3,020 research outputs found

    A Neural Network Gravitational Arc Finder based on the Mediatrix filamentation Method

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    Automated arc detection methods are needed to scan the ongoing and next-generation wide-field imaging surveys, which are expected to contain thousands of strong lensing systems. Arc finders are also required for a quantitative comparison between predictions and observations of arc abundance. Several algorithms have been proposed to this end, but machine learning methods have remained as a relatively unexplored step in the arc finding process. In this work we introduce a new arc finder based on pattern recognition, which uses a set of morphological measurements derived from the Mediatrix Filamentation Method as entries to an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). We show a full example of the application of the arc finder, first training and validating the ANN on simulated arcs and then applying the code on four Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of strong lensing systems. The simulated arcs use simple prescriptions for the lens and the source, while mimicking HST observational conditions. We also consider a sample of objects from HST images with no arcs in the training of the ANN classification. We use the training and validation process to determine a suitable set of ANN configurations, including the combination of inputs from the Mediatrix method, so as to maximize the completeness while keeping the false positives low. In the simulations the method was able to achieve a completeness of about 90% with respect to the arcs that are input to the ANN after a preselection. However, this completeness drops to \sim 70% on the HST images. The false detections are of the order of 3% of the objects detected in these images. The combination of Mediatrix measurements with an ANN is a promising tool for the pattern recognition phase of arc finding. More realistic simulations and a larger set of real systems are needed for a better training and assessment of the efficiency of the method.Comment: Updated to match published versio

    A simple prescription for simulating and characterizing gravitational arcs

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    Simple models of gravitational arcs are crucial to simulate large samples of these objects with full control of the input parameters. These models also provide crude and automated estimates of the shape and structure of the arcs, which are necessary when trying to detect and characterize these objects on massive wide area imaging surveys. We here present and explore the ArcEllipse, a simple prescription to create objects with shape similar to gravitational arcs. We also present PaintArcs, which is a code that couples this geometrical form with a brightness distribution and adds the resulting object to images. Finally, we introduce ArcFitting, which is a tool that fits ArcEllipses to images of real gravitational arcs. We validate this fitting technique using simulated arcs and apply it to CFHTLS and HST images of tangential arcs around clusters of galaxies. Our simple ArcEllipse model for the arc, associated to a S\'ersic profile for the source, recovers the total signal in real images typically within 10%-30%. The ArcEllipse+S\'ersic models also automatically recover visual estimates of length-to-width ratios of real arcs. Residual maps between data and model images reveal the incidence of arc substructure. They may thus be used as a diagnostic for arcs formed by the merging of multiple images. The incidence of these substructures is the main factor preventing ArcEllipse models from accurately describing real lensed systems.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A survey of visual preprocessing and shape representation techniques

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    Many recent theories and methods proposed for visual preprocessing and shape representation are summarized. The survey brings together research from the fields of biology, psychology, computer science, electrical engineering, and most recently, neural networks. It was motivated by the need to preprocess images for a sparse distributed memory (SDM), but the techniques presented may also prove useful for applying other associative memories to visual pattern recognition. The material of this survey is divided into three sections: an overview of biological visual processing; methods of preprocessing (extracting parts of shape, texture, motion, and depth); and shape representation and recognition (form invariance, primitives and structural descriptions, and theories of attention)

    Clothoid-based Planning and Control in Intelligent Vehicles (Autonomous and Manual-Assisted Driving)

