15 research outputs found

    Per-task energy metering and accounting in the multicore era

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    Chip multi-core processors (CMPs) are the preferred processing platform across different domains such as data centers, real-time systems and mobile devices. In all those domains, energy is arguably the most expensive resource in a computing system, in particular, with fastest growth. Therefore, measuring the energy usage draws vast attention. Current studies mostly focus on obtaining finer-granularity energy measurement, such as measuring power in smaller time intervals, distributing energy to hardware components or software components. Such studies focus on scenarios where system energy is measured under the assumption that only one program is running in the system. So far, there is no hardware-level mechanism proposed to distribute the system energy to multiple running programs in a resource sharing multi-core system in an exact way. For the first time, we have formalized the need for per-task energy measurement in multicore by establishing a two-fold concept: Per-Task Energy Metering (PTEM) and Sensible Energy Accounting (SEA). In the scenario where many tasks running in parallel in a multicore system: For each task, the target of PTEM is to provide estimate of the actual energy consumption at runtime based on its resource usage during execution; and SEA aims at providing estimates on the energy it would have consumed when running in isolation with a particular fraction of system's resources. Accurately determining the energy consumed by each task in a system will become of prominent importance in future multi-core based systems as it offers several benefits including (i) Selection of appropriate co-runners, (ii) improved energy-aware task scheduling and (iii) energy-aware billing in data centers. We have shown how these two concepts can be applied to the main components of a computing system: the processor and the memory system. At first, we have applied PTEM to the processor by means of tracking the activities and occupancy of all the resources in a per-task basis. Secondly, we have applied PTEM to the memory system by means of tracking the activities and the state switches of memory banks. Then, we have applied SEA to the processor by predicting the activities and execution time for each task when they run with an fraction of chip resources alone. And last, we apply SEA to the memory system, by means of predicting activities, execution time and the time invoking memory system for each task. As for all these works, by trading-off the hardware cost with the estimation accuracy, we have obtained the implementable and affordable cost mechanisms with high accuracy. We have also shown how these techniques can be applied in different scenarios, such as, to detect significant energy usage variations for any particular task and to develop more energy efficient scheduling policy for the multi-core system. These works in this thesis have been published into IEEE/ACM journals and conferences proceedings that can be found in the publication chapter of this thesis.Los "Chip Multi-core Processors" (CMPs) son la plataforma de procesado preferida en diferentes dominios, tales como los centros de datos, sistemas de tiempo real y dispositivos móviles. En todos estos dominios, la energía puede ser el recurso más caro en el sistema de computación, concretamente, lo rápido que está creciendo. Por lo tanto, como medir el consumo energético está ganando mucha atención. Los estudios actuales se centran mayormente en cómo obtener medidas muy detalladas (finer granularity). Por ejemplo, tomar medidas de potencia en pequeños intervalos de tiempo, usando medidores de energía hardware o software. Estos estudios se centran en escenarios donde el consumo del sistema se mide bajo la suposición de que solo un programa se está ejecutando en el sistema. Aun no hay ninguna propuesta de un mecanismo a nivel de hardware para medir el consumo entre múltiples programas ejecutándose a la vez en un sistema multi-core con recursos compartidos. Por primera vez, hemos formalizado la necesidad de medir el consumo energético por-tarea en un multi-core estableciendo un concepto dual: Per-Taks Energy Metering (PTEM) y Sensible Energy Accounting (SEA). En un escenario donde varias tareas se ejecutan en paralelo en un sistema multi-core, por cada tarea, el objetivo de PTEM es estimar el consumo real energético durante tiempo de ejecución basándose en los recursos usados durante la ejecución, y SEA trata de proveer una estimación del consumo que tendría en solitario con solo una fracción concreta de los recursos del sistema. Determinar el consumo energético con precisión para cada tarea en un sistema tomara gran importancia en el futuro de los sistemas basados en multi-cores, ya que ofrecen varias ventajas tales como: (i) determinar los co-runners apropiados, (ii) mejorar la planificación de tareas teniendo en cuenta su consumo y (iii) facturación de los servicios de los data centers basada en el consumo. Hemos mostrado como estos dos conceptos pueden aplicarse a los principales componentes de un sistema de computación: el procesador y el sistema de memoria. Para empezar, hemos aplicado PTEM al procesador para registrar la actividad y la ocupación de todos los recursos por cada tarea. Luego, hemos aplicado SEA al procesador prediciendo la actividad y tiempo de ejecución por tarea cuando se ejecutan con solo una parte de los recursos del chip. Por último, hemos aplicado SEA al sistema de memoria para predecir la activada, el tiempo ejecución y cuando el sistema de memoria es invocado por cada tarea. Con todo ello, hemos alcanzado un compromiso entre el coste del hardware y la precisión en las estimaciones para obtener mecanismos implementables con un coste aceptable y una alta precisión. Durante nuestros estudios mostramos como esas técnicas pueden ser aplicadas a diferente escenarios, tales como: detectar variaciones significativas en el consumo energético por una tarea en concreto o como desarrollar políticas de planificación energéticamente más eficientes para sistemas multi-core. Los trabajos que hemos publicado durante el desarrollo de esta tesis en los IEEE/ACM journals y en varias conferencias pueden encontrarse en el capítulo de "publicaciones" de este documentoPostprint (published version

    Gestión de jerarquías de memoria híbridas a nivel de sistema

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadoras y Automática y de Ku Leuven, Arenberg Doctoral School, Faculty of Engineering Science, leída el 11/05/2017.In electronics and computer science, the term ‘memory’ generally refers to devices that are used to store information that we use in various appliances ranging from our PCs to all hand-held devices, smart appliances etc. Primary/main memory is used for storage systems that function at a high speed (i.e. RAM). The primary memory is often associated with addressable semiconductor memory, i.e. integrated circuits consisting of silicon-based transistors, used for example as primary memory but also other purposes in computers and other digital electronic devices. The secondary/auxiliary memory, in comparison provides program and data storage that is slower to access but offers larger capacity. Examples include external hard drives, portable flash drives, CDs, and DVDs. These devices and media must be either plugged in or inserted into a computer in order to be accessed by the system. Since secondary storage technology is not always connected to the computer, it is commonly used for backing up data. The term storage is often used to describe secondary memory. Secondary memory stores a large amount of data at lesser cost per byte than primary memory; this makes secondary storage about two orders of magnitude less expensive than primary storage. There are two main types of semiconductor memory: volatile and nonvolatile. Examples of non-volatile memory are ‘Flash’ memory (sometimes used as secondary, sometimes primary computer memory) and ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM memory (used for firmware such as boot programs). Examples of volatile memory are primary memory (typically dynamic RAM, DRAM), and fast CPU cache memory (typically static RAM, SRAM, which is fast but energy-consuming and offer lower memory capacity per are a unit than DRAM). Non-volatile memory technologies in Si-based electronics date back to the 1990s. Flash memory is widely used in consumer electronic products such as cellphones and music players and NAND Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs) are increasingly displacing hard disk drives as the primary storage device in laptops, desktops, and even data centers. The integration limit of Flash memories is approaching, and many new types of memory to replace conventional Flash memories have been proposed. The rapid increase of leakage currents in Silicon CMOS transistors with scaling poses a big challenge for the integration of SRAM memories. There is also the case of susceptibility to read/write failure with low power schemes. As a result of this, over the past decade, there has been an extensive pooling of time, resources and effort towards developing emerging memory technologies like Resistive RAM (ReRAM/RRAM), STT-MRAM, Domain Wall Memory and Phase Change Memory(PRAM). Emerging non-volatile memory technologies promise new memories to store more data at less cost than the expensive-to build silicon chips used by popular consumer gadgets including digital cameras, cell phones and portable music players. These new memory technologies combine the speed of static random-access memory (SRAM), the density of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), and the non-volatility of Flash memory and so become very attractive as another possibility for future memory hierarchies. The research and information on these Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technologies has matured over the last decade. These NVMs are now being explored thoroughly nowadays as viable replacements for conventional SRAM based memories even for the higher levels of the memory hierarchy. Many other new classes of emerging memory technologies such as transparent and plastic, three-dimensional(3-D), and quantum dot memory technologies have also gained tremendous popularity in recent years...En el campo de la informática, el término ‘memoria’ se refiere generalmente a dispositivos que son usados para almacenar información que posteriormente será usada en diversos dispositivos, desde computadoras personales (PC), móviles, dispositivos inteligentes, etc. La memoria principal del sistema se utiliza para almacenar los datos e instrucciones de los procesos que se encuentre en ejecución, por lo que se requiere que funcionen a alta velocidad (por ejemplo, DRAM). La memoria principal está implementada habitualmente mediante memorias semiconductoras direccionables, siendo DRAM y SRAM los principales exponentes. Por otro lado, la memoria auxiliar o secundaria proporciona almacenaje(para ficheros, por ejemplo); es más lenta pero ofrece una mayor capacidad. Ejemplos típicos de memoria secundaria son discos duros, memorias flash portables, CDs y DVDs. Debido a que estos