2,415 research outputs found

    Modular multilevel converter based LCL DC/DC converter for high power DC transmission grids

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    This paper presents a modular multilevel converter (MMC) based DC/DC converter with LCL inner circuit for HVDC transmission and DC grids. Three main design challenges are addressed. The first challenge is the use of MMCs with higher operating frequency compared to common transformer-based DC/DC converters where MMC operating frequency is limited to a few hundred hertz due to core losses. The second issue is the DC fault response. With the LCL circuit, the steady state fault current is limited to a low magnitude which is tolerable by MMC semiconductors. Mechanical DC circuit breakers can therefore be used to interrupt fault current for permanent faults and extra sub-module bypass thyristors are not necessary to protect antiparallel diodes. Thirdly, a novel controller structure is introduced with multiple coordinate frames ensuring zero local reactive power at both bridges in the whole load range. The proposed controller structure is also expandable to a DC hub with multiple ports. Detailed simulations using PSCAD/EMTDC are performed to verify the aforementioned design solutions in normal and fault conditions

    Thermal System Oriented Simulation of Aircraft Electrical Environmental Control Systems Including its Electric Coupling

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    A flexible numerical platform based on libraries has been developed within the Dymola/Modelica framework to simulate Environmental Control Systems (ECS). The goal was to build up a flexible tool to analyse complex systems including their thermal and electrical perimeters at both steady and transient conditions focusing on three key characteristics: numerical robustness, optimal time consumption, and high accuracy. This document aims to underline both the most relevant features of the numerical tool and the main challenges addressed during its development. Some illustrative simulations are shown in order to highlight the tool capabilities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modular Multilevel Converter Modelling, Control and Analysis under Grid Frequency Deviations

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    A tool for component sizing for MMCs has been developed and tested through simulations in PLECS. The steady-state behaviour under grid frequency deviations — interesting for offshore wind farm connections — has been analysed, providing insights in MMC characteristics and further testing the proposed tool

    High Voltage Direct Current Energy Transmission Using Modular Multilevel Converters

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    This thesis focus on high voltage direct current (HVdc) energy transmission using modular multilevel converter (MMC) based terminals. It provides a brief comparison between different HVdc technologies, focusing on voltage source converters (HVdc-VSC) with the MMC-based terminal emerging as the topology of choice for ratings less than 1 GW. The controllers for a two-terminal HVdc-link are analyzed and Matlab/SimulinkTM simulation models are presented. The simplified models and full Matlab/SimulinkTM based model are used to select the gains for the MMC controllers. Simulation results carried out on the full model validated the proposed methodologies. A new control technique that eliminates the voltage sensors on the grid side normally used to synchronize the MMC-based terminal with the grid is proposed. The performance of proposed technique was evaluated through Matlab/SimulinkTM simulations by considering inverter operation. The sensorless technique is able to synchronize a MMC-based inverter terminal to a grid under non-ideal conditions as well to accurately detect changes in the grid voltages. Finally, an analysis of the impact that a 15-kV SiC IGBT would have on HVdc MMC-based terminals is presented. The analysis evaluates parasitic inductances within the sub-module (SM) of an MMC, changes on the required SM capacitance, and impact on the voltage waveform THD. The evaluations showed that the 15-kV SiC IGBT would be only suitable if the module is rated 400 A or greater

