112 research outputs found

    Adaptive carrier supression for UHF RFID using digitally tunable capacitors

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    In UHF (Ultra High Frequency) RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) systems Rx (Receiver) is usually isolated from Tx (Transmitter) by a circulator or a directional coupler. Since tags become more sensitive in order to improve reading distance, the relatively poor isolation of 20dB – 30dB limits the tag to reader link. A way to improve a directional coupler’s isolation is to mismatch the unused port to generate a carrier cancelling signal. In this paper an impedance network using digitally tunable capacitors is proposed. The advantage of this solution is that changes in the system – like antenna characteristics or cable length - can be recalibrated at any time by a controller. Finally an isolation of minimum 47dB for any antenna characteristic (minimum return loss of 18dB) and any cable length was reached. Also an algorithm was implemented on a simple MSP430 controller to find the optimum impedance to minimize carrier leakage

    Sistemas eficientes de transmissão de energia sem-fios e identificação por radiofrequência

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaIn the IoT context, where billions of connected objects are expected to be ubiquitously deployed worldwide, the frequent battery maintenance of ubiquitous wireless nodes is undesirable or even impossible. In these scenarios, passive-backscatter radios will certainly play a crucial role due to their low cost, low complexity and battery-free operation. However, as passive-backscatter devices are chiefly limited by the WPT link, its efficiency optimization has been a major research concern over the years, gaining even more emphasis in the IoT context. Wireless power transfer has traditionally been carried out using CW signals, and the efficiency improvement has commonly been achieved through circuit design optimization. This thesis explores a fundamentally different approach, in which the optimization is focused on the powering waveforms, rather than the circuits. It is demonstrated through theoretical analysis, simulations and measurements that, given their greater ability to overcome the built-in voltage of rectifying devices, high PAPR multi-sine (MS) signals are capable of more efficiently exciting energy harvesting circuits when compared to CWs. By using optimal MS signals to excite rectifying devices, remarkable RF-DC conversion efficiency gains of up to 15 dB with respect to CW signals were obtained. In order to show the effectiveness of this approach to improve the communication range of passive-backscatter systems, a MS front-end was integrated in a commercial RFID reader and a significant range extension of 25% was observed. Furthermore, a software-defined radio RFID reader, compliant with ISO18000-6C standard and with MS capability, was constructed from scratch. By interrogating passive RFID transponders with MS waveforms, a transponder sensitivity improvement higher than 3 dB was obtained for optimal MS signals. Since the amplification and transmission of high PAPR signals is critical, this work also proposes efficient MS transmitting architectures based on space power combining techniques. This thesis also addresses other not less important issues, namely self-jamming in passive RFID readers, which is the second limiting factor of passive-backscatter systems. A suitable self-jamming suppression scheme was first used for CW signals and then extended to MS signals, yielding a CW isolation up to 50 dB and a MS isolation up 60 dB. Finally, a battery-less remote control system was developed and integrated in a commercial TV device with the purpose of demonstrating a practical application of wireless power transfer and passive-backscatter concepts. This allowed battery-free control of four basic functionalities of the TV (CH+,CH-,VOL+,VOL-).No contexto da internet das coisas (IoT), onde são esperados bilhões de objetos conectados espalhados pelo planeta de forma ubíqua, torna-se impraticável uma frequente manutenção e troca de baterias dos dispositivos sem fios ubíquos. Nestes cenários, os sistemas radio backscatter passivos terão um papel preponderante dado o seu baixo custo, baixa complexidade e não necessidade de baterias nos nós móveis. Uma vez que a transmissão de energia sem fios é o principal aspeto limitativo nestes sistemas, a sua otimização tem sido um tema central de investigação, ganhando ainda mais ênfase no contexto IoT. Tradicionalmente, a transferência de energia sem-fios é feita através de sinais CW e a maximização da eficiência é conseguida através da otimização dos circuitos recetores. Neste trabalho explora-se uma abordagem fundamentalmente diferente, em que a otimização foca-se nas formas de onda em vez dos circuitos. Demonstra-se, teoricamente e através de simulações e medidas que, devido à sua maior capacidade em superar a barreira de potencial intrínseca dos dispositivos retificadores, os sinais multi-seno (MS) de elevado PAPR são capazes de excitar os circuitos de colheita de energia de forma mais eficiente quando comparados com o sinal CW tradicional. Usando sinais MS ótimos em circuitos retificadores, foram verificadas experimentalmente melhorias de eficiência de conversão RF-DC notáveis de até 15 dB relativamente ao sinal CW. A fim de mostrar a eficácia desta abordagem na melhoria da distância de comunicação de sistemas backscatter passivos, integrou-se um front-end MS num leitor RFID comercial e observou-se um aumento significativo de 25% na distância de leitura. Além disso, desenvolveu-se de raiz um leitor RFID baseado em software rádio, compatível com o protocolo ISO18000-6C e capaz de gerar sinais MS, com os quais interrogou-se transponders passivos, obtendo-se ganhos de sensibilidade dos transponders maiores que 3 dB. Uma vez que a amplificação de sinais de elevado PAPR é uma operação crítica, propôs-se também novas arquiteturas eficientes de transmissão baseadas na combinação de sinais em espaço livre. Esta tese aborda também outros aspetos não menos importantes, como o self-jamming em leitores RFID passivos, tido como o segundo fator limitativo neste tipo de sistemas. Estudou-se técnicas de cancelamento de self-jamming CW e estendeu-se o conceito a sinais MS, tendo-se obtido isolamentos entre o transmissor e o recetor de até 50 dB no primeiro caso e de até 60 dB no segundo. Finalmente, com o objetivo de demonstrar uma aplicação prática dos conceitos de transmissão de energia sem fios e comunicação backscatter, desenvolveu-se um sistema de controlo remoto sem pilhas, cujo protótipo foi integrado num televisor comercial a fim de controlar quatro funcionalidades básicas (CH+,CH-,VOL+,VOL-)

