212,852 research outputs found

    Developing computer-based schedule delay analysis methods based on information flow analysis: a case study

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    Schedule analysts often resolve diverse schedule delay problems in construction projects based on their subjective experiences. Although various process-based and mathematical-model schedule delay analysis methods are available for effective schedule delay analysis, these methods require time-consuming manual operation. The use of computer-based schedule delay analysis methods seems to be a solution. However, schedule analysts still have difficulty developing computer-based schedule delay analysis methods. Therefore, this study applies information flow analysis to classify the necessary work to develop computer-based schedule delay analysis methods. In contrast to numerous studies that focus only on computerizing a process-based or a mathematical-model schedule delay analysis method, this study constructs a computer-based method that integrates two process-based schedule delay analysis methods simultaneously. In a tested case study, the delay liability for the project owner and contractor was classified successfully. Importantly, this study provides a useful reference for similar applications in project management. First published online: 24 Oct 201

    Analysis Performance for Evaluation of Schedule Irregularities on Bore Pile Foundation with FTA

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    Purpose: In construction projects, delays are disruptive and expensive. Therefore, the reason for the schedule delay needs to be identied. The delay factors determined in previous research were predominantly studied through surveys. In these studies, the participants were a stakeholder in construction projects, and the reason for schedule lateness was identied through their point of view. Design/methodology/approach: This research is conducted at a bored pile project in Opus Apartment, Batam, Indonesia. The studies are done through the Fault Tree Analysis method to find the root causes of the delay. Findings: Causes of delay in construction to prevent lateness on future construction projects. Research limitations/implications: Evaluation of delay causes on the bore pile foundation project in Opus Apartment. Practical implications: Evaluation of lateness in construction project through Fault Tree Analysis Paper type: Case Stud

    Analysis Performance for Evaluation of Schedule Irregularities on Bore Pile Foundation with FTA

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    Purpose: In construction projects, delays are disruptive and expensive. Therefore, the reason for the schedule delay needs to be identied. The delay factors determined in previous research were predominantly studied through surveys. In these studies, the participants were a stakeholder in construction projects, and the reason for schedule lateness was identied through their point of view. Design/methodology/approach: This research is conducted at a bored pile project in Opus Apartment, Batam, Indonesia. The studies are done through the Fault Tree Analysis method to find the root causes of the delay. Findings: Causes of delay in construction to prevent lateness on future construction projects. Research limitations/implications: Evaluation of delay causes on the bore pile foundation project in Opus Apartment. Practical implications: Evaluation of lateness in construction project through Fault Tree Analysis Paper type: Case Stud

    Client Related Changes Affecting Construction Schedule Performance

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    Majority of UAE construction works were reported experiencing changes during execution process which exerts adverse effects to project success. Among the negative impacts is the failing in achieving satisfactory schedule performance. This poor schedule performance is also common issue faced by construction works globally. This paper addressed a study on various client related factors causing changes and parameters that affecting project schedule performance. The study was conducted through quantitative method. The data was gathered through questionnaire survey amongst the practitioners from contractor and consultant organization engaged in construction project of UAE and analysed statistically using significant index value. Results obtained in this study highlighted lack of coordination, replacement of key personnel by clients and inadequate understanding of clients need as three major issues related to client which are responsible for changes in construction works. While delay in completion schedule, slower project progress and dispute between owner & contractor are as major parameters affecting schedule performance. For correlation analysis, it was found that lack of coordination between the parties has significant correlation with delay in completion schedule, and dispute between owner & contractor. Also replacement of key personnel from client has significant correlation with schedule delay that are additional works and re-work/redesign. These finding will be helpful for practitioner in prioritizing the factors of change and schedule measuring parameters for improving schedule performance

    Integrating a Procurement Management Process into Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM): A Case-Study on Oil and Gas Projects, the Piping Process

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    Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) of oil and gas megaprojects often experience cost overruns due to substantial schedule delays. One of the greatest causes of these overruns is the mismanagement of the project schedule, with the piping works (prefabrication and installation) occupying a majority of that schedule. As such, an effective methodology for scheduling, planning, and controlling of piping activities is essential for project success. To meet this need, this study used the Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) to develop a piping construction delay prevention methodology, incorporating material procurement processes for EPC megaprojects. Recent studies indicate that the traditional scheduling method used on oil and gas mega projects has critical limitations regarding resource scarcity, calculation of activity duration, and dealing with uncertainties. To overcome these limitations, the Theory of Constraints-based CCPM was proposed and implemented to provide schedule buffers management. Nonexistent in literature, and of critical importance, is this paper's focus on the resource buffer, representing material uncertainty and management. Furthermore, this paper presents a step-by-step process and flow chart for project, construction, and material managers to effectively manage a resource buffer through the CCPM process. This study extends the knowledge of traditional resource buffers in CCPM to improve material and procurement management, thus avoiding the shortage of piping materials and minimizing delays. The resultant process was validated by both deterministic and probabilistic schedule analysis through two case studies of a crude pump unit and propylene compressor installation at a Middle Eastern Refinery Plant Installation. The results show that the CCPM method effectively handles uncertainty, reducing the duration of piping works construction by about a 35% when compared to the traditional method. Furthermore, the results show that, in not considering material uncertainty (resource buffers), projects schedules have the potential for approximately a 5% schedule growth with the accompanying delay charges. The findings have far-reaching applications for both oil and gas and other sectors. This CCPM case-study exemplifies that the material management method represents an opportunity for industry to administrate pipeline installation projects more effectively, eliminate project duration extension, develop schedule-based risk mitigation measures pre-construction, and enable project teams to efficiently manage limited human and material resources.111sciessciscopu

