141 research outputs found

    New Algorithms for Computing Groebner Bases

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    In this thesis, we present new algorithms for computing Groebner bases. The first algorithm, G2V, is incremental in the same fashion as F5 and F5C. At a typical step, one is given a Groebner basis G for an ideal I and any polynomial g, and it is desired to compute a Groebner basis for the new ideal , obtained from I by joining g. Let (I : g) denote the colon ideal of I divided by g. Our algorithm computes Groebner bases for I, g and (I : g) simultaneously. In previous algorithms, S-polynomials that reduce to zero are useless, in fact, F5 tries to avoid such reductions as much as possible. In our algorithm, however, these \u27useless\u27 S-polynomials give elements in (I : g) and are useful in speeding up the subsequent computations. Computer experiments on some benchmark examples indicate that our algorithm is much more efficient (two to ten times faster) than F5 and F5C. Next, we present a more general algorithm that matches Buchberger\u27s algorithm in simplicity and yet is more flexible than G2V. Given a list of polynomials, the new algorithm computes simultaneously a Groebner basis for the ideal generated by the polynomials and a Groebner basis for the leading terms of the syzygy module of the polynomials. For any term order for the ideal, one may vary the term order for the syzygy module. Under one term order for the syzygy module, the new algorithm specializes to the G2V algorithm, and under another term order for the syzygy module, the new algorithm may be several times faster than G2V, as indicated by computer experiments on benchmark examples. Finally, we present a solid theoretical framework for G2V and GVW which makes the algorithm much more understandable. This theory also gives a major improvement of the GVW algorithm. A proof of termination is provided for all algorithms, and an argument is made that GVW computes the fewest number of generators for the signature based algorithms used by GVW and F5 (similarly for G2V and F5C)

    A new algorithm for computing Groebner bases

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    Buchberger\u27s algorithm for computing Groebner bases was introduced in 1965, and subsequently there have been extensive efforts in improving its efficiency. Major algorithms include F4 (Faugère 1999), XL (Courtois et al. 2000) and F5 (Faugère 2002). F5 is believed to be the fastest algorithm known in the literature. Most recently, Gao, Guan and Volny (2010) introduced an incremental algorithm (G2V) that is simpler and several times faster than F5. In this paper, a new algorithm is presented that can avoid the incremental nature of F5 and G2V. It matches Buchberger\u27s algorithm in simplicity and yet is more flexible. More precisely, given a list of polynomials, the new algorithm computes simultaneously a Groebner basis for the ideal generated by the polynomials and a Groebner basis for the leading terms of the syzygy module of the given list of polynomials. For any term order for the ideal, one may vary signature orders (i.e. the term orders for the syzygy module). Under one signature order, the new algorithm specializes to the G2V, and under another signature order, the new algorithm is several times faster than G2V, as indicated by computer experiments on benchmark examples

    The F5 Algorithm in Buchberger's Style

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    The famous F5 algorithm for computing \gr basis was presented by Faug\`ere in 2002. The original version of F5 is given in programming codes, so it is a bit difficult to understand. In this paper, the F5 algorithm is simplified as F5B in a Buchberger's style such that it is easy to understand and implement. In order to describe F5B, we introduce F5-reduction, which keeps the signature of labeled polynomials unchanged after reduction. The equivalence between F5 and F5B is also shown. At last, some versions of the F5 algorithm are illustrated

    A survey on signature-based Gr\"obner basis computations

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    This paper is a survey on the area of signature-based Gr\"obner basis algorithms that was initiated by Faug\`ere's F5 algorithm in 2002. We explain the general ideas behind the usage of signatures. We show how to classify the various known variants by 3 different orderings. For this we give translations between different notations and show that besides notations many approaches are just the same. Moreover, we give a general description of how the idea of signatures is quite natural when performing the reduction process using linear algebra. This survey shall help to outline this field of active research.Comment: 53 pages, 8 figures, 11 table

    Geometric constraint subsets and subgraphs in the analysis of assemblies and mechanisms

