30 research outputs found


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    Effective learning needs to be supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure that are approved in finding relevant references and materials. In the field, learning is quite difficult in the learning process because of limited referrals/material. Therefore, it is necessary to design a module that is by following the syllabus (RPS) that helps students learn independently. The purpose of the research is to find the needs and desires that are expected in the course modules in linguistic/literature research methods. The research method used was conducting a survey using questionnaires and conducting interviews. The questionnaire analyzes the needs of students and lecturers who are then analyzed by identifying based on their needs. The questionnaire for needs analysis is published with SurveyMonkey media application to facilitate the process of filling out the questionnaire. The results of the interview activities will be described qualitatively based on field observations. The subjects of the study were 100 students in the 6th semester and three lecturers who were lecturers parallel to this course. The results of this study consisted of an analysis of student needs and the views of the lecturers regarding the design content of the module, which contained; dimension of content, learnin

    Making Decisions about Self-Disclosure in Online Social Networks

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    This paper explores privacy calculus decision making processes for online social networks (OSN). Content analysis method is applied to analyze data obtained from face-to-face interviews and online survey with open-ended questions of 96 OSN users from different countries. The factors users considered before self-disclosing are explored. The perceived benefits and risks of using OSN and their impact on self-disclosure are also identified. We determine that the perceived risks of OSN usage hinder self-disclosure. It is not clear, however, whether the perceived benefits offset the impact of the risks on self-disclosure behavior. The findings as a whole do not support privacy calculus in OSN settings

    An Assessment and Analysis of the Complexity of the Frontline Nurse Leaders\u27 Role

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research study is to identify frontline nurse leaders\u27 perception of their role, to have them assess their skills in relationship to that role and to identify knowledge needs and gaps that they face in fulfilling their role. Design: This doctoral research explored the role of the frontline nurse leader. The research was a quantitative survey, non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional onetime study. The survey studied the self-assessment of the frontline nurse leader\u27s role and their rating of noted complexities and challenges in their role. Methods: A survey tool was developed using thirty statements. The statements covered the areas, or domains, managed in the role of front line nurse leaders. The survey used a Likert scale of 5-1 indicating strongly agrees to the statement to strongly disagree to the statement. Findings: Thirty-five members of the Association of California Nurse Leaders (ACNL) took part in the survey. Of the eight domains in the research tool, the results had high scores in relationships with senior leaders, and the complexities of the role were highest in lateral violence, political behavior, and budget preparation. Discussion: Frontline nurse leaders need supportive mentoring relationships with senior nurse leaders. They need training in managing lateral violence, recognizing political behavior and financial skills training

    Alcohol y cáncer: análisis de la percepción de una muestra de la población a través de la herramienta SurveyMonkey®

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    Aproximadamente 90 a 95% de todos los cánceres están asociados con el estilo de vida, y un tercio se relaciona con los alimentos, incluidas las bebidas alcohólicas. Este estudio trata de identificar la percepción pública de los brasileños acerca del alcohol y del cáncer. Se realizó una búsqueda construida con la ayuda de la herramienta online SurveyMonkey® lanzada por el Facebook®. La muestra incluyó 231 participantes entre 13 y 45 años, procedentes de 25 estados brasileños diferentes y de todas las clases sociales. La mayoría de los participantes (83%) cree que la publicidad de la bebida alcohólica afecta a los demás, pero no a sí mismos (87%). Con base en los resultados, sugerimos una estrategia de comunicación en salud

    Distance learning in the covid-19 era: Perceptions in Southern Italy

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The first case of pneumonia was reported on 8 December 2019 and identified on 7 January 2020 as COVID-19. On 9 March 2020, to stop the spread of COVID-19 cases, the Italian government declared a health emergency, forcing all citizens to go into lockdown. Suddenly, schools were constrained to using distance learning strategies with little or limited experience on the topic. Particularly, in the southern regions of Italy, approximately 20% of the students did not have access to any devices and were excluded from learning, producing a direct risk of increased adolescent delinquency. This research team intended to report the results of an observational study that focused on the perceptions of distance learning in adolescents from secondary school in Naples (Italy) between April and May 2020. The questionnaire comprised 11 questions focused on the perceptions of distance learning in comparison to live classrooms, relationships with peers and teachers, and levels of anxiety. The study is amongst the first to report the effect of the pandemic from a student-centred perspective and hopes to produce information to develop future research on asynchronous learning

    Exploring the quality of life of cosmetic users: A cross-sectional analysis from eight Arab countries in the Middle East

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    Background The use of cosmetic products is growing in dominance in the Arab population, making it essential to measure its effects on users. The production of cosmetics has been largely driven by consumerism and a bid to keep abreast with the latest trends in the beauty industry with less attention on how the users' quality of life (QoL) is affected. Aims This study aims to investigate the effect of cosmetic products on users' quality of life in eight Arab countries. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out using an online data collection approach. A validated and specialist instrument tool called BeautyQoL, which consists of five domains and a total of 52 questions, was distributed to a sample of 2219 cosmetic users. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was done using SPSS® version 26.0. Results The mean age of participants was 34 ± 11.25 years, and more women were represented in the sample (71%) than men. The majority of respondents had oily skin type (39.6%) and tan skin tone (30.4%). QoL through cosmetic use is computed with a mean score of 51 out of 100. The users' mean score satisfaction from cosmetic use is centred on attractiveness (56.1), followed by self-confidence (51.8). Cosmetics have a statistically significant effect on participants who are young adults, women, single, and employed with high income. As the respondents' skin tone deepens from very fair to dark, the mean score for each domain significantly increases, whereas when skin type changes from very oily to dry, the mean score for each domain decreases. Conclusion The effect of cosmetics on the users' QoL is limited, contrary to the narrative commonly portrayed in cosmetics' advertisements. Therefore, the use of cosmetics among the Arab population should be from an informed perspective of their specific needs instead of conforming to the viral trends pedaled by influencers and bloggers on social media, which might be irrelevant for them.Open access publishing facilitated by Monash University, as part of the Wiley - Monash University agreement via the Council of Australian University Librarians. [Correction added on 5 July 2022, after first online publication: CAUL funding statement has been added.]Scopu

    Regulating single-use plastic marine pollution: a case study of Nigeria

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    Management Strategies to Address the Substance-Impaired Healthcare Professional in the Workplace

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    Healthcare professionals who practice while impaired by alcohol or drugs endanger the well-being of patients. In the workplace, the substance-impaired healthcare professional poses challenges for healthcare leaders who are responsible for the provision of safe patient care and safe work environments. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore management strategies used by some healthcare organizational leaders to address the substance-impaired healthcare professional in the workplace. The conceptual framework for this study drew upon the legal and ethical concepts of due diligence. Data collection consisted of surveys of 40 managers and supervisors, and 3 senior leaders, semi structured interviews of executive leaders from one large hospital, and a review of company documents. A software program was used to organize the data for analysis. Five themes emerged that yielded 6 possible strategies that leaders could use to address the substance-impaired healthcare professional in the workplace: an affective healthcare business model, healthcare leader training, monitoring and surveillance systems, synergistic integration of work and life balance, and legal and ethical incident reporting. These research findings may contribute to positive organizational and social change by reducing the risk patients have from substance-impaired healthcare professionals