dispositivos no necesitan estar conectados a la computadora de forma permanente, son muy utilizados para almacenar copias de seguridad. La memoria secundaria almacena una gran cantidad de datos aun coste menor por bit que la memoria principal, siendo habitualmente dos órdenes de magnitud más barata que la memoria primaria. Existen dos tipos de memorias de tipo semiconductor: volátiles y no volátiles. Ejemplos de memorias no volátiles son las memorias Flash (algunas veces usadas como memoria secundaria y otras veces como memoria principal) y memorias ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM (usadas para firmware como programas de arranque). Ejemplos de memoria volátil son las memorias DRAM (RAM dinámica), actualmente la opción predominante a la hora de implementar la memoria principal, y las memorias SRAM (RAM estática) más rápida y costosa, utilizada para los diferentes niveles de cache. Las tecnologías de memorias no volátiles basadas en electrónica de silicio se remontan a la década de1990. Una variante de memoria de almacenaje por carga denominada como memoria Flash es mundialmente usada en productos electrónicos de consumo como telefonía móvil y reproductores de música mientras NAND Flash solid state disks(SSDs) están progresivamente desplazando a los dispositivos de disco duro como principal unidad de almacenamiento en computadoras portátiles, de escritorio e incluso en centros de datos. En la actualidad, hay varios factores que amenazan la actual predominancia de memorias semiconductoras basadas en cargas (capacitivas). Por un lado, se está alcanzando el límite de integración de las memorias Flash, lo que compromete su escalado en el medio plazo. Por otra parte, el fuerte incremento de las corrientes de fuga de los transistores de silicio CMOS actuales, supone un enorme desafío para la integración de memorias SRAM. Asimismo, estas memorias son cada vez más susceptibles a fallos de lectura/escritura en diseños de bajo consumo. Como resultado de estos problemas, que se agravan con cada nueva generación tecnológica, en los últimos años se han intensificado los esfuerzos para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías que reemplacen o al menos complementen a las actuales. Los transistores de efecto campo eléctrico ferroso (FeFET en sus siglas en inglés) se consideran una de las alternativas más prometedores para sustituir tanto a Flash (por su mayor densidad) como a DRAM (por su mayor velocidad), pero aún está en una fase muy inicial de su desarrollo. Hay otras tecnologías algo más maduras, en el ámbito de las memorias RAM resistivas, entre las que cabe destacar ReRAM (o RRAM), STT-RAM, Domain Wall Memory y Phase Change Memory (PRAM)...Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Resource-aware scheduling for 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems

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    This dissertation addresses the complexities of 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems, focusing on two key areas: enhancing timing predictability in real-time multi-core processors and optimizing performance within thermal constraints. The integration of an increasing number of transistors into compact chip designs, while boosting computational capacity, presents challenges in resource contention and thermal management. The first part of the thesis improves timing predictability. We enhance shared cache interference analysis for set-associative caches, advancing the calculation of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). This development enables accurate assessment of cache interference and the effectiveness of partitioned schedulers in real-world scenarios. We introduce TCPS, a novel task and cache-aware partitioned scheduler that optimizes cache partitioning based on task-specific WCET sensitivity, leading to improved schedulability and predictability. Our research explores various cache and scheduling configurations, providing insights into their performance trade-offs. The second part focuses on thermal management in 2D/3D many-core systems. Recognizing the limitations of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) in S-NUCA many-core processors, we propose synchronous thread migrations as a thermal management strategy. This approach culminates in the HotPotato scheduler, which balances performance and thermal safety. We also introduce 3D-TTP, a transient temperature-aware power budgeting strategy for 3D-stacked systems, reducing the need for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) activation. Finally, we present 3QUTM, a novel method for 3D-stacked systems that combines core DVFS and memory bank Low Power Modes with a learning algorithm, optimizing response times within thermal limits. This research contributes significantly to enhancing performance and thermal management in advanced processor-memory systems

