174 research outputs found

    clustComp, a bioconductor package for the comparison of clustering results

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    clustComp is an open source Bioconductor package that implements different techniques for the comparison of two gene expression clustering results. These include flat versus flat and hierarchical versus flat comparisons. The visualization of the similarities is provided by means of a bipartite graph, whose layout is heuristically optimized. Its flexibility allows a suitable visualization for both small and large datasets.This work was supported by the Ramón Areces Foundation

    Element-centric clustering comparison unifies overlaps and hierarchy

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    Clustering is one of the most universal approaches for understanding complex data. A pivotal aspect of clustering analysis is quantitatively comparing clusterings; clustering comparison is the basis for many tasks such as clustering evaluation, consensus clustering, and tracking the temporal evolution of clusters. In particular, the extrinsic evaluation of clustering methods requires comparing the uncovered clusterings to planted clusterings or known metadata. Yet, as we demonstrate, existing clustering comparison measures have critical biases which undermine their usefulness, and no measure accommodates both overlapping and hierarchical clusterings. Here we unify the comparison of disjoint, overlapping, and hierarchically structured clusterings by proposing a new element-centric framework: elements are compared based on the relationships induced by the cluster structure, as opposed to the traditional cluster-centric philosophy. We demonstrate that, in contrast to standard clustering similarity measures, our framework does not suffer from critical biases and naturally provides unique insights into how the clusterings differ. We illustrate the strengths of our framework by revealing new insights into the organization of clusters in two applications: the improved classification of schizophrenia based on the overlapping and hierarchical community structure of fMRI brain networks, and the disentanglement of various social homophily factors in Facebook social networks. The universality of clustering suggests far-reaching impact of our framework throughout all areas of science

    A general strategy to determine the congruence between a hierarchical and a non-hierarchical classification

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    This article is available from: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/8/442[Background] Classification procedures are widely used in phylogenetic inference, the analysis of expression profiles, the study of biological networks, etc. Many algorithms have been proposed to establish the similarity between two different classifications of the same elements. However, methods to determine significant coincidences between hierarchical and non-hierarchical partitions are still poorly developed, in spite of the fact that the search for such coincidences is implicit in many analyses of massive data.[Results] We describe a novel strategy to compare a hierarchical and a dichotomic non-hierarchical classification of elements, in order to find clusters in a hierarchical tree in which elements of a given "flat" partition are overrepresented. The key improvement of our strategy respect to previous methods is using permutation analyses of ranked clusters to determine whether regions of the dendrograms present a significant enrichment. We show that this method is more sensitive than previously developed strategies and how it can be applied to several real cases, including microarray and interactome data. Particularly, we use it to compare a hierarchical representation of the yeast mitochondrial interactome and a catalogue of known mitochondrial protein complexes, demonstrating a high level of congruence between those two classifications. We also discuss extensions of this method to other cases which are conceptually related.[Conclusion] Our method is highly sensitive and outperforms previously described strategies. A PERL script that implements it is available at http://www.uv.es/~genomica/treetracker.Our group is supported by Grant SAF2006-08977 (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia [MEC], Spain). A.M. was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the MEC.Peer reviewe

    Global Considerations in Hierarchical Clustering Reveal Meaningful Patterns in Data

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    BACKGROUND: A hierarchy, characterized by tree-like relationships, is a natural method of organizing data in various domains. When considering an unsupervised machine learning routine, such as clustering, a bottom-up hierarchical (BU, agglomerative) algorithm is used as a default and is often the only method applied. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that hierarchical clustering that involve global considerations, such as top-down (TD, divisive), or glocal (global-local) algorithms are better suited to reveal meaningful patterns in the data. This is demonstrated, by testing the correspondence between the results of several algorithms (TD, glocal and BU) and the correct annotations provided by experts. The correspondence was tested in multiple domains including gene expression experiments, stock trade records and functional protein families. The performance of each of the algorithms is evaluated by statistical criteria that are assigned to clusters (nodes of the hierarchy tree) based on expert-labeled data. Whereas TD algorithms perform better on global patterns, BU algorithms perform well and are advantageous when finer granularity of the data is sought. In addition, a novel TD algorithm that is based on genuine density of the data points is presented and is shown to outperform other divisive and agglomerative methods. Application of the algorithm to more than 500 protein sequences belonging to ion-channels illustrates the potential of the method for inferring overlooked functional annotations. ClustTree, a graphical Matlab toolbox for applying various hierarchical clustering algorithms and testing their quality is made available. CONCLUSIONS: Although currently rarely used, global approaches, in particular, TD or glocal algorithms, should be considered in the exploratory process of clustering. In general, applying unsupervised clustering methods can leverage the quality of manually-created mapping of proteins families. As demonstrated, it can also provide insights in erroneous and missed annotations

