1,067 research outputs found

    Band-Select Spread Spectrum Technology for DC-DC Converter

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    Efficient and Robust Simulation, Modeling and Characterization of IC Power Delivery Circuits

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    As the Moore’s Law continues to drive IC technology, power delivery has become one of the most difficult design challenges. Two of the major components in power delivery are DC-DC converters and power distribution networks, both of which are time-consuming to simulate and characterize using traditional approaches. In this dissertation, we propose a complete set of solutions to efficiently analyze DC-DC converters and power distribution networks by finding a perfect balance between efficiency and accuracy. To tackle the problem, we first present a novel envelope following method based on a numerically robust time-delayed phase condition to track the envelopes of circuit states under a varying switching frequency. By adopting three fast simulation techniques, our proposed method achieves higher speedup without comprising the accuracy of the results. The robustness and efficiency of the proposed method are demonstrated using several DCDC converter and oscillator circuits modeled using the industrial standard BSIM4 transistor models. A significant runtime speedup of up to 30X with respect to the conventional transient analysis is achieved for several DC-DC converters with strong nonlinear switching characteristics. We then take another approach, average modeling, to enhance the efficiency of analyzing DC-DC converters. We proposed a multi-harmonic model that not only predicts the DC response but also captures the harmonics of arbitrary degrees. The proposed full-order model retains the inductor current as a state variable and accurately captures the circuit dynamics even in the transient state. Furthermore, by continuously monitoring state variables, our model seamlessly transitions between continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode. The proposed model, when tested with a system decoupling technique, obtains up to 10X runtime speedups over transistor-level simulations with a maximum output voltage error that never exceeds 4%. Based on the multi-harmonic averaged model, we further developed the small-signal model that provides a complete characterization of both DC averages and higher-order harmonic responses. The proposed model captures important high-frequency overshoots and undershoots of the converter response, which are otherwise unaccounted for by the existing techniques. In two converter examples, the proposed model corrects the misleading results of the existing models by providing the truthful characterization of the overall converter AC response and offers important guidance for converter design and closed-loop control. To address the problem of time-consuming simulation of power distribution networks, we present a partition-based iterative method by integrating block-Jacobi method with support graph method. The former enjoys the ease of parallelization, however, lacks a direct control of the numerical properties of the produced partitions. In contrast, the latter operates on the maximum spanning tree of the circuit graph, which is optimized for fast numerical convergence, but is bottlenecked by its difficulty of parallelization. In our proposed method, the circuit partitioning is guided by the maximum spanning tree of the underlying circuit graph, offering essential guidance for achieving fast convergence. The resulting block-Jacobi-like preconditioner maximizes the numerical benefit inherited from support graph theory while lending itself to straightforward parallelization as a partitionbased method. The experimental results on IBM power grid suite and synthetic power grid benchmarks show that our proposed method speeds up the DC simulation by up to 11.5X over a state-of-the-art direct solver

    Efficient and Robust Simulation, Modeling and Characterization of IC Power Delivery Circuits

