4,706 research outputs found

    Image morphological processing

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    Mathematical Morphology with applications in image processing and analysis has been becoming increasingly important in today\u27s technology. Mathematical Morphological operations, which are based on set theory, can extract object features by suitably shaped structuring elements. Mathematical Morphological filters are combinations of morphological operations that transform an image into a quantitative description of its geometrical structure based on structuring elements. Important applications of morphological operations are shape description, shape recognition, nonlinear filtering, industrial parts inspection, and medical image processing. In this dissertation, basic morphological operations, properties and fuzzy morphology are reviewed. Existing techniques for solving corner and edge detection are presented. A new approach to solve corner detection using regulated mathematical morphology is presented and is shown that it is more efficient in binary images than the existing mathematical morphology based asymmetric closing for corner detection. A new class of morphological operations called sweep mathematical morphological operations is developed. The theoretical framework for representation, computation and analysis of sweep morphology is presented. The basic sweep morphological operations, sweep dilation and sweep erosion, are defined and their properties are studied. It is shown that considering only the boundaries and performing operations on the boundaries can substantially reduce the computation. Various applications of this new class of morphological operations are discussed, including the blending of swept surfaces with deformations, image enhancement, edge linking and shortest path planning for rotating objects. Sweep mathematical morphology is an efficient tool for geometric modeling and representation. The sweep dilation/erosion provides a natural representation of sweep motion in the manufacturing processes. A set of grammatical rules that govern the generation of objects belonging to the same group are defined. Earley\u27s parser serves in the screening process to determine whether a pattern is a part of the language. Finally, summary and future research of this dissertation are provided

    Boswellia serrata Preserves Intestinal Epithelial Barrier from Oxidative and Inflammatory Damage

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    Aminosalicylates, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants are currently the therapeutic choices in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), however, with limited remission and often serious side effects. Meanwhile complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use is increasing, particularly herbal medicine. Boswellia serrata is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy with anti-inflammatory properties, of interest for its usefulness in IBDs. The mechanism of this pharmacological potential of Boswellia serrata was investigated in colonic epithelial cell monolayers exposed to H2O2 or INF-\u3b3+TNF-\u3b1, chosen as in vitro experimental model of intestinal inflammation. The barrier function was evaluated by the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and paracellular permeability assay, and by the tight junction proteins (zonula occludens-1, ZO-1 and occludin) immunofluorescence. The expression of phosphorylated NF-\u3baB and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation were determined by immunoblot and cytofluorimetric assay, respectively. Boswellia serrata oleo-gum extract (BSE) and its pure derivative acetyl-11-keto-\u3b2-boswellic acid (AKBA), were tested at 0.1-10 \u3bcg/ml and 0.027\u3bcg/ml, respectively. BSE and AKBA safety was demonstrated by no alteration of intestinal cell viability and barrier function and integrity biomarkers. H2O2 or INF-\u3b3+TNF-\u3b1 treatment of Caco-2 cell monolayers significantly reduced TEER, increased paracellular permeability and caused the disassembly of tight junction proteins occludin and ZO-1. BSE and AKBA pretreatment significantly prevented functional and morphological alterations and also the NF-\u3baB phosphorylation induced by the inflammatory stimuli. At the same concentrations BSE and AKBA counteracted the increase of ROS caused by H2O2 exposure. Data showed the positive correlation of the antioxidant activity with the mechanism involved in the physiologic maintenance of the integrity and function of the intestinal epithelium. This study elucidates the pharmacological mechanisms mediated by BSE, in protecting intestinal epithelial barrier from inflammatory damage and supports its use as safe adjuvant in patients affected by IBD

