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    Pengujian Model Use Case Point (UCP) Dengan Studi Kasus Proyek Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Kepemerintahan Berskala Medium-Large

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia diikuti juga dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, salah satunya pemenuhan kebutuhan akan perangkat lunak. Mengikuti Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional Pengembangan E-Government dengan persentase kegagalan proyek teknologi informasi yang tinggi menurut berbagai survey yang penyebab utamanya adalah kurangnya perencanaan proyek yang baik, diperlukannya metode estimasi usaha dan juga biaya agar perencanaan proyek teknologi informasi tidak mengalami kelebihan maupun kekurangan anggaran dana. Salah satu metode estimasi usaha perangkat lunak khususnya pengembang yang menggunakan dokumentasi use case diagram pada Unified Modelling Language (UML) adalah Use Case Point (UCP), studi terhadap metode estimasi Use Case Point (UCP) memunculkan beberapa model yang menggabungkan metode Use Case Point (UCP) dengan metode penghitungan biaya dari aktivitas dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak. Salah satu model yang diusulkan oleh studi Sholiq et al hanya mengemukakan implementasi dari model yang menggabungkan metode Use Case Point (UCP) dengan Owner Estimate Cost (OEC) yang memiliki komponen: personnel direct cost, non-personnel direct cost dan taxes, namun belum teruji efektif dan valid. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukannya pengujian dari usulan model studi Sholiq et al tersebut dengan membandingkan usaha dan biaya aktual proyek dengan estimasi usaha dan biaya proyek dengan objek proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak tertentu untuk mengukur akurasi dan efektivitas model tersebut. Objek yang digunakan pada tugas akhir ini adalah proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak kepemerintahan berskala medium-large berjumlah 6 proyek. Dalam menghasilkan estimasi biaya tersebut pula perlu diidentifikasi persentase distribusi usaha pada tiap tahapan pengembangan perangkat lunak Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rangkaian proses tahapan dalam menguji model Use Case Point (UCP) yang dijabarkan dalam 17 tahapan dengan 3 langkah utama; estimasi usaha, estimasi biaya, dan pengujian model. Nilai dari hasil validasi model sendiri untuk menentukan tingkat akurasi model diperoleh nilai sebesar 17.14%. ==================================================== Economic growth in Indonesia is followed by the development of information and communication technology, one of which is the fulfillment of the need for software. Following the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2003 on National Policy and Strategy of E-Government Development with a high percentage of failure of information technology projects according to various surveys the main cause is the lack of good project planning, effort estimation methods and cost is needed for planning technology projects doesn’t experience any excess or lack of budget. One method of software effort estimation especially developers that using use case diagram documentation in Unified Modeling Language (UML) is Use Case Point (UCP), a study of Use Case Point (UCP) estimation method raises several models that incorporate Use Case Point (UCP) with the method of calculating the cost of the activity in software development. One of the models proposed by the Sholiq et.al only suggests the implementation of a model that incorporates the Use Case Point (UCP) method with Owner Estimate Cost (OEC) that has components: personnel direct cost, non-personnel direct cost and taxes, but not yet tested it effectivity and validity. It is therefore necessary to examine the proposed model by Sholiq et al by comparing the actual effort and cost of the project with estimated effort and project cost with the object of a particular software development project to measure the accuracy and effectiveness of the model. The object used in this final project is a medium-large governmental software development project amounting to 6 projects. In generating these cost estimates too, it’s needs to be identified the percentage of business distribution at each stage of software development. The expected result of this final project is the standard deviation value of the Use Case Point (UCP) model that becomes the benchmark of the model's accuracy, which in the process of obtaining standard deviation also obtained any activity and the business distribution value of the specified research object. The result of this research is a series of process stages in testing Use Case Point (UCP) model outlined in 17 stages with 3 main steps; effort estimation, cost estimation, and model testing. The value of the validation of the model itself to determine the level of model accuracy obtained value of 17.14%

    Pengujian Model Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (Owner Estimate Cost) Proyek Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Pada Aplikasi Berbasis Android

