5 research outputs found

    High-voltage ESD structures and ESD protection concepts in smart power technologies

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    Electro-static discharge (ESD) event can cause upset or permanent damage of integrated circuits (IC) and electrical systems. The risk of ESD fails needs to be mitigated or prevented. ESD robustness of IC products and electrical systems is specified, verified and qualified according to respective ESD standards. For high-voltage IC products based on smart power semiconductor technologies for industrial, power and automotive applications, design of effective and cost-efficient ESD protection is a big challenge, demanding wide and deep technical knowledge throughout high-frequency and high-power characterization techniques, semiconductor device physic, circuit design as well as modeling and simulation. The required measurement setups and tester components are developed and introduced. The characterization of ESD protection devices, IC and off-chip circuit elements is enabled and improved. The rise-time filters are important for the study of rise-time dependent ESD robustness. The human metal model (HMM) tester as an alternative to IEC ESD generators provides voltage waveform measurement with good quality in addition to current waveform measurement. It can be used for wafer-level or package-level device characterization. The measurement results of HMM tester and IEC ESD generator are compared. The on-chip ESD protection design relies on proper choice of different types of ESD protection devices and structures, depending on ESD specifications and IC applications. Typical on-chip ESD protection, whether snapback or non-snapback, single device or ESD circuit is introduced. The failure levels studies give a systematic benchmark of the ESD protection devices and structures, concerning device area, clamping voltage and other relevant parameters. The trade-off between those parameters and limitation of different ESD protection is discussed. Moreover, understanding of ESD failure modes is the key to implement effective ESD design. A unique ESD failure mode of smart power semiconductor device is discovered and investigated in detail. In the scope of finding ESD solutions, new active ESD clamps have been further developed in this work. The study of ESD protection is extended to the system-level involving on- and off-chip ESD protection elements. The characteristics of typical off-chip elements as well as the interaction between IC and off-chip protection elements plays essential role on the system robustness. A system-level ESD simulation incorporating IC and off-chip protection elements is desired for system efficient ESD design (SEED). A behavioral ESD model is developed which reproduces pulse-energy-dependent failure levels and self-heating effects. This modeling methodology can be used for assessment of system robustness even beyond ESD time-domain. The validation of the models is given by representative application examples. Several main challenges of high-voltage ESD design in smart power technologies have been addressed in this work, which can serve as guidance for ESD development and product support in future power semiconductor technologies

    Analysis and modeling methods for predicting functional robustness of integrated circuits during fast transient events

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    La miniaturisation des circuits intégrés se poursuit de nos jours avec le développement de technologies toujours plus fines et denses. Elle permet une intégration des circuits toujours plus massive, avec des performances plus élevées et une réduction des coûts de production. La réduction de taille des circuits s'accompagne aussi d'une augmentation de leur sensibilité électrique. L'électronique automobile est un acteur majeur dans la nouvelle tendance des véhicules autonomes. Ce type d'application a besoin d'analyser des données et d'appliquer des actions sur le véhicule en temps réel. L'objectif à terme est d'améliorer la sécurité des usagers. Il est donc vital de garantir que ces modules électroniques pourront effectuer leurs tâches correctement malgré toutes les perturbations auxquelles ils seront exposés. Néanmoins, l'environnement automobile est particulièrement sévère pour l'électronique. Parmi tous les stress rencontrés, les décharges électrostatiques (ESD - Electrostatic Discharge) sont une importante source d'agression électrique. Ce type d'évènement très bref est suffisamment violent pour détruire des composants électroniques ou les perturber pendant leur fonctionnement. Les recherches présentées ici se concentrent sur l'analyse des défaillances fonctionnelles. À cause des ESD, des fonctions électroniques peuvent cesser temporairement d'être opérantes. Des méthodes d'analyse et de prédiction sont requises au niveau-circuit intégré afin de détecter des points de faiblesses susceptibles de générer des fautes fonctionnelles pendant l'exposition à un stress électrostatique. Différentes approches ont été proposées dans ce but. Une méthode hiérarchique de modélisation a été mise au point afin d'être capable de reproduire la forme d'onde ESD jusqu'à l'entrée du circuit intégré. Avec cette approche, chaque élément du système est modélisé individuellement puis son modèle ajouté au schéma complet. Un cas d'étude réaliste de défaillance fonctionnelle d'un circuit intégré a été analysé à l'aide d'outils de simulation. Afin d'obtenir plus de données sur cette faute, une puce de test a été développée, contenant des structures de surveillance et de mesure directement intégrées dans la puce. La dernière partie de ce travail de recherche est concentrée sur le développement de méthodes d'analyse dans le but d'identifier efficacement des fautes par simulation. Une des techniques développées consiste à modéliser chaque bloc d'une fonction individuellement puis permet de chaîner ces modèles afin de déterminer la robustesse de la fonction complète. La deuxième méthode tente de construire un modèle équivalent dit boite-noire d'une fonction de haut-niveau d'un circuit intégré. Ces travaux de recherche ont mené à la mise au point de prototypes matériels et logiciels et à la mise en évidence de points bloquants qui pourront constituer une base pour de futurs travaux.Miniaturization of electronic circuits continues nowadays with the more recent technology nodes being applied to diverse fields of application such as automotive. Very dense and small integrated circuits are interesting for economic reasons, because they are cheaper to manufacture in mass and can pack more functionalities with elevated performances. The counterpart of size reduction is integrated circuits becoming more fragile electrically. In the automotive world, the new trend of fully autonomous driving is seeing tremendous progress recently. Autonomous vehicles must take decisions and perform critical actions such as braking or steering the wheel. Those decisions are taken by electronic modules, that have now very high responsibilities with regards of our safety. It is important to ensure that those modules will operate no matter the kind of disturbances they can be exposed to. The automotive world is a quite harsh environment for electronic systems. A major source of electrical stress is called the Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). It is a very sudden flow of electricity of large amplitude capable of destroying electronic components, or disturb them during their normal operation. This research focuses on functional failures where functionality can be temporarily lost after an ESD with various impact on the vehicle. To guarantee before manufacturing that a module and its components will perform their duty correctly, new analysis and prediction methods are required against soft-failures caused by electrostatic discharges. In this research, different approaches have been explored and proposed towards that goal. First, a modelling method for reproducing the ESD waveforms from the test generator up to the integrated circuit input is presented. It is based on a hierarchical approach where each element of the system is modelled individually, then added to the complete setup model. A practical case of functional failure at silicon-level is analyzed using simulation tools. To acquire more data on this fault, a testchip has been designed. It contains on-chip monitoring structures to measure voltage and current, and monitor function behavior directly at silicon-level. The last part of this research details different analysis methods developed for identifying efficiently functional weaknesses. The methods rely heavily on simulation tools, and prototypes have been implemented to prove the initial concepts. The first method models each function inside the chip individually, using behavioral models, then enables to connect the models together to deduce the full function's robustness. It enables hierarchical analysis of complex integrated circuit designs, to identify potential weak spots inside the circuit that could require more shielding or protection. The second method is focused on constructing equivalent electrical black box models of integrated circuit functions. The goal is to model the IC with a behavioral, black-box model capable of reproducing waveforms in powered conditions during the ESD. In summary, this research work has led to the development of several hardware and software prototypes. It has also highlighted important modelling challenges to solve in future works to achieve better functional robustness against electrostatic discharges