    Exploring the Dust Content of Galactic Winds with Herschel. I. NGC 4631

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    We present a detailed analysis of deep far-infrared observations of the nearby edge-on star-forming galaxy NGC 4631 obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory. Our PACS images at 70 and 160 um show a rich complex of filaments and chimney-like features that extends up to a projected distance of 6 kpc above the plane of the galaxy. The PACS features often match extraplanar Halpha, radio-continuum, and soft X-ray features observed in this galaxy, pointing to a tight disk-halo connection regulated by star formation. On the other hand, the morphology of the colder dust component detected on larger scale in the SPIRE 250, 350, and 500 um data matches the extraplanar H~I streams previously reported in NGC 4631 and suggests a tidal origin. The PACS 70/160 ratios are elevated in the central ~3.0 kpc region above the nucleus of this galaxy (the "superbubble"). A pixel-by-pixel analysis shows that dust in this region has a higher temperature and/or an emissivity with a steeper spectral index (beta > 2) than the dust in the disk, possibly the result of the harsher environment in the superbubble. Star formation in the disk seems energetically insufficient to lift the material out of the disk, unless it was more active in the past or the dust-to-gas ratio in the superbubble region is higher than the Galactic value. Some of the dust in the halo may also have been tidally stripped from nearby companions or lifted from the disk by galaxy interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Diatom Proteomics Reveals Unique Acclimation Strategies to Mitigate Fe Limitation

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    Phytoplankton growth rates are limited by the supply of iron (Fe) in approximately one third of the open ocean, with major implications for carbon dioxide sequestration and carbon (C) biogeochemistry. To date, understanding how alteration of Fe supply changes phytoplankton physiology has focused on traditional metrics such as growth rate, elemental composition, and biophysical measurements such as photosynthetic competence (Fv/Fm). Researchers have subsequently employed transcriptomics to probe relationships between changes in Fe supply and phytoplankton physiology. Recently, studies have investigated longer-term (i.e. following acclimation) responses of phytoplankton to various Fe conditions. In the present study, the coastal diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, was acclimated (10 generations) to either low or high Fe conditions, i.e. Fe-limiting and Fe-replete. Quantitative proteomics and a newly developed proteomic profiling technique that identifies low abundance proteins were employed to examine the full complement of expressed proteins and consequently the metabolic pathways utilized by the diatom under the two Fe conditions. A total of 1850 proteins were confidently identified, nearly tripling previous identifications made from differential expression in diatoms. Given sufficient time to acclimate to Fe limitation, T. pseudonana up-regulates proteins involved in pathways associated with intracellular protein recycling, thereby decreasing dependence on extracellular nitrogen (N), C and Fe. The relative increase in the abundance of photorespiration and pentose phosphate pathway proteins reveal novel metabolic shifts, which create substrates that could support other well-established physiological responses, such as heavily silicified frustules observed for Fe-limited diatoms. Here, we discovered that proteins and hence pathways observed to be down-regulated in short-term Fe starvation studies are constitutively expressed when T. pseudonana is acclimated (i.e., nitrate and nitrite transporters, Photosystem II and Photosystem I complexes). Acclimation of the diatom to the desired Fe conditions and the comprehensive proteomic approach provides a more robust interpretation of this dynamic proteome than previous studies.This work was supported by National Science Foundation grants OCE1233014 (BLN) and the Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Fellowship grant 0444148 (BLN). DRG was supported by National Institutes of Health 5P30ES007033-10. AH and MTM were supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. RFS and PWB were supported by the New Zealand Royal Society Marsden Fund and the Ministry of Science. This work is supported in part by the University of Washington's Proteomics Computer Resource Centre (UWPR95794). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    A molecular timetable for apical bud formation and dormancy induction in poplar

