1,419 research outputs found

    A Noise-Tolerant Zeroing Neural Network for Time-Dependent Complex Matrix Inversion Under Various Kinds of Noises

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    Complex-valued time-dependent matrix inversion (TDMI) is extensively exploited in practical industrial and engineering fields. Many current neural models are presented to find the inverse of a matrix in an ideal noise-free environment. However, the outer interferences are normally believed to be ubiquitous and avoidable in practice. If these neural models are applied to complex-valued TDMI in a noise environment, they need to take a lot of precious time to deal with outer noise disturbances in advance. Thus, a noise-suppression model is urgent to be proposed to address this problem. In this article, a complex-valued noise-tolerant zeroing neural network (CVNTZNN) on the basis of an integral-type design formula is established and investigated for finding complex-valued TDMI under a wide variety of noises. Furthermore, both convergence and robustness of the CVNTZNN model are carefully analyzed and rigorously proved. For comparison and verification purposes, the existing zeroing neural network (ZNN) and gradient neural network (GNN) have been presented to address the same problem under the same conditions. Numerical simulation consequences demonstrate the effectiveness and excellence of the proposed CVNTZNN model for complex-valued TDMI under various kinds of noises, by comparing the existing ZNN and GNN models

    A Novel Zeroing Neural Network for Solving Time-Varying Quadratic Matrix Equations against Linear Noises

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    The solving of quadratic matrix equations is a fundamental issue which essentially exists in the optimal control domain. However, noises exerted on the coefficients of quadratic matrix equations may affect the accuracy of the solutions. In order to solve the time-varying quadratic matrix equation problem under linear noise, a new error-processing design formula is proposed, and a resultant novel zeroing neural network model is developed. The new design formula incorporates a second-order error-processing manner, and the double-integration-enhanced zeroing neural network (DIEZNN) model is further proposed for solving time-varying quadratic matrix equations subject to linear noises. Compared with the original zeroing neural network (OZNN) model, finite-time zeroing neural network (FTZNN) model and integration-enhanced zeroing neural network (IEZNN) model, the DIEZNN model shows the superiority of its solution under linear noise; that is, when solving the problem of a time-varying quadratic matrix equation in the environment of linear noise, the residual error of the existing model will maintain a large level due to the influence of linear noise, which will eventually lead to the solution’s failure. The newly proposed DIEZNN model can guarantee a normal solution to the time-varying quadratic matrix equation task no matter how much linear noise there is. In addition, the theoretical analysis proves that the neural state of the DIEZNN model can converge to the theoretical solution even under linear noise. The computer simulation results further substantiate the superiority of the DIEZNN model in solving time-varying quadratic matrix equations under linear noise

    Design and Comprehensive Analysis of a Noise-Tolerant ZNN Model With Limited-Time Convergence for Time-Dependent Nonlinear Minimization

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    Zeroing neural network (ZNN) is a powerful tool to address the mathematical and optimization problems broadly arisen in the science and engineering areas. The convergence and robustness are always co-pursued in ZNN. However, there exists no related work on the ZNN for time-dependent nonlinear minimization that achieves simultaneously limited-time convergence and inherently noise suppression. In this article, for the purpose of satisfying such two requirements, a limited-time robust neural network (LTRNN) is devised and presented to solve time-dependent nonlinear minimization under various external disturbances. Different from the previous ZNN model for this problem either with limited-time convergence or with noise suppression, the proposed LTRNN model simultaneously possesses such two characteristics. Besides, rigorous theoretical analyses are given to prove the superior performance of the LTRNN model when adopted to solve time-dependent nonlinear minimization under external disturbances. Comparative results also substantiate the effectiveness and advantages of LTRNN via solving a time-dependent nonlinear minimization problem

    Simultaneous identification, tracking control and disturbance rejection of uncertain nonlinear dynamics systems: A unified neural approach