    Aplikasi Network Analysis Metode CPM (Critical Path Method) Model AON Untuk Menentukan Penjadwalan Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Perpustakaan UIN Malang

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    The problem  The with development projects is to determine the project schedule so that it can be completed in an optimal (minimum) time. Scheduling with Network, among others, uses the CPM (Critical Path Method). The network diagram representation of the method is in the form of a directed graph (digraph) which is presented in two models, namely AOA (Activity On Arc) and AON (Activity On Node. Activities in the AON model are placed on nodes. This study aims to determine the application of network analysis using the CPM method. The AON model on the scheduling of the library development project at UIN Malang The methods used are forward pass, backward pass, and total slack so that it can be known the fastest or late time an activity can be started or ended and the amount the allowable delay time for an activity and its critical activities.Previous research only used the PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) method and the Gantt Chart method, so in this study the author will use another method, namely the CPM Model AON method. pen time the construction project schedule is 293 days starting from 01-07-2022 to 27-05-2023. From the results of the analysis using the CPM method, it was obtained that from 298 project preparation activities, 17 activities were critical activities so that their implementation could not be delayed because it would result in a delay in project completion time


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    The Construction Project for the Public Service Office Building for the Highways and Human Settlements Office of Central Java Province is carried out from February to October 2021, with total contract value of Rp. 8,313,888,968. This project using planning and controlling time and costs so that later work will be more efficient, according to plans and objectives. The purpose of this study is to determine the time performance of the Development Project, to find out the problems encountered in the implementation of the Project, as well as the solutions used to overcome the problems that arise. The method used in this study is the Earned Value Concept method in which it combines elements of schedule, cost, and work performance to calculate the estimated cost and time needed to complete the project to completion. The data obtained from the Project includes the Budget Plan (RAB), Project Work Schedule, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Reports and actual cost requirements. Furthermore, an analysis of costs, schedules, and work performance is carried out by explaining the problems that arise during the research. From the results of the research and analysis it is known that the total costs incurred are relatively the same as the budget that has been planned, this is indicated by the results of CV = 1 and the project implementation time has been delayed from the planned schedule, indicated by the results of SPI = 6.6883 The results of calculating an estimated cost of Rp. 8,313,888,968 with an estimated completion time of 36 weeks which indicates a delay of 1 week from the planned 35 weeks. Where this delay was caused by several factors such as weather conditions which were in the rainy season when the project was running, damage or inadequate tools

    Construction delay analysis of EDA Center building

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    This theses deals with the analysis of building construction and timeline of the project using the delay calculation method. The first and the second part are devoted to building presentation and construction characteristic technology, diversification work phases, facility structure and technological work processes.\ud The third and the fourth part presents in detail the method for calculating the delay based on various reasons, such as the delay that happened for not anchoring the tower crane to the building when it was planned, which was necessary to increase the crane by an additional 10m high. Individual parameters are calculated by comparing the planned contract schedule and the actual realization of it. Comparative schedule Gantt chart is constructed in the computer program MS Project. The results of the analysis gave us a true representation of the delay due to the aforementioned reason, and financial evaluation of the cost incurred because of this.\u

    Analisa Percepatan Keterlambatan Proyek (Study Kasus : Kantor Dinas SKPD Pemko Gedung B2 di Tenayan Raya)

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    Planning and project scheduling always refer to assumptions and forecasting and schedule planning.Problem will occure if there discrepancies between planning and actual. Delay of project implementation will make economies consequencies for owner and contractor. Problem and conflict will arise when there are argument between owner and contractor come along with time and cost additive. The project of governmental office building in Pekanbaru City experienced of 75 days delay. To overcome this problem, there were 3 solutions. First, by using overtime work, second, adding worker and equipment, third, is shift. The analysis focused on the critical path. As a results, the cost of SKPD B2 building construction delay was calculated as Rp. 4.497.790.458,25. The acceleration cost was Rp.2.280.496.543,31 with a total 11690 hours of extra work for workers and 156 hours for total station for overtime work alternative, Rp. 2.719.277.132,05 with 14 workers and 2 equipment on night shift for the addition of workers and equipments alternative, and Rp. 2.719.277.132,05 with 14 workers and 2 units of equipment during the night shift time-shift work alternative. The best acceleration method or alternative was the overtime work method which was timely and its efficiency was 49%

    Efisiensi Biaya dan Penjadwalan Proyek Rehabilitasi Puskesmas Rawat Inap Pesanggrahan, Kutorejo, Mojokerto

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    Control is one of the functions of project management which aims to ensure that work can achieve its goals without many deviations. The relationship between direct costs and indirect costs to time has a tendency to be the opposite. If the project implementation time is accelerated it will result in an increase in direct costs but in the indirect costs there will be a decrease. The results of the analysis using the cost control method and the integrated schedule (earned value concept) for the implementation of the Pesanggrahan Inpatient Puskesmas Rehabilitation Project in Kutorejo Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency on the project implementation performance in terms of cost shows that the implementation of the project has benefited, this is indicated by the CV indicator (cost variant ) has a positive value of Rp. 60,475,147 or the performance index value (CPI) = 1.07> 1. While the aspect of the project implementation schedule is experiencing delays as indicated by the SV indicator (schedule variance) is negative Rp. -102,477,511 Or SPI schedule performance index = 0.90 <1. Project performance when reporting is running well, profits will be obtained because the funds spent are still under the planned budget. A positive ETC value of Rp. 9,773,374 While from the aspect of schedule, the implementation experienced a slight delay from the specified schedule, it can be seen from the August EAS of 90 days, so that the September EAS was above 90 days