384 research outputs found

    The FIRE Cirrus Science Results 1993

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    FIRE (First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment) is a U.S. cloud-radiation research program that seeks to improve our basic understanding and parameterizations of cirrus and marine stratocumulus cloud systems and ISCCP data products. The FIRE Cirrus Science Conference was held in Breckenridge, CO, 14-17 Jun. 1993, to present results of cirrus research for the second phase of FIRE (1989-present) and to refine cirrus research goals and priorities for the next phase of FIRE (1994-future). This Conference Publication contains the text of short papers presented at the conference. The papers describe research analyses of data collected at the Cirrus Intensive Field Observations-2 field experiment conducted in Kansas, 13 Nov. - 7 Dec. 1991

    Atmospheric Instrument Systems and Technology in the Goddard Earth Sciences Division

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    Studies of the Earths atmosphere require a comprehensive set of observations that rely on instruments flown on spacecraft, aircraft, and balloons as well as those deployed on the surface. Within NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Earth Sciences Division-Atmospheres, laboratories and offices maintain an active program of instrument system development and observational studies that provide: 1) information leading to a basic understanding of atmospheric processes and their relationships with the Earths climate system, 2) prototypes for future flight instruments, 3) instruments to serve as calibration references for satellite missions, and 4) instruments for future field validation campaigns that support ongoing space missions. Our scientists participate in all aspects of instrument activity, including component and system design, calibration techniques, retrieval algorithm development, and data processing systems. The Atmospheres Program has well-equipped labs and test equipment to support the development and testing of instrument systems, such as a radiometric calibration and development facility to support the calibration of ultraviolet and visible (UV/VIS), space-borne solar backscatter instruments. This document summarizes the features and characteristics of 46 instrument systems that currently exist or are under development. The report is organized according to active, passive, or in situ remote sensing across the electromagnetic spectrum. Most of the systems are considered operational in that they have demonstrated performance in the field and are capable of being deployed on relatively short notice. Other systems are under study or of low technical readiness level (TRL). The systems described herein are designed mainly for surface or airborne platforms. However, two Cubesat systems also have been developed through collaborative efforts. The Solar Disk Sextant (SDS) is the single balloon-borne instrument. The lidar systems described herein are designed to retrieve clouds, aerosols, methane, water vapor pressure, temperature, and winds. Most of the lasers operate at some wavelength combination of 355, 532, and 1064 nm. The various systems provide high sensitivity measurements based on returns from backscatter or Raman scattering including intensity and polarization. Measurements of the frequency (Doppler) shift of light scattered from various atmospheric constitutes can also be made. Microwave sensors consist of both active (radar) and passive (radiometer) systems. These systems are important for studying processes involving water in various forms. The dielectric properties of water affect microwave brightness temperatures, which are used to retrieve atmospheric parameters such as rainfall rate and other key elements of the hydrological cycle. Atmosphere radar systems operate in the range from 9.6 GHz to 94 GHz and have measurement accuracies from -5 to 1 dBZ; radiometers operate in the 50 GHz to 874 GHz range with accuracies from 0.5 to 1 degree K; conical and cross-track scan modes are used. Our passive optical sensors, consisting of radiometers and spectrometers, collectively operate from the UV into the infrared. These systems measure energy fluxes and atmospheric parameters such as trace gases, aerosols, cloud properties, or altitude profiles of various species. Imager spatial resolution varies from 37 m to 400 m depending on altitude; spectral resolution is as small as 0.5 nm. Many of the airborne systems have been developed to fly on multiple aircraft

    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 20

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    Various topics related to investigations of the middle atmosphere are discussed. Numerical weather prediction, performance characteristics of weather profiling radars, determination of gravity wave and turbulence parameters, case studies of gravity-wave propagation, turbulence and diffusion due to gravity waves, the climatology of gravity waves, mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere radar, antenna arrays, and data management techniques are among the topics discussed

