9 research outputs found

    Un protocole de diffusion des messages dans les réseaux véhiculaires

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    De nos jours, la voiture est devenue le mode de transport le plus utilisĂ©, mais malheureusement, il est accompagnĂ© d’un certain nombre de problĂšmes (accidents, pollution, embouteillages, etc.), qui vont aller en s’aggravant avec l’augmentation prĂ©vue du nombre de voitures particuliĂšres, malgrĂ© les efforts trĂšs importants mis en Ɠuvre pour tenter de les rĂ©duire ; le nombre de morts sur les routes demeure trĂšs important. Les rĂ©seaux sans fil de vĂ©hicules, appelĂ©s VANET, qui consistent de plusieurs vĂ©hicules mobiles sans infrastructure prĂ©existante pour communiquer, font actuellement l’objet d'une attention accrue de la part des constructeurs et des chercheurs, afin d’amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© sur les routes ou encore les aides proposĂ©es aux conducteurs. Par exemple, ils peuvent avertir d’autres automobilistes que les routes sont glissantes ou qu’un accident vient de se produire. Dans VANET, les protocoles de diffusion (broadcast) jouent un rĂŽle trĂšs important par rapport aux messages unicast, car ils sont conçus pour transmettre des messages de sĂ©curitĂ© importants Ă  tous les nƓuds. Ces protocoles de diffusion ne sont pas fiables et ils souffrent de plusieurs problĂšmes, Ă  savoir : (1) TempĂȘte de diffusion (broadcast storm) ; (2) NƓud cachĂ© (hidden node) ; (3) Échec de la transmission. Ces problĂšmes doivent ĂȘtre rĂ©solus afin de fournir une diffusion fiable et rapide. L’objectif de notre recherche est de rĂ©soudre certains de ces problĂšmes, tout en assurant le meilleur compromis entre fiabilitĂ©, dĂ©lai garanti, et dĂ©bit garanti (QualitĂ© de Service : QdS). Le travail de recherche de ce mĂ©moire a portĂ© sur le dĂ©veloppement d’une nouvelle technique qui peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour gĂ©rer le droit d’accĂšs aux mĂ©dias (protocole de gestion des Ă©missions), la gestion de grappe (cluster) et la communication. Ce protocole intĂšgre l'approche de gestion centralisĂ©e des grappes stables et la transmission des donnĂ©es. Dans cette technique, le temps est divisĂ© en cycles, chaque cycle est partagĂ© entre les canaux de service et de contrĂŽle, et divisĂ© en deux parties. La premiĂšre partie s’appuie sur TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). La deuxiĂšme partie s’appuie sur CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance) pour gĂ©rer l’accĂšs au medium. En outre, notre protocole ajuste d’une maniĂšre adaptative le temps consommĂ© dans la diffusion des messages de sĂ©curitĂ©, ce qui permettra une amĂ©lioration de la capacitĂ© des canaux. Il est implantĂ© dans la couche MAC (Medium Access Control), centralisĂ© dans les tĂȘtes de grappes (CH, cluster-head) qui s’adaptent continuellement Ă  la dynamique des vĂ©hicules. Ainsi, l’utilisation de ce protocole centralisĂ© nous assure une consommation efficace d’intervalles de temps pour le nombre exact de vĂ©hicules actifs, y compris les nƓuds/vĂ©hicules cachĂ©s; notre protocole assure Ă©galement un dĂ©lai limitĂ© pour les applications de sĂ©curitĂ©, afin d’accĂ©der au canal de communication, et il permet aussi de rĂ©duire le surplus (overhead) Ă  l’aide d’une propagation dirigĂ©e de diffusion.Nowadays, the car has become the most popular mode of transport, but unfortunately its use is accompanied by a number of problems (accidents, pollution, congestion, etc.). These problems will get worse with the increase in the number of passenger cars, despite very significant efforts made to reduce the number of road deaths, which is still very high. Wireless networks for vehicles called VANET (Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks), were developed when it became possible to connect several mobile vehicles without relying on pre existing communication infrastructures. These networks have currently become the subject of increased attention from manufacturers and researchers, due to their potential for improving road safety and/or offering assistance to drivers. They can, for example, alert other drivers that roads are slippery or that an accident has just occurred. In VANETs, broadcast protocols play a very important role compared to unicast protocols, since they are designed to communicate important safety messages to all nodes. Existing broadcast protocols are not reliable and suffer from several problems: (1) broadcast storms, (2) hidden nodes, and (3) transmission failures. These problems must solved if VANETs are to become reliable and able to disseminate messages rapidly. The aim of our research is to solve some of these problems while ensuring the best compromise among reliability, guaranteed transmission times and bandwidth (Quality of Service: QoS). The research in this thesis focuses on developing a new technique for managing medium access. This protocol incorporates the centralized management approach involving stable clusters. In this technique, time is divided into cycles; with each cycle being shared among the control and service channels, and is divided into two segments. The first is based on TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) while the second is based on CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) to manage access to the medium. Furthermore, our protocol adaptively adjusts the time consumed in broadcasting safety messages, thereby improving channel capacity. It is implemented in the MAC (Medium Access Control), and centralized in stable cluster heads that are able to adapt to the dynamics of vehicles. This protocol provides a centralized and efficient use of time intervals for an exact number of active vehicles, including hidden nodes/vehicles. Our protocol also provides time intervals dedicated to security applications for providing access to communication channels, and also reduces overhead via directed diffusion of data. Keywords: Ad-hoc networks, VANET, Vehicle, Periodic Safety Messages, broadcast protocols, contention-free

