67 research outputs found

    Quiescent current testing of CMOS data converters

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    Power supply quiescent current (IDDQ) testing has been very effective in VLSI circuits designed in CMOS processes detecting physical defects such as open and shorts and bridging defects. However, in sub-micron VLSI circuits, IDDQ is masked by the increased subthreshold (leakage) current of MOSFETs affecting the efficiency of I¬DDQ testing. In this work, an attempt has been made to perform robust IDDQ testing in presence of increased leakage current by suitably modifying some of the test methods normally used in industry. Digital CMOS integrated circuits have been tested successfully using IDDQ and IDDQ methods for physical defects. However, testing of analog circuits is still a problem due to variation in design from one specific application to other. The increased leakage current further complicates not only the design but also testing. Mixed-signal integrated circuits such as the data converters are even more difficult to test because both analog and digital functions are built on the same substrate. We have re-examined both IDDQ and IDDQ methods of testing digital CMOS VLSI circuits and added features to minimize the influence of leakage current. We have designed built-in current sensors (BICS) for on-chip testing of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. We have also combined quiescent current testing with oscillation and transient current test techniques to map large number of manufacturing defects on a chip. In testing, we have used a simple method of injecting faults simulating manufacturing defects invented in our VLSI research group. We present design and testing of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits with on-chip BICS such as an operational amplifier, 12-bit charge scaling architecture based digital-to-analog converter (DAC), 12-bit recycling architecture based analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and operational amplifier with floating gate inputs. The designed circuits are fabricated in 0.5 μm and 1.5 μm n-well CMOS processes and tested. Experimentally observed results of the fabricated devices are compared with simulations from SPICE using MOS level 3 and BSIM3.1 model parameters for 1.5 μm and 0.5 μm n-well CMOS technologies, respectively. We have also explored the possibility of using noise in VLSI circuits for testing defects and present the method we have developed

    Variance reduction and outlier identification for IDDQ testing of integrated chips using principal component analysis

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    Integrated circuits manufactured in current technology consist of millions of transistors with dimensions shrinking into the nanometer range. These small transistors have quiescent (leakage) currents that are increasingly sensitive to process variations, which have increased the variation in good-chip quiescent current and consequently reduced the effectiveness of IDDQ testing. This research proposes the use of a multivariate statistical technique known as principal component analysis for the purpose of variance reduction. Outlier analysis is applied to the reduced leakage current values as well as the good chip leakage current estimate, to identify defective chips. The proposed idea is evaluated using IDDQ values from multiple wafers of an industrial chip fabricated in 130 nm technology. It is shown that the proposed method achieves significant variance reduction and identifies many outliers that escape identification by other established techniques. For example, it identifies many of the absolute outliers in bad neighborhoods, which are not detected by Nearest Neighbor Residual and Nearest Current Ratio. It also identifies many of the spatial outliers that pass when using Current Ratio. The proposed method also identifies both active and passive defects

    Current Sensing Completion Detection in Single-Rail Asynchronous Systems

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    In this article, an alternative approach to detecting the computation completion of combinatorial blocks in asynchronous digital systems is presented. The proposed methodology is based on well-known phenomenon that occurs in digital systems fabricated in CMOS technology. Such logic circuits exhibit significantly higher current consumption during the signal transitions than in the idle state. Duration of these current peaks correlates very well with the actual computation time of the combinatorial block. Hence, this fact can be exploited for separation of the computation activity from static state. The paper presents fundamental background of addressed alternative completion detection and its implementation in single-rail encoded asynchronous systems, the proposed current sensing circuitry, achieved simulation results as well as the comparison to the state-of-the-art methods of completion detection. The presented method promises the enhancement of the performance of an asynchronous circuit, and under certain circumstances it also reduces the silicon area requirements of the completion detection block

    Fault modelling and accelerated simulation of integrated circuits manufacturing defects under process variation

