77 research outputs found

    Resource management in the cloud: An end-to-end Approach

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDCloud Computing enables users achieve ubiquitous on-demand , and convenient access to a variety of shared computing resources, such as serves network, storage ,applications and more. As a business model, Cloud Computing has been openly welcomed by users and has become one of the research hotspots in the field of information and communication technology. This is because it provides users with on-demand customization and pay-per-use resource acquisition methods

    Enhanced non-parametric sequence learning scheme for internet of things sensory data in cloud infrastructure

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud is an emerging technology that enables machine-to-machine, human-to-machine and human-to-human interaction through the Internet. IoT sensor devices tend to generate sensory data known for their dynamic and heterogeneous nature. Hence, it makes it elusive to be managed by the sensor devices due to their limited computation power and storage space. However, the Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) leverages the limitations of the IoT devices by making its computation power and storage resources available to execute IoT sensory data. In IoT-Cloud IaaS, resource allocation is the process of distributing optimal resources to execute data request tasks that comprise data filtering operations. Recently, machine learning, non-heuristics, multi-objective and hybrid algorithms have been applied for efficient resource allocation to execute IoT sensory data filtering request tasks in IoT-enabled Cloud IaaS. However, the filtering task is still prone to some challenges. These challenges include global search entrapment of event and error outlier detection as the dimension of the dataset increases in size, the inability of missing data recovery for effective redundant data elimination and local search entrapment that leads to unbalanced workloads on available resources required for task execution. In this thesis, the enhancement of Non-Parametric Sequence Learning (NPSL), Perceptually Important Point (PIP) and Efficient Energy Resource Ranking- Virtual Machine Selection (ERVS) algorithms were proposed. The Non-Parametric Sequence-based Agglomerative Gaussian Mixture Model (NPSAGMM) technique was initially utilized to improve the detection of event and error outliers in the global space as the dimension of the dataset increases in size. Then, Perceptually Important Points K-means-enabled Cosine and Manhattan (PIP-KCM) technique was employed to recover missing data to improve the elimination of duplicate sensed data records. Finally, an Efficient Resource Balance Ranking- based Glow-warm Swarm Optimization (ERBV-GSO) technique was used to resolve the local search entrapment for near-optimal solutions and to reduce workload imbalance on available resources for task execution in the IoT-Cloud IaaS platform. Experiments were carried out using the NetworkX simulator and the results of N-PSAGMM, PIP-KCM and ERBV-GSO techniques with N-PSL, PIP, ERVS and Resource Fragmentation Aware (RF-Aware) algorithms were compared. The experimental results showed that the proposed NPSAGMM, PIP-KCM, and ERBV-GSO techniques produced a tremendous performance improvement rate based on 3.602%/6.74% Precision, 9.724%/8.77% Recall, 5.350%/4.42% Area under Curve for the detection of event and error outliers. Furthermore, the results indicated an improvement rate of 94.273% F1-score, 0.143 Reduction Ratio, and with minimum 0.149% Root Mean Squared Error for redundant data elimination as well as the minimum number of 608 Virtual Machine migrations, 47.62% Resource Utilization and 41.13% load balancing degree for the allocation of desired resources deployed to execute sensory data filtering tasks respectively. Therefore, the proposed techniques have proven to be effective for improving the load balancing of allocating the desired resources to execute efficient outlier (Event and Error) detection and eliminate redundant data records in the IoT-based Cloud IaaS Infrastructure

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Computer scienc

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches to Energy Demand-Side Response: A Systematic Review

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    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in Demand Response (DR) as a means to provide flexibility, and hence improve the reliability of energy systems in a cost-effective way. Yet, the high complexity of the tasks associated with DR, combined with their use of large-scale data and the frequent need for near real-time de-cisions, means that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) — a branch of AI — have recently emerged as key technologies for enabling demand-side response. AI methods can be used to tackle various challenges, ranging from selecting the optimal set of consumers to respond, learning their attributes and pref-erences, dynamic pricing, scheduling and control of devices, learning how to incentivise participants in the DR schemes and how to reward them in a fair and economically efficient way. This work provides an overview of AI methods utilised for DR applications, based on a systematic review of over 160 papers, 40 companies and commercial initiatives, and 21 large-scale projects. The papers are classified with regards to both the AI/ML algorithm(s) used and the application area in energy DR. Next, commercial initiatives are presented (including both start-ups and established companies) and large-scale innovation projects, where AI methods have been used for energy DR. The paper concludes with a discussion of advantages and potential limitations of reviewed AI techniques for different DR tasks, and outlines directions for future research in this fast-growing area

    Edge Intelligence Simulator:a platform for simulating intelligent edge orchestration solutions

