64 research outputs found

    Distance Estimation Algorithm for Wireless Localization Systems Based on Lyapunov Sensitivity Theory

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    The paper describes a novel distance evaluation algorithm based on the time-difference of arrival (TDOA) principle. The proposed method solves the distance estimation problem applying the Lyapunov theory. To perform this task, the distance evaluation problem is converted to a parameters identification process exploiting the sensing signal peculiarities. This latter combines the properties of the Frank-Zadoff-Chu (FZC) sequences with the Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme. The resulting signal can be used to improve accuracy and precision in distance estimation using a reduced signal bandwidth. The system was modeled considering either an additive white noise Gaussian channel and a moderate multipath model. The simulation results demonstrate that the system achieves an accuracy and a precision better than 10 cm considering SNR equal to 0 dB and signal bandwidths of only 125 MHz

    A survey on acoustic positioning systems for location-based services

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    Positioning systems have become increasingly popular in the last decade for location-based services, such as navigation, and asset tracking and management. As opposed to outdoor positioning, where the global navigation satellite system became the standard technology, there is no consensus yet for indoor environments despite the availability of different technologies, such as radio frequency, magnetic field, visual light communications, or acoustics. Within these options, acoustics emerged as a promising alternative to obtain high-accuracy low-cost systems. Nevertheless, acoustic signals have to face very demanding propagation conditions, particularly in terms of multipath and Doppler effect. Therefore, even if many acoustic positioning systems have been proposed in the last decades, it remains an active and challenging topic. This article surveys the developed prototypes and commercial systems that have been presented since they first appeared around the 1980s to 2022. We classify these systems into different groups depending on the observable that they use to calculate the user position, such as the time-of-flight, the received signal strength, or the acoustic spectrum. Furthermore, we summarize the main properties of these systems in terms of accuracy, coverage area, and update rate, among others. Finally, we evaluate the limitations of these groups based on the link budget approach, which gives an overview of the system's coverage from parameters such as source and noise level, detection threshold, attenuation, and processing gain.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónResearch Council of Norwa

    Architectures and Algorithms for the Signal Processing of Advanced MIMO Radar Systems

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    This thesis focuses on the research, development and implementation of novel concepts, architectures, demonstrator systems and algorithms for the signal processing of advanced Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar systems. The key concept is to address compact system, which have high resolutions and are able to perform a fast radar signal processing, three-dimensional (3D), and four-dimensional (4D) beamforming for radar image generation and target estimation. The idea is to obtain a complete sensing of range, Azimuth and elevation (additionally Doppler as the fourth dimension) from the targets in the radar captures. The radar technology investigated, aims at addressing sev- eral civil and military applications, such as surveillance and detection of targets, both air and ground based, and situational awareness, both in cars and in flying platforms, from helicopters, to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and air-taxis. Several major topics have been targeted. The development of complete systems and innovative FPGA, ARM and software based digital architectures for 3D imaging MIMO radars, which operate in both Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Divi- sion Multiplexing (FDM) modes, with Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signals, respectively. The de- velopment of real-time radar signal processing, beamforming and Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA) algorithms for target detection, with particular focus on FFT based, hardware implementable techniques. The study and implementation of advanced system concepts, parametrisation and simulation of next generation real-time digital radars (e.g. OFDM based). The design and development of novel constant envelope orthogonal waveforms for real-time 3D OFDM MIMO radar systems. The MIMO architectures presented in this thesis are a collection of system concepts, de- sign and simulations, as well as complete radar demonstrators systems, with indoor and outdoor measurements. Several of the results shown, come in the form of radar images which have been captured in field-test, in different scenarios, which aid in showing the proper functionality of the systems. The research activities for this thesis, have been carried out on the premises of Air- bus, based in Munich (Germany), as part of a Ph.D. candidate joint program between Airbus and the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura), of the University of Udine, based in Udine (Italy).Questa tesi si concentra sulla ricerca, lo sviluppo e l\u2019implementazione di nuovi concetti, architetture, sistemi dimostrativi e algoritmi per l\u2019elaborazione dei segnali in sistemi radar avanzati, basati su tecnologia Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). Il con- cetto chiave `e quello di ottenere sistemi compatti, dalle elevate risoluzioni e in grado di eseguire un\u2019elaborazione del segnale radar veloce, un beam-forming tri-dimensionale (3D) e quadri-dimensionale (4D) per la generazione di immagini radar e la stima delle informazioni dei bersagli, detti target. L\u2019idea `e di ottenere una stima completa, che includa la distanza, l\u2019Azimuth e l\u2019elevazione (addizionalmente Doppler come quarta di- mensione) dai target nelle acquisizioni radar. La tecnologia radar indagata ha lo scopo di affrontare diverse applicazioni civili e militari, come la sorveglianza e la rilevazione di targets, sia a livello aereo che a terra, e la consapevolezza situazionale, sia nelle auto che nelle piattaforme di volo, dagli elicotteri, ai Unmanned Aerial Vehicels (UAV) e taxi volanti (air-taxis). Le tematiche affrontante sono molte. Lo sviluppo di sistemi completi e di architetture digitali innovative, basate su tecnologia FPGA, ARM e software, per radar 3D MIMO, che operano in modalit`a Multiplexing Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) e Multiplexing Frequency Diversion (FDM), con segnali di tipo FMCW (Frequency Modulated Contin- uous Wave) e Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), rispettivamente. Lo sviluppo di tecniche di elaborazione del segnale radar in tempo reale, algoritmi di beam-forming e di stima della direzione di arrivo, Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA), dei seg- nali radar, per il rilevamento dei target, con particolare attenzione a processi basati su trasformate di Fourier (FFT). Lo studio e l\u2019implementazione di concetti di sistema avan- zati, parametrizzazione e simulazione di radar digitali di prossima generazione, capaci di operare in tempo reale (ad esempio basati su architetture OFDM). Progettazione e sviluppo di nuove forme d\u2019onda ortogonali ad inviluppo costante per sistemi radar 3D di tipo OFDM MIMO, operanti in tempo reale. Le attivit`a di ricerca di questa tesi sono state svolte presso la compagnia Airbus, con sede a Monaco di Baviera (Germania), nell\u2019ambito di un programma di dottorato, svoltosi in maniera congiunta tra Airbus ed il Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura dell\u2019Universit`a di Udine, con sede a Udine