    A Comparative Survey of VANET Clustering Techniques

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    © 2016 Crown. A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a mobile ad hoc network in which network nodes are vehicles - most commonly road vehicles. VANETs present a unique range of challenges and opportunities for routing protocols due to the semi-organized nature of vehicular movements subject to the constraints of road geometry and rules, and the obstacles which limit physical connectivity in urban environments. In particular, the problems of routing protocol reliability and scalability across large urban VANETs are currently the subject of intense research. Clustering can be used to improve routing scalability and reliability in VANETs, as it results in the distributed formation of hierarchical network structures by grouping vehicles together based on correlated spatial distribution and relative velocity. In addition to the benefits to routing, these groups can serve as the foundation for accident or congestion detection, information dissemination and entertainment applications. This paper explores the design choices made in the development of clustering algorithms targeted at VANETs. It presents a taxonomy of the techniques applied to solve the problems of cluster head election, cluster affiliation, and cluster management, and identifies new directions and recent trends in the design of these algorithms. Additionally, methodologies for validating clustering performance are reviewed, and a key shortcoming - the lack of realistic vehicular channel modeling - is identified. The importance of a rigorous and standardized performance evaluation regime utilizing realistic vehicular channel models is demonstrated

    Resource sharing in vehicular cloud

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    Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, on a observĂ© l'intĂ©rĂȘt croissant envers l'accessibilitĂ© Ă  l'information et, en particulier, envers des approches innovantes utilisant les services Ă  distance accessibles depuis les appareils mobiles Ă  travers le monde. ParallĂšlement, la communication des vĂ©hicules, utilisant des capteurs embarquĂ©s et des dispositifs de communication sans fil, a Ă©tĂ© introduite pour amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© routiĂšre et l'expĂ©rience de conduite Ă  travers ce qui est communĂ©ment appelĂ© rĂ©seaux vĂ©hiculaires (VANET). L'accĂšs sans fil Ă  l’Internet Ă  partir des vĂ©hicules a dĂ©clenchĂ© l'Ă©mergence de nouveaux services pouvant ĂȘtre disponibles Ă  partir ceux-ci. Par ailleurs, une extension du paradigme des rĂ©seaux vĂ©hiculaires a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment promue Ă  un autre niveau. Le nuage vĂ©hiculaire (Vehicular Cloud) (VC) est la convergence ultime entre le concept de l’infonuagique (cloud computing) et les rĂ©seaux vĂ©hiculaires dans le but de l’approvisionnement et la gestion des services. Avec cette approche, les vĂ©hicules peuvent ĂȘtre connectĂ©s au nuage, oĂč une multitude de services sont disponibles, ou ils peuvent aussi ĂȘtre des fournisseurs de services. Cela est possible en raison de la variĂ©tĂ© des ressources disponibles dans les vĂ©hicules: informatique, bande passante, stockage et capteurs. Dans cette thĂšse, on propose des mĂ©thodes innovantes et efficaces pour permettre la dĂ©livrance de services par des vĂ©hicules dans le VC. Plusieurs schĂ©mas, notamment la formation de grappes ou nuages de vĂ©hicules, la planification de transmission, l'annulation des interfĂ©rences et l'affectation des frĂ©quences Ă  l'aide de rĂ©seaux dĂ©finis par logiciel (SDN), ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s et leurs performances ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es. Les schĂ©mas de formation de grappes proposĂ©s sont DHCV (un algorithme de clustering D-hop distribuĂ© pour VANET) et DCEV (une formation de grappes distribuĂ©e pour VANET basĂ©e sur la mobilitĂ© relative de bout en bout). Ces schĂ©mas de regroupement sont utilisĂ©s pour former dynamiquement des nuages de vĂ©hicules. Les systĂšmes regroupent les vĂ©hicules dans des nuages qui ne se chevauchent pas et qui ont des tailles adaptĂ©es Ă  leurs mobilitĂ©s. Les VC sont crĂ©Ă©s de telle sorte que chaque vĂ©hicule soit au plus D sauts plus loin d'un coordonnateur de nuage. La planification de transmission proposĂ©e implĂ©mente un