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    As silicon manufacturing process scales to and beyond the 65-nm node, process variation can no longer be ignored. The impact of process variation on integrated circuit performance and power has received significant research input. Variation-aware test, on the other hand, is a relatively new research area that is currently receiving attention worldwide.Research has shown that test without considering process variation may lead to loss of test quality. Fault modelling and simulation serve as a backbone of manufacturing test. This thesis is concerned with developing efficient fault modelling techniques and simulation methodologies that take into account the effect of process variation on manufacturing defects with particular emphasis on resistive bridges and resistive opens.The first contribution of this thesis addresses the problem of long computation time required to generate logic fault of resistive bridges under process variation by developing a fast and accurate modelling technique to model logic fault behaviour of resistive bridges.The new technique is implemented by employing two efficient voltage calculation algorithms to calculate the logic threshold voltage of driven gates and critical resistance of a fault-site to enable the computation of bridge logic faults without using SPICE. Simulation results show that the technique is fast (on average 53 times faster) and accurate (worst case is 2.64% error) when compared with HSPICE. The second contribution analyses the complexity of delay fault simulation of resistive bridges to reduce the computation time of delay fault when considering process variation. An accelerated delay fault simulation methodology of resistive bridges is developed by employing a three-step strategy to speed up the calculation of transient gate output voltage which is needed to accurately compute delay faults. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average 17.4 times faster, with 5.2% error in accuracy, when compared with HSPICE. The final contribution presents an accelerated simulation methodology of resistive opens to address the problem of long simulation time of delay fault when considering process variation. The methodology is implemented by using two efficient algorithms to accelerate the computation of transient gate output voltage and timing critical resistance of an open fault-site. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average up to 52 times faster than HSPICE, with 4.2% error in accuracy

    Integrated circuit outlier identification by multiple parameter correlation

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    Semiconductor manufacturers must ensure that chips conform to their specifications before they are shipped to customers. This is achieved by testing various parameters of a chip to determine whether it is defective or not. Separating defective chips from fault-free ones is relatively straightforward for functional or other Boolean tests that produce a go/no-go type of result. However, making this distinction is extremely challenging for parametric tests. Owing to continuous distributions of parameters, any pass/fail threshold results in yield loss and/or test escapes. The continuous advances in process technology, increased process variations and inaccurate fault models all make this even worse. The pass/fail thresholds for such tests are usually set using prior experience or by a combination of visual inspection and engineering judgment. Many chips have parameters that exceed certain thresholds but pass Boolean tests. Owing to the imperfect nature of tests, to determine whether these chips (called "outliers") are indeed defective is nontrivial. To avoid wasted investment in packaging or further testing it is important to screen defective chips early in a test flow. Moreover, if seemingly strange behavior of outlier chips can be explained with the help of certain process parameters or by correlating additional test data, such chips can be retained in the test flow before they are proved to be fatally flawed. In this research, we investigate several methods to identify true outliers (defective chips, or chips that lead to functional failure) from apparent outliers (seemingly defective, but fault-free chips). The outlier identification methods in this research primarily rely on wafer-level spatial correlation, but also use additional test parameters. These methods are evaluated and validated using industrial test data. The potential of these methods to reduce burn-in is discussed

    From Defect Analysis to Gate-Level Fault Modeling of Controllable-Polarity Silicon Nanowires

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    Controllable-Polarity Silicon Nanowire Transistors (CP-SiNWFETs) are among the promising candidates to complement or even replace the current CMOS technology in the near future. Polarity control is a desirable property that allows the on-line configuration of the device polarity. CP-SiNWFETs result in smaller and faster logic gates unachievable with conventional CMOS implementations. From a circuit testing point of view, it is unclear if the current CMOS and FinFET fault models are comprehensive enough to model all the defects of CP-SiNWFETs. In this paper, we explore the possible manufacturing defects of this technology through analyzing the fabrication steps and the layout structure of logic gates. Using the obtained defects, we then evaluate their impacts on the performance and the functionality of CP-SiNWFET logic gates. Out of the results, we extend the current fault model to a new a hybrid model, including stuck-at ptype and stuck-at n-type, which can be efficiently used to test the logic circuits in this technology. The newly introduced fault model can be utilized to adequately capture the malfunction behavior of CP logic gates in the presence of nanowire break, bridge and float defects. Moreover, the simulations revealed that the current CMOS test methods are insufficient to cover all faults, i.e., stuck- Open. We proposed an appropriate test method to capture such faults as well

