56 research outputs found

    A note on full transversals and mixed orthogonal arrays

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    We investigate a packing problem in M-dimensional grids, where bounds are given for the number of allowed entries in different axis-parallel directions. The concept is motivated from error correcting codes and from more-part Sperner theory. It is also closely related to orthogonal arrays. We prove that some packing always reaches the natural upper bound for its size, and even more, one can partition the grid into such packings, if a necessary divisibility condition holds. We pose some extremal problems on maximum size of packings, such that packings of that size always can be extended to meet the natural upper bound. 1 The concept of full transversals Let us be given positive integers n1,n2,...,nM and L1,L2,...,LM, such tha

    Synchronizing permutation groups and graph endomorphisms

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    The current thesis is focused on synchronizing permutation groups and on graph endo- morphisms. Applying the implicit classification of rank 3 groups, we provide a bound on synchronizing ranks of rank 3 groups, at first. Then, we determine the singular graph endomorphisms of the Hamming graph and related graphs, count Latin hypercuboids of class r, establish their relation to mixed MDS codes, investigate G-decompositions of (non)-synchronizing semigroups, and analyse the kernel graph construction used in the theorem of Cameron and Kazanidis which identifies non-synchronizing transformations with graph endomorphisms [20]. The contribution lies in the following points: 1. A bound on synchronizing ranks of groups of permutation rank 3 is given, and a complete list of small non-synchronizing groups of permutation rank 3 is provided (see Chapter 3). 2. The singular endomorphisms of the Hamming graph and some related graphs are characterised (see Chapter 5). 3. A theorem on the extension of partial Latin hypercuboids is given, Latin hyper- cuboids for small values are counted, and their correspondence to mixed MDS codes is unveiled (see Chapter 6). 4. The research on normalizing groups from [3] is extended to semigroups of the form , and decomposition properties of non-synchronizing semigroups are described which are then applied to semigroups induced by combinatorial tiling problems (see Chapter 7). 5. At last, it is shown that all rank 3 graphs admitting singular endomorphisms are hulls and it is conjectured that a hull on n vertices has minimal generating set of at most n generators (see Chapter 8)

    How AD Can Help Solve Differential-Algebraic Equations

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    A characteristic feature of differential-algebraic equations is that one needs to find derivatives of some of their equations with respect to time, as part of so called index reduction or regularisation, to prepare them for numerical solution. This is often done with the help of a computer algebra system. We show in two significant cases that it can be done efficiently by pure algorithmic differentiation. The first is the Dummy Derivatives method, here we give a mainly theoretical description, with tutorial examples. The second is the solution of a mechanical system directly from its Lagrangian formulation. Here we outline the theory and show several non-trivial examples of using the "Lagrangian facility" of the Nedialkov-Pryce initial-value solver DAETS, namely: a spring-mass-multipendulum system, a prescribed-trajectory control problem, and long-time integration of a model of the outer planets of the solar system, taken from the DETEST testing package for ODE solvers

    Computer construction of experimental plans

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    Experimental plans identify the treatment allocated to each unit and they are necessary for the supervision of most comparative experiments. Few computer programs have been written for constructing experimental plans but many for analysing data arising from designed experiments. In this thesis the construction of experimental plans is reviewed so as to determine requirements for a computer program. One program, DSIGNX, is described. Four main steps in the construction are identified: declaration, formation of the unrandomized plan (the design), randomization and output. The formation of the design is given most attention. The designs considered are those found to be important in agricultural experimentation and a basic objective is set that the 'proposed' program should construct most designs presented in standard texts (e.g. Cochran and Cox (1957)) together with important designs which have been developed recently. Topics discussed include block designs, factorial designs, orthogonal Latin squares and designs for experiments with non-independent observations. Some topics are discussed in extra detail; these include forming standard designs and selecting defining contrasts in symmetric factorial experiments, general procedures for orthogonal Latin squares and constructing serially balanced designs. Emphasis is placed on design generators, especially the design key and generalized cyclic generators, because of their versatility. These generators are shown to provide solutions to most balanced and partially balanced incomplete block designs and to provide efficient block designs and row and column designs. They are seen to be of fundamental importance in constructing factorial designs. Other versatile generators are described but no attempt is made to include all construction techniques. Methods for deriving one design from another or for combining two or more designs are shown to extend the usefulness of the generators. Optimal design procedures and the evaluation of designs are briefly discussed. Methods of randomization are described including automatic procedures based on defined block structures and some forms of restricted randomization for the levels of specified factors. Many procedures presented in the thesis have been included in a computer program DSIGNX. The facilities provided by the program and the language are described and illustrated by practical examples. Finally, the structure of the program and its method of working are described and simplified versions of the principal algorithms presented