    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 28

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    Extended abstracts from the fourth workshop on the technical and scientific aspects of MST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere) radar are presented. Individual sessions addressed the following topics: meteorological applications of MST and ST radars, networks, and campaigns; dynamics of the equatorial middle atmosphere; interpretation of radar returns from clear air; techniques for studying gravity waves and turbulence; intercomparison and calibration of wind and wave measurements at various frequencies; progress in existing and planned MST and ST radars; hardware design for MST and ST radars and boundary layer/lower troposphere profilers; signal processing; and data management

    Shuttle imaging radar-C science plan

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    The Shuttle Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) mission will yield new and advanced scientific studies of the Earth. SIR-C will be the first instrument to simultaneously acquire images at L-band and C-band with HH, VV, HV, or VH polarizations, as well as images of the phase difference between HH and VV polarizations. These data will be digitally encoded and recorded using onboard high-density digital tape recorders and will later be digitally processed into images using the JPL Advanced Digital SAR Processor. SIR-C geologic studies include cold-region geomorphology, fluvial geomorphology, rock weathering and erosional processes, tectonics and geologic boundaries, geobotany, and radar stereogrammetry. Hydrology investigations cover arid, humid, wetland, snow-covered, and high-latitude regions. Additionally, SIR-C will provide the data to identify and map vegetation types, interpret landscape patterns and processes, assess the biophysical properties of plant canopies, and determine the degree of radar penetration of plant canopies. In oceanography, SIR-C will provide the information necessary to: forecast ocean directional wave spectra; better understand internal wave-current interactions; study the relationship of ocean-bottom features to surface expressions and the correlation of wind signatures to radar backscatter; and detect current-system boundaries, oceanic fronts, and mesoscale eddies. And, as the first spaceborne SAR with multi-frequency, multipolarization imaging capabilities, whole new areas of glaciology will be opened for study when SIR-C is flown in a polar orbit

    Analyses of precipitation signal using VHF vertically-pointing radar

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    In addition to a proper radar calibration, quantitative estimation of precipitation from VHF radars requires the extraction of the precipitation signal out of the Doppler spectra. It also requires the proper conversion of this precipitation signal into a reflectivity factor.This research develops a multi-faceted approach for the calibration of VHF vertically-pointing radars, by combining a first calibration method that compares the recorded VHF signal to power coming from a noise generator and a second calibration method that compares recorded VHF signal to cosmic radiation. This approach allows the retrieval of antenna and receiver parameters (such as noise levels, efficiency, and gain), and four other equations for the corresponding errors. In addition, we develop an equation for calibrating Doppler spectra.The analysis is focused on rain observations with VHF radar. We verify the hypothesis that |K|2 = 0.93 for most of the rain observations at VHF band. A signal-processing algorithm for extracting the rain signal out of the VHF power spectra is then presented. This work also derives a general version of the radar equation valid for vertically pointing radars, as well as a particular version of this equation valid for the McGill VHF radar. The study then makes numerical simulations of several profiles of precipitation signal at VHF band, by combining high-resolution profiles of precipitation signal (from a calibrated X-band radar) and the VHF antenna pattern in our general version of the radar equation. The analyses indicate that VHF reflectivity at gates above the melting layer is artificially enhanced by the precipitation signal collected from the side lobes.This work also studies the effect of precipitation in the scattering properties of clear air. We analyze several cases of stratiform and convective rain, occurring in a continental mid-latitude environment (Montreal, Lat.45.41°N, Long.73.94°W). For these cases, Doppler spectra taken by a VHF vertically-pointing radar were used to retrieve simultaneous co-located values of precipitation intensity (rainrates) and degrees of refractive index fluctuation (structure-function parameter for refractivity turbulence, Cn2). We validated these retrievals using co-located, calibrated measurements of precipitation signal at X-band. The comparison between equivalent reflectivity factors at X and VHF bands agrees within 1 dB. The study includes rainrates between 0.3 and 78 mm/h, and Cn2 values between 10-16 and 10-12 m-2/3 , retrieved from the VHF spectra at 2.5 km height. The study finds that the occurrence of rain is associated with distinctive changes in the structure of air refractive index fluctuations, and that these changes are of a turbulent nature for the most intense rainrates