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    Abstract. To support the stringent requirements of the future intelligent and interactive applications, intelligence needs to become an essential part of the resource management in the edge environment. Developing intelligent orchestration solutions is a challenging and arduous task, where the evaluation and comparison of the proposed solution is a focal point. Simulation is commonly used to evaluate and compare proposed solutions. However, there does not currently exist openly available simulators that would have a specific focus on supporting the research on intelligent edge orchestration methods. This thesis presents a simulation platform called Edge Intelligence Simulator (EISim), the purpose of which is to facilitate the research on intelligent edge orchestration solutions. In its current form, the platform supports simulating deep reinforcement learning based solutions and different orchestration control topologies in scenarios related to task offloading and resource pricing on edge. The platform also includes additional tools for creating simulation environments, running simulations for agent training and evaluation, and plotting results. This thesis gives a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in edge and fog simulation, orchestration, offloading, and resource pricing, which provides a basis for the design of EISim. The methods and tools that form the foundation of the current EISim implementation are also presented, along with a detailed description of the EISim architecture, default implementations, use, and additional tools. Finally, EISim with its default implementations is validated and evaluated through a large-scale simulation study with 24 simulation scenarios. The results of the simulation study verify the end-to-end performance of EISim and show its capability to produce sensible results. The results also illustrate how EISim can help the researcher in controlling and monitoring the training of intelligent agents, as well as in evaluating solutions against different control topologies.Reunaälysimulaattori : alusta älykkäiden reunalaskennan orkestrointiratkaisujen simulointiin. Tiivistelmä. Älykkäiden ratkaisujen täytyy tulla olennaiseksi osaksi reunaympäristön resurssien hallinnointia, jotta tulevaisuuden vuorovaikutteisten ja älykkäiden sovellusten suoritusta voidaan tukea tasolla, joka täyttää sovellusten tiukat suoritusvaatimukset. Älykkäiden orkestrointiratkaisujen kehitys on vaativa ja työläs prosessi, jonka keskiöön kuuluu olennaisesti menetelmien testaaminen ja vertailu muita menetelmiä vasten. Simulointia käytetään tyypillisesti menetelmien arviointiin ja vertailuun, mutta tällä hetkellä ei ole avoimesti saatavilla simulaattoreita, jotka eritoten keskittyisivät tukemaan älykkäiden reunaorkestrointiratkaisujen kehitystä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitellään simulaatioalusta nimeltään Edge Intelligence Simulator (EISim; Reunaälysimulaattori), jonka tarkoitus on helpottaa älykkäiden reunaorkestrointiratkaisujen tutkimusta. Nykymuodossaan se tukee vahvistusoppimispohjaisten ratkaisujen sekä erityyppisten orkestroinnin kontrollitopologioiden simulointia skenaarioissa, jotka liittyvät laskennan siirtoon ja resurssien hinnoitteluun reunaympäristössä. Alustan mukana tulee myös lisätyökaluja, joita voi käyttää simulaatioympäristöjen luomiseen, simulaatioiden ajamiseen agenttien koulutusta ja arviointia varten, sekä simulaatiotulosten visualisoimiseen. Tämä opinnäytetyö sisältää kattavan katsauksen reunaympäristön simuloinnin, reunaorkestroinnin, laskennan siirron ja resurssien hinnoittelun nykytilaan kirjallisuudessa, mikä tarjoaa kunnollisen lähtökohdan EISimin toteutukselle. Opinnäytetyö esittelee menetelmät ja työkalut, joihin EISimin tämänhetkinen toteutus perustuu, sekä antaa yksityiskohtaisen kuvauksen EISimin arkkitehtuurista, oletustoteutuksista, käytöstä ja lisätyökaluista. EISimin validointia ja arviointia varten esitellään laaja simulaatiotutkimus, jossa EISimin oletustoteutuksia simuloidaan 24 simulaatioskenaariossa. Simulaatiotutkimuksen tulokset todentavat EISimin kokonaisvaltaisen toimintakyvyn, sekä osoittavat EISimin kyvyn tuottaa järkeviä tuloksia. Tulokset myös havainnollistavat, miten EISim voi auttaa tutkijoita älykkäiden agenttien koulutuksessa ja ratkaisujen arvioinnissa eri kontrollitopologioita vasten

    Advanced Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Power Systems Control and Analysis

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    The work published in this book is related to the application of advanced signal processing in smart grids, including power quality, data management, stability and economic management in presence of renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and electric vehicles. The distinct architecture of smart grids has prompted investigations into the use of advanced algorithms combined with signal processing methods to provide optimal results. The presented applications are focused on data management with cloud computing, power quality assessment, photovoltaic power plant control, and electrical vehicle charge stations, all supported by modern AI-based optimization methods

    Achieving Energy Efficiency on Networking Systems with Optimization Algorithms and Compressed Data Structures

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    To cope with the increasing quantity, capacity and energy consumption of transmission and routing equipment in the Internet, energy efficiency of communication networks has attracted more and more attention from researchers around the world. In this dissertation, we proposed three methodologies to achieve energy efficiency on networking devices: the NP-complete problems and heuristics, the compressed data structures, and the combination of the first two methods. We first consider the problem of achieving energy efficiency in Data Center Networks (DCN). We generalize the energy efficiency networking problem in data centers as optimal flow assignment problems, which is NP-complete, and then propose a heuristic called CARPO, a correlation-aware power optimization algorithm, that dynamically consolidate traffic flows onto a small set of links and switches in a DCN and then shut down unused network devices for power savings. We then achieve energy efficiency on Internet routers by using the compressive data structure. A novel data structure called the Probabilistic Bloom Filter (PBF), which extends the classical bloom filter into the probabilistic direction, so that it can effectively identify heavy hitters with a small memory foot print to reduce energy consumption of network measurement. To achieve energy efficiency on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), we developed one data collection protocol called EDAL, which stands for Energy-efficient Delay-aware Lifetime-balancing data collection. Based on the Open Vehicle Routing problem, EDAL exploits the topology requirements of Compressive Sensing (CS), then implement CS to save more energy on sensor nodes