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    As the Moore’s Law continues to drive IC technology, power delivery has become one of the most difficult design challenges. Two of the major components in power delivery are DC-DC converters and power distribution networks, both of which are time-consuming to simulate and characterize using traditional approaches. In this dissertation, we propose a complete set of solutions to efficiently analyze DC-DC converters and power distribution networks by finding a perfect balance between efficiency and accuracy. To tackle the problem, we first present a novel envelope following method based on a numerically robust time-delayed phase condition to track the envelopes of circuit states under a varying switching frequency. By adopting three fast simulation techniques, our proposed method achieves higher speedup without comprising the accuracy of the results. The robustness and efficiency of the proposed method are demonstrated using several DCDC converter and oscillator circuits modeled using the industrial standard BSIM4 transistor models. A significant runtime speedup of up to 30X with respect to the conventional transient analysis is achieved for several DC-DC converters with strong nonlinear switching characteristics. We then take another approach, average modeling, to enhance the efficiency of analyzing DC-DC converters. We proposed a multi-harmonic model that not only predicts the DC response but also captures the harmonics of arbitrary degrees. The proposed full-order model retains the inductor current as a state variable and accurately captures the circuit dynamics even in the transient state. Furthermore, by continuously monitoring state variables, our model seamlessly transitions between continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode. The proposed model, when tested with a system decoupling technique, obtains up to 10X runtime speedups over transistor-level simulations with a maximum output voltage error that never exceeds 4%. Based on the multi-harmonic averaged model, we further developed the small-signal model that provides a complete characterization of both DC averages and higher-order harmonic responses. The proposed model captures important high-frequency overshoots and undershoots of the converter response, which are otherwise unaccounted for by the existing techniques. In two converter examples, the proposed model corrects the misleading results of the existing models by providing the truthful characterization of the overall converter AC response and offers important guidance for converter design and closed-loop control. To address the problem of time-consuming simulation of power distribution networks, we present a partition-based iterative method by integrating block-Jacobi method with support graph method. The former enjoys the ease of parallelization, however, lacks a direct control of the numerical properties of the produced partitions. In contrast, the latter operates on the maximum spanning tree of the circuit graph, which is optimized for fast numerical convergence, but is bottlenecked by its difficulty of parallelization. In our proposed method, the circuit partitioning is guided by the maximum spanning tree of the underlying circuit graph, offering essential guidance for achieving fast convergence. The resulting block-Jacobi-like preconditioner maximizes the numerical benefit inherited from support graph theory while lending itself to straightforward parallelization as a partitionbased method. The experimental results on IBM power grid suite and synthetic power grid benchmarks show that our proposed method speeds up the DC simulation by up to 11.5X over a state-of-the-art direct solver


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    The existing output of the isolated DC-DC Converter requires a good switching device and needs to be controlled in order to achieve the desired output voltage with less output ripple voltage. However, this converter cannot maintain the output voltage with good efficiency in high power application. Currently, any semiconductor devices need greater efficiency in switching such as high power switching power supply, motor drives for electrical vehicle (EV), communication systems and others. A new DC-DC Converter modified via resonant network and controlled with the application of controller and gate circuit is proposed. The PWM Controller technique is used to control the output voltage and duty cycle ofthe switches. The paper will cover studies onthe Zero-Current Switching circuit design and PWM controller in isolated DC-DC Converter. Then, the simulation using Cadence Pspice is carried out. The performance ofthe design will be evaluated based on parameters such as input ripple current, output ripple voltage and efficiency. A control loop feedback systems in resonant network of the FB-ZCS with better efficiency, less input ripple current of 1.94% and less output ripple voltage of0.47% are obtained from this project. But, the results obtained cannot be compared with the conventional scheme because of big differences and suggestions havebeenmade for the improvement

    Integrated design of high performance pulsed power converters : application to klystron modulators for the compact linear colider (CLIC)

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    Ce travail de recherche présente l’étude, conception et validation d’une topologie de convertisseur de puissance pulsé qui compense la chute de tension pour des modulateurs de type klystron de haute performance. Cette topologie est capable de compenser la chute de tension du banc de condensateur principal et, en même temps, de faire fonctionner le modulateur avec une consommation de puissance constante par rapport au réseau électrique. Ces spécifications sont requises par le projet Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) pour les modulateurs klystron de son Drive Beam. Le dimensionnement du système est effectué à partir d’un outil d’optimisation globale développé à partir des modèles analytiques qui décrivent les performances de chaque composant du système. Tous les modèles sont intégrés dans un processus optimal intermédiaire de conception qui utilise des techniques d’optimisation afin de réaliser un dimensionnement optimal du système. Les performances de cette solution optimale intermédiaire sont alors évaluées à l’aide d’un modèle plus fin basé sur des simulations numériques. Une technique d’optimisation utilisant l’approche «space mapping» est alors mise en oeuvre. Si l’écart entre les performances prédites et les performances simulées est important, des facteurs de correction sont appliqués aux modèles analytiques et le processus d’optimisation est relancé. Cette méthode permet d’obtenir une solution optimale validée par le modèle fin en réduisant le nombre de simulations. La topologie finale sélectionnée pour le cahier des charges du modulateur CLIC est validée expérimentalement sur des prototypes à échelle réduite. Les résultats valident la méthodologie de dimensionnement et respectent les spécifications.This research work presents the study, design and validation of a pulsed power converter topology that performs accurate voltage droop compensation for high performance klystron modulators. This topology is capable of compensating the voltage droop of the intermediate capacitor bank and, at the same time, it makes possible a constant power consumption operation of the modulator from the utility grid. These two main specifications are required for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) Drive Beam klystron modulators. The dimensioning of the system is performed by developing a global optimization design tool. This tool is first based on developed analytical models describing the performances of each system subcomponent. All these models are integrated into an intermediate design environment that uses nonlinear optimization techniques to calculate an optimal dimensioning of the system. The intermediate optimal solution performances are then evaluated using a more accurate model based on numerical simulation. Therefore, an optimization technique using «space mapping» is implemented. If differences between predicted performances and simulated results are non-negligible, correction factors are applied to the analytical models and the optimization process is launched again. This method makes possible to achieve an optimal solution validated by numerical simulation while reducing the number of numerical simulation steps. The selected final topology for the CLIC klystron modulator is experimentally validated using reduced scale prototypes. Results validate the selected methodology and fulfill the specifications

