1,227 research outputs found

    An analytical solution for the elastoplastic response of a continuous fiber composite under uniaxial loading

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    A continuous fiber composite is modelled by a two-element composite cylinder in order to predict the elastoplastic response of the composite under a monotonically increasing tensile loading parallel to fibers. The fibers and matrix are assumed to be elastic-perfectly plastic materials obeying Hill's and Tresca's yield criteria, respectively. Here, the composite behavior when the fibers yield prior to the matrix is investigated

    Head-on collision of viscous vortex rings

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    The head-on collision of two identical axisymmetric viscous vortex rings is studied through direct simulations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The initial vorticity distributions considered are those of Hill's spherical vortex and of rings with circular Gaussian cores, each at Reynolds numbers of about 350 and 1000. The Reynolds number is defined by Gamma/Nu, the ratio of circulation to viscosity. As the vortices approach each other by self-induction, the radii increase by mutual induction, and vorticy cancels through viscous cross-diffusion across the collision plane. Following contact, the vorticity distribution in the core forms a head-tail structure (for the cases considered). The characteristic time of vorticity annihilation is compared with that of a 3D collision experiment and 3D numerical simulations. It is found that the annihilation time is somewhat longer in the axisymmetric case than it is in the symmetry plane of the experiment and 3D numerical simulation. By comparing the annihilatiom time with a viscous timescale and a circulation timescale, it is deduced that both the strain rate due to local effects and to 3D vorticity realignment are important

    Three dimensional inelastic finite element analysis of laminated composites

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    Formulations of the inelastic response of laminated composites to thermal and mechanical loading are used as the basis for development of the computer NALCOM (Nonlinear Analysis of Laminated Composites) computer program which uses a fully three dimensional isoparametric finite element with 24 nodes and 72 degrees of freedom. An incremental solution is performed with nonlinearities introduced as pseudoloads computed for initial strains. Equilibrium iteration may be performed at every step. Elastic and elastic-plastic response of boron/epoxy and graphite/epoxy graphite/epoxy and problems of curing 0/90 sub s Gr/Ep laminates with and without circular holes are analyzed. Mechanical loading of + or - 45sub s Gr/Ep laminates is modeled and symmetry conditions which exist in angle-ply laminates are discussed. Results are compared to experiments and other analytical models when possible. All models are seen to agree reasonably well with experimetnal results for off-axis tensile coupons. The laminate analyses show the three dimensional effects which are present near holes and free corners

    Parametric and autoparametric resonance

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    Parametric and autoparametric resonance play an important part in many applications while posing interesting mathematical challenges. The linear dynamics is already nontrivial whereas the nonlinear dynamics of such systems is extremely rich and largely unexplored. The role of symmetries is essential, both in the linear and in the nonlinear analysis

    Dynamic moduli and localized damage in composites

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    The scatter of elastic waves due to a thin, flat ellipsoidal inhomogeneity, either penny shaped or elliptical is discussed. An average theorem appropriate for dynamic effective mass density and effective moduli was developed via a self-consistent scheme. Effective material properties of two-component media consisting of randomly distributed spheres are given here as a special case

    Geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated elastic structures

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    This final technical report contains three parts: Part 1 deals with the 2-D shell theory and its element formulation and applications. Part 2 deals with the 3-D degenerated element. These two parts constitute the two major tasks that were completed under the grant. Another related topic that was initiated during the present investigation is the development of a nonlinear material model. This topic is briefly discussed in Part 3. To make each part self-contained, conclusions and references are included in each part. In the interest of brevity, the discussions presented are relatively brief. The details and additional topics are described in the references cited

    An endochronic theory for transversely isotropic fibrous composites

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    A rational methodology of modelling both nonlinear and elastic dissipative response of transversely isotropic fibrous composites is developed and illustrated with the aid of the observed response of graphite-polyimide off-axis coupons. The methodology is based on the internal variable formalism employed within the text of classical irreversible thermodynamics and entails extension of Valanis' endochronic theory to transversely isotropic media. Applicability of the theory to prediction of various response characteristics of fibrous composites is illustrated by accurately modelling such often observed phenomena as: stiffening reversible behavior along fiber direction; dissipative response in shear and transverse tension characterized by power-laws with different hardening exponents; permanent strain accumulation; nonlinear unloading and reloading; and stress-interaction effects

    Constitutive Modeling of Superalloy Single Crystals and Directionally Solidified Materials

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    A unified viscoplastic constitutive relation based on crystallographic slip theory was developed for the deformation analysis of nickel base face centered cubic superalloy single crystals at elevated temperature. The single crystal theory is embedded in a self consistent method to derive a constitutive relation for a directionally solidified material comprised of a polycrystalline aggregate of columnar cylindrical grains. One of the crystallographic axes of the cylindrical crystals points in the columnar direction while the remaining crystallographic axes are oriented at random in the basal plane perpendicular to the columnar direction. These constitutive formulations are coded in FORTRAN for use in nonlinear finite element and boundary element programs