53 research outputs found

    A computable expression of closure to efficient causation

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a mathematical expression of closure to efficient causation in terms of lambda-calculus; we argue that this opens up the perspective of developing principled computer simulations of systems closed to efficient causation in an appropriate programming language. An important implication of our formulation is that, by exhibiting an expression in lambda-calculus, which is a paradigmatic formalism for computability and programming, we show that there are no conceptual or principled problems in realizing a computer simulation or model of closure to efficient causation. We conclude with a brief discussion of the question whether closure to efficient causation captures all relevant properties of living systems. We suggest that it might not be the case, and that more complex definitions could indeed create crucial some obstacles to computability

    A Classical Realizability Model arising from a Stable Model of Untyped Lambda Calculus

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    We study a classical realizability model (in the sense of J.-L. Krivine) arising from a model of untyped lambda calculus in coherence spaces. We show that this model validates countable choice using bar recursion and bar induction

    Semantics of query-driven communication of exact values

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    We address the question of how to communicate among distributed processes valuessuch as real numbers, continuous functions and geometrical solids with arbitrary precision, yet efficiently. We extend the established concept of lazy communication using streams of approximants by introducing explicit queries. We formalise this approach using protocols of a query-answer nature. Such protocols enable processes to provide valid approximations with certain accuracy and focusing on certain locality as demanded by the receiving processes through queries. A lattice-theoretic denotational semantics of channel and process behaviour is developed. Thequery space is modelled as a continuous lattice in which the top element denotes the query demanding all the information, whereas other elements denote queries demanding partial and/or local information. Answers are interpreted as elements of lattices constructed over suitable domains of approximations to the exact objects. An unanswered query is treated as an error anddenoted using the top element. The major novel characteristic of our semantic model is that it reflects the dependency of answerson queries. This enables the definition and analysis of an appropriate concept of convergence rate, by assigning an effort indicator to each query and a measure of information content to eachanswer. Thus we capture not only what function a process computes, but also how a process transforms the convergence rates from its inputs to its outputs. In future work these indicatorscan be used to capture further computational complexity measures. A robust prototype implementation of our model is available

    Introduction to linear logic and ludics, part II

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    This paper is the second part of an introduction to linear logic and ludics, both due to Girard. It is devoted to proof nets, in the limited, yet central, framework of multiplicative linear logic and to ludics, which has been recently developped in an aim of further unveiling the fundamental interactive nature of computation and logic. We hope to offer a few computer science insights into this new theory

    Inheritance as Implicit Coercion

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    We present a method for providing semantic interpretations for languages with a type system featuring inheritance polymorphism. Our approach is illustrated on an extension of the language Fun of Cardelli and Wegner, which we interpret via a translation into an extended polymorphic lambda calculus. Our goal is to interpret inheritances in Fun via coercion functions which are definable in the target of the translation. Existing techniques in the theory of semantic domains can be then used to interpret the extended polymorphic lambda calculus, thus providing many models for the original language. This technique makes it possible to model a rich type discipline which includes parametric polymorphism and recursive types as well as inheritance. A central difficulty in providing interpretations for explicit type disciplines featuring inheritance in the sense discussed in this paper arises from the fact that programs can type-check in more than one way. Since interpretations follow the type-checking derivations, coherence theorems are required: that is, one must prove that the meaning of a program does not depend on the way it was type-checked. The proof of such theorems for our proposed interpretation are the basic technical results of this paper. Interestingly, proving coherence in the presence of recursive types, variants, and abstract types forced us to reexamine fundamental equational properties that arise in proof theory (in the form of commutative reductions) and domain theory (in the form of strict vs. non-strict functions)

    Non uniform (hyper/multi)coherence spaces

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    In (hyper)coherence semantics, proofs/terms are cliques in (hyper)graphs. Intuitively, vertices represent results of computations and the edge relation witnesses the ability of being assembled into a same piece of data or a same (strongly) stable function, at arrow types. In (hyper)coherence semantics, the argument of a (strongly) stable functional is always a (strongly) stable function. As a consequence, comparatively to the relational semantics, where there is no edge relation, some vertices are missing. Recovering these vertices is essential for the purpose of reconstructing proofs/terms from their interpretations. It shall also be useful for the comparison with other semantics, like game semantics. In [BE01], Bucciarelli and Ehrhard introduced a so called non uniform coherence space semantics where no vertex is missing. By constructing the co-free exponential we set a new version of this last semantics, together with non uniform versions of hypercoherences and multicoherences, a new semantics where an edge is a finite multiset. Thanks to the co-free construction, these non uniform semantics are deterministic in the sense that the intersection of a clique and of an anti-clique contains at most one vertex, a result of interaction, and extensionally collapse onto the corresponding uniform semantics.Comment: 32 page

    Domain theory and differential calculus (functions of one variable)

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