    Exploiting vertically pointing Doppler radar for advancing snow and ice cloud observations

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    Ice and snow particles play a key role in the atmosphere of the Earth and affect—among others—cloud physics and radiative properties, precipitation, and surface albedo. As a consequence, ice and snow have major impact on weather and climate. However, in situ observations of ice clouds and snowfall are difficult and sparse. This leads to a great potential of remote sensing, which can provide observations at high temporal and spatial resolutions. Among the various types of remote sensing instruments, ground-based vertically pointing Doppler radars are one of the most promising concepts: Doppler radars are the only instruments which can penetrate also optically thick clouds and, at the same time, are capable of measuring the fall velocity of hydrometeors. However, the observables of Doppler radars are only indirectly linked to cloud and precipitation properties. The required transfer functions are not uniquely defined resulting in substantial uncertainties of radar-based ice cloud and snowfall retrievals. In the context of studying ice and snow with radars, this study investigates two key issues: (I) the need for additional snowfall measurements with radar and (II) the potential of higher moments of the radar Doppler spectrum for observing ice cloud properties. To address Key Issue I, an improved spectral processing scheme for the MRR, a compact precipitation Doppler radar, is introduced. The scheme significantly enhances the radar sensitivity and allows observations of snowfall profiles (Publication I). One year of MRR observations from three polar sites in East Antarctica and Svalbard are investigated with respect to changes of snowfall within the vertical column (Publication II). The transformation found is used for assessing the snowfall measurement uncertainties of the radar onboard the CloudSat satellite which is the only source of global snowfall estimates. However, the lowest 1200 m above the surface are contaminated by ground clutter so that the measurements cannot be exploited (blind zone). The analysis shows that snowfall amount is underestimated when using CloudSat. Also, a blind zone reduced by 50% does not improve the snowfall estimation in all aspects. For Key Issue II, the potential of higher moments for observations of ice cloud properties, an advanced radar simulator capable of simulating the full Doppler radar spectrum is developed (Additional Study I). The radar simulator is used to forward model in situ aircraft observations of stratocumulus ice clouds obtained during the ISDAC campaign in Alaska (Publication III). The combination of in situ data and ground-based radar observations with the 35 GHz MMCR radar in Barrow, Alaska, is used to develop a novel method for deriving temperature-dependent particle mass-size relations. Subsequently, the impact of replacing measurements by various parameterizations is investigated for projected particle area and particle size distribution. For this, moments of the radar Doppler spectrum of the MMCR are statistically compared to forward modeled ISDAC data. It is found that the use of higher moments of the Doppler spectrum such as skewness and kurtosis as well as the slopes of the Doppler peak gives additional information when identifying the parameterization methods which lead to most consistent results. Radar-based ice cloud retrievals are often underdetermined and additional observables are desirable. The potential of increasing the number of observables using higher moments and slopes is evaluated based on the developed forward model, parameterizations, and coefficients (Additional Study II). An idealized retrieval based on simulated measurements is successfully developed for moderate turbulence levels. Retrieved are parameters describing particle mass, area, and size distribution. It is shown that a retrieval including higher moments and the slopes provides a higher number of degrees of freedom for signal than a dual-frequency retrieval based on the conventional moments such as radar reflectivity factor and mean Doppler velocity. This highlights the great potential for enhancing observations of ice clouds with higher radar moments

    End to end simulator for the WIVERN W-band Doppler conically scanning spaceborne radar