    Adaptive mechanisms for self-aware multicore systems

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 90-92).As the push for extreme scale performance continues to make computer architectures increasingly complex, there has been a call for better programming models, and the systems to support them. Todays microprocessors now expose more system resources than ever to software, leaving it up to the application programmer to manage them. Studies have shown that the energy efficiency of future technologies may eventually affect the ultimate performance of multicore processors, and so programmers are forced to optimize systems for both performance and energy in the midst of countless configurable parameters - an extremely difficult task. Self-aware systems can configure themselves through introspection, providing performance and energy optimization without pressing an unrealistic burden on the programmer. However, to build effective self-aware systems, we must identify useful sources of adaptivity. This thesis will show the effectiveness of a number of adaptive mechanisms for self-aware multicore systems. We show that adding these mechanisms improves efficiency, and then make a case for coordinated adaptive systems. Coordinated systems treat adaptivity as a first-class object, and can outperform all non-adaptive, statically configured, and uncoordinated adaptive systems that do not possess a general view of system-wide adaptivity.by Eric Lau.S.M

    Energy-efficient electrical and silicon-photonic networks in many core systems

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityDuring the past decade, the very large scale integration (VLSI) community has migrated towards incorporating multiple cores on a single chip to sustain the historic performance improvement in computing systems. As the core count continuously increases, the performance of network-on-chip (NoC), which is responsible for the communication between cores, caches and memory controllers, is increasingly becoming critical for sustaining the performance improvement. In this dissertation, we propose several methods to improve the energy efficiency of both electrical and silicon-photonic NoCs. Firstly, for electrical NoC, we propose a flow control technique, Express Virtual Channel with Taps (EVC-T), to transmit both broadcast and data packets efficiently in a mesh network. A low-latency notification tree network is included to maintain t he order of broadcast packets. The EVC-T technique improves the NoC latency by 24% and the system energy efficiency in terms of energy-delay product (EDP) by 13%. In the near future, the silicon-photonic links are projected to replace the electrical links for global on-chip communication due to their lower data-dependent power and higher bandwidth density, but the high laser power can more than offset these advantages. Therefore, we propose a silicon-photonic multi-bus NoC architecture and a methodology that can reduce the laser power by 49% on average through bandwidth reconfiguration at runtime based on the variations in bandwidth requirements of applications. We also propose a technique to reduce the laser power by dynamically activating/deactivating the 12 cache banks and switching ON/ OFF the corresponding silicon-photonic links in a crossbar NoC. This cache-reconfiguration based technique can save laser power by 23.8% and improves system EDP by 5.52% on average. In addition, we propose a methodology for placing and sharing on-chip laser sources by jointly considering the bandwidth requirements, thermal constraints and physical layout constraints. Our proposed methodology for placing and sharing of on-chip laser sources reduces laser power. In addition to reducing the laser power to improve the energy efficiency of silicon-photonic NoCs, we propose to leverage the large bandwidth provided by silicon-photonic NoC to share computing resources. The global sharing of floating-point units can save system area by 13.75% and system power by 10%

