540 research outputs found

    A Multi-Level Colour Thresholding Based Segmentation Approach for Improved Identification of the Defective Region in Leather Surfaces

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    Vision systems are recently adopted for defect detection in leather surface to overcome difficulties of labour intensive, time consuming manual inspection process. Suitable image processing techniques needs to be developed for accurate detection of leather defects. Existing research works have focused for gray scale based image processing techniques which requires conversion of colour images using an averaging method and it lacks sensitivity for detecting the leather defects due to the random and texture surface of the leather.  This work presents a colour processing approach for improved identification of leather defects using a multi-level thresholding function. In this work, the colour leather images are processed in ‘Lab’ colour domain for improving the human perception of discriminating the leather defects.  In the present work, the specific range of values for the colour attributes of different leather defect in colour leather samples are identified using the colour histogram.  MATLAB software routine is developed for identifying defects in specific ranges of colour attributes and the results are presented.  From the results, it is found that proposed provides a simpler approach for identifying the defective regions based on the colour attributes of the surface with improved human perception. The proposed methodology can be implemented in graphical processing units for efficiently detecting several types of defects using specific thresholds for the automated real-time inspection of leather defects

    Using deep learning to detect the presence/absence of defects on leather: On the way to build an industry-driven approach

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    In textile/leather manufacturing environments, as in many other industrial contexts, quality inspection is an essential activity that is commonly performed by human operators. Error, fatigue, ergonomic issues, and related costs associated to this fashion of carrying out fabric validation are aspects concerning companies' strategists, whose mission includes to watch over the physical integrity of their employees, while aiming at enhanced quality control methods implementation towards profit maximization. Considering these challenges from a technical/scientific perspective, machine/deep learning approaches have been showing great skills in adapting a wide range of contexts and, in particular, industrial environments, complementing traditional computer vision methods with characteristics such as increased accuracy while dealing with image classification and segmentation problems, capacity for continuous learning from experts input and feedback, flexibility to easily scale training for new contextualization classes – unknown types of occurrences relevant to characterize a given problem –, among other advantages. The goal of crossing deep learning strategies with fabric inspection processes is pursued in this paper. After providing a brief but representative characterization of the targeted industrial context, in which, typically, fabric rolls of rawmaterial mats must be processed at a relatively low latency, an Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) system architecture designed for such environments is revisited [1], for contextualization purposes. Afterwards, a set of deep learning-oriented training methods/processes is proposed in combination with neural networks built based on Xception architecture, towards the implementation of one of the components that integrate the aforementioned system, from which is expected the identification of presence/absence of defective textile/leather raw material at a low-latency. Several models powered by Xception were trained with different tunning parameters, resorting to datasets variations that were set up from raw images of leather, following different annotation strategies (meticulous and rough). The model that performed better reached 96% of accuracy.ERDF - European Regional Development Fund(undefined

    An Extended Review on Fabric Defects and Its Detection Techniques

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    In Textile Industry, Quality of the Fabric is the main important factor. At the initial stage, it is very essential to identify and avoid the fabrics faults/defects and hence human perception consumes lot of time and cost to reveal the fabrics faults. Now-a-days Automated Inspection Systems are very useful to decrease the fault prediction time and gives best visualizing clarity- based on computer vision and image processing techniques. This paper made an extended review about the quality parameters in the fiber-to-fabric process, fabrics defects detection terminologies applied on major three clusters of fabric defects knitting, woven and sewing fabric defects. And this paper also explains about the statistical performance measures which are used to analyze the defect detection process. Also, comparison among the methods proposed in the field of fabric defect detection

    Deteção automática de defeitos em couro

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringEsta dissertação desenvolve-se em torno do problema da deteção de defeitos em couro. A deteção de defeitos em couro é um problema tradicionalmente resolvido manualmente, usando avaliadores ex perientes na inspeção do couro. No entanto, como esta tarefa é lenta e suscetível ao erro humano, ao longo dos últimos 20 anos tem-se procurado soluções que automatizem a tarefa. Assim, surgiram várias soluções capazes de resolver o problema eficazmente utilizando técnicas de Machine Learning e Visão por Computador. No entanto, todas elas requerem um conjunto de dados de grande dimensão anotado e balanceado entre as várias categorias. Assim, esta dissertação pretende automatizar o processo tradicio nal, usando técnicas de Machine Learning, mas sem recorrer a datasets anotados de grandes dimensões. Para tal, são exploradas técnicas de Novelty Detection, as quais permitem resolver a tarefa de inspeção de defeitos utilizando um conjunto de dados não supervsionado, pequeno e não balanceado. Nesta dis sertação foram analisadas e testadas as seguintes técnicas de novelty detection: MSE Autoencoder, SSIM Autoencoder, CFLOW, STFPM, Reverse, and DRAEM. Estas técnicas foram treinadas e testadas com dois conjuntos de dados diferentes: MVTEC e Neadvance. As técnicas analisadas detectam e localizam a mai oria dos defeitos das imagens do MVTEC. Contudo, têm dificuldades em detetar os defeitos das imagens do dataset da Neadvance. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é proposta a melhor metodologia a usar para três diferentes cenários. No caso do poder computacional ser baixo, SSIM Autoencoder deve ser a técnica usada. No caso onde há poder computational suficiente e os exemplos a analisar são de uma só cor, DRAEM deve ser a técnica escolhida. Em qualquer outro caso, o STFPM deve ser a opção escolhida.This dissertation develops around the leather defects detection problem. The leather defects detec tion problem is traditionally manually solved, using experient assorters in the leather inspection. However, as this task is slow and prone to human error, over the last 20 years the searching for solutions that automatize this task has continued. In this way, several solutions capable to solve the problem effi ciently emerged using Machine Learning and Computer Vision techniques. Nonetheless, they all require a high-dimension dataset labeled and balanced between all categories. Thus, this dissertation pretends to automatize the traditional process, using the Machine Learning techniques without requiring a large dimensions labelled dataset. To this end, there will be explored Novelty Detection techniques, that in tend to solve the leather inspection task using an unsupervised small and non-balanced dataset. This dissertation analyzed and tested the following Novelty Detection techniques: MSE Autoencoder, SSIM Autoencoder, CFLOW, STFPM, Reverse, and DRAEM. These techniques are trained and tested in two distinct datasets: MVTEC and Neadvance. The analyzed techniques detect and localize most MVTEC defects. However, they have difficulties in defect detection on Neadvance samples. Based on the ob tained results, it is proposed the best methodology to use for three distinct scenarios. In the case where the computational power available is low, SSIM Autoencoder should be the technique to use. In the case where there is enough computational power and the samples to inspect have the same color, DRAEM should be the chosen technique. In any other case, the STFPM should be the chosen option