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    Geometric Reasoning ability is central to many applications in CAD/CAM/CAPP environments. An increasing demand exists for Geometric Reasoning systems which evaluate the feasibility of virtual scenes specified by geometric relations. Thus, the Geometric Constraint Satisfaction or Scene Feasibility (GCS/SF) problem consists of a basic scenario containing geometric entities, whose context is used to propose constraining relations among still undefined entities. If the constraint specification is consistent, the answer of the problem is one of finitely or infinitely many solution scenarios satisfying the prescribed constraints. Otherwise, a diagnostic of inconsistency is expected. The three main approaches used for this problem are numerical, procedural or operational and mathematical. Numerical and procedural approaches answer only part of the problem, and are not complete in the sense that a failure to provide an answer does not preclude the existence of one. The mathematical approach previously presented by the authors describes the problem using a set of polynomial equations. The common roots to this set of polynomials characterizes the solution space for such a problem. That work presents the use of Groebner basis techniques for verifying the consistency of the constraints. It also integrates subgroups of the Special Euclidean Group of Displacements SE(3) in the problem formulation to exploit the structure implied by geometric relations. Although theoretically sound, these techniques require large amounts of computing resources. This work proposes Divide-and-Conquer techniques applied to local GCS/SF subproblems to identify strongly constrained clusters of geometric entities. The identification and preprocessing of these clusters generally reduces the effort required in solving the overall problem. Cluster identification can be related to identifying short cycles in the Spatial Constraint graph for the GCS/SF problem. Their preprocessing uses the aforementioned Algebraic Geometry and Group theoretical techniques on the local GCS/SF problems that correspond to these cycles. Besides improving the efficiency of the solution approach, the Divide-and-Conquer techniques capture the physical essence of the problem. This is illustrated by applying the discussed techniques to the analysis of the degrees of freedom of mechanisms.MSC: 68U07La habilidad del Razonamiento Geométrico es central a muchas aplicaciones de CAD/CAM/CAPP (Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing and Process Planning). Existe una demanda creciente de sistemas de Razonamiento Geométrico que evalúen la factibilidad de escenas virtuales, especificados por relaciones geométricas. Por lo tanto, el problema de Satisfacción de Restricciones Geométricas o de Factibilidad de Escena (GCS/SF) consta de un escenario básico conteniendo entidades geométricas, cuyo contexto es usado para proponer relaciones de restricción entre entidades aún indefinidas. Si la especificación de las restricciones es consistente, la respuesta al problema es uno del finito o infinito número de escenarios solución que satisfacen las restricciones propuestas. De otra forma, un diagnóstico de inconsistencia es esperado. Las tres principales estrategias usadas para este problema son: numérica, procedimental y matemática. Las soluciones numérica y procedimental resuelven solo parte del problema, y no son completas en el sentido de que una ausencia de respuesta no significa la ausencia de ella. La aproximación matemática previamente presentada por los autores describe el problema usando una serie de ecuaciones polinómicas. Las raíces comunes a este conjunto de polinomios caracterizan el espacio solución para el problema. Ese trabajo presenta el uso de técnicas con Bases de Groebner para verificar la consistencia de las restricciones. Ella también integra los subgrupos del grupo especial Euclídeo de desplazamientos SE(3) en la formulación del problema para explotar la estructura implicada por las relaciones geométricas. Aunque teóricamente sólidas, estas técnicas requieren grandes cantidades de recursos computacionales. Este trabajo propone técnicas de Dividir y Conquistar aplicadas a subproblemas GCS/SF locales para identificar conjuntos de entidades geométricas fuertemente restringidas entre sí. La identificación y pre-procesamiento de dichos conjuntos locales, generalmente reduce el esfuerzo requerido para resolver el problema completo. La identificación de dichos sub-problemas locales está relacionada con la identificación de ciclos cortos en el grafo de Restricciones Geométricas del problema GCS/SF. Su preprocesamiento usa las ya mencionadas técnicas de Geometría Algebraica y Grupos en los problemas locales que corresponden a dichos ciclos. Además de mejorar la eficiencia de la solución, las técnicas de Dividir y Conquistar capturan la esencia física del problema. Esto es ilustrado por medio de su aplicación al análisis de grados de libertad de mecanismos.MSC: 68U0

    Predicting zero reductions in Gr\"obner basis computations

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    Since Buchberger's initial algorithm for computing Gr\"obner bases in 1965 many attempts have been taken to detect zero reductions in advance. Buchberger's Product and Chain criteria may be known the most, especially in the installaton of Gebauer and M\"oller. A relatively new approach are signature-based criteria which were first used in Faug\`ere's F5 algorithm in 2002. For regular input sequences these criteria are known to compute no zero reduction at all. In this paper we give a detailed discussion on zero reductions and the corresponding syzygies. We explain how the different methods to predict them compare to each other and show advantages and drawbacks in theory and practice. With this a new insight into algebraic structures underlying Gr\"obner bases and their computations might be achieved.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Geometric constraint subsets and subgraphs in the analysis of assemblies and mechanisms

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    Geometric Reasoning ability is central to many applications in CAD/CAM/CAPP environments -- An increasing demand exists for Geometric Reasoning systems which evaluate the feasibility of virtual scenes specified by geometric relations -- Thus, the Geometric Constraint Satisfaction or Scene Feasibility (GCS/SF) problem consists of a basic scenario containing geometric entities, whose context is used to propose constraining relations among still undefined entities -- If the constraint specification is consistent, the answer of the problem is one of finitely or infinitely many solution scenarios satisfying the prescribed constraints -- Otherwise, a diagnostic of inconsistency is expected -- The three main approaches used for this problem are numerical, procedural or operational and mathematical -- Numerical and procedural approaches answer only part of the problem, and are not complete in the sense that a failure to provide an answer does not preclude the existence of one -- The mathematical approach previously presented by the authors describes the problem using a set of polynomial equations -- The common roots to this set of polynomials characterizes the solution space for such a problem -- That work presents the use of Groebner basis techniques for verifying the consistency of the constraints -- It also integrates subgroups of the Special Euclidean Group of Displacements SE(3) in the problem formulation to exploit the structure implied by geometric relations -- Although theoretically sound, these techniques require large amounts of computing resources -- This work proposes Divide-and-Conquer techniques applied to local GCS/SF subproblems to identify strongly constrained clusters of geometric entities -- The identification and preprocessing of these clusters generally reduces the effort required in solving the overall problem -- Cluster identification can be related to identifying short cycles in the Spatial Con straint graph for the GCS/SF problem -- Their preprocessing uses the aforementioned Algebraic Geometry and Group theoretical techniques on the local GCS/SF problems that correspond to these cycles -- Besides improving theefficiency of the solution approach, the Divide-and-Conquer techniques capture the physical essence of the problem -- This is illustrated by applying the discussed techniques to the analysis of the degrees of freedom of mechanism