131 research outputs found

    Software/Configware Implementation of Combinatorial Algorithms

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    Synthesis of FPGA-based accelerators implementing recursive algorithms

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaO desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais é um processo complexo, com múltiplas etapas, que requer uma análise profunda do problema, levando em consideração as limitações e os requisitos aplicáveis. Tal tarefa envolve a exploração de técnicas alternativas e de algoritmos computacionais para optimizar o sistema e satisfazer os requisitos estabelecidos. Neste contexto, uma das mais importantes etapas é a análise e implementação de algoritmos computacionais. Enormes avanços tecnológicos no âmbito das FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) tornaram possível o desenvolvimento de sistemas de engenharia extremamente complexos. Contudo, o número de transístores disponíveis por chip está a crescer mais rapidamente do que a capacidade que temos para desenvolver sistemas que tirem proveito desse crescimento. Esta limitação já bem conhecida, antes de se revelar com FPGAs, já se verificava com ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) e tem vindo a aumentar continuamente. O desenvolvimento de sistemas com base em FPGAs de alta capacidade envolve uma grande variedade de ferramentas, incluindo métodos para a implementação eficiente de algoritmos computacionais. Esta tese pretende proporcionar uma contribuição nesta área, tirando partido da reutilização, do aumento do nível de abstracção e de especificações algorítmicas mais automatizadas e claras. Mais especificamente, é apresentado um estudo que foi levado a cabo no sentido de obter critérios relativos à implementação em hardware de algoritmos recursivos versus iterativos. Depois de serem apresentadas algumas das estratégias para implementar recursividade em hardware mais significativas, descreve-se, em pormenor, um conjunto de algoritmos para resolver problemas de pesquisa combinatória (considerados enquanto exemplos de aplicação). Versões recursivas e iterativas destes algoritmos foram implementados e testados em FPGA. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é feita uma cuidada análise comparativa. Novas ferramentas e técnicas de investigação que foram desenvolvidas no âmbito desta tese são também discutidas e demonstradas.Design of computational systems is a complex multistage process which requires a deep analysis of the problem, taking into account relevant limitations and constraints as well as software/hardware co-design. Such task involves exploring competitive techniques and computational algorithms, enabling the system to be optimized while satisfying given requirements. In this context, one of the most important stages is analysis and implementation of computational algorithms. Tremendous progress in the scope of FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) technology has made it possible to design very complicated engineering systems. However, the number of available transistors grows faster than the ability to meaningfully design with them. This situation is a well known design productivity gap, which was inherited by FPGA from ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) and which is increasing continuously. Developing engineering systems on the basis of high capacity FPGAs involves a wide variety of design tools, including methods for efficient implementation of computational algorithms. The thesis is intended to provide a contribution in this area by aiming at reuse, high level abstraction, automation, and clearness of algorithmic specifications. More specifically, it presents research studies which have been carried out in order to obtain criteria regarding implementation of recursive vs. iterative algorithms in hardware. After describing some of the most relevant strategies for implementing recursion in hardware, a selection of algorithms for solving combinatorial search problems (considered as application examples) are also described in detail. Iterative and recursive versions of these algorithms have been implemented and tested in FPGA. Taking into consideration the results obtained, a careful comparative analysis is given. New research-oriented tools and techniques for hardware design which have been developed in the scope of this thesis are also discussed and demonstrated

    Combining Cubic Dynamical Solvers with Make/Break Heuristics to Solve SAT

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    Dynamical solvers for combinatorial optimization are usually based on 2superscript{nd} degree polynomial interactions, such as the Ising model. These exhibit high success for problems that map naturally to their formulation. However, SAT requires higher degree of interactions. As such, these quadratic dynamical solvers (QDS) have shown poor solution quality due to excessive auxiliary variables and the resulting increase in search-space complexity. Thus recently, a series of cubic dynamical solver (CDS) models have been proposed for SAT and other problems. We show that such problem-agnostic CDS models still perform poorly on moderate to large problems, thus motivating the need to utilize SAT-specific heuristics. With this insight, our contributions can be summarized into three points. First, we demonstrate that existing make-only heuristics perform poorly on scale-free, industrial-like problems when integrated into CDS. This motivates us to utilize break counts as well. Second, we derive a relationship between make/break and the CDS formulation to efficiently recover break counts. Finally, we utilize this relationship to propose a new make/break heuristic and combine it with a state-of-the-art CDS which is projected to solve SAT problems several orders of magnitude faster than existing software solvers

    Towards Microfluidic Design Automation

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    Microfluidic chips, lab-on-a-chip devices that have channels transporting liquids instead of wires carrying electrons, have attracted considerable attention recently from the bio-medical industry because of their application in testing assay and large-scale chemical reaction automation. These chips promise dramatic reduction in the cost of large-scale reactions and bio-chemical sensors. Just like in traditional chip design, there is an acute need for automation tools that can assist with design, testing and verification of microfluidics chips. We propose a design methodology and tool to design microfluidic chips based on SMT solvers. The design of these chips is expressed using the language of partial differential equations (PDEs) and non-linear multi-variate polynomials over the reals. We convert such designs into SMT2 format through appropriate approximations, and invoke Z3 and dReal solver on them. Through our experiments we show that using SMT solvers is a not only a viable strategy to address the microfluidics design problem, but likely will be key component of any future development environment. In addition to analysis of Microfluidic Chip design, we discuss the new area of Microhydraulics; a new technology being developed for the purposes of macking dynamic molds and dies for manufacturing. By contrast, Microhydraulics is more concerned on creating designs that will satisfy the dynamic requirements of manufacturers, as opposed to microfludics which is more concerned about the chemical reactions taking place in a chip. We develop the background of the technology as well as the models required for SMT solvers such as Z3 and dReal to solve them

    Hardware Acceleration of Electronic Design Automation Algorithms

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    With the advances in very large scale integration (VLSI) technology, hardware is going parallel. Software, which was traditionally designed to execute on single core microprocessors, now faces the tough challenge of taking advantage of this parallelism, made available by the scaling of hardware. The work presented in this dissertation studies the acceleration of electronic design automation (EDA) software on several hardware platforms such as custom integrated circuits (ICs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and graphics processors. This dissertation concentrates on a subset of EDA algorithms which are heavily used in the VLSI design flow, and also have varying degrees of inherent parallelism in them. In particular, Boolean satisfiability, Monte Carlo based statistical static timing analysis, circuit simulation, fault simulation and fault table generation are explored. The architectural and performance tradeoffs of implementing the above applications on these alternative platforms (in comparison to their implementation on a single core microprocessor) are studied. In addition, this dissertation also presents an automated approach to accelerate uniprocessor code using a graphics processing unit (GPU). The key idea is to partition the software application into kernels in an automated fashion, such that multiple instances of these kernels, when executed in parallel on the GPU, can maximally benefit from the GPU?s hardware resources. The work presented in this dissertation demonstrates that several EDA algorithms can be successfully rearchitected to maximally harness their performance on alternative platforms such as custom designed ICs, FPGAs and graphic processors, and obtain speedups upto 800X. The approaches in this dissertation collectively aim to contribute towards enabling the computer aided design (CAD) community to accelerate EDA algorithms on arbitrary hardware platforms

    Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2021

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing