1,626 research outputs found

    Hybrid ant colony system algorithm for static and dynamic job scheduling in grid computing

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    Grid computing is a distributed system with heterogeneous infrastructures. Resource management system (RMS) is one of the most important components which has great influence on the grid computing performance. The main part of RMS is the scheduler algorithm which has the responsibility to map submitted tasks to available resources. The complexity of scheduling problem is considered as a nondeterministic polynomial complete (NP-complete) problem and therefore, an intelligent algorithm is required to achieve better scheduling solution. One of the prominent intelligent algorithms is ant colony system (ACS) which is implemented widely to solve various types of scheduling problems. However, ACS suffers from stagnation problem in medium and large size grid computing system. ACS is based on exploitation and exploration mechanisms where the exploitation is sufficient but the exploration has a deficiency. The exploration in ACS is based on a random approach without any strategy. This study proposed four hybrid algorithms between ACS, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Tabu Search (TS) algorithms to enhance the ACS performance. The algorithms are ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS. These proposed hybrid algorithms will enhance ACS in terms of exploration mechanism and solution refinement by implementing low and high levels hybridization of ACS, GA, and TS algorithms. The proposed algorithms were evaluated against twelve metaheuristic algorithms in static (expected time to compute model) and dynamic (distribution pattern) grid computing environments. A simulator called ExSim was developed to mimic the static and dynamic nature of the grid computing. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform ACS in terms of best makespan values. Performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS are better than ACS by 0.35%, 2.03%, 4.65% and 6.99% respectively for static environment. For dynamic environment, performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS+TS, and ACS(TS) are better than ACS by 0.01%, 0.56%, 1.16%, and 1.26% respectively. The proposed algorithms can be used to schedule tasks in grid computing with better performance in terms of makespan

    Task Scheduling Using Hamming Particle Swarm Optimization in Distributed Systems

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    An efficient allocation of tasks to the processors is a crucial problem in heterogeneous computing systems. Finding an optimal schedule for such an environment is an NP-complete problem. Near optimal solutions are obtained within a finite duration using heuristics/meta-heuristics are used instead of exact optimization methods. Heuristics and meta-heuristics are the efficient technologies for scheduling tasks in distributed environment because of their ability to deliver high quality solutions in a reasonable time. Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) is a newly developed meta-heuristic computation technique. To enhance the final accuracy and improve the convergence speed of DPSO, this paper presents a modified DPSO algorithm by adjusting its inertia weight based on Hamming distance and also makes a dependency between the two random parameters r_1 and r_2 to control the balance of individual's and collective information in the velocity updating equation. Three criteria such as make span, mean flow time and reliability cost are used to assess the efficiency of the proposed DPSO algorithm for scheduling independent tasks on heterogeneous computing systems. Computational simulations are performed based on a set of benchmark instances to evaluate the performance of the proposed DPSO algorithm compared to existing methods

    Metaheuristic Based Scheduling Meta-Tasks in Distributed Heterogeneous Computing Systems

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    Scheduling is a key problem in distributed heterogeneous computing systems in order to benefit from the large computing capacity of such systems and is an NP-complete problem. In this paper, we present a metaheuristic technique, namely the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, for this problem. PSO is a population-based search algorithm based on the simulation of the social behavior of bird flocking and fish schooling. Particles fly in problem search space to find optimal or near-optimal solutions. The scheduler aims at minimizing makespan, which is the time when finishes the latest task. Experimental studies show that the proposed method is more efficient and surpasses those of reported PSO and GA approaches for this problem

    Hybrid scheduling algorithms in cloud computing: a review

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    Cloud computing is one of the emerging fields in computer science due to its several advancements like on-demand processing, resource sharing, and pay per use. There are several cloud computing issues like security, quality of service (QoS) management, data center energy consumption, and scaling. Scheduling is one of the several challenging problems in cloud computing, where several tasks need to be assigned to resources to optimize the quality of service parameters. Scheduling is a well-known NP-hard problem in cloud computing. This will require a suitable scheduling algorithm. Several heuristics and meta-heuristics algorithms were proposed for scheduling the user's task to the resources available in cloud computing in an optimal way. Hybrid scheduling algorithms have become popular in cloud computing. In this paper, we reviewed the hybrid algorithms, which are the combinations of two or more algorithms, used for scheduling in cloud computing. The basic idea behind the hybridization of the algorithm is to take useful features of the used algorithms. This article also classifies the hybrid algorithms and analyzes their objectives, quality of service (QoS) parameters, and future directions for hybrid scheduling algorithms

    Balancer genetic algorithm-a novel task scheduling optimization approach in cloud computing

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    Task scheduling is one of the core issues in cloud computing. Tasks are heterogeneous, and they have intensive computational requirements. Tasks need to be scheduled on Virtual Machines (VMs), which are resources in a cloud environment. Due to the immensity of search space for possible mappings of tasks to VMs, meta-heuristics are introduced for task scheduling. In scheduling makespan and load balancing, Quality of Service (QoS) parameters are crucial. This research contributes a novel load balancing scheduler, namely Balancer Genetic Algorithm (BGA), which is presented to improve makespan and load balancing. Insufficient load balancing can cause an overhead of utilization of resources, as some of the resources remain idle. BGA inculcates a load balancing mechanism, where the actual load in terms of million instructions assigned to VMs is considered. A need to opt for multi-objective optimization for improvement in load balancing and makespan is also emphasized. Skewed, normal and uniform distributions of workload and different batch sizes are used in experimentation. BGA has exhibited significant improvement compared with various state-of-the-art approaches for makespan, throughput and load balancing

    Design and Analysis of Self-Adapted Task Scheduling Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In a wireless sensor network (WSN), the usage of resources is usually highly related to the execution of tasks which consume a certain amount of computing and communication bandwidth. Parallel processing among sensors is a promising solution to provide the demanded computation capacity in WSNs. Task allocation and scheduling is a typical problem in the area of high performance computing. Although task allocation and scheduling in wired processor networks has been well studied in the past, their counterparts for WSNs remain largely unexplored. Existing traditional high performance computing solutions cannot be directly implemented in WSNs due to the limitations of WSNs such as limited resource availability and the shared communication medium. In this paper, a self-adapted task scheduling strategy for WSNs is presented. First, a multi-agent-based architecture for WSNs is proposed and a mathematical model of dynamic alliance is constructed for the task allocation problem. Then an effective discrete particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for the dynamic alliance (DPSO-DA) with a well-designed particle position code and fitness function is proposed. A mutation operator which can effectively improve the algorithm’s ability of global search and population diversity is also introduced in this algorithm. Finally, the simulation results show that the proposed solution can achieve significant better performance than other algorithms

    Decentralized algorithm of dynamic task allocation for a swarm of homogeneous robots