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    The WIVERN (WInd VElocity Radar Nephoscope) mission, soon entering in Phase-0 of the ESA Earth Explorer program, promises to complement Doppler wind lidar by globally observing, for the first time, vertical profiles of winds in cloudy areas. This work describes an end to end simulator of the WIVERN conically scanning 94 GHz Doppler radar, the only payload of the mission. Specific features of the simulator are: the conically scanning geometry; the inclusion of cross-polarization effects and of the simulation of a radiometric mode; the applicability to global cloud model outputs via an orbital model; the incorporation of a mispointing model accounting for thermo-elastic distortions, microvibrations, startrackers uncertainties, etc.; the inclusion of the surface clutter. Some of the simulator capabilities are showcased for a case study involving a full rotational scan of the instrument. The simulator represents a very useful tool for studying the performances of the WIVERN concept and possible trade-offs for the different configurations (e.g. different antenna sizes, pulse lengths, antenna patterns, . . . ). Thanks to its modular structure the simulator can be easily adapted to different orbits, different scanning geometries and different frequencie

    Lidar remote sensing and co-operative observations: Processing methods and aerosol radiative transfer

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    This Ph.D. thesis focuses on: (i) the design and integration of a polarimetric channel for the multi-spectral Raman lidar station of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Remote Sensing, Antennas, Microwaves and Superconductivity Group (CommSensLab), (ii) the study of the temporal and spatial evolution of atmospheric aerosol optical, microphysical and radiative properties by means of active and passive remote sensing in the context of ACTRIS and Spanish National projects, and (iii) rainfall rate retrieval by means of a vertically-pointed ceilometer in the context of the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment Southeast (VORTEX-SE). The first goal of this Ph.D., tested on the UPC multi-spectral Raman lidar station, consists of developing a secondary optical receiving chain, installed next to the laser source. The secondary telescope, mounted in the optical chain, allows retrieving the cross-polarized return signal separately from the total-power signal, avoiding the need of a very precise characterization of the crosstalk parameters of the beam-splitters. The first experimental results, corresponding to a collection of atmospheric conditions over the city of Barcelona, are also presented. The second goal of this Ph.D. deals first with the GAME (Global Atmospheric Model) code, necessary to retrieve the aerosol radiative properties. The radiative fluxes estimated in the short-wave and long-wave spectral ranges at the bottom and the top of the atmosphere by GAME are compared to the ones retrieved by a different radiative transfer model, namely Two-Stream, in order to know the importance of the spectral parameterization of a radiative transfer code. Then, GAME code, in both configurations, is fed by means of three different datasets to evaluate the parameterization of the vertically-resolved properties and to assess the uncertainty of GAME when is tuned with input parameters from different sources. Afterwards, an evaluation of the seasonal variability of the aerosol background optical and radiative properties in the Western Mediterranean Basin (WMB) is performed by means of AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) sun-photometers data from two background sites, Ersa (Corsica Island, France) and Palma de Mallorca (Mallorca Island, Spain). In addition, in order to detect possible northeast-southwest gradients in the aerosol properties, a third site located at Abolrán (Alborán Island, Spain) is considered. Finally, during 15-24 June 2013 a moderate Saharan dust multi-intrusion was detected by some EARLINET/ACTRIS (Granada, Barcelona, Naples, Potenza and Serra la Nave (Italy)) and ADRIMED/ChArMEx (Cap d’en Font, (Minorca Island, Spain) and Ersa) stations. This Ph.D. uses this event to study the spatio-temporal evolution of the mineral dust properties, since the lidar stations were supported during the multi-intrusion by collocated AERONET sun-photometers and the Falcon 20 aircraft. Also the GAME code is used to estimate the aerosol radiaite effect during the Saharan dust event. Besides, air- and space-borne lidar measurements, satellite images and back-trajectories are used to confirm the multi-intrusion aspect of the event. The last goal of this Ph.D. pursues estimation of the