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    Effort estimation adalah metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memastikan proyek IT dapat mengalokasikan sumber dayanya secara efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat mendukung keberhasilan atas proyek IT yang dikerjakan. Metode estimasi usaha yang akan digunakan dalam tugas akhir ini adalah metode Use Case Point (UCP). Metode ini dapat digunakan pada pengembangan perangkat lunak yang menggunakan UML dalam desain pengembangannya, lalu dihitung kompleksitas use case yang digunakan, dan terakhir akan didapatkan nilai estimasi usaha yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan proyeknya. Berikutnya, akan dilakukan pengujian model Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (Owner Estimate Cost) pada hasil estimasi usaha yang telah ditemukan pada sejumlah aplikasi yang dicari estimasi usahanya untuk dicari harga aplikasinya. Model ini dilakukan karena adanya regulasi dari pemerintah yang mengharuskan pengadaan barang dan jasa di Indonesia untuk dibuat perencanaan Owner Estimate Cost-nya. Selanjutnya, diperlukan satu langkah lagi yaitu memvalidasi apakah estimasi usaha dan harga yang telah diprediksi sudah sesuai dengan kondisi real. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, telah dilakukan penilaian HPS pada aplikasi berskala kecil-menengah pada 15 aplikasi pemerintah. Melanjutkan penelitian tersebut, pada penelitian ini akan diujikan model HPS proyek perangkat lunak pada aplikasi berbasis android. Pengujian tersebut akan dicari dengan membandingkan actual effort dengan predicted effort menggunakan Magnitude of Relative Error(MRE). Setelah didapatkan nilai MRE, keakuratan model pada penelitian sebelumnya dapat dibandingkan dengan penelitian ini sehingga dapat diketahui keakuratan model HPS. =============================================================================================== The estimation of effort is a method which can be used to ensure that projects can be allocated effectively and efficiently and it must support the success of the project. The business estimation method that will be used in this final project is the Use Case Point (UCP) method. This method can be used in software development that uses UML in the design of its development, then calculated the complexity of the use case used, and finally the estimated value of the effort needed to develop the project. Next, a test of the Owner Estimate Cost (OEC) will be conducted on the results of the estimated business that has been found in a number of applications that are sought for estimation of the business to find the application price. This model is carried out because of government regulations that require the procurement of goods and services in Indonesia to be planned for the Owner Estimate Cost. Furthermore, one more step is needed, which is validating whether the estimated effort and price that have been predicted are in accordance with the real conditions. In previous studies, OEC assessment has been carried out on small-medium scale applications in 15 government applications. Continuing the research, this research will test the OEC model of software projects on an Android-based application. The test will be sought by comparing the actual effort with the predicted effort using the Magnitude of Relative Error (MRE). After obtaining the MRE value, the accuracy of the model in previous studies can be compared with this study so that the accuracy of the HPS model can be known


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    This research investigates how the marketing strategy, manufacturing strategy and environment management create SMEs competitive advantage that will improve SMEs business performance. It gives both theoretical and managerial implications about steps must be taken by SMEs to improve their business performance through the competitive advantage gained from the marketing strategy, manufacturing strategy, and the ability to manage the environment. This research includes a data set from 121 SMEs. Results show that the manufacturing and environment management strategy positively affects SMEs competitive advantage, and the competitive advantage also positively affects SMEs business performance. Marketing strategy implemented didn’t affect the competitive advantage. This research proved that for now, the competitive advantage of metal product SMEs in Tegal lay on their ability to create product in accordance with consumers want. Metal SMEs always maintain their flexibility and product quality with competitive prices. To gain the competitive advantage, SMEs must have the ability to adjust with political and economics transformation such as general election or city major and governor transformation. Because of its flexibility, metal SMEs in Tegal can easily adjust with the transformation of political and economical climate. The last thing that must be noted from this research is that metal SMEs in Tegal didn’t implement the marketing strategy well because of the job-order system. The competitive advantage will be more perfect if the company also have superb marketing strategy

    Comparison of Data Inquiry and Cost Structure Methods to Arrange Owner Estimate (Case Study of Carbon Steel Pipe Procurement at PT XYZ)

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    In material sourcing, one of the procurement processes that should be completed before evaluating and selecting the vendor is making an Owner Estimate (OE). The most common way to arrange an OE is by making Data Inquiry, where the arranger asks for a certain product’s price from a list of providers or vendors. However, this method does not describe in detail how the price of the product is constructed, so the company, which is doing the procurement process, tends to set a higher OE. To reduce this risk, another method to determine OE is introduced. This method applies a Cost Structure method to calculate production and transportation costs, the expenses a vendor should cover when manufacturing the products. Using a total of 20 scenarios that varied the percentage of profits, the increase in carbon steel plate costs, and the overhead costs, using Cost Structure Method can lower the Owner Estimate between 0.51% to 24.46%. The last scenario with 20% increase in profit, 20% increase in carbon steel plate cost and 20% increase in the overhead cost resulted to -2.55% reduce of Owner Estimate. This new method is proven effective as an alternative way to arrange OE for similar material