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    The current trends in the robotics field have led to the development of large-scale swarm robot systems, which are deployed for complex missions. The robots in these systems must communicate and interact with each other and with their environment for complex task processing. A major problem for this trend is the poor task planning mechanism, which includes both task decomposition and task allocation. Task allocation means to distribute and schedule a set of tasks to be accomplished by a group of robots to minimize the cost while satisfying operational constraints. Task allocation mechanism must be run by each robot, which integrates the swarm whenever it senses a change in the environment to make sure the robot is assigned to the most appropriate task, if not, the robot should reassign itself to its nearest task. The main contribution in this thesis is to maximize the overall efficiency of the system by minimizing the total time needed to accomplish the dynamic task allocation problem. The near-optimal allocation schemes are found using a novel hybrid decentralized algorithm for a dynamic task allocation in a swarm of homogeneous robots, where the number of the tasks is more than the robots present in the system. This hybrid approach is based on both the Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization technique combined with the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) technique. Also, another major contribution in this thesis is the formulation of the dynamic task allocation equations for the homogeneous swarm robotics using integer linear programming and the cost function and constraints are introduced for the given problem. Then, the DPSO and SA algorithms are developed to accomplish the task in a minimal time. Simulation is implemented using only two test cases via MATLAB. Simulation results show that PSO exhibits a smaller and more stable convergence characteristics and SA technique owns a better quality solution. Then, after developing the hybrid algorithm, which combines SA with PSO, simulation instances are extended to include fifteen more test cases with different swarm dimensions to ensure the robustness and scalability of the proposed algorithm over the traditional PSO and SA optimization techniques. Based on the simulation results, the hybrid DPSO/SA approach proves to have a higher efficiency in both small and large swarm sizes than the other traditional algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization technique and Simulated Annealing technique. The simulation results also demonstrate that the proposed approach can dislodge a state from a local minimum and guide it to the global minimum. Thus, the contributions of the proposed hybrid DPSO/SA algorithm involve possessing both the pros of high quality solution in SA and the fast convergence time capability in PSO. Also, a parameters\u27 selection process for the hybrid algorithm is proposed as a further contribution in an attempt to enhance the algorithm efficiency because the heuristic optimization techniques are very sensitive to any parameter changes. In addition, Verification is performed to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with results of an exact solver in terms of computational time, number of iterations and quality of solution. The exact solver that is used in this research is the Hungarian algorithm. This comparison shows that the proposed algorithm gives a superior performance in almost all swarm sizes with both stable and small execution time. However, it also shows that the proposed hybrid algorithm\u27s cost values which is the distance traveled by the robots to perform the tasks are larger than the cost values of the Hungarian algorithm but the execution time of the hybrid algorithm is much better. Finally, one last contribution in this thesis is that the proposed algorithm is implemented and extensively tested in a real experiment using a swarm of 4 robots. The robots that are used in the real experiment called Elisa-III robots

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Multiprocessor System-on-Chips based Wireless Sensor Network Energy Optimization

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an integrated part of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) used to monitor the physical or environmental conditions without human intervention. In WSN one of the major challenges is energy consumption reduction both at the sensor nodes and network levels. High energy consumption not only causes an increased carbon footprint but also limits the lifetime (LT) of the network. Network-on-Chip (NoC) based Multiprocessor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) are becoming the de-facto computing platform for computationally extensive real-time applications in IoT due to their high performance and exceptional quality-of-service. In this thesis a task scheduling problem is investigated using MPSoCs architecture for tasks with precedence and deadline constraints in order to minimize the processing energy consumption while guaranteeing the timing constraints. Moreover, energy-aware nodes clustering is also performed to reduce the transmission energy consumption of the sensor nodes. Three distinct problems for energy optimization are investigated given as follows: First, a contention-aware energy-efficient static scheduling using NoC based heterogeneous MPSoC is performed for real-time tasks with an individual deadline and precedence constraints. An offline meta-heuristic based contention-aware energy-efficient task scheduling is developed that performs task ordering, mapping, and voltage assignment in an integrated manner. Compared to state-of-the-art scheduling our proposed algorithm significantly improves the energy-efficiency. Second, an energy-aware scheduling is investigated for a set of tasks with precedence constraints deploying Voltage Frequency Island (VFI) based heterogeneous NoC-MPSoCs. A novel population based algorithm called ARSH-FATI is developed that can dynamically switch between explorative and exploitative search modes at run-time. ARSH-FATI performance is superior to the existing task schedulers developed for homogeneous VFI-NoC-MPSoCs. Third, the transmission energy consumption of the sensor nodes in WSN is reduced by developing ARSH-FATI based Cluster Head Selection (ARSH-FATI-CHS) algorithm integrated with a heuristic called Novel Ranked Based Clustering (NRC). In cluster formation parameters such as residual energy, distance parameters, and workload on CHs are considered to improve LT of the network. The results prove that ARSH-FATI-CHS outperforms other state-of-the-art clustering algorithms in terms of LT.University of Derby, Derby, U
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