6 research outputs found

    Muscle‐Like Compliance in Knee Articulations Improves Biped Robot Walkings

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    This chapter focuses on the compliance effect of dynamic humanoid robot walking. This compliance is generated with an articular muscle emulator system, which is designed using two neural networks (NNs). One NN models a muscle and a second learns to tune the proportional integral derivative (PID) of the articulation DC motor, allowing it to behave analogously to the muscle model. Muscle emulators are implemented in the knees of a three‐dimensional (3D) simulated biped robot. The simulation results show that the muscle emulator creates compliance in articulations and that the dynamic walk, even in walk‐halt‐stop transitions, improves. If an external thrust unbalances the biped during the walk, the muscle emulator improves the control and prevents the robot from falling. The total power consumption is significantly reduced, and the articular trajectories approach human trajectories

    Toward Intelligent Biped-Humanoids Gaits Generation

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    In this chapter we will highlight our experimental studies on natural human walking analysis and introduce a biologically inspired design for simple bipedal locomotion system of humanoid robots. Inspiration comes directly from human walking analysis and human muscles mechanism and control. A hybrid algorithm for walking gaits generation is then proposed as an innovative alternative to classically used kinematics and dynamic equations solving, the gaits include knee, ankle and hip trajectories. The proposed algorithm is an intelligent evolutionary based on particle swarm optimization paradigm. This proposal can be used for small size humanoid robots, with a knee an ankle and a hip and at least six Degrees of Freedom (DOF).Comment: 15 page

    A literature review on the optimization of legged robots

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    Over the last two decades the research and development of legged locomotion robots has grown steadily. Legged systems present major advantages when compared with ‘traditional’ vehicles, because they allow locomotion in inaccessible terrain to vehicles with wheels and tracks. However, the robustness of legged robots, and especially their energy consumption, among other aspects, still lag behind mechanisms that use wheels and tracks. Therefore, in the present state of development, there are several aspects that need to be improved and optimized. Keeping these ideas in mind, this paper presents the review of the literature of different methods adopted for the optimization of the structure and locomotion gaits of walking robots. Among the distinct possible strategies often used for these tasks are referred approaches such as the mimicking of biological animals, the use of evolutionary schemes to find the optimal parameters and structures, the adoption of sound mechanical design rules, and the optimization of power-based indexes