    Evaluation of clustering results and novel cluster algorithms

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    Cluster analysis is frequently performed in many application fields to find groups in data. For example, in medicine, researchers have used gene expression data to cluster patients suffering from a particular disease (e.g., breast cancer), in order to detect new disease subtypes. Many cluster algorithms and methods for cluster validation, i.e., methods for evaluating the quality of cluster analysis results, have been proposed in the literature. However, open questions about the evaluation of both clustering results and novel cluster algorithms remain. It has rarely been discussed whether a) interesting clustering results or b) promising performance evaluations of newly presented cluster algorithms might be over-optimistic, in the sense that these good results cannot be replicated on new data or in other settings. Such questions are relevant in light of the so-called "replication crisis"; in various research disciplines such as medicine, biology, psychology, and economics, many results have turned out to be non-replicable, casting doubt on the trustworthiness and reliability of scientific findings. This crisis has led to increasing popularity of "metascience". Metascientific studies analyze problems that have contributed to the replication crisis (e.g., questionable research practices), and propose and evaluate possible solutions. So far, metascientific studies have mainly focused on issues related to significance testing. In contrast, this dissertation addresses the reliability of a) clustering results in applied research and b) results concerning newly presented cluster algorithms in the methodological literature. Different aspects of this topic are discussed in three Contributions. The first Contribution presents a framework for validating clustering results on validation data. Using validation data is vital to examine the replicability and generalizability of results. While applied researchers sometimes use validation data to check their clustering results, our article is the first to review the different approaches in the literature and to structure them in a systematic manner. We demonstrate that many classical cluster validation techniques, such as internal and external validation, can be combined with validation data. Our framework provides guidance to applied researchers who wish to evaluate their own clustering results or the results of other teams on new data. The second Contribution applies the framework from Contribution 1 to quantify over-optimistic bias in the context of a specific application field, namely unsupervised microbiome research. We analyze over-optimism effects which result from the multiplicity of analysis strategies for cluster analysis and network learning. The plethora of possible analysis strategies poses a challenge for researchers who are often uncertain about which method to use. Researchers might be tempted to try different methods on their dataset and look for the method yielding the "best" result. If only the "best" result is selectively reported, this may cause "overfitting" of the method to the dataset and the result might not be replicable on validation data. We quantify such over-optimism effects for four illustrative types of unsupervised research tasks (clustering of bacterial genera, hub detection in microbial association networks, differential network analysis, and clustering of samples). Contributions 1 and 2 consider the evaluation of clustering results and thus adopt a metascientific perspective on applied research. In contrast, the third Contribution is a metascientific study about methodological research on the development of new cluster algorithms. This Contribution analyzes the over-optimistic evaluation and reporting of novel cluster algorithms. As an illustrative example, we consider the recently proposed cluster algorithm "Rock"; initially deemed promising, it later turned out to be not generally better than its competitors. We demonstrate how Rock can nevertheless appear to outperform competitors via optimization of the evaluation design, namely the used data types, data characteristics, the algorithm’s parameters, and the choice of competing algorithms. The study is a cautionary tale that illustrates how easy it can be for researchers to claim apparent "superiority" of a new cluster algorithm. This, in turn, stresses the importance of strategies for avoiding the problems of over-optimism, such as neutral benchmark studies

