8,761 research outputs found

    Mass Customization in Wireless Communication Services: Individual Service Bundles and Tariffs

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    This paper presents results on mass customization of wireless communications services and tariffs. It advocates for a user-centric view of wireless service configuration and pricing as opposed to present-day service catalog options. The focus is on design methodology and tools for such individual services and tariffs, using altogether information compression, negotiation algorithms, and risk portfolio analysis. We first analyze the user and supplier needs and aspirations. We then introduce the systematic design-oriented approach which can be applied. The implications of this approach for users and suppliers are discussed based on an end-user survey and on model-based calculations. It is shown that users can achieve desired service bundle cost reduction, while suppliers can improve significantly their risk-profit equilibrium points, reduce churn and simplify provisioning.negotiation;mass customization;service configuration;mobile communication services;individual tariffs

    Exploring the impact of data poisoning attacks on machine learning model reliability

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    Recent years have seen the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence techniques in several domains, including healthcare, justice, assisted driving and Natural Language Processing (NLP) based applications (e.g., the Fake News detection). Those mentioned are just a few examples of some domains that are particularly critical and sensitive to the reliability of the adopted machine learning systems. Therefore, several Artificial Intelligence approaches were adopted as support to realize easy and reliable solutions aimed at improving the early diagnosis, personalized treatment, remote patient monitoring and better decision-making with a consequent reduction of healthcare costs. Recent studies have shown that these techniques are venerable to attacks by adversaries at phases of artificial intelligence. Poisoned data set are the most common attack to the reliability of Artificial Intelligence approaches. Noise, for example, can have a significant impact on the overall performance of a machine learning model. This study discusses the strength of impact of noise on classification algorithms. In detail, the reliability of several machine learning techniques to distinguish correctly pathological and healthy voices by analysing poisoning data was evaluated. Voice samples selected by available database, widely used in research sector, the Saarbruecken Voice Database, were processed and analysed to evaluate the resilience and classification accuracy of these techniques. All analyses are evaluated in terms of accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, F1-score and ROC area

    Report on the Information Retrieval Festival (IRFest2017)

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    The Information Retrieval Festival took place in April 2017 in Glasgow. The focus of the workshop was to bring together IR researchers from the various Scottish universities and beyond in order to facilitate more awareness, increased interaction and reflection on the status of the field and its future. The program included an industry session, research talks, demos and posters as well as two keynotes. The first keynote was delivered by Prof. Jaana Kekalenien, who provided a historical, critical reflection of realism in Interactive Information Retrieval Experimentation, while the second keynote was delivered by Prof. Maarten de Rijke, who argued for more Artificial Intelligence usage in IR solutions and deployments. The workshop was followed by a "Tour de Scotland" where delegates were taken from Glasgow to Aberdeen for the European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR 2017

    Automatic Classification of Synthetic Voices for Voice Banking Using Objective Measures

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    Speech is the most common way of communication among humans. People who cannot communicate through speech due to partial of total loss of the voice can benefit from Alternative and Augmentative Communication devices and Text to Speech technology. One problem of using these technologies is that the included synthetic voices might be impersonal and badly adapted to the user in terms of age, accent or even gender. In this context, the use of synthetic voices from voice banking systems is an attractive alternative. New voices can be obtained applying adaptation techniques using recordings from people with healthy voice (donors) or from the user himself/herself before losing his/her own voice. In this way, the goal is to offer a wide voice catalog to potential users. However, as there is no control over the recording or the adaptation processes, some method to control the final quality of the voice is needed. We present the work developed to automatically select the best synthetic voices using a set of objective measures and a subjective Mean Opinion Score evaluation. A prediction algorithm of the MOS has been build which correlates similarly to the most correlated individual measure.This work has been funded by the Basque Government under the project ref. PIBA 2018-035 and IT-1355-19. This work is part of the project Grant PID 2019-108040RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    What attracts vehicle consumers’ buying:A Saaty scale-based VIKOR (SSC-VIKOR) approach from after-sales textual perspective?

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    Purpose: The increasingly booming e-commerce development has stimulated vehicle consumers to express individual reviews through online forum. The purpose of this paper is to probe into the vehicle consumer consumption behavior and make recommendations for potential consumers from textual comments viewpoint. Design/methodology/approach: A big data analytic-based approach is designed to discover vehicle consumer consumption behavior from online perspective. To reduce subjectivity of expert-based approaches, a parallel Naïve Bayes approach is designed to analyze the sentiment analysis, and the Saaty scale-based (SSC) scoring rule is employed to obtain specific sentimental value of attribute class, contributing to the multi-grade sentiment classification. To achieve the intelligent recommendation for potential vehicle customers, a novel SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to prioritize vehicle brand candidates from a big data analytical viewpoint. Findings: The big data analytics argue that “cost-effectiveness” characteristic is the most important factor that vehicle consumers care, and the data mining results enable automakers to better understand consumer consumption behavior. Research limitations/implications: The case study illustrates the effectiveness of the integrated method, contributing to much more precise operations management on marketing strategy, quality improvement and intelligent recommendation. Originality/value: Researches of consumer consumption behavior are usually based on survey-based methods, and mostly previous studies about comments analysis focus on binary analysis. The hybrid SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to fill the gap from the big data perspective

    Mass Customization in Wireless Communication Services: Individual Service Bundles and Tariffs

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    This paper presents results on mass customization of wireless communications services and tariffs. It advocates for a user-centric view of wireless service configuration and pricing as opposed to present-day service catalog options. The focus is on design methodology and tools for such individual services and tariffs, using altogether information compression, negotiation algorithms, and risk portfolio analysis. We first analyze the user and supplier needs and aspirations. We then introduce the systematic design-oriented approach which can be applied. The implications of this approach for users and suppliers are discussed based on an end-user survey and on model-based calculations. It is shown that users can achieve desired service bundle cost reduction, while suppliers can improve significantly their risk-profit equilibrium points, reduce churn and simplify provisioning