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    The growth of perennial plants in the temperate zone alternates with periods of dormancy that are typically initiated during bud development in autumn. In a systems biology approach to unravel the underlying molecular program of apical bud development in poplar (Populus tremula 3 Populus alba), combined transcript and metabolite profiling were applied to a high-resolution time course from short-day induction to complete dormancy. Metabolite and gene expression dynamics were used to reconstruct the temporal sequence of events during bud development. Importantly, bud development could be dissected into bud formation, acclimation to dehydration and cold, and dormancy. To each of these processes, specific sets of regulatory and marker genes and metabolites are associated and provide a reference frame for future functional studies. Light, ethylene, and abscisic acid signal transduction pathways consecutively control bud development by setting, modifying, or terminating these processes. Ethylene signal transduction is positioned temporally between light and abscisic acid signals and is putatively activated by transiently low hexose pools. The timing and place of cell proliferation arrest (related to dormancy) and of the accumulation of storage compounds (related to acclimation processes) were established within the bud by electron microscopy. Finally, the identification of a large set of genes commonly expressed during the growth-to-dormancy transitions in poplar apical buds, cambium, or Arabidopsis thaliana seeds suggests parallels in the underlying molecular mechanisms in different plant organs

    Utilization of Microscale Silicon Cantilevers to Assess Cellular Contractile Function In Vitro

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    The development of more predictive and biologically relevant in vitro assays is predicated on the advancement of versatile cell culture systems which facilitate the functional assessment of the seeded cells. To that end, microscale cantilever technology offers a platform with which to measure the contractile functionality of a range of cell types, including skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells, through assessment of contraction induced substrate bending. Application of multiplexed cantilever arrays provides the means to develop moderate to high-throughput protocols for assessing drug efficacy and toxicity, disease phenotype and progression, as well as neuromuscular and other cell-cell interactions. This manuscript provides the details for fabricating reliable cantilever arrays for this purpose, and the methods required to successfully culture cells on these surfaces. Further description is provided on the steps necessary to perform functional analysis of contractile cell types maintained on such arrays using a novel laser and photo-detector system. The representative data provided highlights the precision and reproducible nature of the analysis of contractile function possible using this system, as well as the wide range of studies to which such technology can be applied. Successful widespread adoption of this system could provide investigators with the means to perform rapid, low cost functional studies in vitro, leading to more accurate predictions of tissue performance, disease development and response to novel therapeutic treatment

    Identifying and Characterizing Transgenic Lines That Drive Gene Expression in the Adult Fat Body of the \u3cem\u3eDrosophila Melanogaster\u3c/em\u3e

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    Adult Drosophila Melanogaster is a powerful model organism in genetic studies and has high tissue and gene homology to humans. Like humans, Drosophila tissues communicate in order to respond to physiological stimuli, such as diet, aging, and disease. The fat body, homologous to human adipocytes and hepatocytes, functions as both an endocrine and energy storage organ; and has been shown to play a critical role in many metabolic processes. The aim of this study is to characterize differences in fat body gene expression to ultimately identify if there are subpopulations of adipocytes with different functions related to fat body communication to other tissues. To do so, nine fly lines with a genetic insertion of Gal4, which encodes a transcription factor, under the influence of a tissue specific promoter, were mated with a fly line that encodes membrane bound green fluorescent protein under the control of UAS, the DNA sequence recognized by Gal4. Progeny containing both genetic elements will have cells that fluoresce green, GFP, at the cell membrane in tissues or cells where the promoter is active. This study reports that five of the nine Gal4 lines tested, with promoter sequences reported to be actively expressed in larval adipocytes, drive UAS-GFP expression in adult adipocytes, with distinct levels of gene expression. Three of the five lines were more carefully examined to uncover a link between level of gene expression and adipocyte size. These three lines, c754-Gal4, ppl-Gal4, and Lsp2(3.1)-Gal4, drove robust GFP expression in adult adipocytes. Lsp2(3.1)-Gal4 showed the strongest GFP expression, while expression levels for c754-Gal4 and ppl-Gal4 were comparable to each other. When correlating GFP intensity with adipocyte perimeter, a correlation was found with gene expression and adipocyte size for two of the three lines. In order to identify the causality between cell size on gene expression the data was further analyzed using a linear regression model. This information indicated that specific promoters and their corresponding genes are differentially expressed based on cell size. Altogether, I have identified at least one transgenic line, c754-Gal4, that was not previously known to promote gene expression in adult adipocytes and ruled out transgenic lines, Lsp2-Gal4.H, c591-Gal4, l(2)T 76T76 -Gal4, c855a-Gal4, C833-Gal4 that do not drive gene expression in the fat body of adult female flies. In the future, a full-body analysis in addition to an examination of other organelle characteristics will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of adipocyte functionality with respect to inter-tissue communication

