9 research outputs found

    Gaussian quadrature for C1C^1 cubic Clough-Tocher macro-triangles

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    A numerical integration rule for multivariate cubic polynomials over n-dimensional simplices was designed by Hammer and Stroud [14]. The quadrature rule requires n + 2 quadrature points: the barycentre of the simplex and n + 1 points that lie on the connecting lines between the barycentre and the vertices of the simplex. In the planar case, this particular rule belongs to a two-parameter family of quadrature rules that admit exact integration of bivariate polynomials of total degree three over triangles. We prove that this rule is exact for a larger space, namely the C1 cubic Clough-Tocher spline space over macro-triangles if and only if the split-point is the barycentre. This results into a factor of three reduction in the number of quadrature points needed to integrate the Clough-Tocher spline space exactly

    A geometrically exact isogeometric Kirchhoff plate: Feature‐preserving automatic meshing and C1 rational triangular BĂ©zier spline discretizations

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144603/1/nme5809.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144603/2/nme5809_am.pd

    On numerical quadrature for C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin 6-split macro-triangles

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    The quadrature rule of Hammer and Stroud [16] for cubic polynomials has been shown to be exact for a larger space of functions, namely the C1C^1 cubic Clough-Tocher spline space over a macro-triangle if and only if the split-point is the barycentre of the macro-triangle [21]. We continue the study of quadrature rules for spline spaces over macro-triangles, now focusing on the case of C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin 6-split macro-triangles. We show that the 33-node Gaussian quadrature(s) for quadratics can be generalised to the C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin 6-split spline space over a macro-triangle for a two-parameter family of inner split-points, not just the barycentre as in [21]. The choice of the inner split-point uniquely determines the positions of the edge split-points such that the whole spline space is integrated exactly by a corresponding polynomial quadrature. Consequently, the number of quadrature points needed to exactly integrate this special spline space reduces from twelve to three. For the inner split-point at the barycentre, we prove that the two 3-node quadratic polynomial quadratures of Hammer and Stroud exactly integrate also the C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin spline space if and only if the edge split-points are at their respective edge midpoints. For other positions of the inner and edge split-points we provide numerical examples showing that three nodes suffice to integrate the space exactly, but a full classification and a closed-form solution in the generic case remain elusive

    Watertight conversion of trimmed CAD surfaces to Clough-Tocher splines

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    The boundary representations (B-reps) that are used to represent shape in Computer-Aided Design systems create unavoidable gaps at the face boundaries of a model. Although these inconsistencies can be kept below the scale that is important for visualisation and manufacture, they cause problems for many downstream tasks, making it difficult to use CAD models directly for simulation or advanced geometric analysis, for example. Motivated by this need for watertight models, we address the problem of converting B-rep models to a collection of cubic C1C1 Clough–Tocher splines. These splines allow a watertight join between B-rep faces, provide a homogeneous representation of shape, and also support local adaptivity. We perform a comparative study of the most prominent Clough–Tocher constructions and include some novel variants. Our criteria include visual fairness, invariance to affine reparameterisations, polynomial precision and approximation error. The constructions are tested on both synthetic data and CAD models that have been triangulated. Our results show that no construction is optimal in every scenario, with surface quality depending heavily on the triangulation and parameterisation that are used.This research was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through Grant EP/K503757/1.This is the final version. It was first published by Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167839615000795

    Almost-C1C^1 splines: Biquadratic splines on unstructured quadrilateral meshes and their application to fourth order problems

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    Isogeometric Analysis generalizes classical finite element analysis and intends to integrate it with the field of Computer-Aided Design. A central problem in achieving this objective is the reconstruction of analysis-suitable models from Computer-Aided Design models, which is in general a non-trivial and time-consuming task. In this article, we present a novel spline construction, that enables model reconstruction as well as simulation of high-order PDEs on the reconstructed models. The proposed almost-C1C^1 are biquadratic splines on fully unstructured quadrilateral meshes (without restrictions on placements or number of extraordinary vertices). They are C1C^1 smooth almost everywhere, that is, at all vertices and across most edges, and in addition almost (i.e. approximately) C1C^1 smooth across all other edges. Thus, the splines form H2H^2-nonconforming analysis-suitable discretization spaces. This is the lowest-degree unstructured spline construction that can be used to solve fourth-order problems. The associated spline basis is non-singular and has several B-spline-like properties (e.g., partition of unity, non-negativity, local support), the almost-C1C^1 splines are described in an explicit B\'ezier-extraction-based framework that can be easily implemented. Numerical tests suggest that the basis is well-conditioned and exhibits optimal approximation behavior

