1,427 research outputs found

    Efficient data reliability management of cloud storage systems for big data applications

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    Cloud service providers are consistently striving to provide efficient and reliable service, to their client's Big Data storage need. Replication is a simple and flexible method to ensure reliability and availability of data. However, it is not an efficient solution for Big Data since it always scales in terabytes and petabytes. Hence erasure coding is gaining traction despite its shortcomings. Deploying erasure coding in cloud storage confronts several challenges like encoding/decoding complexity, load balancing, exponential resource consumption due to data repair and read latency. This thesis has addressed many challenges among them. Even though data durability and availability should not be compromised for any reason, client's requirements on read performance (access latency) may vary with the nature of data and its access pattern behaviour. Access latency is one of the important metrics and latency acceptance range can be recorded in the client's SLA. Several proactive recovery methods, for erasure codes are proposed in this research, to reduce resource consumption due to recovery. Also, a novel cache based solution is proposed to mitigate the access latency issue of erasure coding

    Towards An Efficient Cloud Computing System: Data Management, Resource Allocation and Job Scheduling

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    Cloud computing is an emerging technology in distributed computing, and it has proved to be an effective infrastructure to provide services to users. Cloud is developing day by day and faces many challenges. One of challenges is to build cost-effective data management system that can ensure high data availability while maintaining consistency. Another challenge in cloud is efficient resource allocation which ensures high resource utilization and high SLO availability. Scheduling, referring to a set of policies to control the order of the work to be performed by a computer system, for high throughput is another challenge. In this dissertation, we study how to manage data and improve data availability while reducing cost (i.e., consistency maintenance cost and storage cost); how to efficiently manage the resource for processing jobs and increase the resource utilization with high SLO availability; how to design an efficient scheduling algorithm which provides high throughput, low overhead while satisfying the demands on completion time of jobs. Replication is a common approach to enhance data availability in cloud storage systems. Previously proposed replication schemes cannot effectively handle both correlated and non-correlated machine failures while increasing the data availability with the limited resource. The schemes for correlated machine failures must create a constant number of replicas for each data object, which neglects diverse data popularities and cannot utilize the resource to maximize the expected data availability. Also, the previous schemes neglect the consistency maintenance cost and the storage cost caused by replication. It is critical for cloud providers to maximize data availability hence minimize SLA (Service Level Agreement) violations while minimize cost caused by replication in order to maximize the revenue. In this dissertation, we build a nonlinear programming model to maximize data availability in both types of failures and minimize the cost caused by replication. Based on the model\u27s solution for the replication degree of each data object, we propose a low-cost multi-failure resilient replication scheme (MRR). MRR can effectively handle both correlated and non-correlated machine failures, considers data popularities to enhance data availability, and also tries to minimize consistency maintenance and storage cost. In current cloud, providers still need to reserve resources to allow users to scale on demand. The capacity offered by cloud offerings is in the form of pre-defined virtual machine (VM) configurations. This incurs resource wastage and results in low resource utilization when the users actually consume much less resource than the VM capacity. Existing works either reallocate the unused resources with no Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for availability\footnote{Availability refers to the probability of an allocated resource being remain operational and accessible during the validity of the contract~\cite{CarvalhoCirne14}.} or consider SLOs to reallocate the unused resources for long-running service jobs. This approach increases the allocated resource whenever it detects that SLO is violated in order to achieve SLO in the long term, neglecting the frequent fluctuations of jobs\u27 resource requirements in real-time application especially for short-term jobs that require fast responses and decision making for resource allocation. Thus, this approach cannot fully utilize the resources to process data because they cannot quickly adjust the resource allocation strategy dealing with the fluctuations of jobs\u27 resource requirements. What\u27s more, the previous opportunistic based resource allocation approach aims at providing long-term availability SLOs with good QoS for long-running jobs, which ensures that the jobs can be finished within weeks or months by providing slighted degraded resources with moderate availability guarantees, but it ignores deadline constraints in defining Quality of Service (QoS) for short-lived jobs requiring online responses in real-time application, thus it cannot truly guarantee the QoS and long-term availability SLOs. To overcome the drawbacks of previous works, we adequately consider the fluctuations of unused resource caused by bursts of jobs\u27 resource demands, and present a cooperative opportunistic resource provisioning (CORP) scheme to dynamically allocate the resource to jobs. CORP leverages complementarity of jobs\u27 requirements on different resource types and utilizes the job packing to reduce the resource wastage and increase the resource utilization. An increasing number of large-scale data analytics frameworks move towards larger degrees of parallelism aiming at high throughput. Scheduling that assigns tasks to workers and preemption that suspends low-priority tasks and runs high-priority tasks are two important functions in such frameworks. There are many existing works on scheduling and preemption in literature to provide high throughput. However, previous works do not substantially consider dependency in increasing throughput in scheduling or preemption. Considering dependency is crucial to increase the overall throughput. Besides, extensive task evictions for preemption increase context switches, which may decrease the throughput. To address the above problems, we propose an efficient scheduling system Dependency-aware Scheduling and Preemption (DSP) to achieve high throughput in scheduling and preemption. First, we build a mathematical model to minimize the makespan with the consideration of task dependency, and derive the target workers for tasks which can minimize the makespan; second, we utilize task dependency information to determine tasks\u27 priorities for preemption; finally, we present a probabilistic based preemption to reduce the numerous preemptions, while satisfying the demands on completion time of jobs. We conduct trace driven simulations on a real-cluster and real-world experiments on Amazon S3/EC2 to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed system in comparison with other systems. The experimental results show the superior performance of our proposed system. In the future, we will further consider data update frequency to reduce consistency maintenance cost, and we will consider the effects of node joining and node leaving. Also we will consider energy consumption of machines and design an optimal replication scheme to improve data availability while saving power. For resource allocation, we will consider using the greedy approach for deep learning to reduce the computation overhead caused by the deep neural network. Also, we will additionally consider the heterogeneity of jobs (i.e., short jobs and long jobs), and use a hybrid resource allocation strategy to provide SLO availability customization for different job types while increasing the resource utilization. For scheduling, we will aim to handle scheduling tasks with partial dependency, worker failures in scheduling and make our DSP fully distributed to increase its scalability. Finally, we plan to use different workloads and real-world experiment to fully test the performance of our methods and make our preliminary system design more mature