contrĂŽle d'accĂšs moyen basĂ© sur la contention oĂč les conditions physiques du canal sont entiĂšrement analysĂ©es. Le systĂšme d'annulation d'interfĂ©rence permet d'Ă©liminer les interfĂ©rences les plus importantes; cela amĂ©liore les performances de planification d’utilisation de la bande passante et le partage des ressources dans les nuages construits. Enfin, on a proposĂ© une solution Ă  l'aide de rĂ©seaux dĂ©finis par logiciel, SDN, oĂč diffĂ©rentes bandes de frĂ©quences sont affectĂ©es aux diffĂ©rentes liens de transmission de chaque VC afin d’amĂ©liorer les performances du rĂ©seau.Abstract : In recent years, we have observed a growing interest in information accessibility and especially innovative approaches for making distant services accessible from mobile devices across the world. In tandem with this growth of interest, there was the introduction of vehicular communication, also known as vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET), leveraging onboard sensors and wireless communication devices to enhance road safety and driving experience. Vehicles wireless accessibility to the internet has triggered the emergence of service packages that can be available to or from vehicles. Recently, an extension of the vehicular networks paradigm has been promoted to a new level. Vehicular cloud (VC) is the ultimate convergence between the cloud computing concept and vehicular networks for the purpose of service provisioning and management. Vehicles can get connected to the cloud, where a multitude of services are available to them. Also vehicles can offer services and act as service providers rather than service consumers. This is possible because of the variety of resources available in vehicles: computing, bandwidth, storage and sensors. In this thesis, we propose novel and efficient methods to enable vehicle service delivery in VC. Several schemes including cluster/cloud formation, transmission scheduling, interference cancellation, and frequency assignment using software defined networking (SDN) have been developed and their performances have been analysed. The proposed cluster formation schemes are DHCV (a distributed D-hop clustering algorithm for VANET) and DCEV (a distributed cluster formation for VANET based on end-to-end relative mobility). These clustering schemes are used to dynamically form vehicle clouds. The schemes group vehicles into non-overlapping clouds, which have adaptive sizes according to their mobility. VCs are created in such a way that each vehicle is at most D-hops away from a cloud coordinator. The proposed transmission scheduling implements a contention-free-based medium access control where physical conditions of the channel are fully analyzed. The interference cancellation scheme makes it possible to remove the strongest interferences; this improves the scheduling performance and resource sharing inside the constructed clouds. Finally, we proposed an SDN based vehicular cloud solution where different frequency bands are assigned to different transmission links to improve the network performance

    Design and Analysis of An Improved AODV Protocol Based on Clustering Approach for Internet of Vehicles (AODV-CD)

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    The Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) has become a vital research area in order to enhance passenger and road safety, increasing traffic efficiency and enhanced reliable connectivity. In this regard, for monitoring and controlling the communication between IoVs, routing protocols are deployed. Frequent changes that occur in the topology often leads to major challenges in IoVs, such as dynamic topology changes, shortest routing paths and also scalability. One of the best solutions for such challenges is “clustering”. This study focuses on IoVs’ stability and to create an efficient routing protocol in dynamic environment. In this context, we proposed a novel algorithm called Cluster-based enhanced AODV for IoVs (AODV-CD) to achieve stable and efficient clustering for simplifying routing and ensuring quality of service (QoS). Our proposed protocol enhances the overall network throughput and delivery ratio, with less routing load and less delay compared to AODV. Thus, extensive simulations are carried out in SUMO and NS2 for evaluating the efficiency of the AODV-CD that is superior to the classic AODV and other recent modified AODV algorithms.

