1,227 research outputs found

    A novel scanned mask imaging system for high resolution solid state laser ablation

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    A technology gap has emerged between the sub-micron semiconductor manufacturing technologies used in the manufacture of integrated circuits and the semi-additive processes used to manufacture advanced chip packages which are currently limited to feature sizes greater than 10 µm. Embedding conductors in laser ablated circuit features is one of the proposed solutions to address this technology gap in the advanced chip packaging industry. Excimer laser systems are currently the only available production tools capable of the high throughput laser ablation of circuit features down to 2 µm. In this thesis I have developed an ablative, solid state laser, mask imaging system for the high volume 3D structuring of organic dielectrics. This system enables the ablation of circuit features down to 2 µm which are of comparable quality to excimer laser ablation. The system architecture has a throughput exceeding that of an excimer laser production system. I have developed an illumination system, which I have tested at both a feasibility stage and at a prototype stage, with custom designed optical components. The illumination system consists of a galvanometer scan head which is used to raster scan a solid state laser beam across a binary mask, the image of which is then projected onto the substrate. The system I present enables the use of multimode, UV, solid state lasers in well-developed and high resolution mask imaging optical systems. Through the use of a less expensive laser technology, the system I have developed has a cost of ownership estimated to be less than 50% of that of an excimer production system, thus reducing the cost of high resolution, high throughput laser ablation

    Bilinear noise subtraction at the GEO 600 observatory

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    We develop a scheme to subtract off bilinear noise from the gravitational wave strain data and demonstrate it at the GEO 600 observatory. Modulations caused by test mass misalignments on longitudinal control signals are observed to have a broadband effect on the mid-frequency detector sensitivity ranging from 50 Hz to 500 Hz. We estimate this bilinear coupling by making use of narrow-band signal injections that are already in place for noise projection purposes. A coherent bilinear signal is constructed by a two-stage system identification process where the involved couplings are approximated in terms of stable rational functions. The time-domain filtering efficiency is observed to depend upon the system identification process especially when the involved transfer functions cover a large dynamic range and have multiple resonant features. We improve upon the existing filter design techniques by employing a Bayesian adaptive directed search strategy that optimizes across the several key parameters that affect the accuracy of the estimated model. The resulting post-offline subtraction leads to a suppression of modulation side-bands around the calibration lines along with a broadband reduction of the mid-frequency noise floor. The filter coefficients are updated periodically to account for any non-stationarities that can arise within the coupling. The observed increase in the astrophysical range and a reduction in the occurrence of non-astrophysical transients suggest that the above method is a viable data cleaning technique for current and future gravitational wave observatories

    Laser ablation of polymer waveguide and embedded mirror for optically-enabled printed circuit boards (OEPCB)

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    Due to their inherent BW capacity, optical interconnect (OI) offers a means of replacement to BW limited copper as bottlenecks begin to appear within the various interconnect levels of electronics systems. Low-cost optically enabled printed circuit boards are a key milestone on many electronics roadmaps, e.g. iNEMI. Current OI solutions found in industry are based upon optical fibres and are capable of providing a suitable platform for inter-board applications especially on the backplane. However, to allow component assembly onto high BW interconnects, an integral requirement for intra-board applications, optically enabled printed circuit boards containing waveguides are essential. Major barriers to the deployment of optical printed circuit boards include the compatibility of the technique, the cost of acquiring OI and the optical power budget. The purpose of this PhD research programme is to explore suitable techniques to address these barriers, primarily by means of laser material processing using UV and IR source lasers namely 248 nm KrF Excimer, 355 nm UV Nd:YAG and 10.6 µm IR CO2. The use of these three main lasers, the trio of which dominates most PCB production assembly, provides underpinning drive for the deployment of this technology into the industry at a very low cost without the need for any additional system or system modification. It further provides trade-offs among the suitable candidates in terms of processing speed, cost and quality of waveguides that could be achieved. This thesis presents the context of the research and the underlying governing science, i.e. theoretical analysis, involving laser-matter interactions. Experimental investigation of thermal (or pyrolitic) and bond-breaking (or photolytic) nature of laser ablation was studied in relation to each of the chosen lasers with regression analysis used to explain the experimental results. Optimal parameters necessary for achieving minimum Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and surface/wall roughness were explored, both of which are key to achieving low loss waveguides. While photochemical dominance – a function of wavelength and pulse duration – is desired in laser ablation of photopolymers, the author has been able to find out that photothermallyprocessed materials, for example at 10.6 µm, can also provide desirable waveguides. Although there are literature information detailing the effect of certain parameters such as fluence, pulse repetition rate, pulse duration and wavelength among others, in relation to the etch rate of different materials, the machining of new materials requires new data to be obtained. In fact various models are available to try to explain the laser-matter interaction in a mathematical way, but these cannot be taken universally as they are deficient to general applications. For this reason, experimental optimisation appears to be the logical way forward at this stage of the research and thus requiring material-system characterisation to be conducted for each case thereby forming an integral achievement of this research. In this work, laser ablation of a single-layer optical polymer (Truemode™) multimode waveguides were successfully demonstrated using the aforementioned chosen lasers, thus providing opportunities for rapid deployment of OI to the PCB manufacturing industry. Truemode™ was chosen as it provides a very low absorption loss value < 0.04 dB/cm at 850 nm datacom wavelength used for VSR interconnections – a key to optical power budget – and its compatibility with current PCB fabrication processes. A wet-Truemode™ formulation was used which required that optical polymer layer on an FR4 substrate be formed using spin coating and then UV-cured in a nitrogen oxygen-free chamber. Layer thickness, chiefly influenced by spinning speed and duration, was studied in order to meet the optical layer thickness requirement for multimode (typically > 9 µm) waveguides. Two alternative polymers, namely polysiloxane-based photopolymer (OE4140 and OE 4141) from Dow Corning and PMMA, were sparingly utilized at some point in the research, mainly during laser machining using UV Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers. While Excimer laser was widely considered for polymer waveguide due to its high quality potential, the successful fabrication at 10.6 µm IR and 355 nm UV wavelengths and at relatively low propagation loss at datacom wavelength of 850 nm (estimated to be < 1.5 dB/cm) were unprecedented. The author considered further reduction in the optical loss by looking at the effect of fluence, power, pulse repetition rate, speed and optical density on the achievable propagation but found no direct relationship between these parameters; it is therefore concluded that process optimisation is the best practice. In addition, a novel in-plane 45-degree coupling mirror fabrication using Excimer laser ablation was demonstrated for the first time, which was considered to be vital for communication between chips (or other suitable components) at board-level

