordingly we develop interacting Gaussian processes, a prediction density that captures cooperative collision avoidance, and a “multiple goal” extension that models the goal-driven nature of human decision making. We validate this model with an empirical study of robot navigation in dense human crowds (488 runs), specifically testing how cooperation models effect navigation performance. The multiple goal interacting Gaussian processes algorithm performs comparably with human teleoperators in crowd densities nearing 0.8 humans/m^2, while a state-of-the-art non-cooperative planner exhibits unsafe behavior more than three times as often as the multiple goal extension, and twice as often as the basic interacting Gaussian process approach. Furthermore, a reactive planner based on the widely used dynamic window approach proves insufficient for crowd densities above 0.55 people/m^2. We also show that our non-cooperative planner or our reactive planner capture the salient characteristics of nearly any dynamic navigation algorithm. Based on these experimental results and theoretical observations, we conclude that a cooperation model is critical for safe and efficient robot navigation in dense human crowds

    Probabilistic Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles

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    This thesis targets the problem of motion planning for automated vehicles. As a prerequisite for their on-road deployment, automated vehicles must show an appropriate and reliable driving behavior in mixed traffic, i.e. alongside human drivers. Besides the uncertainties resulting from imperfect perception, occlusions and limited sensor range, also the uncertainties in the behavior of other traffic participants have to be considered. Related approaches for motion planning in mixed traffic often employ a deterministic problem formulation. The solution of such formulations is restricted to a single trajectory. Deviations from the prediction of other traffic participants are accounted for during replanning, while large uncertainties lead to conservative and over-cautious behavior. As a result of the shortcomings of these formulations in cooperative scenarios and scenarios with severe uncertainties, probabilistic approaches are pursued. Due to the need for real-time capability, however, a holistic uncertainty treatment often induces a strong limitation of the action space of automated vehicles. Moreover, safety and traffic rule compliance are often not considered. Thus, in this work, three motion planning approaches and a scenario-based safety approach are presented. The safety approach is based on an existing concept, which targets the guarantee that automated vehicles will never cause accidents. This concept is enhanced by the consideration of traffic rules for crossing and merging traffic, occlusions, limited sensor range and lane changes. The three presented motion planning approaches are targeted towards the different predominant uncertainties in different scenarios, while operating in a continuous action space. For non-interactive scenarios with clear precedence, a probabilistic approach is presented. The problem is modeled as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). In contrast to existing approaches, the underlying assumption is that the prediction of the future progression of the uncertainty in the behavior of other traffic participants can be performed independently of the automated vehicle\u27s motion plan. In addition to this prediction of currently visible traffic participants, the influence of occlusions and limited sensor range is considered. Despite its thorough uncertainty consideration, the presented approach facilitates planning in a continuous action space. Two further approaches are targeted towards the predominant uncertainties in interactive scenarios. In order to facilitate lane changes in dense traffic, a rule-based approach is proposed. The latter seeks to actively reduce the uncertainty in whether other vehicles willingly make room for a lane change. The generated trajectories are safe and traffic rule compliant with respect to the presented safety approach. To facilitate cooperation in scenarios without clear precedence, a multi-agent approach is presented. The globally optimal solution to the multi-agent problem is first analyzed regarding its ambiguity. If an unambiguous, cooperative solution is found, it is pursued. Still, the compliance of other vehicles with the presumed cooperation model is checked, and a conservative fallback trajectory is pursued in case of non-compliance. The performance of the presented approaches is shown in various scenarios with intersecting lanes, partly with limited visibility, as well as lane changes and a narrowing without predefined right of way