    Effective memory management for mobile environments

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    Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices exhibit vastly different constraints compared to regular or classic computing environments like desktops, laptops, or servers. Mobile devices run dozens of so-called “apps” hosted by independent virtual machines (VM). All these VMs run concurrently and each VM deploys purely local heuristics to organize resources like memory, performance, and power. Such a design causes conflicts across all layers of the software stack, calling for the evaluation of VMs and the optimization techniques specific for mobile frameworks. In this dissertation, we study the design of managed runtime systems for mobile platforms. More specifically, we deepen the understanding of interactions between garbage collection (GC) and system layers. We develop tools to monitor the memory behavior of Android-based apps and to characterize GC performance, leading to the development of new techniques for memory management that address energy constraints, time performance, and responsiveness. We implement a GC-aware frequency scaling governor for Android devices. We also explore the tradeoffs of power and performance in vivo for a range of realistic GC variants, with established benchmarks and real applications running on Android virtual machines. We control for variation due to dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), Just-in-time (JIT) compilation, and across established dimensions of heap memory size and concurrency. Finally, we provision GC as a global service that collects statistics from all running VMs and then makes an informed decision that optimizes across all them (and not just locally), and across all layers of the stack. Our evaluation illustrates the power of such a central coordination service and garbage collection mechanism in improving memory utilization, throughput, and adaptability to user activities. In fact, our techniques aim at a sweet spot, where total on-chip energy is reduced (20–30%) with minimal impact on throughput and responsiveness (5–10%). The simplicity and efficacy of our approach reaches well beyond the usual optimization techniques

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems

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    Over the past two decades, the storage capacity and access bandwidth of main memory have improved tremendously, by 128x and 20x, respectively. These improvements are mainly due to the continuous technology scaling of DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), which has been used as the physical substrate for main memory. In stark contrast with capacity and bandwidth, DRAM latency has remained almost constant, reducing by only 1.3x in the same time frame. Therefore, long DRAM latency continues to be a critical performance bottleneck in modern systems. Increasing core counts, and the emergence of increasingly more data-intensive and latency-critical applications further stress the importance of providing low-latency memory access. In this dissertation, we identify three main problems that contribute significantly to long latency of DRAM accesses. To address these problems, we present a series of new techniques. Our new techniques significantly improve both system performance and energy efficiency. We also examine the critical relationship between supply voltage and latency in modern DRAM chips and develop new mechanisms that exploit this voltage-latency trade-off to improve energy efficiency. The key conclusion of this dissertation is that augmenting DRAM architecture with simple and low-cost features, and developing a better understanding of manufactured DRAM chips together lead to significant memory latency reduction as well as energy efficiency improvement. We hope and believe that the proposed architectural techniques and the detailed experimental data and observations on real commodity DRAM chips presented in this dissertation will enable development of other new mechanisms to improve the performance, energy efficiency, or reliability of future memory systems.Comment: PhD Dissertatio

    Application Centric Networks-On-Chip Design Solutions for Future Multicore Systems

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    With advances in technology, future multicore systems scaled to 100s and 1000s of cores/accelerators are being touted as an effective solution for extracting huge performance gains using parallel programming paradigms. However with the failure of Dennard Scaling all the components on the chip cannot be run simultaneously without breaking the power and thermal constraints leading to strict chip power envelops. The scaling up of the number of on chip components has also brought upon Networks-On-Chip (NoC) based interconnect designs like 2D mesh. The contribution of NoC to the total on chip power and overall performance has been increasing steadily and hence high performance power-efficient NoC designs are becoming crucial. Future multicore paradigms can be broadly classified, based on the applications they are tailored to, into traditional Chip Multi processor(CMP) based application based systems, characterized by low core and NoC utilization, and emerging big data application based systems, characterized by large amounts of data movement necessitating high throughput requirements. To this order, we propose NoC design solutions for power-savings in future CMPs tailored to traditional applications and higher effective throughput gains in multicore systems tailored to bandwidth intensive applications. First, we propose Fly-over, a light-weight distributed mechanism for power-gating routers attached to switched off cores to reduce NoC power consumption in low load CMP environment. Secondly, we plan on utilizing a promising next generation memory technology, Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic RAM(STT-MRAM), to achieve enhanced NoC performance to satisfy the high throughput demands in emerging bandwidth intensive applications, while reducing the power consumption simultaneously. Thirdly, we present a hardware data approximation framework for NoCs, APPROX-NoC, with an online data error control mechanism, which can leverage the approximate computing paradigm in the emerging data intensive big data applications to attain higher performance per watt