32,336 research outputs found

    Easy Leaf Area: Automated digital image analysis for rapid and accurate measurement of leaf area.

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    UnlabelledPremise of the studyMeasurement of leaf areas from digital photographs has traditionally required significant user input unless backgrounds are carefully masked. Easy Leaf Area was developed to batch process hundreds of Arabidopsis rosette images in minutes, removing background artifacts and saving results to a spreadsheet-ready CSV file. •Methods and resultsEasy Leaf Area uses the color ratios of each pixel to distinguish leaves and calibration areas from their background and compares leaf pixel counts to a red calibration area to eliminate the need for camera distance calculations or manual ruler scale measurement that other software methods typically require. Leaf areas estimated by this software from images taken with a camera phone were more accurate than ImageJ estimates from flatbed scanner images. •ConclusionsEasy Leaf Area provides an easy-to-use method for rapid measurement of leaf area and nondestructive estimation of canopy area from digital images

    A Mixed Data-Based Deep Neural Network to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Wheat Breeding Trials

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    Remote and non-destructive estimation of leaf area index (LAI) has been a challenge in the last few decades as the direct and indirect methods available are laborious and time-consuming. The recent emergence of high-throughput plant phenotyping platforms has increased the need to develop new phenotyping tools for better decision-making by breeders. In this paper, a novel model based on artificial intelligence algorithms and nadir-view red green blue (RGB) images taken from a terrestrial high throughput phenotyping platform is presented. The model mixes numerical data collected in a wheat breeding field and visual features extracted from the images to make rapid and accurate LAI estimations. Model-based LAI estimations were validated against LAI measurements determined non-destructively using an allometric relationship obtained in this study. The model performance was also compared with LAI estimates obtained by other classical indirect methods based on bottom-up hemispherical images and gaps fraction theory. Model-based LAI estimations were highly correlated with ground-truth LAI. The model performance was slightly better than that of the hemispherical image-based method, which tended to underestimate LAI. These results show the great potential of the developed model for near real-time LAI estimation, which can be further improved in the future by increasing the dataset used to train the model

    Image analysis and statistical modelling for measurement and quality assessment of ornamental horticulture crops in glasshouses

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    Image analysis for ornamental crops is discussed with examples from the bedding plant industry. Feed-forward artificial neural networks are used to segment top and side view images of three contrasting species of bedding plants. The segmented images provide objective measurements of leaf and flower cover, colour, uniformity and leaf canopy height. On each imaging occasion, each pack was scored for quality by an assessor panel and it is shown that image analysis can explain 88.5%, 81.7% and 70.4% of the panel quality scores for the three species, respectively. Stereoscopy for crop height and uniformity is outlined briefly. The methods discussed here could be used for crop grading at marketing or for monitoring and assessment of growing crops within a glasshouse during all stages of production

    Assessment of leaf cover and crop soil cover in weed harrowing research using digital images

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    Objective assessment of crop soil cover, defined as the percentage of leaf cover that has been buried in soil due to weed harrowing, is crucial to further progress in post-emergence weed harrowing research. Up to now, crop soil cover has been assessed by visual scores, which are biased and context dependent. The aim of this study was to investigate whether digital image analysis is a feasible method to estimate crop soil cover in the early growth stages of cereals. Two main questions were examined: (1) how to capture suitable digital images under field conditions with a standard high-resolution digital camera and (2) how to analyse the images with an automated digital image analysis procedure. The importance of light conditions, camera angle, size of recorded area, growth stage and direction of harrowing were investigated in order to establish a standard for image capture and an automated image analysis procedure based on the excess green colour index was developed. The study shows that the automated digital image analysis procedure provided reliable estimations of leaf cover, defined as the as the proportion of pixels in digital images determined to be green, which were used to estimate crop soil cover. A standard for image capture is suggested and it is recommended to use digital image analysis to estimated crop soil cover in future research. The prospects of using digital image analysis in future weed harrowing research are discussed

    A Leaf Recognition Algorithm for Plant Classification Using Probabilistic Neural Network

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    In this paper, we employ Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) with image and data processing techniques to implement a general purpose automated leaf recognition algorithm. 12 leaf features are extracted and orthogonalized into 5 principal variables which consist the input vector of the PNN. The PNN is trained by 1800 leaves to classify 32 kinds of plants with an accuracy greater than 90%. Compared with other approaches, our algorithm is an accurate artificial intelligence approach which is fast in execution and easy in implementation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    A non-destructive method for estimating onion leaf area

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    peer-reviewedWe would like to thank to the CICYT for funding the national project (AGL2007-66716-CO3-03), and the Education Regional Government of C-LM for funding the project (PCI08-0117).Leaf area is one of the most important parameters for characterizing crop growth and development, and its measurement is useful for examining the effects of agronomic management on crop production. It is related to interception of radiation, photosynthesis, biomass accumulation, transpiration and gas exchange in crop canopies. Several direct and indirect methods have been developed for determining leaf area. The aim of this study is to develop an indirect method, based on the use of a mathematical model, to compute leaf area in an onion crop using non-destructive measurements with the condition that the model must be practical and useful as a Decision Support System tool to improve crop management. A field experiment was conducted in a 4.75 ha commercial onion plot irrigated with a centre pivot system in Aguas Nuevas (Albacete, Spain), during the 2010 irrigation season. To determine onion crop leaf area in the laboratory, the crop was sampled on four occasions between 15 June and 15 September. At each sampling event, eight experimental plots of 1 m2 were used and the leaf area for individual leaves was computed using two indirect methods, one based on the use of an automated infrared imaging system, LI-COR-3100C, and the other using a digital scanner EPSON GT-8000, obtaining several images that were processed using Image J v 1.43 software. A total of 1146 leaves were used. Before measuring the leaf area, 25 parameters related to leaf length and width were determined for each leaf. The combined application of principal components analysis and cluster analysis for grouping leaf parameters was used to reduce the number of variables from 25 to 12. The parameter derived from the product of the total leaf length (L) and the leaf diameter at a distance of 25% of the total leaf length (A25) gave the best results for estimating leaf area using a simple linear regression model. The model obtained was useful for computing leaf area using a non-destructive method.CICYTEducation Regional Government of C-L

    Automatic Leaf Extraction from Outdoor Images

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    Automatic plant recognition and disease analysis may be streamlined by an image of a complete, isolated leaf as an initial input. Segmenting leaves from natural images is a hard problem. Cluttered and complex backgrounds: often composed of other leaves are commonplace. Furthermore, their appearance is highly dependent upon illumination and viewing perspective. In order to address these issues we propose a methodology which exploits the leaves venous systems in tandem with other low level features. Background and leaf markers are created using colour, intensity and texture. Two approaches are investigated: watershed and graph-cut and results compared. Primary-secondary vein detection and a protrusion-notch removal are applied to refine the extracted leaf. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated against existing work.Comment: 13 pages, India-UK Advanced Technology Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks, Systems and Services (IU-ATC), 201
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