    Enabling Technology and Algorithm Design for Location-Aware Communications

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    Location-awareness is emerging as a promising technique for future-generation wire­ less network to adaptively enhance and optimize its overall performance through location-enabled technologies such as location-assisted transceiver reconfiguration and routing. The availability of accurate location information of mobile users becomes the essential prerequisite for the design of such location-aware networks. Motivated by the low locationing accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in dense multipath environments, which is commonly used for acquiring location information in most of the existing wireless networks, wireless communication system-based po­sitioning systems have been investigated as alternatives to fill the gap of the GPS in coverage. Distance-based location techniques using time-of-arrival (TOA) mea­surements are commonly preferred by broadband wireless communications where the arrival time of the signal component of the First Arriving Path (FAP) can be con­verted to the distance between the receiver and the transmitter with known location. With at least three transmitters, the location of the receiver can be determined via trilatération method. However, identification of the FAP’s signal component in dense multipath scenarios is quite challenging due to the significantly weaker power of the FAP as compared with the Later Arriving Paths (LAPs) from scattering, reflection and refraction, and the superposition of these random arrival LAPs’ signal compo­ nents will become large interference to detect the FAP. In this thesis, a robust FAP detection scheme based on multipath interference cancellation is proposed to im­ prove the accuracy of location estimation in dense multipath environments. In the proposed algorithm, the signal components of LAPs is reconstructed based on the estimated channel and data with the assist of the communication receiver, and sub­ sequently removed from the received signal. Accurate FAP detection results are then achieved with the cross-correlation between the interference-suppressed signal and an augmented preamble which is the combination of the original preamble for com­ munications and the demodulated data sequences. Therefore, more precise distance estimation (hence location estimation) can be obtained with the proposed algorithm for further reliable network optimization strategy design. On the other hand, multiceli cooperative communication is another emerging technique to substantially improve the coverage and throughput of traditional cellular networks. Location-awareness also plays an important role in the design and imple­mentation of multiceli cooperation technique. With accurate location information of mobile users, the complexity of multiceli cooperation algorithm design can be dra­matically reduced by location-assisted applications, e.g., automatic cooperative base station (BS) determination and signal synchronization. Therefore, potential latency aroused by cooperative processing will be minimized. Furthermore, the cooperative BSs require the sharing of certain information, e.g., channel state information (CSI), user data and transmission parameters to perform coordination in their signaling strategies. The BSs need to have the capabilities to exchange available information with each other to follow up with the time-varying communication environment. As most of broadband wireless communication systems are already orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based, a Multi-Layered OFDM System, which is spe­cially tailored for multiceli cooperation is investigated to provide parallel robust, efficient and flexible signaling links for BS coordination purposes. These layers are overlaid with data-carrying OFDM signals in both time and frequency domains and therefore, no dedicated radio resources are required for multiceli cooperative networks. In the final aspect of this thesis, an enhanced channel estimation through itera­ tive decision-directed method is investigated for OFDM system, which aims to provide more accurate estimation results with the aid of the demodulated OFDM data. The performance of traditional training sequence-based channel estimation is often lim­ ited by the length of the training. To achieve acceptable estimation performance, a long sequence has to be used which dramatically reduces the transmission efficiency of data communication. In this proposed method, the restriction of the training se­quence length can be removed and high channel estimation accuracy can be achieved with high transmission efficiency, and therefore it particular fits in multiceli coopera­tive networks. On the other hand, as the performance of the proposed FAP detection scheme also relies on the accuracy of channel estimation and data detection results, the proposed method can be combined with the FAP detection scheme to further optimize the accuracy of multipath interference cancellation and FAP detection

