39 research outputs found

    Platonic model of mind as an approximation to neurodynamics

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    Hierarchy of approximations involved in simplification of microscopic theories, from sub-cellural to the whole brain level, is presented. A new approximation to neural dynamics is described, leading to a Platonic-like model of mind based on psychological spaces. Objects and events in these spaces correspond to quasi-stable states of brain dynamics and may be interpreted from psychological point of view. Platonic model bridges the gap between neurosciences and psychological sciences. Static and dynamic versions of this model are outlined and Feature Space Mapping, a neurofuzzy realization of the static version of Platonic model, described. Categorization experiments with human subjects are analyzed from the neurodynamical and Platonic model points of view

    Start-up vibration analysis for novelty detection on industrial gas turbines

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    This paper focuses on industrial application of start-up vibration signature analysis for novelty detection with experimental trials on industrial gas turbines (IGTs). Firstly, a representative vibration signature is extracted from healthy start-up vibration measurements through the use of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Then, the first critical speed and the vibration level at the critical speed are located from the signature. Finally, two (s- and v-) health indices are introduced to detect and identify different novel/fault conditions from the IGT start-ups, in addition to traditional similarity measures, such as Euclidean distance and cross-correlation measures. Through a case study on IGTs, it is shown that the presented approach provides a convenient and efficient tool for IGT condition monitoring using start-up field data

    Evolutionary and Reinforcement Fuzzy Control

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    Many modern and classical techniques exist for the design of control systems. However, many real world applications are inherently complex and the application of traditional design and control techniques is limited. In addition, no single design method exists which can be applied to all types of system. Due to this 'deficiency', recent years have seen an exponential increase in the use of methods loosely termed 'computational intelligent techniques' or 'soft- computing techniques'. Such techniques tend to solve problems using a population of individual elements or potential solutions or the flexibility of a network as opposed to using a rigid, single point of computing. Through use of computational redundancies, soft-computing allows unmatched tractability in practical problem solving. The intelligent paradigm most successfully applied to control engineering, is that of fuzzy logic in the form of fuzzy control. The motivation of using fuzzy control is twofold. First, it allows one to incorporate heuristics into the control strategy, such as the model operator actions. Second, it allows nonlinearities to be defined in an intuitive way using rules and interpolations. Although it is an attractive tool, there still exist many problems to be solved in fuzzy control. To date most applications have been limited to relatively simple problems of low dimensionality. This is primarily due to the fact that the design process is very much a trial and error one and is heavily dependent on the quality of expert knowledge provided by the operator. In addition, fuzzy control design is virtually ad hoc, lacking a systematic design procedure. Other problems include those associated with the curse of dimensionality and the inability to learn and improve from experience. While much work has been carried out to alleviate most of these difficulties, there exists a lack of drive and exploration in the last of these points. The objective of this thesis is to develop an automated, systematic procedure for optimally learning fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs), which provides for autonomous and simple implementations. In pursuit of this goal, a hybrid method is to combine the advantages artificial neural networks (ANNs), evolutionary algorithms (EA) and reinforcement learning (RL). This overcomes the deficiencies of conventional EAs that may omit representation of the region within a variable's operating range and that do not in practice achieve fine learning. This method also allows backpropagation when necessary or feasible. It is termed an Evolutionary NeuroFuzzy Learning Intelligent Control technique (ENFLICT) model. Unlike other hybrids, ENFLICT permits globally structural learning and local offline or online learning. The global EA and local neural learning processes should not be separated. Here, the EA learns and optimises the ENFLICT structure while ENFLICT learns the network parameters. The EA used here is an improved version of a technique known as the messy genetic algorithm (mGA), which utilises flexible cellular chromosomes for structural optimisation. The properties of the mGA as compared with other flexible length EAs, are that it enables the addressing of issues such as the curse of dimensionality and redundant genetic information. Enhancements to the algorithm are in the coding and decoding of the genetic information to represent a growing and shrinking network; the defining of the network properties such as neuron activation type and network connectivity; and that all of this information is represented in a single gene. Another step forward taken in this thesis on neurofuzzy learning is that of learning online. Online in this case refers to learning unsupervised and adapting to real time system parameter changes. It is much more attractive because the alternative (supervised offline learning) demands quality learning data which is often expensive to obtain, and unrepresentative of and inaccurate about the real environment. First, the learning algorithm is developed for the case of a given model of the system where the system dynamics are available or can be obtained through, for example, system identification. This naturally leads to the development of a method for learning by directly interacting with the environment. The motivation for this is that usually real world applications tend to be large and complex, and obtaining a mathematical model of the plant is not always possible. For this purpose the reinforcement learning paradigm is utilised, which is the primary learning method of biological systems, systems that can adapt to their environment and experiences, in this thesis, the reinforcement learning algorithm is based on the advantage learning method and has been extended to deal with continuous time systems and online implementations, and which does not use a lookup table. This means that large databases containing the system behaviour need not be constructed, and the procedure can work online where the information available is that of the immediate situation. For complex systems of higher order dimensions, and where identifying the system model is difficult, a hierarchical method has been developed and is based on a hybrid of all the other methods developed. In particular, the procedure makes use of a method developed to work directly with plant step response, thus avoiding the need for mathematical model fitting which may be time-consuming and inaccurate. All techniques developed and contributions in the thesis are illustrated by several case studies, and are validated through simulations

