601,386 research outputs found

    Health promotion and empowerment: a reflection based on critical-social and post-structuralist perspectives

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    In this paper we describe the theoretical framework and the core strategies of health promotion followed by a critical intra- and extra-paradigmatic analysis of the key ideas of this movement. From an intra-paradigmatic perspective we privilege a critical social theory perspective for analyzing one of the key concepts of health promotion - empowerment - exploring its potential to transform community and professional practices in the field of health. Next, we reflect about health promotion from an extra-paradigmatic perspective, seeking in the post-structuralist theories new analytical possibilities for understanding the power relations that establish themselves on the basis of practices and policies of health promotion. Throughout this article, we articulate the explored theoretical principles to contextual questions and current debates in the field of health in Brazil.Neste trabalho, descrevemos o arcabouço teórico e as estratégias centrais da Promoção à Saúde, seguidos de uma análise crítica tanto intra como extra-paradigmática ao ideário do referido movimento. A partir de uma perspectiva intra-paradigmática, privilegiamos o enfoque ao qual se filia a Promoção à Saúde, as teorias crítico-sociais, para analisar um dos seus conceitos estruturantes - o conceito de empoderamento -, explorando seu potencial para a transformação das práticas comunitárias e profissionais em saúde. A seguir, refletimos sobre a Promoção à Saúde a partir de uma perspectiva extra-paradigmática, buscando nas teorias pós-estruturalistas novas possibilidades analíticas para entender as relações de poder que se estabelecem a partir das práticas e políticas de Promoção à Saúde. Ao longo deste artigo, articulamos os princípios teóricos explorados a questões contextuais e a debates atuais na área da saúde no Brasil.20292040Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Public oral health through the perspective of a dentistry student: an experience analysis

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    Este estudo analisa a contribuição de um projeto pedagógico de saúde bucal coletiva na formação do estudante do curso de graduação em odontologia, na perspectiva dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde da promoção em saúde bucal e da atenção em saúde da família, através da visão do aluno, utilizando o enfoque da pesquisa social em abordagem qualitativa. O projeto obteve um índice de aprovação na ordem de 92%. Os aspectos que ofereceram maiores contribuições foram atribuídos às ações desenvolvidas durante o ciclo clínico, seguido pelo ciclo básico. Constituiu-se nos primeiros contatos com aspectos da saúde coletiva e das ciências sociais, demonstrando novas tendências no agir do processo saúde/doença bucal, criando um espaço no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de reflexão crítica sobre a odontologia, na perspectiva preventiva em relação à sedução presente na tradicional atenção clínica curativa. Representa uma experiência simples que vem tentando obter respostas positivas a um dos problemas mais desafiadores para a efetiva implementação do Sistema Único de Saúde - a formação de um profissional preparado e sensibilizado para atender as necessidades de saúde da população e que incorpore a importância e o impacto das dimensões sociais, econômicas, políticas e culturais para a saúde no seu agir.This study aims to analyze the contribution of a Pedagogical Project of Public Oral Health in the development of Dentistry undergraduate students in the perspective of the Brazilian Unified Health System principles, the promotion of oral health and the family health care, through the student’s view using a social research with a qualitative approach. The project obtained an approval index of 92%. The aspects that contributed the most were the actions developed during the clinical cycle followed by the primary cycle. These actions are related to the first contact with public health and social sciences aspects, showing new tendencies in the oral health/disease care process, fostering the teaching learning process to critically thinking on the dentistry in terms of the preventive perspective in relation to the appeal that current traditional curative clinical care exerts on students. This is a simple experience that has attempted to obtain positive responses to one of the most challenging problems for an effective implementation of the Brazilian Unified Health System which is the formation of a prepared and sensible professionals able to meet the population’s health needs and understand the importance and impact of the socio economic, political and cultural dimensions to health care

    La calidad de vida bajo la perspectiva de clientes revascularizados en rehabilitación: un estudio etnográfico