    Kinematic and dynamic analysis for biped robots design

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    En esta tesis un nuevo método para encontrar sistemas dinámicamente equivalentes es propuesto. El objetivo es el de crear una herramienta para el análisis de robots bípedos. La herramienta consiste en modelos simplificados obtenidos del principio de equivalencia dinámica, que dice que si dos sistemas poseen la misma masa, el mismo centro de masa y el mismo momento de inercia, entonces son dinámicamente equivalentes. Este concepto no es nuevo y es comúnmente utilizado en el diseño de máquinas alternativas, o para encontrar el sweet spot de objetos esbeltos tales como bates o espadas. Con la aplicación del principio de equivalencia dinámica se encuentra el centro de percusión. La aportación en esta tesis es la aplicación de este concepto al análisis de robots bípedos, y la extensión del centro de percusión a cadenas cinemáticas. La herramienta fundamental para la obtención de resultados de investigación en esta tesis hace uso del lenguaje de simulación Modelica®. Las simulaciones son altamente detalladas gracias a la librería estándar Multibody incluida en las especificaciones del mismo. Como consecuencia de los trabajos desarrollados se crearon nuevas clases para extender la capacidad de la librería y aplicarla a m´aquinas caminantes. El desarrollo de esta tesis está centrado en el desarrollo de dos modelos. El primero es un péndulo invertido equivalente, con la característica que posee las mismas propiedades dinámicas del robot que modela. Dichas propiedades son la masas total, el centro de masa y el momento de inercia. Este modelo es luego utilizado para generar el caminar de un bípedo simple. El bípedo es simulado con un volante de inercia como cuerpo, y pies de contacto puntual. Posee rodillas y está totalmente actuado. Los eslabones del robot poseen propiedades de sólido rígido y ninguna simplificación ha sido considerada. El segundo modelo tiene el objetivo de imitar la topología del bípedo que representa, por lo tanto tiene un grado mayor de complejidad que el anterior. Este modelo es construido al dividir al robot en tres grupos: Las dos piernas, y otro grupo compuesto por la cabeza, los brazos y el torso (Denominado HAT por sus siglas en inglés). Este modelo es denominado modelo de cuatro masas puntuales. Este modelo es posteriormente validado utilizándolo para desacoplar la dinámica del sistema, la única información utilizada para llevar a cabo esta tarea es proporcionada por dicho modelo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this thesis a method to find dynamically equivalent systems is proposed. The objective is to provide a tool to analyze biped robots by simplifying their dynamics to simpler models. The equivalent models are obtained with the concept of dynamic equivalence that states that if two systems share the same total mass, the same center of mass, and the same moment of inertia then they are considered to be dynamically equivalent. This concept is not new and it is used in the design of alternative machines, or to find the sweet spot of long object like swords or bats. The result of the application of the dynamic equivalence principle is the point known as the center of percussion. The novelty in this thesis is to apply this concept to the analysis of biped robots, and the extension of the center of percussion to kinematic chains. The work in this thesis developed with the help of the simulation language Modelica®. The simulations are very detailed by implementing elaborated rigid body dynamics provided by the multibody standard library included in the language specifications. New classes were created in order to be able to simulate walking machines. Those classes introduce contact objects at ground foot interactions and mechanical stops for knee joints. The development of this thesis is centered around the proposal of two models. The first model is an equivalent inverted pendulum with the characteristic that it has the same dynamic properties, i.e., total mass, center of mass and moment of inertia, of the biped that models. This model is later used to synthesize gait in a simple, but realistic biped. The biped is simulated with a flywheel body, and point feet. It has knees and it is fully actuated. Also all the links have complete rigid body properties and no simplifications were done. The second model has the objective to resemble the topology of the biped it represents, therefore it is slightly more complex than the equivalent inverted pendulum. This model is constructed by grouping the components of the robot in three groups: Two legs and the HAT group (HAT stands for head, arms and trunk). This model is denominated four point masses model. The model is later validated by decoupling the dynamics of the system only with the information provided by the four point masses model