    Fabric Defect Detection with Deep Learning and False Negative Reduction

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    Quality control is an area of utmost importance for fabric production companies. By not detecting the defects present in the fabrics, companies are at risk of losing money and reputation with a damaged product. In a traditional system, an inspection accuracy of 60-75% is observed. In order to reduce these costs, a fast and automatic defect detection system, which can be complemented with the operator decision, is proposed in this paper. To perform the task of defect detection, a custom Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was used in this work. To obtain a well-generalized system, in the training process, more than 50 defect types were used. Additionally, as an undetected defect (False Negative - FN) usually has a higher cost to the company than a non-defective fabric being classified as a defective one (false positive), FN reduction methods were used in the proposed system. In testing, when the system was in automatic mode, an average accuracy of 75% was attained; however, if the FN reduction method was applied, with intervention of the operator, an average of 95% accuracy can be achieved. These results demonstrate the ability of the system to detect many different types of defects with good accuracy whilst being faster and computationally simple.publishersversionpublishe

    In-car damage dirt and stain estimation with RGB images

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    Shared autonomous vehicles (SAV) numbers are going to increase over the next years. The absence of human driver will create a new paradigm for in-car safety. This paper addresses the problem, presenting a monitoring system capable of estimating the state of the car interior, namely the presence of damage, dirt and stains. We propose the use of Semantic Segmentation methods to perform appropriate pixel-wise classification of certain textures found in the car's cabin as defect classes. Two methods, U-Net and DeepLabV3+, were trained and tested for different hiper-parameter and ablation scenarios, using RGB images. To be able to test and validate these approaches an In-car dataset was created, comprised by 1861 samples from 78 cars, and than splitted in 1303 train, 186 validation and 372 test RGB images. DeepLabV3+ showed promissing results, achieving an average accuracy for good, damage, stain and dirt of 77.17%, 58.60%, 65.81% and 68.82%, respectively.POFC - Programa Operacional Temático Factores de competitividade(039334); European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039334; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334

    Using object detection technology to identify defects in clothing for blind people

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    Blind people often encounter challenges in managing their clothing, specifically in identifying defects such as stains or holes. With the progress of the computer vision field, it is crucial to minimize these limitations as much as possible to assist blind people with selecting appropriate clothing. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to use object detection technology to categorize and detect stains on garments. The defect detection system proposed in this study relies on the You Only Look Once (YOLO) architecture, which is a single-stage object detector that is well-suited for automated inspection tasks. The authors collected a dataset of clothing with defects and used it to train and evaluate the proposed system. The methodology used for the optimization of the defect detection system was based on three main components: (i) increasing the dataset with new defects, illumination conditions, and backgrounds, (ii) introducing data augmentation, and (iii) introducing defect classification. The authors compared and evaluated three different YOLOv5 models. The results of this study demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective and suitable for different challenging defect detection conditions, showing high average precision (AP) values, and paving the way for a mobile application to be accessible for the blind community.This work has been supported by national funds through FCT—Fundacão para a Ciência e Tecnologia, within the Projects Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, UIDB/05549/2020, UIDP/05549/2020, UIDP/04077/2020, and UIDB/04077/2020

    A comparative study of texture analysis algorithms in textile inspection applications

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    Nowadays, quality control is an important problem for fabric manufacturers. Typically these operations have been carried out by humans operators. However, this method has numerous drawbacks such as low precision, performance and effectiveness. Therefore, automatic inspection systems have increased substantially in the last decade. This work evaluates the performance of some texture measures in textile defect detection applications. For classification a method based on leaving-one-out is used. Our study has been carried out using a large database of samples to take into account a wide spectrum of fabrics and multiple defects of different nature reported by specialized works and publications. A ranking with the effectiveness of best algorithms is presented for every type of fabric. In addition, the computation time of algorithms is compared.This work is partially backed by the European Community (FEDER project)
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