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    Este estudo etnográfico teve como objetivo compreender o significado de qualidade de vida na perspectiva de pessoas que vivenciaram a coronariopatia e a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Os dados foram coletados por meio de observações diretas e entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisados a partir da leitura cuidadosa, identificação de unidades de significados, núcleos temáticos e temas. Foram interpretados de acordo com a antropologia interpretativa e o Modelo Conceitual de Qualidade de Vida do Centre for Health Promotion. O tema identificado, qualidade de vida ser feliz à medida do possível, está fundamentado em ter saúde, ter trabalho e ter harmonia familiar. Essas foram consideradas dimensões para uma vida "tranqüila e feliz". O significado de qualidade de vida é complexo, está sujeito a (re)significações ao longo da vida, e relacionado ao contexto socioeconômico e cultural, incluindo-se, nesse caso, a experiência do processo saúde-doença.Este estudio etnográfico tuvo como objetivo comprender el significado de calidad de vida en la perspectiva de personas que tuvieron una coronariopatía y pasaron por cirugía de revascularización del miocardio. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de observaciones directas y entrevistas semiestructuradas y evaluados a partir de una lectura cuidadosa, de la identificación de unidades de significados de núcleos temáticos y temas. Fueron interpretados de acuerdo con la antropología interpretativa y el modelo conceptual de calidad de vida del Center for Health Promotion. El tema identificado, calidad de vida ser feliz en la medida de lo posible, está fundamentado en tener salud, tener trabajo y tener armonía familiar. Esas fueron consideradas dimensiones para una vida "tranquila y feliz". El significado de calidad de vida es complejo, está sujeto a nuevas evaluaciones de significado a lo largo de la vida, y relacionado al contexto socioeconómico y cultural, incluyéndose, en ese caso, la experiencia del proceso salud y enfermedad.This ethnographic study aimed to understand the meaning of quality of life from the perspective of people with coronary disease submitted to myocardial revascularization surgery. Direct observations and semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. Data were analyzed through careful reading, identification of units of meaning, thematic groups and themes, and interpreted according to interpretative anthropology and the Centre for Health Promotion conceptual model of quality of life. The identified theme, quality of life being happy as possible, is based on being healthy, having a job and a harmonious family. These were considered dimensions for a "tranquil and happy" life. The meaning of quality of life is complex, subject to new significations throughout life, and related to the socioeconomic and cultural context, including, in the case, the experience of the health-disease process

    Health as a collective fact

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    This paper discusses one of public health forms of manifestation: health as a colective fact. Media is presented as creating this colective fact and the consequences of that for the public health field. Health as a truly colective fact pressupose a redefinition of the health content in terms os Health Promotion and the consideration of the main agents of the process of communication in health, Civil Society and the State, in a new perspective of complex networks, in accordance with the requirementes of the present time.Discute-se aqui uma das formas de manifestação da Saúde Coletiva o que é a da saúde como fato coletivo de natureza midiática. Apresenta-se a mídia como instância instituinte do fato coletivo e os desdobramentos desta instituição para o campo da saúde e da doença. Coloca-se que a saúde como uma fato verdadeiramente coletivo pressupõe uma redefinição do conteúdo da saúde em termos de Promoção de Saúde e a consideração dos atores principais do processo comunicativo em saúde, a Sociedade civil e o Estado, em uma nova perspectiva de redes complexas, em conformidade com as exigências da atualidade

    Active aging promotion: results from the Vital Aging Program

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    Active aging is one of the terms in the semantic network of aging well, together with others such as successful, productive, competent aging. All allude to the new paradigm in gerontology, where by aging is considered from a positive perspective. Most authors in the field agree active aging is a multidimensional concept, embracing health, physical and cognitive fitness, positive affect and control, social relationships and engagement. This paper describes Vital Aging, an individual active aging promotion program implemented through three modalities: Life, Multimedia, and e-Learning. The program was developed on the basis of extensive evidence about individual determinants of active aging. e different versions of Vital Aging are described, and four evaluation studies (both formative and summative) are reported. Formative evaluation reflected participants's satisfaction and expected changes; summative evaluations yielded some quite encouraging results using quasi-experimental designs: those who took part in the programs increased their physical exercise, signicantly improved their diet, reported better memory, had better emotional balance, and enjoyed more cultural, intellectual, affective, and social activities than they did before the course, thus increasing their social relationships. These results are discussed in the context of the common literature within the field and, also, taking into .account the limitations of the evaluations accomplished.Vital Aging Programs were sponsored by the Institute for Older Adults and Social Services (IMSERSO-UAM Agreements 1997-00), the Socrates Minerva Program of the European Commission (AGE-LL-C, 2001-03), and the UAM Santander Research Program for Latin America (PUM-e 2011)