    System efficient ESD design concept for soft failures

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    This research covers the topic of developing a systematic methodology of studying electrostatic discharge (ESD)-induced soft failures. ESD-induced soft failures (SF) are non-destructive disruptions of the functionality of an electronic system. The soft failure robustness of a USB3 Gen 1 interface is investigated, modeled, and improved. The injection is performed directly using transmission line pulser (TLP) with varying: pulse width, amplitude, polarity. Characterization provides data for failure thresholds and a SPICE circuit model that describes the transient voltage and current at the victim. Using the injected current, the likelihood of a SF is predicted. ESD protection by transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diodes is numerically simulated in several configurations. The results strongly suggest the viability of using well-established hard failure mitigation techniques for improving SF robustness, and the possibility of using numerical simulation for optimization purposes. A concept of soft failure system efficient ESD design (SF-SEED) is proposed and shown to be effective --Abstract, page iv

    Investigation of system-level ESD induced soft failures

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    Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a common phenomenon that can have negative implications for the performance of systems during operation. ESD is a brief, high-current stress that when applied to a functional system, can cause a variety of problems ranging from temporary system malfunction to permanent failure of components within the system and/or the system itself. Permanent failure of components, also known as hard failure, is a well-studied area among the ESD community with established practices in place for mitigating the stress and improving the reliability of the system. While further improvements with regard to hard-failure protection can always be made, this work will focus on the aspects of soft failures. Soft failures encompass any type of disruption to the system that, in general, can be recovered from, for example by powercycling the system. An example of a soft failure could be the erasure of data within some memory elements of an embedded computer that cause programmed routines to fail. By restarting the system, the data will be regenerated and written into the memory elements and proper functionality is returned. While seemingly innocuous, the temporary failure of crucial systems, for example medical or automotive systems, could lead to severe consequences. This dissertation surveys the type of sensitive logic that could be susceptible to soft failures. Custom hardware which utilizes these elements has been designed and fabricated. Experiments with this hardware has yielded evidence of soft failures and lead to a preliminary understanding of the mechanisms responsible for those soft failures. While strong support for these hypothesized mechanisms has been obtained, future work must be completed to ascertain the validity of the conclusions drawn from the preliminary results

    A novel TLP-based method to deliver IEC 61000-4-2 ESD stress

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    The electro-static discharging (ESD) gun test method is widely used and admitted for systems, but it will also bring some unwished factors to influence the accuracy and stability such as radiated electromagnetic ( EM) and the unstable hand-held operational approach. In order to avoid the above factors, a traditional work uses a modified transmission line pulse (TLP) tester to deliver the IEC 61000-4-2 stress. However, the modification and recovery process of a TLP tester is complicated in addition to the potential damaging risks. Thus, this work proposes a novel TLP-based method to generate the IEC stress by adding an extra circuit network outside the TLP tester. Further, the proposed method with no need for internally modifying a TLP tester can efficiently solve the above issues.Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China [4162030]; National Science and Technology Major Project of China [2013ZX02303002]SCI(E)ARTICLE91