    Performance and durability of non-stick coatings applied to stainless steel: Subtractive vs additive manufacturing.

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    This study compares subtractive manufacturing (SM) and additive manufacturing (AM) techniques in the production of stainless-steel parts with non-stick coatings. While subtractive manufacturing involves the machining of rolled products, additive manufacturing employs the FFF (fused filament fabrication) technique with metal filament and sintering. The applied non-stick coatings are commercially available and are manually sprayed with a spray gun, followed by a curing process. They are an FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene)-based coating and a sol–gel ceramic coating. Key properties such as surface roughness, water droplet sliding angle, adhesion to the substrate and wear resistance were examined using abrasive blasting techniques. In the additive manufacturing process, a higher roughness of the samples was detected. In terms of sliding angle, variations were observed in the FEP-based coatings and no variations were observed in the ceramic coatings, with a slight increase for FEP in AM. In terms of adhesion to the substrate, the ceramic coatings applied in the additive process showed a superior behavior to that of subtractive manufacturing. On the other hand, FEP coatings showed comparable results for both techniques. In the wear resistance test, ceramic coatings outperformed FEP coatings for both techniques. In summary, additive manufacturing of non-stick coatings on stainless steel showed remarkable advantages in terms of roughness, adhesion and wear resistance compared to the conventional manufacturing approach. These results are of relevance in fields such as medicine, food industry, chemical industry and marine applications.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Scalable Control and Measurement of Gate-Defined Quantum Dot Systems

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    There is currently a worldwide effort towards the realisation of large-scale quantum computers that exploit quantum phenomena for information processing. While these computing systems could potentially redefine the technological landscape, harnessing quantum effects is challenging due to their inherently fragile nature and the experimentally demanding environments in which they arise. In order for quantum computation to be viable it is first necessary to demonstrate the operation of two-level quantum systems (qubits) which have long coherence times, can be quickly read out, and can be controlled with high fidelity. Focusing on these key requirements, this thesis presents four experiments towards scalable solid state quantum computing using gate-defined quantum dot devices based on gallium arsenide (GaAs) heterostructures. The first experiment investigates a phonon emission process that limits the charge coherence in GaAs and potentially complicates the microwave control of multi-qubit devices. We show that this microwave analogy to Raman spectroscopy can provide a means of detecting the unique phonon spectral density created by a nanoscale device. Experimental results are compared to a theoretical model based on a non-Markovian master equation and approaches to suppressing electron-phonon coupling are discussed. The second experiment demonstrates a technique involving in-situ gate electrodes coupled to lumped-element resonators to provide high-bandwidth dispersive read-out of the state of a double quantum dot. We characterise the charge sensitivity of this method in the few-electron regime and benchmark its performance against quantum point contact charge sensors. The third experiment implements a low-loss, chip-level frequency multiplexing scheme for the readout of scaled-up spin qubit arrays. Dispersive gate-sensing is realised in combination with charge detection based on two radio frequency quantum point contacts to perform multiplexed readout of a double quantum dot in the few-electron regime. Demonstration of a 10-channel multiplexing device is achieved and limitations in scaling spin qubit readout to large numbers using multiplexed channels discussed. The final experiment ties previously presented results together by realising a micro-architecture for controlling and reading out qubits during the execution of a quantum algorithm. The basic principles of this architecture are demonstrated via the manipulation of a semiconductor qubit using control pulses that are cryogenically routed using a high-electron mobility transistor switching matrix controlled by a field programmable gate array. Finally, several technical results are also presented including the development of printed circuit board solutions to allow the high-frequency measurement of nanoscale devices at cryogenic temperatures and the design of on-chip interconnects used to suppress electromagnetic crosstalk in high-density spin qubit device architectures

    Focused Ion Beam Lithography

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    Measurement techniques and instruments suitable for life-prediction testing of photovoltaic arrays

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    Array failure modes, relevant materials property changes, and primary degradation mechanisms are discussed as a prerequisite to identifying suitable measurement techniques and instruments. Candidate techniques and instruments are identified on the basis of extensive reviews of published and unpublished information. These methods are organized in six measurement categories - chemical, electrical, optical, thermal, mechanical, and other physicals. Using specified evaluation criteria, the most promising techniques and instruments for use in life prediction tests of arrays were selected
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