    Membrane mechanics governs cell mechanics in epithelial cell: how surface area regulation ensures tension homeostasis

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    Die Plasmamembranspannung von eukaryotischen Zellen soll maßgeblich zur Regulation von zellulĂ€ren Prozessen wie der Zellmigration, Mitose, Endo- und Exozytose, Membranreparatur, Osmoregulierung und Zellspreiten beitragen, welche zu einer VerĂ€nderung der MembranflĂ€che und ihrer Deformation fĂŒhrt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die epitheliale Zelllinie MDCK II (Madin-Darby Canine Kidney) benutzt, um spannungsgesteuerte OberflĂ€chenregulierung zu untersuchen. Indentationsexperimente kombiniert mit dem Herausziehen von Membrannanoröhren wurden mit Hilfe des Rasterkraftmikroskops (Atomic Force Microskope, AFM) durchgefĂŒhrt, um lokale Variationen in der Membranspannung und ĂŒberschĂŒssiger MembranflĂ€che als Funktion von Ă€ußeren Reizen abzuschĂ€tzen. Die verwendeten externen Stimuli beinhalten eine VerĂ€nderung der FunktionalitĂ€t des Actomyosin-Cortexes durch die Wirkung von Blebbistatin und Cytochalasin D, sowie die Manipulation der Zytoskelett-Membran AdhĂ€sionspunkte durch Einzel-Mikroinjektion. Die Injektion von Neomycin verhindert die Anbindung von ERM-Proteinen an das Lipid Phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphat (PIP2) und bewirkt somit die Abkopplung des Zytoskeletts von der Plasmamembran. Als Gegenexperiment diente die Injektion des Lipids PIP2 selbst, welches zur Erhöhung der Anzahl der Zytoskelett-Membran AdhĂ€sionspunkte fĂŒhrte. Weiterhin wurden die als Membranreservoire dienenden Mikrovilli durch den Entzug von Cholesterol entfernt. Auswirkung auf das Vorhandensein von Membranreservoiren hat ebenfalls die VerĂ€nderung des osmotischen Drucks innerhalb der Zellen. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden die elastischen Eigenschaften von apikalen Zellmembran-Fragmenten von konfluenten MDCK II Zellen untersucht, welche Aufschluss ĂŒber die intrinsischen Membraneigenschaften ohne den Einfluss des Zytosols und Zytoskeletts geben konnten. Abschließend wurde die Mechanik von adhĂ€rierenden und spreitenden Zellen untersucht. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die Plasmamembran, bestehend aus einer Phospholipiddoppelschicht, lateral schwer ausdehnbar ist aufgrund ihrer flĂŒssig-kristallinen Natur. Durch das Vorhandensein von dynamischen Membranreservoiren wie Mikrovilli, die schnell auf VerĂ€nderungen der Membranspannung durch Membranhomöostase reagieren, werden zellulare Prozesse wie die ZellmotilitĂ€t oder die Anpassung an osmotischen Stress ermöglicht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit gelang es gleichzeitig, die Membranspannung und die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von MembranflĂ€che von adhĂ€renten konfluenten als auch von adhĂ€rierenden und spreiten Zellen zu messen. Die durchgefĂŒhrten Experimente ergaben ein detailliertes Bild wie sich die zellulĂ€re OberflĂ€chenregulierung in der Membranmechanik widerspiegelt