    Project Cost Escalation Prediction Models Based on System Dynamics Approach

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    Multiyear construction project is one of the riskiest project due to uncertainty and dynamic economic condition. In multi-years project, cost escalation is inevitable because during construction period various risk factors such as increasing of labor cost, materials cost, energy cost, and equipment cost will affect the costs of the projects. This paper proposes a model to estimate cost escalation based on System Dynamic (SD) approach. SD is used to represent correlation among risk factors influencing cost escalation and to calculate cost escalation during project period. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) was made based on in-depth literature review and confirmed by the experts. To validate the model, 7 multi-years projects in Indonesia were used as case study. The result showed that the proposed model can accurately predict project cost escalation with an accuracy of 91.21%. Simulation of SD also showed that the change of scope of work, ambiguous contract condition, unpredictable conditions, project schedule delay, inflation, and extreme weather condition are the most influencing factor of cost escalation. Besides predicting cost escalation of project, this model can also be used as early warning system in multi-year projects environment

    Validated Software Cost Estimation Factors for Government Projects using Rasch Measurement Model

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    Software cost estimation (SCE) in software management can be a complicated task, as it could yield inaccurate results. Based on new empirical evidence, Public sectors more often face estimation failure, which causes projects to over shoot budgets, get delayed, face termination or the project scope or requirement to remain incomplete. Hence, the main aim of this paper is to identify the critical factors that significantly impact SCE in the context of software development in the Indonesian regional government. This research employs a quantitative approach, in which a questionnaire is used as the data collection instrument. The data is analysed using a RASCH model. This study is conducted in the regional government of West Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The result of the study reveals that there are six critical factors that significantly impact SCE results in a government project. These critical factors are programmer capability, top management support, the understanding of top management regarding the objectives of the project, risk management, knowledge, competency of the project manager, and top management involvement in the project

    Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Dams-Literature Review and Future Needs

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    Dam is a structure with high beneficial values and these include, serving as the source of raw water supply and electrical energy, ensuring flood reduction, tourist attractions, and habitat protection. It is, however, associated with a very complex development process ranging from the planning/design, construction, as well as operation and maintenance. Therefore, there is a need for special attention, accuracy, and good coordination at every stage from the parties involved as well as the integration of all fields starting from the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) elements. Moreover, ensuring an effective and efficient construction process presents a serious challenge for the owner/government, designers, consultants and contractors which is now being resolved through the use of a technological innovation known as the Building Information Modeling (BIM).This study was conducted to determine the scientific developments of BIM for dam management and also to identify further related areas to be researched in the future. Moreover, the analysis was concentrated on the potential added value of the technological innovations on dams, explained its advantages, and assesses the potential challenges hampering its effectiveness in Indonesia. It was discovered that the use of BIM for dam projects is possible as long as there are adequate government regulations and the availability of qualified human resources while the consequence would be an increase in the investment cost. The findings of this research are expected to encourage the use of BIM in dam construction and management in Indonesia and also to increase efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects

    Construction, corruption, and developing countries

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    The construction industry accounts for about one-third of gross capital formation. Governments have major roles as clients, regulators, and owners of construction companies. The industry is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt: large payments to gain or alter contracts and circumvent regulations are common. The impact of corruption goes beyond bribe payments to poor quality construction of infrastructure with low economic returns alongside low funding for maintenance-and this is where the major impact of corruption is felt. Regulation of the sector is necessary, but simplicity, transparency, enforcement, and a focus on the outcomes of poor construction are likely to have a larger impact than voluminous but poorly enforced regulation of theconstruction process. Where government is the client, attempts to counter corruption need to begin at the level of planning and budgeting. Output-based and community-driven approaches show some promise as tools to reduce corruption. At the same time they will need to be complimented by a range of other interventions including publication of procurement documents, independent and community oversight, physical audit, and public-private anticorruption partnerships.Governance Indicators,Poverty Monitoring&Analysis,Corruption&Anitcorruption Law,Public Sector Corruption&Anticorruption Measures,Social Accountability

    Actors and factors - bridging social science findings and urban land use change modeling

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    Recent uneven land use dynamics in urban areas resulting from demographic change, economic pressure and the cities’ mutual competition in a globalising world challenge both scientists and practitioners, among them social scientists, modellers and spatial planners. Processes of growth and decline specifically affect the urban environment, the requirements of the residents on social and natural resources. Social and environmental research is interested in a better understanding and ways of explaining the interactions between society and landscape in urban areas. And it is also needed for making life in cities attractive, secure and affordable within or despite of uneven dynamics.\ud The position paper upon “Actors and factors – bridging social science findings and urban land use change modeling” presents approaches and ideas on how social science findings on the interaction of the social system (actors) and the land use (factors) are taken up and formalised using modelling and gaming techniques. It should be understood as a first sketch compiling major challenges and proposing exemplary solutions in the field of interest
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