    Comparison of Three Intelligent Techniques for Runoff Simulation

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    In this study, performance of a feedback neural network, Elman, is evaluated for runoff simulation. The model ability is compared with two other intelligent models namely, standalone feedforward Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network model and hybrid Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model. In this case, daily runoff data during monsoon period in a catchment located at south India were collected. Three statistical criteria, correlation coefficient, coefficient of efficiency and the difference of slope of a best-fit line from observed-estimated scatter plots to 1:1 line, were applied for comparing the performances of the models. The results showed that ANFIS technique provided significant improvement as compared to Elman and MLP models. ANFIS could be an efficient alternative to artificial neural networks, a computationally intensive method, for runoff predictions providing at least comparable accuracy. Comparing two neural networks indicated that, unexpectedly, Elman technique has high ability than MLP, which is a powerful model in simulation of hydrological processes, in runoff modeling

    Low-level interpretability and high-level interpretability: a unified view of data-driven interpretable fuzzy system modelling

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    This paper aims at providing an in-depth overview of designing interpretable fuzzy inference models from data within a unified framework. The objective of complex system modelling is to develop reliable and understandable models for human being to get insights into complex real-world systems whose first-principle models are unknown. Because system behaviour can be described naturally as a series of linguistic rules, data-driven fuzzy modelling becomes an attractive and widely used paradigm for this purpose. However, fuzzy models constructed from data by adaptive learning algorithms usually suffer from the loss of model interpretability. Model accuracy and interpretability are two conflicting objectives, so interpretation preservation during adaptation in data-driven fuzzy system modelling is a challenging task, which has received much attention in fuzzy system modelling community. In order to clearly discriminate the different roles of fuzzy sets, input variables, and other components in achieving an interpretable fuzzy model, a taxonomy of fuzzy model interpretability is first proposed in terms of low-level interpretability and high-level interpretability in this paper. The low-level interpretability of fuzzy models refers to fuzzy model interpretability achieved by optimizing the membership functions in terms of semantic criteria on fuzzy set level, while the high-level interpretability refers to fuzzy model interpretability obtained by dealing with the coverage, completeness, and consistency of the rules in terms of the criteria on fuzzy rule level. Some criteria for low-level interpretability and high-level interpretability are identified, respectively. Different data-driven fuzzy modelling techniques in the literature focusing on the interpretability issues are reviewed and discussed from the perspective of low-level interpretability and high-level interpretability. Furthermore, some open problems about interpretable fuzzy models are identified and some potential new research directions on fuzzy model interpretability are also suggested. Crown Copyright © 2008

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Universal Approximation of a Class of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks in Nonlinear Identification