    The geometry of diagonal groups

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    Part of the work was done while the authors were visiting the South China University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, in 2018, and we are grateful (in particular to Professor Cai Heng Li) for the hospitality that we received.The authors would like to thank the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, for support and hospitality during the programme Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives (supported by EPSRC grant no.EP/R014604/1), where further work on this paper was undertaken. In particular we acknowledge a Simons Fellowship (Cameron) and a Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellowship (Praeger) during this programme. Schneider thanks the Centre for the Mathematics of Symmetry and Computation of The University of Western Australia and Australian Research Council Discovery Grant DP160102323 for hosting his visit in 2017 and acknowledges the support of the CNPq projects Produtividade em Pesquisa (project no.: 308212/2019-3) and Universal (project no.:421624/2018-3).Diagonal groups are one of the classes of finite primitive permutation groups occurring in the conclusion of the O'Nan-Scott theorem. Several of the other classes have been described as the automorphism groups of geometric or combinatorial structures such as affine spaces or Cartesian decompositions, but such structures for diagonal groups have not been studied in general. The main purpose of this paper is to describe and characterise such structures, which we call diagonal semilattices. Unlike the diagonal groups in the O'Nan-Scott theorem, which are defined over finite characteristically simple groups, our construction works over arbitrary groups, finite or infinite. A diagonal semilattice depends on a dimension m and a group T. For m=2, it is a Latin square, the Cayley table of T, though in fact any Latin square satisfies our combinatorial axioms. However, for m≥3, the group T emerges naturally and uniquely from the axioms. (The situation somewhat resembles projective geometry, where projective planes exist in great profusion but higher-dimensional structures are coordinatised by an algebraic object, a division ring.) A diagonal semilattice is contained in the partition lattice on a set Ω, and we provide an introduction to the calculus of partitions. Many of the concepts and constructions come from experimental design in statistics. We also determine when a diagonal group can be primitive, or quasiprimitive (these conditions turn out to be equivalent for diagonal groups). Associated with the diagonal semilattice is a graph, the diagonal graph, which has the same automorphism group as the diagonal semilattice except in four small cases with m<=3. The class of diagonal graphs includes some well-known families, Latin-square graphs and folded cubes, and is potentially of interest. We obtain partial results on the chromatic number of a diagonal graph, and mention an application to the synchronization property of permutation groups.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Randomized Dynamical Decoupling Strategies and Improved One-Way Key Rates for Quantum Cryptography

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    The present thesis deals with various methods of quantum error correction. It is divided into two parts. In the first part, dynamical decoupling methods are considered which have the task of suppressing the influence of residual imperfections in a quantum memory. The suppression is achieved by altering the dynamics of an imperfect quantum memory with the help of a sequence of local unitary operations applied to the qudits. Whereas up to now the operations of such decoupling sequences have been constructed in a deterministic fashion, strategies are developed in this thesis which construct the operations by random selection from a suitable set. Furthermore, it is investigated if and how the discussed decoupling strategies can be employed to protect a quantum computation running on the quantum memory. The second part of the thesis deals with quantum error-correcting codes and protocols for quantum key distribution. The focus is on the BB84 and the 6-state protocol making use of only one-way communication during the error correction and privacy amplification steps. It is shown that by adding additional errors to the preliminary key (a process called noisy preprocessing) followed by the use of a structured block code, higher secure key rates may be obtained. For the BB84 protocol it is shown that iterating the combined preprocessing leads to an even higher gain.Comment: PhD thesis, 223 pages, TU Darmstadt; http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/1389