    Visual Analysis of High-Dimensional Point Clouds using Topological Abstraction

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    This thesis is about visualizing a kind of data that is trivial to process by computers but difficult to imagine by humans because nature does not allow for intuition with this type of information: high-dimensional data. Such data often result from representing observations of objects under various aspects or with different properties. In many applications, a typical, laborious task is to find related objects or to group those that are similar to each other. One classic solution for this task is to imagine the data as vectors in a Euclidean space with object variables as dimensions. Utilizing Euclidean distance as a measure of similarity, objects with similar properties and values accumulate to groups, so-called clusters, that are exposed by cluster analysis on the high-dimensional point cloud. Because similar vectors can be thought of as objects that are alike in terms of their attributes, the point cloud\''s structure and individual cluster properties, like their size or compactness, summarize data categories and their relative importance. The contribution of this thesis is a novel analysis approach for visual exploration of high-dimensional point clouds without suffering from structural occlusion. The work is based on implementing two key concepts: The first idea is to discard those geometric properties that cannot be preserved and, thus, lead to the typical artifacts. Topological concepts are used instead to shift away the focus from a point-centered view on the data to a more structure-centered perspective. The advantage is that topology-driven clustering information can be extracted in the data\''s original domain and be preserved without loss in low dimensions. The second idea is to split the analysis into a topology-based global overview and a subsequent geometric local refinement. The occlusion-free overview enables the analyst to identify features and to link them to other visualizations that permit analysis of those properties not captured by the topological abstraction, e.g. cluster shape or value distributions in particular dimensions or subspaces. The advantage of separating structure from data point analysis is that restricting local analysis only to data subsets significantly reduces artifacts and the visual complexity of standard techniques. That is, the additional topological layer enables the analyst to identify structure that was hidden before and to focus on particular features by suppressing irrelevant points during local feature analysis. This thesis addresses the topology-based visual analysis of high-dimensional point clouds for both the time-invariant and the time-varying case. Time-invariant means that the points do not change in their number or positions. That is, the analyst explores the clustering of a fixed and constant set of points. The extension to the time-varying case implies the analysis of a varying clustering, where clusters appear as new, merge or split, or vanish. Especially for high-dimensional data, both tracking---which means to relate features over time---but also visualizing changing structure are difficult problems to solve

    Exposing and fixing causes of inconsistency and nondeterminism in clustering implementations

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    Cluster analysis aka Clustering is used in myriad applications, including high-stakes domains, by millions of users. Clustering users should be able to assume that clustering implementations are correct, reliable, and for a given algorithm, interchangeable. Based on observations in a wide-range of real-world clustering implementations, this dissertation challenges the aforementioned assumptions. This dissertation introduces an approach named SmokeOut that uses differential clustering to show that clustering implementations suffer from nondeterminism and inconsistency: on a given input dataset and using a given clustering algorithm, clustering outcomes and accuracy vary widely between (1) successive runs of the same toolkit, i.e., nondeterminism, and (2) different toolkits, i.e, inconsistency. Using a statistical approach, this dissertation quantifies and exposes statistically significant differences across runs and toolkits. This dissertation exposes the diverse root causes of nondeterminism or inconsistency, such as default parameter settings, noise insertion, distance metrics, termination criteria. Based on these findings, this dissertation introduces an automatic approach for locating the root causes of nondeterminism and inconsistency. This dissertation makes several contributions: (1) quantifying clustering outcomes across different algorithms, toolkits, and multiple runs; (2) using a statistical rigorous approach for testing clustering implementations; (3) exposing root causes of nondeterminism and inconsistency; and (4) automatically finding nondeterminism and inconsistency’s root causes

    Clustering and its Application in Requirements Engineering

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    Large scale software systems challenge almost every activity in the software development life-cycle, including tasks related to eliciting, analyzing, and specifying requirements. Fortunately many of these complexities can be addressed through clustering the requirements in order to create abstractions that are meaningful to human stakeholders. For example, the requirements elicitation process can be supported through dynamically clustering incoming stakeholders’ requests into themes. Cross-cutting concerns, which have a significant impact on the architectural design, can be identified through the use of fuzzy clustering techniques and metrics designed to detect when a theme cross-cuts the dominant decomposition of the system. Finally, traceability techniques, required in critical software projects by many regulatory bodies, can be automated and enhanced by the use of cluster-based information retrieval methods. Unfortunately, despite a significant body of work describing document clustering techniques, there is almost no prior work which directly addresses the challenges, constraints, and nuances of requirements clustering. As a result, the effectiveness of software engineering tools and processes that depend on requirements clustering is severely limited. This report directly addresses the problem of clustering requirements through surveying standard clustering techniques and discussing their application to the requirements clustering process
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