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    Neural networks (NNs), type-1 fuzzy logic systems (T1FLSs), and interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLSs) have been shown to be universal approximators, which means that they can approximate any nonlinear continuous function. Recent research shows that embedding an IT2FLS on an NN can be very effective for a wide number of nonlinear complex systems, especially when handling imperfect or incomplete information. In this paper we show, based on the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, that an interval type-2 fuzzy neural network (IT2FNN) is a universal approximator, which uses a set of rules and interval type-2 membership functions (IT2MFs) for this purpose. Simulation results of nonlinear function identification using the IT2FNN for one and three variables and for the Mackey-Glass chaotic time series prediction are presented to illustrate the concept of universal approximation

    Intelligent Self-Organized Robust Control Design based on Quantum/Soft Computing Technologies and Kansei Engineering

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    System of systems engineering technology describes the possibility of ill-defined (autonomous or hierarchically connected) dynamic control system design that includes human decision making in unpredicted (unforeseen) control situations. Kansei/Affective Engineering technology and its toolkit include qualitative description of human being emotion, instinct and intuition that are used effectively in design processes of smart/wise robotics and intelligent mechatronics. In presented report the way how these technologies can be married using new types of unconventional computational intelligence is described. System analysis of interrelations between these two important technologies is discussed. The solution of an important problem as robust intelligent control system design based on quantum knowledge base self-organization in unpredicted control situations and information risk is proposed. The background of applied unconventional computational intelligence is soft and quantum computing technologies. Applications of the developed approach in robust integrated fuzzy intelligent control systems are considered using concrete Benchmarks

    Towards the automation of product geometric verification: An overview

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    The paper aims at providing an overview on the current automation level of geometric verification process with reference to some aspects that can be considered crucial to achieve a greater efficiency, accuracy and repeatability of the inspection process. Although we are still far from making this process completely automatic, several researches were made in recent years to support and speed up the geometric error evaluation and to make it less human-intensive. The paper, in particular, surveys: (1) models of specification developed for an integrated approach to tolerancing; (2) state of the art of Computer-Aided Inspection Planning (CAIP); (3) research efforts recently made for limiting or eliminating the human contribution during the data processing aimed at geometric error evaluation. Possible future perspectives of the research on the automation of geometric verification process are finally described

    Guidance and control of an autonomous underwater vehicle

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/856 on 07.03.2017 by CS (TIS)A cooperative project between the Universities of Plymouth and Cranfield was aimed at designing and developing an autonomous underwater vehicle named Hammerhead. The work presented herein is to formulate an advance guidance and control system and to implement it in the Hammerhead. This involves the description of Hammerhead hardware from a control system perspective. In addition to the control system, an intelligent navigation scheme and a state of the art vision system is also developed. However, the development of these submodules is out of the scope of this thesis. To model an underwater vehicle, the traditional way is to acquire painstaking mathematical models based on laws of physics and then simplify and linearise the models to some operating point. One of the principal novelties of this research is the use of system identification techniques on actual vehicle data obtained from full scale in water experiments. Two new guidance mechanisms have also been formulated for cruising type vehicles. The first is a modification of the proportional navigation guidance for missiles whilst the other is a hybrid law which is a combination of several guidance strategies employed during different phases of the Right. In addition to the modelling process and guidance systems, a number of robust control methodologies have been conceived for Hammerhead. A discrete time linear quadratic Gaussian with loop transfer recovery based autopilot is formulated and integrated with the conventional and more advance guidance laws proposed. A model predictive controller (MPC) has also been devised which is constructed using artificial intelligence techniques such as genetic algorithms (GA) and fuzzy logic. A GA is employed as an online optimization routine whilst fuzzy logic has been exploited as an objective function in an MPC framework. The GA-MPC autopilot has been implemented in Hammerhead in real time and results demonstrate excellent robustness despite the presence of disturbances and ever present modelling uncertainty. To the author's knowledge, this is the first successful application of a GA in real time optimization for controller tuning in the marine sector and thus the thesis makes an extremely novel and useful contribution to control system design in general. The controllers are also integrated with the proposed guidance laws and is also considered to be an invaluable contribution to knowledge. Moreover, the autopilots are used in conjunction with a vision based altitude information sensor and simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the controllers to cope with uncertain altitude demands.J&S MARINE LTD., QINETIQ, SUBSEA 7 AND SOUTH WEST WATER PL