    Modeling and identification of power electronic converters

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    Nowadays, many industries are moving towards more electrical systems and components. This is done with the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of their systems while being environmentally friendlier and sustainable. Therefore, the development of power electronic systems is one of the most important points of this transition. Many manufacturers have improved their equipment and processes in order to satisfy the new necessities of the industries (aircraft, automotive, aerospace, telecommunication, etc.). For the particular case of the More Electric Aircraft (MEA), there are several power converters, inverters and filters that are usually acquired from different manufacturers. These are switched mode power converters that feed multiple loads, being a critical element in the transmission systems. In some cases, these manufacturers do not provide the sufficient information regarding the functionality of the devices such as DC/DC power converters, rectifiers, inverters or filters. Consequently, there is the need to model and identify the performance of these components to allow the aforementioned industries to develop models for the design stage, for predictive maintenance, for detecting possible failures modes, and to have a better control over the electrical system. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to develop models that are able to describe the behavior of power electronic converters, whose parameters and/or topology are unknown. The algorithms must be replicable and they should work in other types of converters that are used in the power electronics field. The thesis is divided in two main cores, which are the parameter identification for white-box models and the black-box modeling of power electronics devices. The proposed approaches are based on optimization algorithms and deep learning techniques that use non-intrusive measurements to obtain a set of parameters or generate a model, respectively. In both cases, the algorithms are trained and tested using real data gathered from converters used in aircrafts and electric vehicles. This thesis also presents how the proposed methodologies can be applied to more complex power systems and for prognostics tasks. Concluding, this thesis aims to provide algorithms that allow industries to obtain realistic and accurate models of the components that they are using in their electrical systems.En la actualidad, el uso de sistemas y componentes eléctricos complejos se extiende a múltiples sectores industriales. Esto se hace con el propósito de mejorar su eficiencia y, en consecuencia, ser más sostenibles y amigables con el medio ambiente. Por tanto, el desarrollo de sistemas electrónicos de potencia es uno de los puntos más importantes de esta transición. Muchos fabricantes han mejorado sus equipos y procesos para satisfacer las nuevas necesidades de las industrias (aeronáutica, automotriz, aeroespacial, telecomunicaciones, etc.). Para el caso particular de los aviones más eléctricos (MEA, por sus siglas en inglés), existen varios convertidores de potencia, inversores y filtros que suelen adquirirse a diferentes fabricantes. Se trata de convertidores de potencia de modo conmutado que alimentan múltiples cargas, siendo un elemento crítico en los sistemas de transmisión. En algunos casos, estos fabricantes no proporcionan la información suficiente sobre la funcionalidad de los dispositivos como convertidores de potencia DC-DC, rectificadores, inversores o filtros. En consecuencia, existe la necesidad de modelar e identificar el desempeño de estos componentes para permitir que las industrias mencionadas desarrollan modelos para la etapa de diseño, para el mantenimiento predictivo, para la detección de posibles modos de fallas y para tener un mejor control del sistema eléctrico. Así, el principal objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar modelos que sean capaces de describir el comportamiento de un convertidor de potencia, cuyos parámetros y/o topología se desconocen. Los algoritmos deben ser replicables y deben funcionar en otro tipo de convertidores que se utilizan en el campo de la electrónica de potencia. La tesis se divide en dos núcleos principales, que son la identificación de parámetros de los convertidores y el modelado de caja negra (black-box) de dispositivos electrónicos de potencia. Los enfoques propuestos se basan en algoritmos de optimización y técnicas de aprendizaje profundo que utilizan mediciones no intrusivas de las tensiones y corrientes de los convertidores para obtener un conjunto de parámetros o generar un modelo, respectivamente. En ambos casos, los algoritmos se entrenan y prueban utilizando datos reales recopilados de convertidores utilizados en aviones y vehículos eléctricos. Esta tesis también presenta cómo las metodologías propuestas se pueden aplicar a sistemas eléctricos más complejos y para tareas de diagnóstico. En conclusión, esta tesis tiene como objetivo proporcionar algoritmos que permitan a las industrias obtener modelos realistas y precisos de los componentes que están utilizando en sus sistemas eléctricos.Postprint (published version