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    [EN] Nowadays, there are many electronic products that incorporate elements and features coming from the research in the field of mobile robotics. For instance, the well-known vacuum cleaning robot Roomba by iRobot, which belongs to the field of service robotics, one of the most active within the sector. There are also numerous autonomous robotic systems in industrial warehouses and plants. It is the case of Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs), which are able to drive completely autonomously in very structured environments. Apart from industry and consumer electronics, within the automotive field there are some devices that give intelligence to the vehicle, derived in most cases from advances in mobile robotics. In fact, more and more often vehicles incorporate Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), such as navigation control with automatic speed regulation, lane change and overtaking assistant, automatic parking or collision warning, among other features. However, despite all the advances there are some problems that remain unresolved and can be improved. Collisions and rollovers stand out among the most common accidents of vehicles with manual or autonomous driving. In fact, it is almost impossible to guarantee driving without accidents in unstructured environments where vehicles share the space with other moving agents, such as other vehicles and pedestrians. That is why searching for techniques to improve safety in intelligent vehicles, either autonomous or manual-assisted driving, is still a trending topic within the robotics community. This thesis focuses on the design of tools and techniques for planning and control of intelligent vehicles in order to improve safety and comfort. The dissertation is divided into two parts, the first one on autonomous driving and the second one on manual-assisted driving. The main link between them is the use of clothoids as mathematical formulation for both trajectory generation and collision detection. Among the problems solved the following stand out: obstacle avoidance, rollover avoidance and advanced driver assistance to avoid collisions with pedestrians.[ES] En la actualidad se comercializan infinidad de productos de electrónica de consumo que incorporan elementos y características procedentes de avances en el sector de la robótica móvil. Por ejemplo, el conocido robot aspirador Roomba de la empresa iRobot, el cual pertenece al campo de la robótica de servicio, uno de los más activos en el sector. También hay numerosos sistemas robóticos autónomos en almacenes y plantas industriales. Es el caso de los vehículos autoguiados (AGVs), capaces de conducir de forma totalmente autónoma en entornos muy estructurados. Además de en la industria y en electrónica de consumo, dentro del campo de la automoción también existen dispositivos que dotan de cierta inteligencia al vehículo, derivados la mayoría de las veces de avances en robótica móvil. De hecho, cada vez con mayor frecuencia los vehículos incorporan sistemas avanzados de asistencia al conductor (ADAS por sus siglas en inglés), tales como control de navegación con regulación automática de velocidad, asistente de cambio de carril y adelantamiento, aparcamiento automático o aviso de colisión, entre otras prestaciones. No obstante, pese a todos los avances siguen existiendo problemas sin resolver y que pueden mejorarse. La colisión y el vuelco destacan entre los accidentes más comunes en vehículos con conducción tanto manual como autónoma. De hecho, la dificultad de conducir en entornos desestructurados compartiendo el espacio con otros agentes móviles, tales como coches o personas, hace casi imposible garantizar la conducción sin accidentes. Es por ello que la búsqueda de técnicas para mejorar la seguridad en vehículos inteligentes, ya sean de conducción autónoma o manual asistida, es un tema que siempre está en auge en la comunidad robótica. La presente tesis se centra en el diseño de herramientas y técnicas de planificación y control de vehículos inteligentes, para la mejora de la seguridad y el confort. La disertación se ha dividido en dos partes, la primera sobre conducción autónoma y la segunda sobre conducción manual asistida. El principal nexo de unión es el uso de clotoides como elemento de generación de trayectorias y detección de colisiones. Entre los problemas que se resuelven destacan la evitación de obstáculos, la evitación de vuelcos y la asistencia avanzada al conductor para evitar colisiones con peatones.[CA] En l'actualitat es comercialitzen infinitat de productes d'electrònica de consum que incorporen elements i característiques procedents d'avanços en el sector de la robòtica mòbil. Per exemple, el conegut robot aspirador Roomba de l'empresa iRobot, el qual pertany al camp de la robòtica de servici, un dels més actius en el sector. També hi ha nombrosos sistemes robòtics autònoms en magatzems i plantes industrials. És el cas dels vehicles autoguiats (AGVs), els quals són capaços de conduir de forma totalment autònoma en entorns molt estructurats. A més de en la indústria i en l'electrònica de consum, dins el camp de l'automoció també existeixen dispositius que doten al vehicle de certa intel·ligència, la majoria de les vegades derivats d'avanços en robòtica mòbil. De fet, cada vegada amb més freqüència els vehicles incorporen sistemes avançats d'assistència al conductor (ADAS per les sigles en anglés), com ara control de navegació amb regulació automàtica de velocitat, assistent de canvi de carril i avançament, aparcament automàtic o avís de col·lisió, entre altres prestacions. No obstant això, malgrat tots els avanços segueixen existint problemes sense resoldre i que poden millorar-se. La col·lisió i la bolcada destaquen entre els accidents més comuns en vehicles amb conducció tant manual com autònoma. De fet, la dificultat de conduir en entorns desestructurats compartint l'espai amb altres agents mòbils, tals com cotxes o persones, fa quasi impossible garantitzar la conducció sense accidents. És per això que la recerca de tècniques per millorar la seguretat en vehicles intel·ligents, ja siguen de conducció autònoma o manual assistida, és un tema que sempre està en auge a la comunitat robòtica. La present tesi es centra en el disseny d'eines i tècniques de planificació i control de vehicles intel·ligents, per a la millora de la seguretat i el confort. La dissertació s'ha dividit en dues parts, la primera sobre conducció autònoma i la segona sobre conducció manual assistida. El principal nexe d'unió és l'ús de clotoides com a element de generació de trajectòries i detecció de col·lisions. Entre els problemes que es resolen destaquen l'evitació d'obstacles, l'evitació de bolcades i l'assistència avançada al conductor per evitar col·lisions amb vianants.Girbés Juan, V. (2016). Clothoid-based Planning and Control in Intelligent Vehicles (Autonomous and Manual-Assisted Driving) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65072TESI

