10 research outputs found

    Arc Routing Problems for Road Network Maintenance

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    RÉSUMÉ : Cette thèse présente deux problèmes rencontrés dans l’entretien des réseaux routiers, soit la surveillance des réseaux routiers pour la détection de verglas sur la chaussée et la reprogrammation des itinéraires pour les activités de déneigement et d’épandage de sel. Nous représentons ces problèmes par des modèles de tournées sur les arcs. La dépendance aux moments et la nature dynamique sont des caractéristiques propres de ces problèmes, par conséquence le cas de surveillance des réseaux routiers est modélisé comme un problème de postier rural avec fenêtres-horaires (RPPTW), tandis que le cas de la reprogrammation utilise des modèles obtenus à partir des formulations de problèmes de tournées sur les arcs avec capacité. Dans le cas du problème de surveillance, une patrouille vérifie l’état des chemins et des autoroutes, elle doit principalement détecter le verglas sur la chaussée dans le but d’assurer de bonnes conditions aux chauffeurs et aux piétons. Étant donné un réseau routier et des prévisions météo, le problème consiste à créer une tournée qui permette de détecter opportunément le verglas sur les rues et les routes. L’objectif poursuivi consiste à minimiser le coût de cette opération. En premier, on présente trois formulations basées sur la programmation linéaire en nombres entiers pour le problème de surveillance des réseaux qui dépend du moment et deux méthodes de résolution: un algorithme de coupes et un algorithme heuristique appelé adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS). La méthode exacte inclut des inéquations valides tirées du problème du voyageur de commerce avec fenêtres-horaires et aussi du problème de voyageur du commerce avec contraintes de précédence. La méthode heuristique considère deux phases: en premier, on trouve une solution initiale et après dans la deuxième phase, l’algorithme essaie d’améliorer la solution initiale en utilisant sept heuristiques de destruction et deux heuristiques de réparation choisies au hasard. La performance des heuristiques est évaluée pendant les itérations. Une meilleure performance correspond à une plus grande probabilité de choisir une heuristique. Plusieurs tests ont été faits sur deux ensembles d’exemplaires de problèmes. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’algorithme de coupes est capable de résoudre des réseaux avec 104 arêtes requises et des fenêtres-horaires structurées par tranches horaires ; l’algorithme peut aussi résoudre des réseaux avec 45 arêtes requises et des fenêtres-horaires structurées pour chaque arête requise. Pour l’algorithme ALNS, différentes versions de l’algorithme sont comparées. Les résultats montrent que cette méthode est efficace parce qu’elle est capable de résoudre à l’optimalité 224 des 232 exemplaires et de réduire le temps de calcul significativement pour les exemplaires les plus difficiles. La dernière partie de la thèse introduit le problème de la reprogrammation de tournées sur les arcs avec capacité (RCARP), lequel permet de modéliser la reprogrammation des itinéraires après une panne d’un véhicule lors de la phase d’exécution d’un plan initial des activités de déneigement ou d’épandage de sel. Le planificateur doit alors modifier le plan initial rapidement et reprogrammer les véhicules qui restent pour finir les activités. Dans ce cas, l’objectif poursuivi consiste à minimiser le coût d’opération et le coût de perturbation. La distance couverte par les véhicules correspond au coût d’opération, cependant une nouvelle métrique est développée pour mesurer le coût de perturbation. Les coûts considérés sont des objectifs en conflit. On analyse quatre politiques à la phase de re-routage en utilisant des formulations de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. On propose une solution heuristique comme méthode pour résoudre le RCARP quand les coûts d’opération et de perturbation sont minimisés en même temps et quand une réponse rapide est nécessaire. La méthode consiste à fixer une partie de l’itinéraire initial et après à modifier seulement les itinéraires des véhicules les plus proches de la zone de l’interruption de la tournée du véhicule défaillant. La méthode a été testée sur des exemplaires obtenus d’un réseau réel. Nos tests indiquent que la méthode peut résoudre rapidement des exemplaires avec 88 arêtes requises et 10 véhicules actifs après la panne d’un véhicule. En conclusion, la principale contribution de cette thèse est de présenter des modèles de tournées sur les arcs et de proposer des méthodes de résolution d’optimisation qui incluent la dépendance aux temps et l’aspect dynamique. On propose des modèles et des méthodes pour résoudre le RPPTW, et on présente des résultats pour ce problème. On introduit pour la première fois le RCARP. Trois articles correspondant aux trois principaux chapitres ont été acceptés ou soumis à des revues avec comité de Lecture: “The rural postman problem with time windows” accepté dans Networks, “ALNS for the rural postman problem with time windows” soumis à Networks, and “The rescheduling capacitated arc routing problem” soumis à International Transactions in Operational Research.----------ABSTRACT : This dissertation addresses two problems related to road network maintenance: the road network monitoring of black-ice and the rescheduling of itineraries for snow plowing and salt spreading operations. These problems can naturally be represented using arc routing models. Timing-sensitive and dynamic nature are inherent characteristics of these problems, therefore the road network monitoring is modeled as a rural postman problem with time windows (RPPTW) and in the rescheduling case, models based on capacitated arc routing formulations are suggested for the rerouting phase. The detection of black-ice on the roads is carried out by a patrol to ensure safety conditions for drivers and pedestrians. Specific meteorological conditions cause black-ice on the roads; therefore the patrol must design a route covering part of the network in order to timely detect the black-ice according to weather forecasts. We look for minimum-cost solutions that satisfy the timing constraints. At first, three formulations based on mixed integer linear programming are presented for the timing-sensitive road network monitoring and two solution approaches are proposed: a cutting plane algorithm and an adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) algorithm. The exact method includes valid inequalities from the traveling salesman problem (TSP) with time windows and from the precedence constrained TSP. The heuristic method consists of two phases: an initial solution is obtained, and then in the second phase the ALNS method tries to improve the initial solution using seven removal and two insertion heuristics. The performance of the heuristics is evaluated during the iterations, and therefore the heuristics are selected depending on their performance (with higher probability for the better ones). Several tests are done on two sets of instances. The computational experiments performed show that the cutting plane algorithm is able to solve instances with up to 104 required edges and with time windows structured by time slots, and problems with up to 45 required edges and time windows structured by each required edge. For the ALNS algorithm, several versions of the algorithm are compared. The results show that this approach is efficient, solving to optimality 224 of 232 instances and significantly reducing the computational time on the hardest instances. The last part of the dissertation introduces the rescheduling capacitated arc routing problem (RCARP), which models the rescheduling of itineraries after a vehicle failure happens in the execution of an initial plan of snow plowing or salt spreading operations. A dispatcher must quickly adjust the remaining vehicles and modify the initial plan in order to complete the operations. In this case we look for solutions that minimize operational and disruption costs. The traveled distance represents the operational cost, and a new metric is discussed as disruption cost. The concerned objectives are in conflict. Four policies are analyzed in the rerouting phase using mixed integer linear programming formulations. A heuristic solution is developed to solve the RCARP when operational and disruption costs are minimized simultaneously and a quick response is needed. The idea is to fix part of the initial itinerary and only modify the itinerary of vehicles closer to the failure zone. The method is tested on a set of instances generated from a real network. Our tests indicate that the method can solve instances with up to 88 required edges and 10 active vehicles after the vehicle breakdown. In short the main contribution of this dissertation is to present arc routing models and optimization solution techniques that consider timing-sensitive and dynamic aspects. Formulations and solution methods with computational results are given for the RPPTW, and the RCARP is studied for the first time here. Three articles corresponding to the main three chapters have been accepted or submitted to peer review journals: “The rural postman problem with time windows” accepted in Networks, “ALNS for the rural postman problem with time windows” submitted to Networks, and “The rescheduling capacitated arc routing problem” submitted to International Transactions in Operational Research