rain rate (RR) from ceilometer measurements. In VORTEX-SE, a Vaisala CL-31 ceilometer, a S-band radar, and a disdrometer were deployed in Alabama during March-April 2016. First, rain-extinction coefficients from ceilometer attenuated backscatter measurements are derived by means of a modified form of the well-known slope-method. These coefficients are compared with the RRs measured by a collocated S-band radar and a disdrometer in order to get the RR-to-extinction models. Advanced covariance-weighted techniques are used to best assess and validate the estimated models. These models can be used to estimate the RR from the ceilometer in similar situations without need to have a collocated cooperative instrument permanently deployed.Este Ph.D. se centra en: (i) en el diseño e integración de un canal polarimétrico para la estación lidar multi espectral del grupo de teledetección, antenas, microondas y superconductividad (CommSensLab) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), (ii) en el estudio de la evolución temporal y espacial de las propiedades ópticas, microfísicas y radiativas de los aerosoles por medio de teledetección activa y pasiva en el contexto de ACTRIS y proyectos estatales, y (iii) en la recuperación de intensidad de lluvia por medio de un ceilómetro en configuración vertical en el contexto del proyecto Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment Southeast (VORTEX-SE). El primer objetivo, realizado en la estación lidar de UPC, consiste en el desarrollo de una cadena óptica secundaria instalada junto al láser. El telescopio secundario, montado en la cadena óptica, permite recuperar la componente cross-polarized de la señal total por separado, evitando la necesidad de conocer con precisión los parámetros de los beam-splitters. Se presentan también los primeros resultados obtenidos en Barcelona durante diferentes situaciones atmosféricas. El segundo objetivo de este Ph.D. se centra en el código GAME (Global Atmospheric Model), necesario para recuperar las propiedades radiativas de los aerosoles. Los flujos radiativos estimados tanto en onda larga como en onda corta en la base y en la parte superior de la atmósfera son comparados con los estimados por otro código de transferencia radiativa, Two-Stream, para conocer la importancia de la parametrización espectral. Después, el código GAME es alimentado con 3 bases de datos diferentes para evaluar la parametrización de las propiedades resueltas en altura y conocer la incertidumbre de GAME cuando es alimentado con parámetros con diferentes orígenes. Por otro lado, se presenta una evaluación de la variabilidad estacional de las propiedades ópticas y radiativas del aerosol de fondo en la cuenca oeste mediterránea (WMB) realizada con datos de fotómetros solares de la red AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) situados en dos puntos considerados libres de contaminación: Ersa (isla de Córcega, Francia) y Palma de Mallorca. Además, para detectar posibles gradientes noreste-suroeste en las propiedades delos aerosoles, se considera un tercer punto ubicado en la isla de Alborán. Por último, en este Ph.D. se aprovecha una multi intrusión moderada de polvo sahariano, detectada entre los días 15 y 24 de junio de 2013 por algunas estaciones EARLINET/ACTRIS (Granada, Barcelona, Nápoles, Potenza y Serra la Nave (Italia)) y ADRIMED/ChArMEx (Cap d'en Font (Menorca) y Ersa), para estudiar la evolución espacio-temporal de las propiedades del polvo mineral, ya que las estaciones lidar estaban apoyadas durante el evento por fotómetros solares pertenecientes a la red AERONET, situados junto a las estaciones lidar, y por vuelos del Falcon 20. GAME es usado para obtener también el efecto radiativo de los aerosoles durante el evento de polvo sahariano. Para confirmar el aspecto de multi intrusión se utilizan medidas lidar tomadas a bordo de aviones y satélites, imágenes satelitales y retro trayectorias. El último objetivo del Ph.D. persigue la estimación de la RR utilizando medidas de un ceilómetro. En VORTEX-SE, se desplegaron (Alabama, marzo-abril 2016) un ceilómetro Vaisala CL-31, un radar de banda S y un disdrómetro. Se han estimado los coeficientes de extinción debida a la lluvia a partir del retorno atenuado medido por el ceilómetro, utilizando una versión modificada del método de la pendiente. Estos coeficientes se comparan con las intensidades de lluvia (RR) estimadas con el radar y el disdrómetro para obtener modelos de RR-extinción. Para validarlos se utilizan técnicas avanzadas de covarianza ponderada. Dichos modelos pueden usarse para estimar la RR con un ceilómetro, en situaciones similares, sin necesidad de tener desplegado permanentemente un instrumento cooperativo.Postprint (published version