4,723 research outputs found

    Sensor data-based decision making

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    Increasing globalization and growing industrial system complexity has amplified the interest in the use of information provided by sensors as a means of improving overall manufacturing system performance and maintainability. However, utilization of sensors can only be effective if the real-time data can be integrated into the necessary business processes, such as production planning, scheduling and execution systems. This integration requires the development of intelligent decision making models that can effectively process the sensor data into information and suggest appropriate actions. To be able to improve the performance of a system, the health of the system also needs to be maintained. In many cases a single sensor type cannot provide sufficient information for complex decision making including diagnostics and prognostics of a system. Therefore, a combination of sensors should be used in an integrated manner in order to achieve desired performance levels. Sensor generated data need to be processed into information through the use of appropriate decision making models in order to improve overall performance. In this dissertation, which is presented as a collection of five journal papers, several reactive and proactive decision making models that utilize data from single and multi-sensor environments are developed. The first paper presents a testbed architecture for Auto-ID systems. An adaptive inventory management model which utilizes real-time RFID data is developed in the second paper. In the third paper, a complete hardware and inventory management solution, which involves the integration of RFID sensors into an extremely low temperature industrial freezer, is presented. The last two papers in the dissertation deal with diagnostic and prognostic decision making models in order to assure the healthy operation of a manufacturing system and its components. In the fourth paper a Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) based prognostics tool is developed and it is used to estimate the remaining useful life of rolling element bearings using data acquired from vibration sensors. In the final paper, an MTS based prognostics tool is developed for a centrifugal water pump, which fuses information from multiple types of sensors in order to take diagnostic and prognostics decisions for the pump and its components --Abstract, page iv

    Towards industrial internet of things: crankshaft monitoring, traceability and tracking using RFID

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    The large number of requirements and opportunities for automatic identification in manufacturing domains such as automotive and electronics has accelerated the demand for item-level tracking using radio-frequency identification technology. End-users are interested in implementing automatic identification systems, which are capable of ensuring full component process history, traceability and tracking preventing costly downtime to rectify processing defects and product recalls. The research outlined in this paper investigates the feasibility of implementing an RFID system for the manufacturing and assembly of crankshafts. The proposed solution involves the attachment of bolts with embedded RFID functionality by fitting a reader antenna reader to an overhead gantry that spans the production line and reads and writes production data to the tags. The manufacturing, assembly and service data captured through RFID tags and stored on a local server, could further be integrated with higher-level business applications facilitating seamless integration within the factory

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Integration of RFID and Industrial WSNs to Create A Smart Industrial Environment

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    A smart environment is a physical space that is seamlessly embedded with sensors, actuators, displays, and computing devices, connected through communication networks for data collection, to enable various pervasive applications. Radio frequency identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be used to create such smart environments, performing sensing, data acquisition, and communication functions, and thus connecting physical devices together to form a smart environment. This thesis first examines the features and requirements a smart industrial environment. It then focuses on the realization of such an environment by integrating RFID and industrial WSNs. ISA100.11a protocol is considered in particular for WSNs, while High Frequency RFID is considered for this thesis. This thesis describes designs and implementation of the hardware and software architecture necessary for proper integration of RFID and WSN systems. The hardware architecture focuses on communication interface and AI/AO interface circuit design; while the driver of the interface is implemented through embedded software. Through Web-based Human Machine Interface (HMI), the industrial users can monitor the process parameters, as well as send any necessary alarm information. In addition, a standard Mongo database is designed, allowing access to historical and current data to gain a more in-depth understanding of the environment being created. The information can therefore be uploaded to an IoT Cloud platform for easy access and storage. Four scenarios for smart industrial environments are mimicked and tested in a laboratory to demonstrate the proposed integrated system. The experimental results have showed that the communication from RFID reader to WSN node and the real-time wireless transmission of the integrated system meet design requirements. In addition, compared to a traditional wired PLC system where measurement error of the integrated system is less than 1%. The experimental results are thus satisfactory, and the design specifications have been achieved