    Design and Analysis of An Improved AODV Protocol Based on Clustering Approach for Internet of Vehicles (AODV-CD)

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    The Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) has become a vital research area in order to enhance passenger and road safety, increasing traffic efficiency and enhanced reliable connectivity. In this regard, for monitoring and controlling the communication between IoVs, routing protocols are deployed. Frequent changes that occur in the topology often leads to major challenges in IoVs, such as dynamic topology changes, shortest routing paths and also scalability. One of the best solutions for such challenges is “clustering”. This study focuses on IoVs’ stability and to create an efficient routing protocol in dynamic environment. In this context, we proposed a novel algorithm called Cluster-based enhanced AODV for IoVs (AODV-CD) to achieve stable and efficient clustering for simplifying routing and ensuring quality of service (QoS). Our proposed protocol enhances the overall network throughput and delivery ratio, with less routing load and less delay compared to AODV. Thus, extensive simulations are carried out in SUMO and NS2 for evaluating the efficiency of the AODV-CD that is superior to the classic AODV and other recent modified AODV algorithms.

    A Novel Stable Clustering Approach Based On Gaussian Distribution And Relative Velocity In VANETs

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    Vehicles in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are characterized by their high dynamic mobility (velocity). Changing in VANET topology is happened frequently which caused continuous network communication failures. Clustering is one of the solutions applied to reduce the VANET topology changes. Stable clusters are required and Indispensable to control, improve and analyze VANET. In this paper, we introduce a new analytical VANET's clustering approach. This approach aims to enhance the network stability. The new proposed grouping process in this study depends on the vehicles velocities mean and standard deviation. The principle of the normal (Gaussian) distribution is utilized and emerged with the relative velocity to propose two clustering levels. The staying duration of vehicles in a cluster is also calculated and used as an indication. The first level represents a very high stabile cluster. To form this cluster, only the vehicles having velocities within the range of mean ± standard deviation, collected in one cluster (i.e. only 68% of the vehicles allowed to compose this cluster). The cluster head is selected from the vehicles having velocities close to the average cluster velocity. The second level is to create a stable cluster by grouping about 95% of the vehicles. Only the vehicles having velocities within the range of mean ± 2 standard deviation are collected in one cluster. This type of clustering is less stable than the first one. The analytical analysis shows that the stability and the staying duration of vehicles in the first clustering approach are better than their values in the second clustering approach