    Linear Scalability of Distributed Applications

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    The explosion of social applications such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, of electronic commerce with companies like Amazon.com and Ebay.com, and of Internet search has created the need for new technologies and appropriate systems to manage effectively a considerable amount of data and users. These applications must run continuously every day of the year and must be capable of surviving sudden and abrupt load increases as well as all kinds of software, hardware, human and organizational failures. Increasing (or decreasing) the allocated resources of a distributed application in an elastic and scalable manner, while satisfying requirements on availability and performance in a cost-effective way, is essential for the commercial viability but it poses great challenges in today's infrastructures. Indeed, Cloud Computing can provide resources on demand: it now becomes easy to start dozens of servers in parallel (computational resources) or to store a huge amount of data (storage resources), even for a very limited period, paying only for the resources consumed. However, these complex infrastructures consisting of heterogeneous and low-cost resources are failure-prone. Also, although cloud resources are deemed to be virtually unlimited, only adequate resource management and demand multiplexing can meet customer requirements and avoid performance deteriorations. In this thesis, we deal with adaptive management of cloud resources under specific application requirements. First, in the intra-cloud environment, we address the problem of cloud storage resource management with availability guarantees and find the optimal resource allocation in a decentralized way by means of a virtual economy. Data replicas migrate, replicate or delete themselves according to their economic fitness. Our approach responds effectively to sudden load increases or failures and makes best use of the geographical distance between nodes to improve application-specific data availability. We then propose a decentralized approach for adaptive management of computational resources for applications requiring high availability and performance guarantees under load spikes, sudden failures or cloud resource updates. Our approach involves a virtual economy among service components (similar to the one among data replicas) and an innovative cascading scheme for setting up the performance goals of individual components so as to meet the overall application requirements. Our approach manages to meet application requirements with the minimum resources, by allocating new ones or releasing redundant ones. Finally, as cloud storage vendors offer online services at different rates, which can vary widely due to second-degree price discrimination, we present an inter-cloud storage resource allocation method to aggregate resources from different storage vendors and provide to the user a system which guarantees the best rate to host and serve its data, while satisfying the user requirements on availability, durability, latency, etc. Our system continuously optimizes the placement of data according to its type and usage pattern, and minimizes migration costs from one provider to another, thereby avoiding vendor lock-in