    Active Aging Promotion: Results from the Vital Aging

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    Active aging is one of the terms in the semantic network of aging well, together with others such as successful, productive, competent aging. All allude to the new paradigm in gerontology, whereby aging is considered from a positive perspective. Most authors in the field agree active aging is a multidimensional concept, embracing health, physical and cognitive fitness, positive affect and control, social relationships and engagement. This paper describes Vital Aging, an individual active aging promotion program implemented through three modalities: Life, Multimedia, and e-Learning. The program was developed on the basis of extensive evidence about individual determinants of active aging. The different versions of Vital Aging are described, and four evaluation studies (both formative and summative) are reported. Formative evaluation reflected participants’ satisfaction and expected changes; summative evaluations yielded some quite encouraging results using quasi-experimental designs: those who took part in the programs increased their physical exercise, significantly improved their diet, reported better memory, had better emotional balance, and enjoyed more cultural, intellectual, affective, and social activities than they did before the course, thus increasing their social relationships. These results are discussed in the context of the common literature within the field and, also, taking into account the limitations of the evaluations accomplished

    Community contributions to a FHU team work

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    Considerando a relevância da participação popular na construção de novos modelos de saúde, o presente estudo propõe-se a verificar as contribuições dessa participação nas ações de saúde de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. Trata-se de estudo de análise documental, a partir de atas de 24 reuniões mensais da equipe com a comunidade. Após a leitura dos registros, os assuntos discutidos foram agrupados em quatro temáticas: recursos materiais e humanos, acesso aos serviços de saúde de maior complexidade, adesão da comunidade às atividades oferecidas pela unidade e promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças. Constata-se que, embora as discussões vislumbrem a visão integral da saúde e possibilitem co-responsabilidade, fortalecimento do vínculo e troca de informação, ainda é necessário maior avanço para se obter a efetiva participação da comunidade na co-gestão do sistema de saúde.Considerando la relevancia de la participación de la población en la construcción de nuevos modelos de salud, el presente estudio propone caracterizar y analizar las contribuciones de la participación de la comunidad en las acciones de salud de una Unidad de Salud de la Familia. Se trata de un estudio de análisis documentario, basado en actas de 24 reuniones mensuales del equipo con la comunidad. Después de la lectura de los registros, los asuntos fueran clasificados en cuatro temáticas: recursos materiales y humanos, accesos a los servicios de salud de nivel secundario, adherencia de la comunidad a las actividades ofrecidas por la unidad y promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedades. Verificó-se que las discusiones destacaron una visión íntegra de la salud e hicieron posible la co-responsabilidad, fortalecimiento del vínculo y cambio de información. Todavía es necesario avanzar para obtener la efectiva participación de la comunidad en la co-gestión del sistema de salud.Considering the importance of people participating in the construction of new health models, this study aimed to characterize and analyze contributions brought by community to health actions carried out in a Family Health Unit. It is a documentary analysis based on the records of 24 monthly meetings between the team and community. After reading the records, subject was divided into four themes: material and human resources, availability to secondary level health services, community adherence to the unit activities, health promotion and disease prevention. Discussions opened a wide perspective on health and stimulated co-responsibility, stronger links and information exchanging. Nevertheless, there is a need to improve community effective participation in the co-management of the health system

    Educação alimentar na formação de adultos: contributo para a educação/ promoção da saúde

