452 research outputs found

    A parallel windowing approach to the Hough transform for line segment detection

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    In the wide range of image processing and computer vision problems, line segment detection has always been among the most critical headlines. Detection of primitives such as linear features and straight edges has diverse applications in many image understanding and perception tasks. The research presented in this dissertation is a contribution to the detection of straight-line segments by identifying the location of their endpoints within a two-dimensional digital image. The proposed method is based on a unique domain-crossing approach that takes both image and parameter domain information into consideration. First, the straight-line parameters, i.e. location and orientation, have been identified using an advanced Fourier-based Hough transform. As well as producing more accurate and robust detection of straight-lines, this method has been proven to have better efficiency in terms of computational time in comparison with the standard Hough transform. Second, for each straight-line a window-of-interest is designed in the image domain and the disturbance caused by the other neighbouring segments is removed to capture the Hough transform buttery of the target segment. In this way, for each straight-line a separate buttery is constructed. The boundary of the buttery wings are further smoothed and approximated by a curve fitting approach. Finally, segments endpoints were identified using buttery boundary points and the Hough transform peak. Experimental results on synthetic and real images have shown that the proposed method enjoys a superior performance compared with the existing similar representative works

    Biologically inspired composite image sensor for deep field target tracking

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    The use of nonuniform image sensors in mobile based computer vision applications can be an effective solution when computational burden is problematic. Nonuniform image sensors are still in their infancy and as such have not been fully investigated for their unique qualities nor have they been extensively applied in practice. In this dissertation a system has been developed that can perform vision tasks in both the far field and the near field. In order to accomplish this, a new and novel image sensor system has been developed. Inspired by the biological aspects of the visual systems found in both falcons and primates, a composite multi-camera sensor was constructed. The sensor provides for expandable visual range, excellent depth of field, and produces a single compact output image based on the log-polar retinal-cortical mapping that occurs in primates. This mapping provides for scale and rotational tolerant processing which, in turn, supports the mitigation of perspective distortion found in strict Cartesian based sensor systems. Furthermore, the scale-tolerant representation of objects moving on trajectories parallel to the sensor\u27s optical axis allows for fast acquisition and tracking of objects moving at high rates of speed. In order to investigate how effective this combination would be for object detection and tracking at both near and far field, the system was tuned for the application of vehicle detection and tracking from a moving platform. Finally, it was shown that the capturing of license plate information in an autonomous fashion could easily be accomplished from the extraction of information contained in the mapped log-polar representation space. The novel composite log-polar deep-field image sensor opens new horizons for computer vision. This current work demonstrates features that can benefit applications beyond the high-speed vehicle tracking for drivers assistance and license plate capture. Some of the future applications envisioned include obstacle detection for high-speed trains, computer assisted aircraft landing, and computer assisted spacecraft docking

    A model-based machine vision system using fuzzy logic

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    AbstractAn effective model-based machine vision system is designed for use in practical production lines. In the proposed system, the gray level corner is selected as a local feature, and a gray level corner detector is developed. The gray level corner detection problem is formulated as a pattern classification problem to determine whether a pixel belongs to the class of corners or not. The probability density function is estimated by means of fuzzy logic. A corner matching method is developed to minimize the amount of calculation. All available information obtained from the gray level corner detector is used to make the model. From a fuzzy inference procedure, a matched segment list is extracted, and the resulted segment list is used to calculate the transformations between the model object and each object in the scene. In order to reduce the fuzzy rule set, a notion of overlapping cost is introduced. To show the effectiveness of the developed algorithm, simulations are conducted for synthetic images, and an experiment is conducted on an image of a real industrial component

    RANSAC for Robotic Applications: A Survey

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    Random Sample Consensus, most commonly abbreviated as RANSAC, is a robust estimation method for the parameters of a model contaminated by a sizable percentage of outliers. In its simplest form, the process starts with a sampling of the minimum data needed to perform an estimation, followed by an evaluation of its adequacy, and further repetitions of this process until some stopping criterion is met. Multiple variants have been proposed in which this workflow is modified, typically tweaking one or several of these steps for improvements in computing time or the quality of the estimation of the parameters. RANSAC is widely applied in the field of robotics, for example, for finding geometric shapes (planes, cylinders, spheres, etc.) in cloud points or for estimating the best transformation between different camera views. In this paper, we present a review of the current state of the art of RANSAC family methods with a special interest in applications in robotics.This work has been partially funded by the Basque Government, Spain, under Research Teams Grant number IT1427-22 and under ELKARTEK LANVERSO Grant number KK-2022/00065; the Spanish Ministry of Science (MCIU), the State Research Agency (AEI), the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), under Grant number PID2021-122402OB-C21 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE); and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, under Grant FPU18/04737

    Retinal Fundus Image Analysis for Diagnosis of Glaucoma: A Comprehensive Survey

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    © 2016 IEEE. The rapid development of digital imaging and computer vision has increased the potential of using the image processing technologies in ophthalmology. Image processing systems are used in standard clinical practices with the development of medical diagnostic systems. The retinal images provide vital information about the health of the sensory part of the visual system. Retinal diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, Stargardt's disease, and retinopathy of prematurity, can lead to blindness manifest as artifacts in the retinal image. An automated system can be used for offering standardized large-scale screening at a lower cost, which may reduce human errors, provide services to remote areas, as well as free from observer bias and fatigue. Treatment for retinal diseases is available; the challenge lies in finding a cost-effective approach with high sensitivity and specificity that can be applied to large populations in a timely manner to identify those who are at risk at the early stages of the disease. The progress of the glaucoma disease is very often quiet in the early stages. The number of people affected has been increasing and patients are seldom aware of the disease, which can cause delay in the treatment. A review of how computer-aided approaches may be applied in the diagnosis and staging of glaucoma is discussed here. The current status of the computer technology is reviewed, covering localization and segmentation of the optic nerve head, pixel level glaucomatic changes, diagonosis using 3-D data sets, and artificial neural networks for detecting the progression of the glaucoma disease

    An automatic image analysis methodology for the measurement of droplet size distributions in liquid–liquid dispersion: round object detection

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    This article presents an efficient and economical automatic image analysis technique for the droplet characterization in a liquid–liquid dispersion. The methodology employs a combination of the Satoshi Suzuki's [Topological structural analysis of digitized binary images by border following. Comput Vis Graph Image Process. 1985;30:32–46] find contours algorithm and the method of minimal enclosing circle identification, proposed by Emo Welzl [Smallest enclosing disks (balls and ellipsoids). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 1991. p. 359–370. chapter 24], to achieve the objectives. The round object detection algorithm has been designed for the identification and verification of correct droplets in the mixture which helped to increase the accuracy of automatic detection. Tests have been performed on various sets of images obtained during several emulsification processes and contain examples of droplets which differ in size, density, volume and appearance etc. An effective communication between the two methodologies and newly introduced algorithms demonstrated an accuracy of 90% or above in the measurement of droplet size distribution and Sauter mean diameters through an automatic vision-based system
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