    A digital twin framework for Industry 4.0 enabling next-gen manufacturing

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    Digital twins offer a framework to support the ever-rising demands in the fast-paced industrial evolution. This technology not only adds to the reliability of industrial processes but also offers an insight in to long-term behaviors and pattern during the aging of the industrial equipment. In this paper, a digital twin framework is presented to replicate the processes of a real production line for product assembly. The proposed work implements a digital/graphical replica of Festo Cyber Physical Factory (CPF) for Industry 4.0 (I4.0). The implemented system allows to schedule orders and specify product configuration which embodies the actions of CPF in digital world. In addition, the paper also presents a viable framework to interlink the physical system with the digital instance to offer extended services and a pathway towards realization of fully functional digital twins

    Mechatronic Systems

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    Mechatronics, the synergistic blend of mechanics, electronics, and computer science, has evolved over the past twenty five years, leading to a novel stage of engineering design. By integrating the best design practices with the most advanced technologies, mechatronics aims at realizing high-quality products, guaranteeing at the same time a substantial reduction of time and costs of manufacturing. Mechatronic systems are manifold and range from machine components, motion generators, and power producing machines to more complex devices, such as robotic systems and transportation vehicles. With its twenty chapters, which collect contributions from many researchers worldwide, this book provides an excellent survey of recent work in the field of mechatronics with applications in various fields, like robotics, medical and assistive technology, human-machine interaction, unmanned vehicles, manufacturing, and education. We would like to thank all the authors who have invested a great deal of time to write such interesting chapters, which we are sure will be valuable to the readers. Chapters 1 to 6 deal with applications of mechatronics for the development of robotic systems. Medical and assistive technologies and human-machine interaction systems are the topic of chapters 7 to 13.Chapters 14 and 15 concern mechatronic systems for autonomous vehicles. Chapters 16-19 deal with mechatronics in manufacturing contexts. Chapter 20 concludes the book, describing a method for the installation of mechatronics education in schools

    Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Printed Antennas for Sustainable Wireless Systems

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Design of Interactive Service Robots applying methods of Systems Engineering and Decision Making