    High-Efficiency Three-Phase Current Source Rectifier Using SiC Devices and Delta-Type Topology

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    In this dissertation, the benefits of the three-phase current source rectifier (CSR) in high power rectifier, data center power supply and dc fast charger for electric vehicles (EV) will be evaluated, and new techniques will be proposed to increase the power efficiency of CSRs. A new topology, referred as Delta-type Current Source Rectifier (DCSR), is proposed and implemented to reduce the conduction loss by up to 20%. By connecting the three legs in a delta type on ac input side, the dc-link current in DCSR can be shared by two legs at the same time. To increase the switching speed and power density, all-SiC power modules are built and implemented for CSRs. The switching waveforms in the commutation are measured and studied based on double pulse test. Four different modulation schemes are compared for high efficiency CSR considering the switching characteristics of different device combinations. The most advantageous modulation scheme is then identified for each of the device combinations investigated. A compensation method is proposed to reduce the input current distortion caused by overlap time and slow transition in CSRs. The proposed method first minimizes the overlap time and then compensates the charge gain/loss according to the sampled voltage and current. It is verified that the proposed method can reduce the input current distortion especially when the line-to-line voltage is close to zero. The dc-link current will become discontinuous under light load in CSRs, when the traditional control algorithm may not work consistently well. To operate CSR in discontinuous current mode (DCM), the CSR is modeled in DCM and a new control algorithm with feedforward compensation is proposed and verified through experiments. A protection scheme with fast response time is proposed, analyzed and verified to protect SiC devices from overvoltage caused by current interruption in CSRs. To deal with the harmonics and voltage sag in the input ac voltage, a new control algorithm is proposed. By adding ac current feedback control and proportional-resonant (PR) control, the proposed control algorithm can reduce the input current distortion and dc output voltage ripple under input voltage disturbance