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    Previous works of traditional zeroing neural networks (or termed Zhang neural networks, ZNN) show great success for solving specific time-variant problems of known systems in an ideal environment. However, it is still a challenging issue for the ZNN to effectively solve time-variant problems for uncertain systems without the prior knowledge. Simultaneously, the involvement of external disturbances in the neural network model makes it even hard for time-variant problem solving due to the intensively computational burden and low accuracy. In this paper, a unified neural approach of simultaneous identification, tracking control and disturbance rejection in the framework of the ZNN is proposed to address the time-variant tracking control of uncertain nonlinear dynamics systems (UNDS). The neural network model derived by the proposed approach captures hidden relations between inputs and outputs of the UNDS. The proposed model shows outstanding tracking performance even under the influences of uncertainties and disturbances. Then, the continuous-time model is discretized via Euler forward formula (EFF). The corresponding discrete algorithm and block diagram are also presented for the convenience of implementation. Theoretical analyses on the convergence property and discretization accuracy are presented to verify the performance of the neural network model. Finally, numerical studies, robot applications, performance comparisons and tests demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed neural network model for the time-variant tracking control of UNDS


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    A novel kind of a hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics for real-time matrix inversion has been recently proposed and investigated. Our goal is to compare the hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics on the one hand, and conventional explicit neural dynamics on the other hand. Simulation results show that the hybrid model can coincide better with systems in practice and has higher abilities in representing dynamic systems. More importantly, hybrid model can achieve superior convergence performance in comparison with the existing dynamic systems, specifically recently-proposed Zhang dynamics. This paper presents the Simulink model of a hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics and gives a simulation and comparison to the existing Zhang dynamics for real-time matrix inversion. Simulation results confirm a superior convergence of the hybrid model compared to Zhang model

    An autoencoder compression approach for accelerating large-scale inverse problems

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    PDE-constrained inverse problems are some of the most challenging and computationally demanding problems in computational science today. Fine meshes that are required to accurately compute the PDE solution introduce an enormous number of parameters and require large scale computing resources such as more processors and more memory to solve such systems in a reasonable time. For inverse problems constrained by time dependent PDEs, the adjoint method that is often employed to efficiently compute gradients and higher order derivatives requires solving a time-reversed, so-called adjoint PDE that depends on the forward PDE solution at each timestep. This necessitates the storage of a high dimensional forward solution vector at every timestep. Such a procedure quickly exhausts the available memory resources. Several approaches that trade additional computation for reduced memory footprint have been proposed to mitigate the memory bottleneck, including checkpointing and compression strategies. In this work, we propose a close-to-ideal scalable compression approach using autoencoders to eliminate the need for checkpointing and substantial memory storage, thereby reducing both the time-to-solution and memory requirements. We compare our approach with checkpointing and an off-the-shelf compression approach on an earth-scale ill-posed seismic inverse problem. The results verify the expected close-to-ideal speedup for both the gradient and Hessian-vector product using the proposed autoencoder compression approach. To highlight the usefulness of the proposed approach, we combine the autoencoder compression with the data-informed active subspace (DIAS) prior to show how the DIAS method can be affordably extended to large scale problems without the need of checkpointing and large memory

    Correlated and Multi-frequency Diffusion Modeling for Highly Under-sampled MRI Reconstruction

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    Most existing MRI reconstruction methods perform tar-geted reconstruction of the entire MR image without tak-ing specific tissue regions into consideration. This may fail to emphasize the reconstruction accuracy on im-portant tissues for diagnosis. In this study, leveraging a combination of the properties of k-space data and the diffusion process, our novel scheme focuses on mining the multi-frequency prior with different strategies to pre-serve fine texture details in the reconstructed image. In addition, a diffusion process can converge more quickly if its target distribution closely resembles the noise distri-bution in the process. This can be accomplished through various high-frequency prior extractors. The finding further solidifies the effectiveness of the score-based gen-erative model. On top of all the advantages, our method improves the accuracy of MRI reconstruction and accel-erates sampling process. Experimental results verify that the proposed method successfully obtains more accurate reconstruction and outperforms state-of-the-art methods