316 research outputs found

    A methodology correlating code optimizations with data memory accesses, execution time and energy consumption

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    The advent of data proliferation and electronic devices gets low execution time and energy consumption software in the spotlight. The key to optimizing software is the correct choice, order as well as parameters of optimization transformations that has remained an open problem in compilation research for decades for various reasons. First, most of the transformations are interdependent and thus addressing them separately is not effective. Second, it is very hard to couple the transformation parameters to the processor architecture (e.g., cache size) and algorithm characteristics (e.g., data reuse); therefore, compiler designers and researchers either do not take them into account at all or do it partly. Third, the exploration space, i.e., the set of all optimization configurations that have to be explored, is huge and thus searching is impractical. In this paper, the above problems are addressed for data-dominant affine loop kernels, delivering significant contributions. A novel methodology is presented reducing the exploration space of six code optimizations by many orders of magnitude. The objective can be execution time (ET), energy consumption (E) or the number of L1, L2 and main memory accesses. The exploration space is reduced in two phases: firstly, by applying a novel register blocking algorithm and a novel loop tiling algorithm and secondly, by computing the maximum and minimum ET/E values for each optimization set. The proposed methodology has been evaluated for both embedded and general-purpose CPUs and for seven well-known algorithms, achieving high memory access, speedup and energy consumption gain values (from 1.17 up to 40) over gcc compiler, hand-written optimized code and Polly. The exploration space from which the near-optimum parameters are selected is reduced from 17 up to 30 orders of magnitude

    A methodology for efficient code optimizations and memory management

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    The key to optimizing software is the correct choice, order as well parameters of optimizations-transformations, which has remained an open problem in compilation research for decades for various reasons. First, most of the compilation subproblems-transformations are interdependent and thus addressing them separately is not effective. Second, it is very hard to couple the transformation parameters to the processor architecture (e.g., cache size and associativity) and algorithm characteristics (e.g. data reuse); therefore compiler designers and researchers either do not take them into account at all or do it partly. Third, the search space (all different transformation parameters) is very large and thus searching is impractical. In this paper, the above problems are addressed for data dominant affine loop kernels, delivering significant contributions. A novel methodology is presented that takes as input the underlying architecture details and algorithm characteristics and outputs the near-optimum parameters of six code optimizations in terms of either L1,L2,DDR accesses, execution time or energy consumption. The proposed methodology has been evaluated to both embedded and general purpose processors and for 6 well known algorithms, achieving high speedup as well energy consumption gain values over gcc compiler, hand written optimized code and Polly

    Performance and Power Analysis of HPC Workloads on Heterogenous Multi-Node Clusters

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    Performance analysis tools allow application developers to identify and characterize the inefficiencies that cause performance degradation in their codes, allowing for application optimizations. Due to the increasing interest in the High Performance Computing (HPC) community towards energy-efficiency issues, it is of paramount importance to be able to correlate performance and power figures within the same profiling and analysis tools. For this reason, we present a performance and energy-efficiency study aimed at demonstrating how a single tool can be used to collect most of the relevant metrics. In particular, we show how the same analysis techniques can be applicable on different architectures, analyzing the same HPC application on a high-end and a low-power cluster. The former cluster embeds Intel Haswell CPUs and NVIDIA K80 GPUs, while the latter is made up of NVIDIA Jetson TX1 boards, each hosting an Arm Cortex-A57 CPU and an NVIDIA Tegra X1 Maxwell GPU.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] and Horizon 2020 under the Mont-Blanc projects [17], grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697. E.C. was partially founded by “Contributo 5 per mille assegnato all’Università degli Studi di Ferrara-dichiarazione dei redditi dell’anno 2014”. We thank the University of Ferrara and INFN Ferrara for the access to the COKA Cluster. We warmly thank the BSC tools group, supporting us for the smooth integration and test of our setup within Extrae and Paraver.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Power management and optimization

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    After many years of focusing on “faster” computers, people have started taking notice of the fact that the race for “speed” has had the unfortunate side effect of increasing the total power consumed, thereby increasing the total cost of ownership of these machines. The heat produced has required expensive cooling facilities. As a result, it is difficult to ignore the growing trend of “Green Computing,” which is defined by San Murugesan as “the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems – such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communication systems – efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment”. There have been different approaches to green computing, some of which include data center power management, operating system support, power supply, storage hardware, video card and display hardware, resource allocation, virtualization, terminal servers and algorithmic efficiency. In this thesis, we particularly study the relation between algorithmic efficiency and power consumption, obtaining performance models in the process. The algorithms studied primarily include basic linear algebra routines, such as matrix and vector multiplications and iterative solvers. Our studies show that it if the source code is optimized and tuned to the particular hardware used, there is a possibility of reducing the total power consumed at only slight costs to the computation time. The data sets utilized in this thesis are not significantly large and consequently, the power savings are not large either. However, as these optimizations can be scaled to larger data sets, it presents a positive outlook for power savings in much larger research environments

    High Performance with Prescriptive Optimization and Debugging

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