    Sistema de localização automática de dispositivos móveis com recurso à sequências perfeitas de rádio frequência

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    Recent advancements in the area of nanotechnology have brought us into a new age of pervasive computing devices. These computing devices grow ever smaller and are being used in ways which were unimaginable before. Recent interest in developing a precise indoor positioning system, as opposed to existing outdoor systems, has given way to much research heading into the area. The use of these small computing devices offers many conveniences for usage in indoor positioning systems. This thesis will deal with using small computing devices Raspberry Pi’s to enable and improve position estimation of mobile devices within closed spaces. The newly patented Orthogonal Perfect DFT Golay coding sequences will be used inside this scenario, and their positioning properties will be tested. After that, testing and comparisons with other coding sequences will be done

    Time of Arrival and Angle of Arrival Estimation of LTE Signals for Positioning Applications

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    With the increase of services that need accurate location of the user, new techniques that cooperate with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are necessary. Toward this objective, this thesis presents our research work about the estimation of the time of arrival (TOA) and of the angle of arrival (AOA) exploiting modern cellular signals. In particular, we focus on the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard, and in particular uplink and downlink reference signals are exploited to this purposes. The current release of the 3GPP LTE specification supports a UTDOA localization technique based on the Sounding Reference Signal (SRS). In real environments, however, user equipments (UE) are rarely set up to transmit this particular signal. The main original contribution of this thesis consists in a new TOA estimation method based on uplink transmission. In particular, we explore the possibility of performing radio localization exploiting the uplink Demodulation Reference Signal (DM-RS), which is always sent by UEs during data transmission. Real uplink transmissions are modeled in simulations and the performance of known algorithms like SAGE and IAA-APES are evaluated for TOA estimation. A new method to estimate the initial conditions of the SAGE algorithm is proposed and the estimation performance in uplink scenarios is evaluated. The analysis revealed that the proposed method outperforms the non-coherent initial conditions estimation proposed in the literature, when uplink transmission are used. Then, the benefits of our proposal are evaluated and the feasibility of TOA estimation exploiting the DM-RS is demonstrated by means of experiments using real DM-RS signals generated by an LTE module. A second original contribution is given by AOA estimation. In particular, the independence of AOA estimation with respect to uplink and downlink transmission is verified. According to this result, the performance of IAA-APES and SAGE in real-world AOA experiments is evaluated in the downlink scenarios. Based on the overall results, we conclude that the proposed radio localization method, exploiting the uplink Demodulation Reference Signal (DM-RS), can be extended also to joint TOA, AOA using SAGE, for hybrid localization techniques. We can also conclude that the proposed method can be easily extended to downlink transmission exploiting the cell specific reference signal (CRS)

