289 research outputs found

    Huffman-based Code Compression Techniques for Embedded Systems

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    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    Trends in hardware architecture for mobile devices

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    In the last ten years, two main factors have fueled the steady growth in sales of mobile computing and communication devices: a) the reduction of the footprint of the devices themselves, such as cellular handsets and small computers; and b) the success in developing low-power hardware which allows the devices to operate autonomously for hours or even days. In this review, I show that the first generation of mobile devices was DSP centric – that is, its architecture was based in fast processing of digitized signals using low- power, yet numerically powerful DSPs. However, the next generation of mobile devices will be built around DSPs and low power microprocessor cores for general processing applications. Mobile devices will become data-centric. The main challenge for designers of such hybrid architectures is to increase the computational performance of the computing unit, while keeping power constant, or even reducing it. This report shows that low-power mobile hardware architectures design goes hand in hand with advances in compiling techniques. We look at the synergy between hardware and software, and show that a good balance between both can lead to innovative lowpower processor architectures

    Low power architectures for streaming applications

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    Homogeneous and heterogeneous MPSoC architectures with network-on-chip connectivity for low-power and real-time multimedia signal processing

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    Two multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) architectures are proposed and compared in the paper with reference to audio and video processing applications. One architecture exploits a homogeneous topology; it consists of 8 identical tiles, each made of a 32-bit RISC core enhanced by a 64-bit DSP coprocessor with local memory. The other MPSoC architecture exploits a heterogeneous-tile topology with on-chip distributed memory resources; the tiles act as application specific processors supporting a different class of algorithms. In both architectures, the multiple tiles are interconnected by a network-on-chip (NoC) infrastructure, through network interfaces and routers, which allows parallel operations of the multiple tiles. The functional performances and the implementation complexity of the NoC-based MPSoC architectures are assessed by synthesis results in submicron CMOS technology. Among the large set of supported algorithms, two case studies are considered: the real-time implementation of an H.264/MPEG AVC video codec and of a low-distortion digital audio amplifier. The heterogeneous architecture ensures a higher power efficiency and a smaller area occupation and is more suited for low-power multimedia processing, such as in mobile devices. The homogeneous scheme allows for a higher flexibility and easier system scalability and is more suited for general-purpose DSP tasks in power-supplied devices

    The use of a reconfigurable functional cache in a digital signal processor: power and performance

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    Due to the computationally intensive nature of the tasks that digital signal processors (DSP) are required to perform it is desirable to decrease the time required to execute these tasks. Minimizing the execution time required for the various algorithms that are commonly and frequently executed (ex: FIR filters) will improve the overall performance. It is known that hardware is able to execute algorithms faster than software, however, due to the size limitations of embedded DSP, not all of the necessary algorithms can be implemented in hardware. A reconfigurable cache architecture in combination with a DSP is proposed as an alternative to increase algorithm performance by using reconfigurable hardware rather than dedicated hardware. Another important issue to consider for embedded processors is the power consumption of the DSP. Due to the fact that most embedded processors operate by battery power, energy efficiency is a necessity. This study looks at the power requirements of a DSP with reconfigurable cache to determine the viability of such an architecture in an embedded system. Others have shown that reconfigurable cache in conjunction with a general purpose processor improves performance for some DSP benchmarks. This study shows that a DSP/reconfigurable cache combination can achieve kernel performance gains ranging from 10-350 times that of a DSP architecture operating alone and can achieve overall benchmark speedups ranging from 1.02 to 1.91 times that of the existing DSP architecture. Further, relative power consumption results show that the power consumption of the reconfigurable architecture is approximately 85 to 95% of the current architecture (5-15% power savings) and attains energy savings ranging from approximately 14 to 50%

    Domain-specific and reconfigurable instruction cells based architectures for low-power SoC

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    A Hybrid Hardware/Software Architecture That Combines a 4-wide Very Long Instruction Word Software Processor (VLIW) with Application-specific Super-complex Instruction Set Hardware Functions

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    Application-driven processor designs are becoming increasingly feasible. Today, advances in field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technology are opening the doors to fast and highly-feasible hardware/software co-designed architectures. Over 100,000 FPGA logic array blocks and nearly 100 ASIC multiply-accumulate cores combine with extensible CPU cores to foster the design of configurable, application-driven hybrid processors.This thesis proposes a hardware/software co-designed architecture targeted to an FPGA. The architecture is a very-long instruction-word (VLIW) processor coupled with super-complex instruction set (SuperCISC) hardware co-processors. Results of the VLIW/SuperCISC show performance speedups over a single-issue processor of 9x to 332x, and entire application speedups from 4x to 127x. Contributions of this research include a 4-way VLIW designed from the ground up, a zero-overhead implementation of a hardware/software interface, evaluation of the scalability of shared data stores, examples of application-specific hardware accelerants, a SystemC simulator, and an evaluation of shared memory configurations