    Enabling Distributed Applications Optimization in Cloud Environment

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    The past few years have seen dramatic growth in the popularity of public clouds, such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Container-as-a-Service (CaaS). In both commercial and scientific fields, quick environment setup and application deployment become a mandatory requirement. As a result, more and more organizations choose cloud environments instead of setting up the environment by themselves from scratch. The cloud computing resources such as server engines, orchestration, and the underlying server resources are served to the users as a service from a cloud provider. Most of the applications that run in public clouds are the distributed applications, also called multi-tier applications, which require a set of servers, a service ensemble, that cooperate and communicate to jointly provide a certain service or accomplish a task. Moreover, a few research efforts are conducting in providing an overall solution for distributed applications optimization in the public cloud. In this dissertation, we present three systems that enable distributed applications optimization: (1) the first part introduces DocMan, a toolset for detecting containerized application’s dependencies in CaaS clouds, (2) the second part introduces a system to deal with hot/cold blocks in distributed applications, (3) the third part introduces a system named FP4S, a novel fragment-based parallel state recovery mechanism that can handle many simultaneous failures for a large number of concurrently running stream applications

    Wiki-health: from quantified self to self-understanding

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    Today, healthcare providers are experiencing explosive growth in data, and medical imaging represents a significant portion of that data. Meanwhile, the pervasive use of mobile phones and the rising adoption of sensing devices, enabling people to collect data independently at any time or place is leading to a torrent of sensor data. The scale and richness of the sensor data currently being collected and analysed is rapidly growing. The key challenges that we will be facing are how to effectively manage and make use of this abundance of easily-generated and diverse health data. This thesis investigates the challenges posed by the explosive growth of available healthcare data and proposes a number of potential solutions to the problem. As a result, a big data service platform, named Wiki-Health, is presented to provide a unified solution for collecting, storing, tagging, retrieving, searching and analysing personal health sensor data. Additionally, it allows users to reuse and remix data, along with analysis results and analysis models, to make health-related knowledge discovery more available to individual users on a massive scale. To tackle the challenge of efficiently managing the high volume and diversity of big data, Wiki-Health introduces a hybrid data storage approach capable of storing structured, semi-structured and unstructured sensor data and sensor metadata separately. A multi-tier cloud storage system—CACSS has been developed and serves as a component for the Wiki-Health platform, allowing it to manage the storage of unstructured data and semi-structured data, such as medical imaging files. CACSS has enabled comprehensive features such as global data de-duplication, performance-awareness and data caching services. The design of such a hybrid approach allows Wiki-Health to potentially handle heterogeneous formats of sensor data. To evaluate the proposed approach, we have developed an ECG-based health monitoring service and a virtual sensing service on top of the Wiki-Health platform. The two services demonstrate the feasibility and potential of using the Wiki-Health framework to enable better utilisation and comprehension of the vast amounts of sensor data available from different sources, and both show significant potential for real-world applications.Open Acces