    Electronic operation and control of high-intensity gas-discharge lamps

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    The ever increasing amount of global energy consumption based on the application of fossil fuels is threatening the earth’s natural resources and environment. Worldwide, grid-based electric lighting consumes 19 % of total global electricity production. For this reason the transition towards energy efficient lighting plays an important environmental role. One of the key technologies in this transition is High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting. The technical revolution in gas-discharge lamps has resulted in the highlyefficient lamps that are available nowadays. As with most energy efficient light solutions, all HID lighting systems require a ballast to operate. Traditionally, magnetic ballast designs were the only choice available for HID lighting systems. Today, electronic lampdrivers can offer additional power saving, flicker free operation, and miniaturisation. Electronic lamp operation enables additional degrees of freedom in lamp-current control over the conventional electro-magnetic (EM) ballasts. The lamp-driver system performance depends on both the dynamics of the lamp and the driver. This thesis focuses on the optimisation of electronically operated HID systems, in terms of highly-efficient lamp-driver topologies and, more specifically, lamp-driver interaction control. First, highly-efficient power topologies to operate compact HID lamps on low-frequency-square-wave (LFSW) current are explored. The proposed two-stage electronic lamp-driver consists of a Power Factor Corrector (PFC) stage that meets the power utility standards. This converter is coupled to a stacked buck converter that controls the lamp-current. Both stages are operated in Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) mode in order to reduce the switching losses. The resulting two-stage lamp-drivers feature flexible controllability, high efficiency, and high power density, and are suitable for power sandwich packaging. Secondly, lamp-driver interaction (LDI) has been studied in the simulation domain and control algorithms have been explored that improve the stability, and enable system optimisation. Two HID lamp models were developed. The first model describes the HID lamp’s small-signal electrical behaviour and its purpose is to aid to study the interaction stability. The second HID lamp model has been developed based on physics equations for the arc column and the electrode behaviour, and is intended for lampdriver simulations and control applications. Verification measurements have shown that the lamp terminal characteristics are present over a wide power and frequency range. Three LDI control algorithms were explored, using the proposed lampmodels. The first control principle optimises the LDI for a broad range of HID lamps operated at normal or reduced power. This approach consists of two control loops integrated into a fuzzy-logic controller that stabilises the lamp-current and optimises the commutation process. The second control problem concerns the application of ultra high performance (UHP) HID lamps in projection applications that typically set stringent requirements on the quality of the light generated by these lamps, and therefore the lampcurrent. These systems are subject to periodic disturbances synchronous with the LFSW commutation period. Iterative learning control (ILC) has been examined. It was experimentally verified that this algorithm compensates for repetitive disturbances. Third, Electronic HID operation also opens the door for continuous HID lamp dimming that can provide additional savings. To enable stable dimming, an observer-based HID lamp controller has been developed. This controller sets a stable minimum dim-level and monitors the gas-discharge throughout lamp life. The HID lamp observer derives physical lamp state signals from the HID arc discharge physics and the related photometric properties. Finally, practical measurements proved the proposed HID lamp observer-based control principle works satisfactorily


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    Efficient power delivery is increasingly important in modern computing, communications, consumer and other electronic systems, due to the high power demand and thermal concerns accompanied by performance advancements and tight packaging. In pursuit of high efficiency, small physical volume, and flexible regulation, hybrid switched-capacitor topologies have emerged as promising candidates for such applications. By incorporating both capacitors and inductors as energy storage elements, hybrid topologies achieve high power density while still maintaining soft charging and efficient regulation characteristics. However, challenges exist in the hybrid approach. In terms of reliability, each flying capacitor should be maintained at a nominal `balanced\u27 voltage for robust operation (especially during transients and startup), complicating the control system design. In terms of implementation, switching devices in hybrid converters often need complex gate driving circuits which add cost, area, and power consumption. This dissertation explores techniques that help to mitigate the aforementioned challenges. A discrete-time state space model is derived by treating the hybrid converter as two subsystems, the switched-capacitor stage and the output filter stage. This model is then used to design an estimator that extracts all flying capacitor voltages from the measurement of a single node. The controllability and observability of the switched-capacitor stage reveal the fundamental cause of imbalance at certain conversion ratios. A new switching sequence, the modified phase-shifted pulse width modulation, is developed to enable natural balance in originally imbalanced scenarios. Based on the model, a novel control algorithm, constant switch stress control, is proposed to achieve both output voltage regulation and active balance with fast dynamics. Finally, the design technique and test result of an integrated hybrid switched-capacitor converter are reported. A proposed gate driving strategy eliminates the need for external driving supplies and reduces the bootstrap capacitor area. On-chip mixed signal control ensures fast balancing dynamics and makes hard startup tolerable. This prototype achieves 96.9\% peak efficiency at 5V:1.2V conversion and a startup time of 12μs\mu s, which is over 100 times faster than the closest prior art. With the modeling, control, and design techniques introduced in this dissertation, the application of hybrid switched-capacitor converters may be extended to scenarios that were previously challenging for them, allowing enhanced performance compared to using traditional topologies. For problems that may require future attention, this dissertation also points to possible directions for further improvements