    Eyes in the sky: multi-drones surveillance technology

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    Neste projeto pretende-se desenvolver uma rede de segurança baseada no trabalho cooperativo entre vários UAVs. Sabendo que os UAVs podem variar na sua autonomia, velocidade de voo, estabilidade e muitos outros fatores, será feito um estudo onde tentaremos potenciar as melhores características para a rede de segurança a desenvolver. Em simultâneo com este estudo serão aplicados algoritmos de controlo de distribuição aos vários agentes para que a cobertura da área seja máxima. O resultado final esperado deste projeto é conseguir criar um miniprograma capaz de comunicar com vários agentes de patrulha, receber as suas localizações, calcular as suas posições ideais ou, no caso de não conseguirem cobrir por completo a área, calcular uma rota de patrulha e, enviar as informações calculadas. Esperamos também que este programa possa ser usado em simulação e se possível no terreno.In this project, we will develop a security network based on the cooperation between several UAVs. Knowing that UAV's autonomy, speed, stability and many other factors, a study will be made where we will leverage the best characteristics for our goals. Simultaneously, we will design and apply a coverage algorithm to control the distribution of the agents in the area to maximize their coverage. As result of this project we wish to have a mini-program capable of communicate with several agents, read their locations, calculate their optimal positions or patrolling routes, if they can't cover all the area with their sensor range, and send them the information needed. We also want this program to be at least simulated and if possible on the field