    Building interactive distributed processing applications at a global scale

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    Along with the continuous engagement with technology, many latency-sensitive interactive applications have emerged, e.g., global content sharing in social networks, adaptive lights/temperatures in smart buildings, and online multi-user games. These applications typically process a massive amount of data at a global scale. In this cases, distributing storage and processing is key to handling the large scale. Distribution necessitates handling two main aspects: a) the placement of data/processing and b) the data motion across the distributed locations. However, handling the distribution while meeting latency guarantees at large scale comes with many challenges around hiding heterogeneity and diversity of devices and workload, handling dynamism in the environment, providing continuous availability despite failures, and supporting persistent large state. In this thesis, we show how latency-driven designs for placement and data-motion can be used to build production infrastructures for interactive applications at a global scale, while also being able to address myriad challenges on heterogeneity, dynamism, state, and availability. We demonstrate a latency-driven approach is general and applicable at all layers of the stack: from storage, to processing, down to networking. We designed and built four distinct systems across the spectrum. We have developed Ambry (collaboration with LinkedIn), a geo-distributed storage system for interactive data sharing across the globe. Ambry is LinkedIn's mainstream production system for all its media content running across 4 datacenters and over 500 million users. Ambry minimizes user perceived latency via smart data placement and propagation. Second, we have built two processing systems, a traditional model, Samza, and the avant-garde model, Steel. Samza (collaboration with LinkedIn) is a production stream processing framework used at 15 companies (including LinkedIn, Uber, Netflix, and TripAdvisor), powering >200 pipelines at LinkedIn alone. Samza minimizes the impact of data motion on the end-to-end latency, thus, enabling large persistent state (100s of TB) along with processing. Steel (collaboration with Microsoft) extends processing to the emerging edge. Integrated with Azure, Steel dynamically optimizes placement and data-motion across the entire edge-cloud environment. Finally, we have designed FreeFlow, a high performance networking mechanisms for containers. Using the container placement, FreeFlow opportunistically bypasses networking layers, minimizing data motion and reducing latency (up to 3 orders of magnitude)

    Mitigating Load Imbalance in Distributed Data Serving with Rack-Scale Memory Pooling

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    To provide low-latency and high-throughput guarantees, most large key-value stores keep the data in the memory of many servers. Despite the natural parallelism across lookups, the load imbalance, introduced by heavy skew in the popularity distribution of keys, limits performance. To avoid violating tail latency service-level objectives, systems tend to keep server utilization low and organize the data in micro-shards, which provides units of migration and replication for the purpose of load balancing. These techniques reduce the skew but incur additional monitoring, data replication, and consistency maintenance overheads. In this work, we introduce RackOut, a memory pooling technique that leverages the one-sided remote read primitive of emerging rack-scale systems to mitigate load imbalance while respecting service-level objectives. In RackOut, the data are aggregated at rack-scale granularity, with all of the participating servers in the rack jointly servicing all of the rack’s micro-shards. We develop a queuing model to evaluate the impact of RackOut at the datacenter scale. In addition, we implement a RackOut proof-of-concept key value store, evaluate it on two experimental platforms based on RDMA and Scale-Out NUMA, and use these results to validate the model. We devise two distinct approaches to load balancing within a RackOut unit, one based on random selection of nodes—RackOut_static—and another one based on an adaptive load balancing mechanism— RackOut_adaptive. Our results show that RackOut_static increases throughput by up to 6× for RDMA and 8.6× for Scale-Out NUMA compared to a scale-out deployment, while respecting tight tail latency service-level objectives. RackOut_adaptive improves the throughput by 30% for workloads with 20% of writes over RackOut_static

    On the Load Balancing of Edge Computing Resources for On-Line Video Delivery

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    Online video broadcasting platforms are distributed, complex, cloud oriented, scalable, micro-service-based systems that are intended to provide over-the-top and live content to audience in scattered geographic locations. Due to the nature of cloud VM hosting costs, the subscribers are usually served under limited resources in order to minimize delivery budget. However, operations including transcoding require high-computational capacity and any disturbance in supplying requested demand might result in quality of experience (QoE) deterioration. For any online delivery deployment, understanding user's QoE plays a crucial role for rebalancing cloud resources. In this paper, a methodology for estimating QoE is provided for a scalable cloud-based online video platform. The model will provide an adeptness guideline regarding limited cloud resources and relate computational capacity, memory, transcoding and throughput capability, and finally latency competence of the cloud service to QoE. Scalability and efficiency of the system are optimized through reckoning sufficient number of VMs and containers to satisfy the user requests even on peak demand durations with minimum number of VMs. Both horizontal and vertical scaling strategies (including VM migration) are modeled to cover up availability and reliability of intermediate and edge content delivery network cache nodes
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