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    Interaktive Service Roboter werden heute bereits in einigen Anwendungsszenarien eingesetzt, in denen sie beispielsweise Menschen durch Gebäude geleiten oder bei häuslichen Aufgaben unterstützen. Dennoch gibt es bislang kein System, das den erwarteten Marktdurchbruch geschafft hat. Die hohe Komplexität solcher Systeme und vielfältige Anforderungen durch Benutzer und Betreiber erschweren die Entwicklung von erfolgreichen Service Robotern. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei interaktive Service Roboter entwickelt, die das Potential haben, die beschriebenen Hinderungsgründe für einen breiten Einsatz zu überwinden. Das erste Robotersystem wurde als Shopping Roboter für Baumärkte entwickelt, in denen es Kunden zu gesuchten Produkten führt. Das zweite System dient als interaktiver Pflegeroboter älteren Menschen in häuslicher Umgebung bei der Bewältigung täglicher Aufgaben. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Realisierung der Embedded Systems beider Robotersysteme und umfasst insbesondere die Entwicklung der Low-Level System Architekturen, Energie Management Systeme, Kommunikationssysteme, Sensorsysteme, sowie ausgewählte Aspekte der mechanischen Umsetzung. Die Entwicklung einer Vielzahl von Steuerungsmodulen, notwendig für die Realisierung interaktiver Service Roboter, wird beschrieben. Die vorliegende Arbeit verwendet und erweitert Methoden des Systems Engineerings, um die hohe Systemkomplexität von interaktiven Service Robotern sowie die vielfältigen Anforderungen an deren späteren Einsatz beherrschen zu können. Der Entwicklungsprozess der beiden Roboter basiert auf dem V-Model, welches einen strukturierten Entwurfsablauf unter Berücksichtigung aller Systemanforderungen erlaubt. Es zwingt ferner zur frühzeitigen Spezifikation von Prüfabläufen, was die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit der Entwicklungsergebnisse verbessert. Für die Unterstützung von Entscheidungen im Entwicklungsprozess schlägt diese Arbeit eine Kombination aus dem V-Model und dem Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) vor. Der AHP hilft bei der Auswahl verfügbarer technischer Alternativen unter Berücksichtigung von Prioritäten im Entwicklungsprozess. Diese Arbeit spezifiziert sieben Kriterien, die Service Roboter charakterisieren: Anpassbarkeit, Laufzeit, Benutzbarkeit, Robustheit, Sicherheit, Features und Kosten. Die Prioritäten dieser Kriterien im Entwicklungsprozess werden für jeden Roboter individuell bestimmt. Der AHP ermittelt die beste Lösung basierend auf diesen gewichteten Kriterien und den bewerteten technischen Alternativen. Die Einbindung des AHP in den V-Model Prozess wurde am Entwurf des Shopping Roboter entwickelt und geprüft. Die Allgemeingültigkeit dieser Methode wurde während der Entwicklung des Pflegeroboters verifiziert.Interactive service robots have already been developed and operate as example installations taking over guidance tasks or serving as home assistants. However, none of these systems have become an off-the-shelf product or have achieved the predicted breakthrough so far. The challenges of the design of such systems are, on the one hand, the combination of cutting edge technologies to a complex product; on the other hand, the consideration of requirements important for the later marketing during the design process. In the framework of this dissertation, two interactive service robot systems are developed that have the potential to overcome current market entry barriers. These robots are designed to operate in two different environments: one robot guides walked-in users in large home improvement stores to requested product locations and interacts with the customer to provide product information; the other robot assists elderly people to stay longer in their homes and takes over home-care tasks. This work describes the realization of the embedded systems of both robots. In particular, the design of low-level system architectures, energy management systems, communication systems, sensor systems, and selected aspects of mechanical implementations are carried out in this work. Multiple embedded system modules are developed for the control of the robots' functionalities; the development processes as well as the composition and evaluation of these modules are presented in this work. To cope with the complexity and the various factors that are important for the design of the robots, this thesis applies and further develops system engineering methods. The development process is based on the V-Model system design method. The V-Model helps to structure the design process under consideration of all system requirements. It involves evaluation procedures at all design levels, and thus increases the quality and reliability of the development outputs. To support design decisions, this thesis proposes to combine the V-Model with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The AHP helps to evaluate technical alternatives for design decisions according to overall criteria, a system has to fulfill. This thesis defines seven criteria that characterize a service robot: Adaptability, Operation Time, Usability, Robustness, Safeness, Features, and Costs. These criteria are weighted for each individual robot application. The AHP evaluates technical design alternatives based on the weighted criteria to reveal the best technical solution. The integration of the AHP into the V-Model development is tested and improved during the design process of the shopping robot system. The generality of this combined systematic design approach is validated during the design of the home-care robot system

    A Role-Based Approach for Orchestrating Emergent Configurations in the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is envisioned as a global network of connected things enabling ubiquitous machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. With estimations of billions of sensors and devices to be connected in the coming years, the IoT has been advocated as having a great potential to impact the way we live, but also how we work. However, the connectivity aspect in itself only accounts for the underlying M2M infrastructure. In order to properly support engineering IoT systems and applications, it is key to orchestrate heterogeneous 'things' in a seamless, adaptive and dynamic manner, such that the system can exhibit a goal-directed behaviour and take appropriate actions. Yet, this form of interaction between things needs to take a user-centric approach and by no means elude the users' requirements. To this end, contextualisation is an important feature of the system, allowing it to infer user activities and prompt the user with relevant information and interactions even in the absence of intentional commands. In this work we propose a role-based model for emergent configurations of connected systems as a means to model, manage, and reason about IoT systems including the user's interaction with them. We put a special focus on integrating the user perspective in order to guide the emergent configurations such that systems goals are aligned with the users' intentions. We discuss related scientific and technical challenges and provide several uses cases outlining the concept of emergent configurations.Comment: In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Internet of Agents @AAMAS201