    Perceção e arquitectura de software para robótica móvel

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    Doutoramento em Ciências da ComputaçãoWhen developing software for autonomous mobile robots, one has to inevitably tackle some kind of perception. Moreover, when dealing with agents that possess some level of reasoning for executing their actions, there is the need to model the environment and the robot internal state in a way that it represents the scenario in which the robot operates. Inserted in the ATRI group, part of the IEETA research unit at Aveiro University, this work uses two of the projects of the group as test bed, particularly in the scenario of robotic soccer with real robots. With the main objective of developing algorithms for sensor and information fusion that could be used e ectively on these teams, several state of the art approaches were studied, implemented and adapted to each of the robot types. Within the MSL RoboCup team CAMBADA, the main focus was the perception of ball and obstacles, with the creation of models capable of providing extended information so that the reasoning of the robot can be ever more e ective. To achieve it, several methodologies were analyzed, implemented, compared and improved. Concerning the ball, an analysis of ltering methodologies for stabilization of its position and estimation of its velocity was performed. Also, with the goal keeper in mind, work has been done to provide it with information of aerial balls. As for obstacles, a new de nition of the way they are perceived by the vision and the type of information provided was created, as well as a methodology for identifying which of the obstacles are team mates. Also, a tracking algorithm was developed, which ultimately assigned each of the obstacles a unique identi er. Associated with the improvement of the obstacles perception, a new algorithm of estimating reactive obstacle avoidance was created. In the context of the SPL RoboCup team Portuguese Team, besides the inevitable adaptation of many of the algorithms already developed for sensor and information fusion and considering that it was recently created, the objective was to create a sustainable software architecture that could be the base for future modular development. The software architecture created is based on a series of di erent processes and the means of communication among them. All processes were created or adapted for the new architecture and a base set of roles and behaviors was de ned during this work to achieve a base functional framework. In terms of perception, the main focus was to de ne a projection model and camera pose extraction that could provide information in metric coordinates. The second main objective was to adapt the CAMBADA localization algorithm to work on the NAO robots, considering all the limitations it presents when comparing to the MSL team, especially in terms of computational resources. A set of support tools were developed or improved in order to support the test and development in both teams. In general, the work developed during this thesis improved the performance of the teams during play and also the e ectiveness of the developers team when in development and test phases.Durante o desenvolvimento de software para robôs autónomos móveis, e inevitavelmente necessário lidar com algum tipo de perceção. Al em disso, ao lidar com agentes que possuem algum tipo de raciocínio para executar as suas ações, há a necessidade de modelar o ambiente e o estado interno do robô de forma a representar o cenário onde o robô opera. Inserido no grupo ATRI, integrado na unidade de investigação IEETA da Universidade de Aveiro, este trabalho usa dois dos projetos do grupo como plataformas de teste, particularmente no cenário de futebol robótico com robôs reais. Com o principal objetivo de desenvolver algoritmos para fusão sensorial e de informação que possam ser usados eficazmente nestas equipas, v arias abordagens de estado da arte foram estudadas, implementadas e adaptadas para cada tipo de robôs. No âmbito da equipa de RoboCup MSL, CAMBADA, o principal foco foi a perceção da bola e obstáculos, com a criação de modelos capazes de providenciar informação estendida para que o raciocino do robô possa ser cada vez mais eficaz. Para o alcançar, v arias metodologias foram analisadas, implementadas, comparadas e melhoradas. Em relação a bola, foi efetuada uma análise de metodologias de filtragem para estabilização da sua posição e estimação da sua velocidade. Tendo o guarda-redes em mente, foi também realizado trabalho para providenciar informação de bolas no ar. Quanto aos obstáculos, foi criada uma nova definição para a forma como são detetados pela visão e para o tipo de informação fornecida, bem como uma metodologia para identificar quais dos obstáculos são colegas de equipa. Além disso foi desenvolvido um algoritmo de rastreamento que, no final, atribui um identicador único a cada obstáculo. Associado a melhoria na perceção dos obstáculos foi criado um novo algoritmo para realizar desvio reativo de obstáculos. No contexto da equipa de RoboCup SPL, Portuguese Team, al em da inevitável adaptação de vários dos algoritmos j a desenvolvidos para fusão sensorial e de informação, tendo em conta que foi recentemente criada, o objetivo foi criar uma arquitetura sustentável de software que possa ser a base para futuro desenvolvimento modular. A arquitetura de software criada e baseada numa série de processos diferentes e métodos de comunicação entre eles. Todos os processos foram criados ou adaptados para a nova arquitetura e um conjunto base de papeis e comportamentos foi definido para obter uma framework funcional base. Em termos de perceção, o principal foco foi a definição de um modelo de projeção e extração de pose da câmara que consiga providenciar informação em coordenadas métricas. O segundo objetivo principal era adaptar o algoritmo de localização da CAMBADA para funcionar nos robôs NAO, considerando todas as limitações apresentadas quando comparando com a equipa MSL, principalmente em termos de recursos computacionais. Um conjunto de ferramentas de suporte foram desenvolvidas ou melhoradas para auxiliar o teste e desenvolvimento em ambas as equipas. Em geral, o trabalho desenvolvido durante esta tese melhorou o desempenho da equipas durante os jogos e também a eficácia da equipa de programação durante as fases de desenvolvimento e teste

    A New Control Strategy for ROBIAN Biped Robot Inspired from Human Walking

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    International audienceIn this paper, we show that a biped robot can walk dynamically using a simple control technique inspired from human locomotion. We introduce four critical angles that affect robot speed and step length. Our control approach consists in tuning the PID parameters of each joint for introducing active compliance and then to increase stability of the walk. This method could be easily implemented in real time because it needs acceptable calculation time. We validated the control approach to a dynamic simulation of our 14DOF biped called ROBIAN. A comparison with human walking is presented and discussed. We prove that we can maintain robot stability and walk cycle's repetition without referencing a predefined trajectory or detecting the center of pressure. Results show that the walk of the biped is very similar to human one. A power consumption analysis confirms that our approach could be implemented on the real robot ROBIA