    Reliability-aware memory design using advanced reconfiguration mechanisms

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    Fast and Complex Data Memory systems has become a necessity in modern computational units in today's integrated circuits. These memory systems are integrated in form of large embedded memory for data manipulation and storage. This goal has been achieved by the aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions to few nanometer (nm) sizes, though; such a progress comes with a drawback, making it critical to obtain high yields of the chips. Process variability, due to manufacturing imperfections, along with temporal aging, mainly induced by higher electric fields and temperature, are two of the more significant threats that can no longer be ignored in nano-scale embedded memory circuits, and can have high impact on their robustness. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is one of the most used embedded memories; generally implemented with the smallest device dimensions and therefore its robustness can be highly important in nanometer domain design paradigm. Their reliable operation needs to be considered and achieved both in cell and also in architectural SRAM array design. Recently, and with the approach to near/below 10nm design generations, novel non-FET devices such as Memristors are attracting high attention as a possible candidate to replace the conventional memory technologies. In spite of their favorable characteristics such as being low power and highly scalable, they also suffer with reliability challenges, such as process variability and endurance degradation, which needs to be mitigated at device and architectural level. This thesis work tackles such problem of reliability concerns in memories by utilizing advanced reconfiguration techniques. In both SRAM arrays and Memristive crossbar memories novel reconfiguration strategies are considered and analyzed, which can extend the memory lifetime. These techniques include monitoring circuits to check the reliability status of the memory units, and architectural implementations in order to reconfigure the memory system to a more reliable configuration before a fail happens.Actualmente, el diseño de sistemas de memoria en circuitos integrados busca continuamente que sean más rápidos y complejos, lo cual se ha vuelto de gran necesidad para las unidades de computación modernas. Estos sistemas de memoria están integrados en forma de memoria embebida para una mejor manipulación de los datos y de su almacenamiento. Dicho objetivo ha sido conseguido gracias al agresivo escalado de las dimensiones del transistor, el cual está llegando a las dimensiones nanométricas. Ahora bien, tal progreso ha conllevado el inconveniente de una menor fiabilidad, dado que ha sido altamente difícil obtener elevados rendimientos de los chips. La variabilidad de proceso - debido a las imperfecciones de fabricación - junto con la degradación de los dispositivos - principalmente inducido por el elevado campo eléctrico y altas temperaturas - son dos de las más relevantes amenazas que no pueden ni deben ser ignoradas por más tiempo en los circuitos embebidos de memoria, echo que puede tener un elevado impacto en su robusteza final. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) es una de las celdas de memoria más utilizadas en la actualidad. Generalmente, estas celdas son implementadas con las menores dimensiones de dispositivos, lo que conlleva que el estudio de su robusteza es de gran relevancia en el actual paradigma de diseño en el rango nanométrico. La fiabilidad de sus operaciones necesita ser considerada y conseguida tanto a nivel de celda de memoria como en el diseño de arquitecturas complejas basadas en celdas de memoria SRAM. Actualmente, con el diseño de sistemas basados en dispositivos de 10nm, dispositivos nuevos no-FET tales como los memristores están atrayendo una elevada atención como posibles candidatos para reemplazar las actuales tecnologías de memorias convencionales. A pesar de sus características favorables, tales como el bajo consumo como la alta escabilidad, ellos también padecen de relevantes retos de fiabilidad, como son la variabilidad de proceso y la degradación de la resistencia, la cual necesita ser mitigada tanto a nivel de dispositivo como a nivel arquitectural. Con todo esto, esta tesis doctoral afronta tales problemas de fiabilidad en memorias mediante la utilización de técnicas de reconfiguración avanzada. La consideración de nuevas estrategias de reconfiguración han resultado ser validas tanto para las memorias basadas en celdas SRAM como en `memristive crossbar¿, donde se ha observado una mejora significativa del tiempo de vida en ambos casos. Estas técnicas incluyen circuitos de monitorización para comprobar la fiabilidad de las unidades de memoria, y la implementación arquitectural con el objetivo de reconfigurar los sistemas de memoria hacia una configuración mucho más fiables antes de que el fallo suced


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    The security of IoT devices is significantly increasing as a consequence of the widespread usage of the Internet of Things (IoT) in applications that include confidential data and implementation of important control decisions using those data. Because of their cheap cost and computational limitations, IoT devices confront significant obstacles in safeguarding. Among the variety of devised tactics analyzing power is one of the most potential strategies to address such challenges. However, due to the size, cost, and power consumption of power analysis devices, this strategy is not suited for many IoT applications. In this thesis, two techniques for collecting power signatures were proposed. A commercial 130nm CMOS technology is used to construct two circuits for each technique. For the purpose of determining how correctly the setups function, a considerable number of simulations are run under various conditions, and the results are assessed

    Software-Based Self-Test of Set-Associative Cache Memories

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    Embedded microprocessor cache memories suffer from limited observability and controllability creating problems during in-system tests. This paper presents a procedure to transform traditional march tests into software-based self-test programs for set-associative cache memories with LRU replacement. Among all the different cache blocks in a microprocessor, testing instruction caches represents a major challenge due to limitations in two areas: 1) test patterns which must be composed of valid instruction opcodes and 2) test result observability: the results can only be observed through the results of executed instructions. For these reasons, the proposed methodology will concentrate on the implementation of test programs for instruction caches. The main contribution of this work lies in the possibility of applying state-of-the-art memory test algorithms to embedded cache memories without introducing any hardware or performance overheads and guaranteeing the detection of typical faults arising in nanometer CMOS technologie