    Investigation of FACTS devices to improve power quality in distribution networks

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    Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) technologies are power electronic solutions that improve power transmission through enhanced power transfer volume and stability, and resolve quality and reliability issues in distribution networks carrying sensitive equipment and non-linear loads. The use of FACTS in distribution systems is still in its infancy. Voltages and power ratings in distribution networks are at a level where realistic FACTS devices can be deployed. Efficient power converters and therefore loss minimisation are crucial prerequisites for deployment of FACTS devices. This thesis investigates high power semiconductor device losses in detail. Analytical closed form equations are developed for conduction loss in power devices as a function of device ratings and operating conditions. These formulae have been shown to predict losses very accurately, in line with manufacturer data. The developed formulae enable circuit designers to quickly estimate circuit losses and determine the sensitivity of those losses to device voltage and current ratings, and thus select the optimal semiconductor device for a specific application. It is shown that in the case of majority carrier devices (such as power MOSFETs), the conduction power loss (at rated current) increases linearly in relation to the varying rated current (at constant blocking voltage), but is a square root of the variable blocking voltage when rated current is fixed. For minority carrier devices (such as a pin diode or IGBT), a similar relationship is observed for varying current, however where the blocking voltage is altered, power losses are derived as a square root with an offset (from the origin). Finally, this thesis conducts a power loss-oriented evaluation of cascade type multilevel converters suited to reactive power compensation in 11kV and 33kV systems. The cascade cell converter is constructed from a series arrangement of cell modules. Two prospective structures of cascade type converters were compared as a case study: the traditional type which uses equal-sized cells in its chain, and a second with a ternary relationship between its dc-link voltages. Modelling (at 81 and 27 levels) was carried out under steady state conditions, with simplified models based on the switching function and using standard circuit simulators. A detailed survey of non punch through (NPT) and punch through (PT) IGBTs was completed for the purpose of designing the two cascaded converters. Results show that conduction losses are dominant in both types of converters in NPT and PT IGBTs for 11kV and 33kV systems. The equal-sized converter is only likely to be useful in one case (27-levels in the 33kV system). The ternary-sequence converter produces lower losses in all other cases, and this is especially noticeable for the 81-level converter operating in an 11kV network

    Control Strategies for Improving Reliability and Efficiency in Modular Power Converters

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    The significance of modular power converters has escalated drastically in various applications such as electrical energy distribution, industrial motor drives and More Electric Aircraft (MEA) owing to the benefits such as scalability, design flexibility, higher degree of fault tolerance and better maintenance. One of the main advantages of modular systems is the ability to replace the faulty converter cells during maintenance instead of the entire system. However, such maintenance cycles can result in a system of converter cells with different aging. A system with cells having different aging arises the threats of multiple maintenance, lower reliability and availability, and high maintenance costs. For controlling the thermal-stress based aging of modular power converters, power routing strategy was proposed. The thesis focuses on the different implementation strategies of power routing for modular converters. Power semiconductors are one of the most reliability critical components in power converters, and thermal-stress has been identified as the main cause of their failure. This thesis work concentrates on the power semiconductor reliability improvement algorithms. For improving system lifetime, virtual resistor based power routing algorithms for single stage and multi-stage modular architectures have been investigated through simulations and validated with experiment. A unified framework for routing the power in complex modular converter architectures is defined based on graph theory. Popular converter architectures for Smart Transformer (ST) and MEA applications are modeled as graphs to serve as the basis for developing power flow optimization. The effectiveness of graph theory for optimizing the power flow in modular systems is demonstrated with the help of proposed algorithms

    Analysis and simulation of a MMCC-SSBC converter

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    Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are the most versatile type of energy storage. With an increasing share of renewable energy, they could prove to be essential to provide the much needed flexibility. The MMCC-SSBC might be the most suitable converter for modern BESS. It is modular, and allows for an individualized treatment of the connected battery modules. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a tool which simulates the behavior of a MMCC-SSBC converter. This objective is fulfilled by the core deliverable of the thesis: a Matlab implementation of a dynamic model of the converter. As a secondary objective, this thesis aims to demonstrate the usefulness of this tool. It applies the tool to a specific use case, and analyzes three key characteristics based on the simulations: efficiency, power quality and reliability. This leads to some concise design guidelines, and continued operation under a battery short-circuit fault

    Functional Verification of Power Electronic Systems

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    This project is the final work of the degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Engineering. It has global concepts of electronics but it focuses in power electronic systems. There is a need for reliable testing systems to ensure the good functionality of power electronic systems. The constant evolution of this products requires the development of new testing techniques. This project aims to develop a new testing system to accomplish the functional verification of a new power electronic system manufactured on a company that is in the power electronic sector . This test system consists on two test bed platforms, one to test the control part of the systems and the other one to test their functionality. A software to perform the test is also designed. Finally, the testing protocol is presented. This design is validated and then implemented on a buck converter and an inverter that are manufactured at the company. The results show that the test system is reliable and is capable of testing the functional verification of the two power electronic system successfully. In summary, this design can be introduced in the power electronic production process to test the two products ensuring their reliability in the market
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