    Routage basé sur le contenu dans les réseaux ad-hoc aéronautiques

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    In a context of growing needs of communication means to increase flight safety and meet the expectations of companies and passengers, the world of civil aviation seeks new communication systems that can meet these objectives. The Aeronautical Ad-Hoc Networks, AANETs represent an innovative approach to address this problem. It is self-configured networks, using no fixed infrastructure where the nodes are commercial aircraft. The AANETs can be seen as a subset of the VANET (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks) since they share many features as the constraints imposed on the trajectories. In order to use these mobile networks more efficiently while meeting the needs of new applications, such as the transmission of weather information in real time, requiring air to air communications. , we propose in this thesis to use the paradigm of content based routing above AANET. In this kind of routing, it is not a destination address that is used to identify the recipients, but the message content itself. In this paradigm, a transmitter sends a message having attributes and the message is then transmitted by the network to nodes interested by the content of the message. Applied to weather information update, this approach allows an aircraft detecting a dangerous phenomenon such as a thunderstorm to only prevent interested nodes, ie those whose the trajectory come close to the storm during the lifetime of the event. In this thesis, we have chosen to rely on the popular Publish / Subscribe (P / S) paradigm to provide a content based routing service. In this approach, publishers publish events. On the other side, nodes send subscriptions to declare their interest and the system is then in charge of forward events to nodes that match their needs.. After a state of the art about existing P / S systems, particularly those adapted to VANETs, we choose to test the solutions seemed interesting in a AANET context. To accomplish this, we have developed as a Omnet ++ mobility model using real position reports to replay a full day of traffic of aircraft and several aeronautical applications based on a P / S system to generate realistic data. The results show that these solutions are not completely suitable for AANET context. Therefore, in a second step, we proposed a new P / S system which is more efficient on a AANET. This solution is based on an overlay network built thanks to a new of 1-hopping clustering algorithm suitable for AANET. In order to increase the stability of the overlay architecture, this algorithm is based on the number of neighbors and the relative mobility between the nodes to define groups. The tests show that the P iii / S system based on this overlay provides better results than the previously tested solutions, whether in terms of network load or percentage of transmitted events.Les rĂ©seaux Ad Hoc mobiles (MANET : Mobile Ad hoc NETworks), sont des rĂ©seaux auto-configurĂ©s, n'utilisant pas d'infrastructure fixe. Les AANET (Aeronautical Ad hoc NETworks) sont un sous-ensemble de ces rĂ©seaux dont la spĂ©cificitĂ© rĂ©side dans le fait que les nƓuds composant le rĂ©seau sont des avions commerciaux avec des schĂ©mas de mouvements caractĂ©ristiques. Les AANETs peuvent apparaĂźtre comme un moyen de communication complĂ©mentaire aux systĂšmes existants entre les avions et le sol ou entre les avions eux mĂȘmes. Afin de rĂ©pondre aux besoins de nouvelles applications, telle que l'information mĂ©tĂ©orologique sur des phĂ©nomĂšnes dangereux en temps rĂ©el, qui nĂ©cessitent des communications d'avion Ă  avion, le paradigme du routage basĂ© sur le contenu semble prometteur. Dans ce type de routage, ce n'est plus une adresse de destination qui est utilisĂ©e pour joindre le ou les correspondants, mais le contenu du message qui permet de dĂ©cider des destinataires. Dans ce paradigme, un Ă©metteur envoi un message possĂ©dant des attributs et le message est alors transmis par le rĂ©seau uniquement aux terminaux intĂ©ressĂ©s par le contenu du message. Dans cette thĂšse, nous avons conçu un systĂšme de publication/souscription basĂ© sur le contenu et adaptĂ© aux AANETs. Ce systĂšme s'appuie sur une architecture recouvrante ("overlay network") construite Ă  l'aide d'un algorithme original de regroupement Ă  1-saut (1-hop clusterisation) adaptĂ© aux AANETs. Ce systĂšme a Ă©tĂ© validĂ© en simulation avec un rejeu de trajectoires avion rĂ©elles

    Fast propagation of messages in VANETs and the impact of vehicles as obstacles on signal propagation

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), an emerging technology, use vehicles as nodes to form a mobile ad hoc network for the dissemination of safety and entertainment messages. The thesis provides a scheme for the fast propagation of messages in VANETs and evaluates the impact of vehicles as obstacles on signal propagation. An improved scheme for intermediate node selection in DBA-MAC (Dynamic Backbone Assisted MAC) is proposed, which consists of a CW (Contention Window) constraint scheme and an updated criterion of suitability. A performance comparison shows that messages in the proposed scheme propagate faster than in DBA-MAC. The CW constraint scheme is also applicable in VANET protocols which adapt the CW mechanism to communicate the suitability of vehicles for acting as intermediate nodes. Additionally, the mathematical models for DBAMAC and the proposal are established, which indicate the probability of candidates to be chosen over alternatives in the intermediate node selection. A novel metric - delay taking into account the effect of formation time(DEFT) - is proposed. DEFT combines the network formation time and propagation delay. It shows the impact of network formation on propagation latency. The configuration for optimal performance can be acquired using the proposed DEFT. In order to evaluate the proposals, a novel distribution of vehicle location is proposed. In the proposed distribution, the security distances between adjacent vehicles in the same lane are considered. The estimation of vehicles’ location can be more practical and accurate using the proposed distribution. In the wide body of the VANET literature, it is assumed that all the vehicles within the radio range of a transmitter are able to receive the signal. Yet, in practice, the vehicles as obstacles between the transmitter and the receiver affect the signal propagation significantly. This thesis presents the impact of these obstacles on the network connectivity and system performance of the protocols. The results and the analysis show that neglecting obstacles in practice leads to a significant degree of error in the estimation of system performance. In practice, tall vehicles forward messages in a more efficient way than do lower vehicles since they are free from the obstacle effect. An improved scheme is proposed, in which the height of vehicles is used as a factor to determine their suitability for message forwarding

    A new stability based clustering algorithm (SBCA) for VANETs

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