    Robotic Path Planning for High-Level Tasks in Discrete Environments

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    This thesis proposes two techniques for solving high-level multi-robot motion planning problems with discrete environments. We focus on an important class of problems that require an allocation of spatially distributed tasks to robots, along with a set of efficient paths for the robots to visit their task locations. The first technique, SAT-TSP, models the problem with a framework that allows a natural coupling between the allocation problem and the path planning problem. The allocation problem is encoded as a Boolean Satisfiability problem (SAT) and the path planning problem is encoded as a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). In addition, this framework can handle complex constraints such as battery life limitations, robot carrying capacities, and robot-task incompatibilities. We propose an algorithm that leverages recent advances in Satisfiability Modulo Theory to combine state-of-the-art SAT and TSP solvers. We characterize the correctness of our algorithm and evaluate it in simulation on a series of patrolling, periodic routing, and multi-robot sample collection problems. The results show that our algorithm outperforms a state-of-the-art mathematical programming solver on a majority of the problems in our benchmark, especially the more difficult problems. The second technique, Gamma-Clustering, is used to reduce the computational effort of finding good solutions for metric discrete path planning problems. This technique can be used on the set of allocation path planning problems that do not have ordering constraints (ordering only affects the cost of the solution, not its feasibility). To obtain the computational savings, we find Gamma-Clusters within the problem's environment and then restrict how feasible paths visit these clusters. We prove that solutions found using this approach are within a constant factor of the optimal. By increasing the parameter Gamma we can improve the quality of the bound but we do so with less computational savings. We provide a simple polynomial-time algorithm for finding the optimal Gamma-Clustering and show that for a given Gamma the clustering is unique. We provide two methods for using Gamma-Clusters on path planning problems, a coupled method and a hierarchical method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods on travelling salesman instances, sample collection problems, and period routing problems. The results show that for many instances we obtain significant reductions in computation time with little to no reduction in solution quality. Comparing these methods to a standard integer programming approach reveals that as the problems become more difficult, the solution quality of the two methods degrade at a slower rate than the standard approach, thus for more difficult instances we can use Gamma-Clustering to find higher quality solutions

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty

    Bayesian Prognostic Framework for High-Availability Clusters

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    Critical services from domains as diverse as finance, manufacturing and healthcare are often delivered by complex enterprise applications (EAs). High-availability clusters (HACs) are software-managed IT infrastructures that enable these EAs to operate with minimum downtime. To that end, HACs monitor the health of EA layers (e.g., application servers and databases) and resources (i.e., components), and attempt to reinitialise or restart failed resources swiftly. When this is unsuccessful, HACs try to failover (i.e., relocate) the resource group to which the failed resource belongs to another server. If the resource group failover is also unsuccessful, or when a system-wide critical failure occurs, HACs initiate a complete system failover. Despite the availability of multiple commercial and open-source HAC solutions, these HACs (i) disregard important sources of historical and runtime information, and (ii) have limited reasoning capabilities. Therefore, they may conservatively perform unnecessary resource group or system failovers or delay justified failovers for longer than necessary. This thesis introduces the first HAC taxonomy, uses it to carry out an extensive survey of current HAC solutions, and develops a novel Bayesian prognostic (BP) framework that addresses the significant HAC limitations that are mentioned above and are identified by the survey. The BP framework comprises four \emph{modules}. The first module is a technique for modelling high availability using a combination of established and new HAC characteristics. The second is a suite of methods for obtaining and maintaining the information required by the other modules. The third is a HAC-independent Bayesian decision network (BDN) that predicts whether resource failures can be managed locally (i.e., without failovers). The fourth is a method for constructing a HAC-specific Bayesian network for the fast prediction of resource group and system failures. Used together, these modules reduce the downtime of HAC-protected EAs significantly. The experiments presented in this thesis show that the BP framework can deliver downtimes between 5.5 and 7.9 times smaller than those obtained with an established open-source HAC