    Reconstruction of industrial piping installations from laser point clouds using profiling techniques

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 143-152).As-built models of industrial piping installations are essential for planning applications in industry. Laser scanning has emerged as the preferred data acquisition method of as built information for creating these three dimensional (3D) models. The product of the scanning process is a cloud of points representing scanned surfaces. From this point cloud, 3D models of the surfaces are reconstructed. Most surfaces are of piping elements e.g. straight pipes, t-junctions, elbows, spheres. The automatic detection of these piping elements in point clouds has the greatest impact on the reconstructed model. Various algorithms have been proposed for detecting piping elements in point clouds. However, most algorithms detect cylinders (straight pipes) and planes which make up a small percentage of piping elements found in industrial installations. In addition, these algorithms do not allow for deformation detection in pipes. Therefore, the work in this research is aimed at the detection of piping elements (straight pipes, elbows, t-junctions and flange) in point clouds including deformation detection

    Medial Axis Isoperimetric Profiles

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    Recently proposed as a stable means of evaluating geometric compactness, the isoperimetric profile of a planar domain measures the minimum perimeter needed to inscribe a shape with prescribed area varying from 0 to the area of the domain. While this profile has proven valuable for evaluating properties of geographic partitions, existing algorithms for its computation rely on aggressive approximations and are still computationally expensive. In this paper, we propose a practical means of approximating the isoperimetric profile and show that for domains satisfying a "thick neck" condition, our approximation is exact. For more general domains, we show that our bound is still exact within a conservative regime and is otherwise an upper bound. Our method is based on a traversal of the medial axis which produces efficient and robust results. We compare our technique with the state-of-the-art approximation to the isoperimetric profile on a variety of domains and show significantly tighter bounds than were previously achievable.Comment: Code and supplemental available here: https://github.com/pzpzpzp1/isoperimetric_profil

    Using ArcGIS to Delineate the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf in Accordance with Article 76 of the Law of the Sea

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    The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea established the opportunity for coastal nations to potentially extend their maritime territory beyond the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. The eligibility of a nation to submit such a claim to the United Nations (UN) is based on the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf. This requires the analyses of coastal baselines, bathymetry, and geophysical data, as well as calculating arcs using geodesic distances. The UN has established numerous guidelines that must be adhered to during analyses and strict standards for submitting a claim. This paper outlines a process that was developed for producing and analyzing Law of the Sea claims using ArcGIS, based on the regulations and guidelines prescribed by the UN in Article 76. A proof of concept was established using ArcGIS tools and applications, which was tested via a case study and mock submission. The final report includes recommendations for improving the workflow through future development of ArcGIS capabilities to meet all the necessary guidelines and standards

    Multiresolution analysis as an approach for tool path planning in NC machining

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    Wavelets permit multiresolution analysis of curves and surfaces. A complex curve can be decomposed using wavelet theory into lower resolution curves. The low-resolution (coarse) curves are similar to rough-cuts and high-resolution (fine) curves to finish-cuts in numerical controlled (NC) machining.;In this project, we investigate the applicability of multiresolution analysis using B-spline wavelets to NC machining of contoured 2D objects. High-resolution curves are used close to the object boundary similar to conventional offsetting, while lower resolution curves, straight lines and circular arcs are used farther away from the object boundary.;Experimental results indicate that wavelet-based multiresolution tool path planning improves machining efficiency. Tool path length is reduced, sharp corners are smoothed out thereby reducing uncut areas and larger tools can be selected for rough-cuts