    Ultra-Wideband Secure Communications and Direct RF Sampling Transceivers

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    Larger wireless device bandwidth results in new capabilities in terms of higher data rates and security. The 5G evolution is focus on exploiting larger bandwidths for higher though-puts. Interference and co-existence issues can also be addressed by the larger bandwidth in the 5G and 6G evolution. This dissertation introduces of a novel Ultra-wideband (UWB) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique to exploit the largest bandwidth available in the upcoming wireless connectivity scenarios. The dissertation addresses interference immunity, secure communication at the physical layer and longer distance communication due to increased receiver sensitivity. The dissertation presents the design, workflow, simulations, hardware prototypes and experimental measurements to demonstrate the benefits of wideband Code-Division-Multiple-Access. Specifically, a description of each of the hardware and software stages is presented along with simulations of different scenarios using a test-bench and open-field measurements. The measurements provided experimental validation carried out to demonstrate the interference mitigation capabilities. In addition, Direct RF sampling techniques are employed to handle the larger bandwidth and avoid analog components. Additionally, a transmit and receive chain is designed and implemented at 28 GHz to provide a proof-of-concept for future 5G applications. The proposed wideband transceiver is also used to demonstrate higher accuracy direction finding, as much as 10 times improvement

    Kapeankaistan LTE koneiden välisessä satelliittitietoliikenteessä

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    Recent trends to wireless Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication and Internet of Things (IoT) has created a new demand for more efficient low-throughput wireless data connections. Beside the traditional wireless standards, focused on high bandwidth data transfer, has emerged a new generation of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) which targets for less power demanding low-throughput devices requiring inexpensive data connections. Recently released NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT) specification extends the existing 4G/LTE standard allowing more easily accessible LPWAN cellular connectivity for IoT devices. Narrower bandwidth and lower data rates combined to a simplified air interface make it less resource demanding still benefiting from the widely spread LTE technologies and infrastructure. %% Applications & Why space Applications, such as wide scale sensor or asset tracking networks, can benefit from a global scale network coverage and easily available low-cost user equipment which could be made possible by new narrowband IoT satellite networks. In this thesis, the NB-IoT specification and its applicability for satellite communication is discussed. Primarily, LTE and NB-IoT standards are designed only for terrestrial and their utilization in Earth-to-space communication raises new challenges, such as timing and frequency synchronization requirements when utilizing Orthogonal Frequency Signal Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques. Many of these challenges can be overcome by specification adaptations and other existing techniques making minimal changes to the standard and allowing extension of the terrestrial cellular networks to global satellite access.Viimeaikaiset kehitystrendit koneiden välisessä kommunikaatiossa (Machine to Machine Communication, M2M) ja esineiden Internet (Internet of Things, IoT) -sovelluksissa ovat luoneet perinteisteisten nopean tiedonsiirron langattomien standardien ohelle uuden sukupolven LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Networks) -tekniikoita, jotka ovat tarkoitettu pienitehoisille tiedonsiirtoa tarvitseville sovelluksille. Viimeaikoina yleistynyt NB-IoT standardi laajentaa 4G/LTE standardia mahdollistaen entistä matalamman virrankulutuksen matkapuhelinyhteydet IoT laitteissa. Kapeampi lähetyskaista ja hitaampi tiedonsiirtonopeus yhdistettynä yksinkertaisempaan ilmarajapintaan mahdollistaa pienemmän resurssivaatimukset saman aikaan hyötyen laajalti levinneistä LTE teknologioista ja olemassa olevasta infrastruktuurista. Useissa sovelluskohteissa, kuten suurissa sensoriverkoissa, voitaisiin hyötyä merkittävästi globaalista kattavuudesta yhdistettynä edullisiin helposti saataviin päätelaitteisiin. Tässä työssä käsitellään NB-IoT standardia ja sen soveltuvuutta satellittitietoliikenteeseen. LTE ja NB-IoT ovat kehitty maanpääliseen tietoliikenteeseen ja niiden hyödyntäminen avaruuden ja maan välisessä kommunikaatiossa aiheuttaa uusia haasteita esimerkiksi aika- ja taajuussynkronisaatiossa ja OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Signal Multiplexing) -tekniikan hyödyntämisessä. Nämä haasteet voidaan ratkaista soveltamalla spesifikaatiota sekä muilla jo olemassa olevilla tekniikoilla tehden mahdollisimman vähän muutoksia alkuperäiseen standardiin, ja täten sallien maanpäälisten IoT verkkojen laajenemisen avaruuteen