    A normalized basis for reduced Clough-Tocher splines

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    We present the construction of a suitable normalized B-spline representation for reduced Clough-Tocher splines. The basis functions have a local support, they are nonnegative, and they form a partition of unity. Geometrically, the problem can be interpreted as the determination of a set of triangles that must contain a specific set of points. This leads to a natural definition of tangent control triangles. We also consider a stable computation of the BĂ©zier control net of the spline surface

    Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines and Rational Bezier Triangles for Isogeometric Analysis of Structural Applications

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    Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is a major advancement in computational analysis that bridges the gap between a computer-aided design (CAD) model, which is typically constructed using Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS), and a computational model that traditionally uses Lagrange polynomials to represent the geometry and solution variables. In IGA, the same shape functions that are used in CAD are employed for analysis. The direct manipulation of CAD data eliminates approximation errors that emanate from the process of converting the geometry from CAD to Finite Element Analysis (FEA). As a result, IGA allows the exact geometry to be represented at the coarsest level and maintained throughout the analysis process. While IGA was initially introduced to streamline the design and analysis process, this dissertation shows that IGA can also provide improved computational results for complex and highly nonlinear problems in structural mechanics. This dissertation addresses various problems in structural mechanics in the context of IGA, with the use of NURBS and rational BĂ©zier triangles for the description of the parametric and physical spaces. The approaches considered here show that a number of important properties (e.g., high-order smoothness, geometric exactness, reduced number of degrees of freedom, and increased flexibility in discretization) can be achieved, leading to improved numerical solutions. Specifically, using B-splines and a layer-based discretization, a distributed plasticity isogeometric frame model is formulated to capture the spread of plasticity in large-deformation frames. The modeling approach includes an adaptive analysis where the structure of interest is initially modeled with coarse mesh and knots are inserted based on the yielding information at the quadrature points. It is demonstrated that improvement on efficiency and convergence rates is attained. With NURBS, an isogeometric rotation-free multi-layered plate formulation is developed based on a layerwise deformation theory. The derivation assumes a separate displacement field expansion within each layer, and considers transverse displacement component as C0-continuous at dissimilar material interfaces, which is enforced via knot repetition. The separate integration of the in-plane and through-thickness directions allows to capture the complete 3D stresses in a 2D setting. The proposed method is used to predict the behavior of advanced materials such as laminated composites, and the results show advantages in efficiency and accuracy. To increase the flexibility in discretizing complex geometries, rational BĂ©zier triangles for domain triangulation is studied. They are further coupled with a Delaunay-based feature-preserving discretization algorithm for static bending and free vibration analysis of Kirchhoff plates. Lagrange multipliers are employed to explicitly impose high-order continuity constraints and the augmented system is solved iteratively without increasing the matrix size. The resulting discretization is geometrically exact, admits small geometric features, and constitutes C1-continuity. The feature-preserving rational BĂ©zier triangles are further applied to smeared damage modeling of quasi-brittle materials. Due to the ability of Lagrange multipliers to raise global continuity to any desired order, the implicit fourth- and sixth-order gradient damage models are analyzed. The inclusion of higher-order terms in the nonlocal Taylor expansion improves solution accuracy. A local refinement algorithm that resolves marked regions with high resolution while keeping the resulting mesh conforming and well-conditioned is also utilized to improve efficiency. The outcome is a unified modeling framework where the feature-preserving discretization is able to capture the damage initiation and early-stage propagation, and the local refinement technique can then be applied to adaptively refine the mesh in the direction of damage propagation.PHDCivil EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147668/1/ningliu_1.pd