    Passive low frequency RFID for non-destructive evaluation and monitoring

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    Ph. D ThesisDespite of immense research over the years, defect monitoring in harsh environmental conditions still presents notable challenges for Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). One of the substantial challenges is the inaccessibility to the metal surface due to the large stand-off distance caused by the insulation layer. The hidden nature of corrosion and defect under thick insulation in harsh environmental conditions may result in it being not noticed and ultimately leading to failures. Generally electromagnetic NDT&E techniques which are used in pipeline industries require the removal of the insulation layer or high powered expensive equipment. Along with these, other limitations in the existing techniques create opportunities for novel systems to solve the challenges caused by Corrosion under Insulation (CUI). Extending from Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC), this research proposes the development and use of passive Low Frequency (LF) RFID hardware system for the detection and monitoring of corrosion and cracks on both ferrous and non-ferrous materials at varying high temperature conditions. The passive, low cost essence of RFID makes it an enchanting technique for long term condition monitoring. The contribution of the research work can be summarised as follows: (1) implementation of novel LF RFID sensor systems and the rig platform, experimental studies validating the detection capabilities of corrosion progression samples using transient feature analysis with respect to permeability and electrical conductivity changes along with enhanced sensitivity demonstration using ferrite sheet attached to the tag; (2) defect detection using swept frequency method to study the multiple frequency behaviour and further temperature suppression using feature fusion technique; (3) inhomogeneity study on ferrous materials at varying temperature and demonstration of the potential of the RFID system; (4) use of RFID tag with ceramic filled Poly-tetra-fluoro-ethyulene (PTFE) substrate for larger applicability of the sensing system in the industry; (5) lift-off independent defect monitoring using passive sweep frequency RFID sensors and feature extraction and fusion for robustness improvement. This research concludes that passive LF RFID system can be used to detect corrosion and crack on both ferrous and non-ferrous materials and then the system can be used to compensate for temperature variation making it useful for a wider range of applications. However, significant challenges such as permanent deployment of the tags for long term monitoring at higher temperatures and much higher standoff distance, still require improvement for real-world applicability.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) CASE, National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL)

    Sum Throughput Maximization in Multi-Tag Backscattering to Multiantenna Reader

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    Backscatter communication (BSC) is being realized as the core technology for pervasive sustainable Internet-of-Things applications. However, owing to the resource-limitations of passive tags, the efficient usage of multiple antennas at the reader is essential for both downlink excitation and uplink detection. This work targets at maximizing the achievable sum-backscattered-throughput by jointly optimizing the transceiver (TRX) design at the reader and backscattering coefficients (BC) at the tags. Since, this joint problem is nonconvex, we first present individually-optimal designs for the TRX and BC. We show that with precoder and {combiner} designs at the reader respectively targeting downlink energy beamforming and uplink Wiener filtering operations, the BC optimization at tags can be reduced to a binary power control problem. Next, the asymptotically-optimal joint-TRX-BC designs are proposed for both low and high signal-to-noise-ratio regimes. Based on these developments, an iterative low-complexity algorithm is proposed to yield an efficient jointly-suboptimal design. Thereafter, we discuss the practical utility of the proposed designs to other application settings like wireless powered communication networks and BSC with imperfect channel state information. Lastly, selected numerical results, validating the analysis and shedding novel insights, demonstrate that the proposed designs can yield significant enhancement in the sum-backscattered throughput over existing benchmarks.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Optimization of Transmission Characteristics in UHF Transponder Systems

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Systeme verwenden Funkwellen für die Identifizierung von Objekten. In den letzten Jahren haben sich RFID-Systeme in einen aktiven interdisziplinären Forschungsbereich entwickelt. Verschiedene Algorithmen und Techniken von anderen Kommunikationsbereichen können und sind in RFID-Systeme eingesetzt worden. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Optimierung und Verbesserung von UHF RFID passiven Systemen. Es wird angestrebt die Anzahl der erfolgreichen Leseversuche bei ungünstiger Umgebung zu erhöhen bzw. zu ermöglichen. Die neu entwickelten Algorithmen sollten sich den dynamischen Arbeitskonditionen anpassen.Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems use radio waves in order to retrieve the identity of an object. In the last years RFID systems has evolved into an active multidisciplinary area of research and development, composed by a broad spectrum of fields. Many algorithms and technologies of other communication areas can and have been applied to RFID systems. The goal of this thesis is to optimize and improve the RFID passive systems working on the UHF frequency band. The objective is to enable or even increase the probability of a successful read in harsh environments. The new developed algorithms should adapt to the dynamic working conditions

    Two Improved Cancellation Techniques for Direct-Conversion Receivers

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