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    A saúde é entendida como um recurso para a vida, não depende exclusivamente do sector da saúde, mas de todos em geral e de cada um em particular. Exige a adopção de estilos de vida saudáveis para se atingir o bem-estar pleno. Actualmente, as alterações dos estilos de vida, os novos hábitos alimentares e de consumo começam a repercutir-se em problemas graves de saúde pública. A saúde é também um aspecto cultural, com um objectivo social, sendo da responsabilidade de todos nós. Nesta perspectiva, todos os espaços e tempos são profícuos para a promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, sendo a escola um dos locais de excelência, que pode e deve fomentar a promoção da saúde individual e colectiva. A alimentação para além de ser uma necessidade fundamental do ser humano, é um dos elementos do estilo de vida mais determinante no estado de saúde das pessoas. Como tal, é de extrema importância conhecer os hábitos alimentares das populações, a fim de se poder agir, em caso de graves erros alimentares. Tomando em atenção o referido anteriormente, o presente estudo teve como objectivos principais: conhecer os hábitos alimentares dos alunos, elaborar recursos didácticos adequados, contribuir para a promoção de uma alimentação saudável e aumento dos níveis de literacia. A investigação recorreu a uma metodologia de natureza essencialmente qualitativa, envolveu todos os alunos (40) que frequentavam os cursos do 1º Ciclo de Educação de Adultos no concelho de Vinhais, distribuídos por três turmas, que responderam a um questionário de resposta directa e anónima. A análise dos resultados permitiu inferir que os referidos alunos apresentam alguns hábitos alimentares e concepções sobre alimentação saudável incorrectos. Face aos resultados obtidos foram elaborados recursos didácticos adequados a este nível de ensino, para orientar actividades e procedimentos no sentido de alterar os hábitos nocivos, melhorar a saúde e aumentar a literacia numa perspectiva de aprendizagem ao longo da vida e ao exercício de uma cidadania activa e responsável. Por último concluímos com a realização deste estudo que a Educação para a Promoção da Saúde deve ser implementada no contexto escolar numa perspectiva transversal abrangendo todos os alunos.Health is understood as a resource for life, it does not depend exclusively on the Health sector, but on all sectors in general, and of each one of them in particular. It requires the adoption of healthy lifestyle practices in order to achieve full well-being. Nowadays, the changing of the lifestyle, new food and consuming habits begin to be reflected in serious public health problems. Health is also a cultural aspect, it has a social goal, and it is the responsibility of all us. In this perspective, all places and times are interesting for the promotion of healthy lifestyles, and the school is one of the best places for that, which can and should foster the promotion of the individual and collective health. Food, besides being an essential need of the human being, is one of the more important elements of a healthy lifestyle, and the one which is more determining in people’s health status. As such, it is extremely important to identify the population’s food habits, so that we can act, in case of major food mistakes. Bearing in mind what has been said, this study had the following main objectives: to know student’s food habits, to create appropriate teaching resources, to contribute to the promotion of healthy eating habits and to the increase of literacy levels. The research used a mainly qualitative methodology, and involved all students (40) who attended the classes of the first cycle in Adult Education in the county of Vinhais. They were distributed into three classes who answered a direct questionnaire of anonymous reply. The analysis of the results allowed us to conclude that those students have certain food habits and wrong ideas about healthy eating. Given the results, proper teaching resources were created for this teaching level, to guide activities and procedures in order to change bad habits, improve health and increase literacy in a life-long learning perspective and with the focus of an active and responsible citizenship. Finally, with this study we concluded that the Education for the Promotion of Health should be developed in the school context, in a transverse perspective including all students

    Gap Analysis of Environmental Health Research in Malawi : Report to the National Commission of Science and Technology

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    The aim of this consultancy was to assess the current gaps in research for the environmental health sector in Malawi, and to recommend research priorities and an effective action plan to address these gap

    From positive youth development to youth’s engagement : the dream teens

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    In addition to the empirical validation of ‘health and happiness’ determinants, theoretical models suggesting where to ground actions are necessary. In the beginning of the twentieth century, intervention models focused on evaluation and empirical validation were only concerned about overt behaviours (verbal and non-verbal) and covert behaviours (cognitions and emotions). Later on in the middle of the century, there was a shift from treating the problems to a positive approach, focused on promoting assets and individual strengths. Thus, the role of social competences, self-regulation and resilience became salient. Researchers also highlighted the importance of social cohesion and social support, as active health and wellbeing facilitators. More recently, in the twentyfirst century, the population’s engagement (positive engagement) has become crucial. This paper presents the evolution of this theoretical and scientific path, using Portugal as a case study, where early interventions focused on the positive aspects of both covert and overt behaviours, while more recent interventions included explicitly the perspective of youth engagement and participation, as is the case of the Dream Teens Project. It is expected that the political and professional understanding of this trajectory will allow professionals to provide better health and educational services, improving young people’s engagement, quality of life, health and wellbeingpeer-reviewe