8 research outputs found

    Virtual supply chain for networked business : perspective of collaborative bill-of-materials, scheduling and process monitoring for developing innovative product

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    This article presents a methodology applicable to the formation of collaborative bill-of-materials (C-BOM), coordinating production scheduling and monitoring operational processes. The concept of collaborative product development process is described in detail through an example network, where the participating organisations form a temporary virtual organisation (VO) and contribute throughout the entire product development processes. In this paper, the basic need for exchanging product information among the partners is carried out through IT-based software tools, where the partners are enabled to visualise and monitor the operational processes in a real-time environment. This research study concludes with the overall research outcomes and future research directions.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    MAPAC: Um Método de Análise de Processos para Aproximação Cidadã

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    Prestar serviços com qualidade para o cidadão se torna cada vez mais uma questão de prioridade por parte das organizações públicas, incluindo o uso de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) como forma de atender as demandas da sociedade civil e aproximar cidadãos da administração pública. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o Método de Análise de Processos para Aproximação Cidadã (MAPAC), cujo objetivo é apoiar um analista ou especialista em processos a pensar e propor soluções com vista a aproximar e inserir o cidadão nos processos de prestação de serviços públicos. O MAPAC foi avaliado por um estudo de caso em uma unidade especializada em mediações de conflitos do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ). Os resultados demonstraram evidencias de que o método seja aplicável e eficaz na sugestão de alternativas para a aproximação cidadã

    Modelo de maturidade de excelência operacional : estudo de caso em empresa do setor plástico

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Marcelo Gechele CletoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Defesa : Curitiba, 23/02/2018Inclui referênciasResumo:Abstract

    Investigation of Collaboration and Communication Patterns in Software Projects using Social Network Analysis

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    Softwareprojekte werden in zum Teil sehr großen Teams entwickelt. Der Erfolg und die Effizienz hängen dabei nicht nur von den individuellen fachlichen Fähigkeiten der beteiligten Personen, sondern auch von der Kommunikation und der Kollaborationsstruktur ab. Um Entwicklungsprozesse in Zukunft weiter zu verbessern und problematische Entwicklungen frühzeitig zu erkennen gibt es ein großes Interesse Kollaborationsmuster sowie deren möglichem Zusammenhang mit Erfolgsindikatoren zu verstehen. Relationen zwischen Personen, sowie Personen und Softwarekomponenten sowie Issues können als ein komplexes soziotechnisches Netzwerk modelliert werden, was eine strukturelle Analyse ermöglicht. Die Arbeit soll dazu geeignete Netzwerkanalysemethoden explorieren und sich dabei an den folgenden Fragestellungen orientieren: 1. Welche Zusammenhänge existieren zwischen bestimmten Substrukturen (Verbindungsmustern, Positionen von Entwicklern im Netzwerk) in den Netzwerken und Indikatoren für erfolgreiche Projekte (Zeit um Issues zu bearbeiten, Beiträge zum Programmcode, Anzahl der Forks und Bookmarks eines Projekts, etc.)? 2. Wie sind Projekte, z.B. über gemeinsame Mitglieder oder Softwareabhängigkeiten miteinander vernetzt? 3. Wie verändern sich Verbindungsmuster über die Zeit? 4. Wie muss ein System konzipiert sein, welches Entwicklerteams auf Basis von diesen Erkenntnissen Handlungsempfehlungen geben kann? Hierzu sollen eine möglichst große Anzahl von kleinen, mittleren und großen Softwareprojekten auf der Plattform GitHub analysiert werden. Daten aus GitHub Projekten stehen weitgehend zur Verfügung z.B. GHTorrent. Des Weiteren werden Werkzeuge zur Verfügung gestellt soziotechnische Netzwerke aus GitHub zu extrahieren und in einer Graph Datenbank zu speichern

    A data governance maturity evaluation model to enhance data management in Eastern Cape government departments

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    The governance of data assets has become a topical issue in the public sector. Government departments are faced with increasingly complex data and information arising from multiple projects, different departments, divisions and several stakeholders seeking data for divergent end uses. However, an exploratory study of the literature regarding data governance in government departments of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa suggest that there are no clear data governance processes in place within the departments. The research question “How can a data governance maturity evaluation model enhance data governance processes in the Eastern Cape government departments” was derived as a result of a perceived need for government departments of the province to manage their critical data assets in a manner which promotes accurate, verifiable and relevant fiscal and strategic planning. Following the review of current literature in the data governance domain, a conceptual data governance evaluation maturity model was developed and produced. The conceptual model was influenced by the IBM data governance maturity model (2007) and it was aimed at addressing the gaps in the reference model to suit the context of the Eastern Cape government departments and the governance of their data assets. A qualitative phase of empirical data collection was conducted to test the components of the conceptual model. A quantitative instrument, derived from the findings of the qualitative study, as well as the components of the refined model was administered to 50 participants in the same departments where qualitative data was collected, with additional participants being drawn from three other departments. Pragmatism was the guiding philosophy for the research. The Contingency and Institutional theories form the theoretical grounding for the study. Design Science guidelines by Hevner et al (2004), Peffers et al’s (2008) Six Steps in Design Science and Drechsler & Hevner’s (2016) Fourth Cycle of Design Science were employed to construct, improve, validate and evaluate the final artefact. Findings confirmed the literature that data governance is lacking in government departments. It is asserted that the implementation of this model will improve the way data assets are recorded, used, archived and disposed in government departments of the Eastern Cape. The outcome of this research was the development and production of a data governance maturity evaluation model as well as a process document which gives a roadmap of how to move from one maturity level to another

    Enhancing stakeholder collaboration in risk sensitive urban planning

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    The impact of climate change poses serious challenges to sustainable urban development, with people experiencing frequent extreme events such as floods, landslides, heat waves and storms. One of the explanations for the increasing risks and impacts is that the development activities of the countries and disaster risk reduction decision-making processes occur in silos, conducted by different agencies, institutions and other actors with differing priorities, perspectives, and time horizons. Therefore, a multi-agency approach to risk-sensitive urban planning (RSUP) has been recognised as being paramount for building resilience against climate change. Emerging economies struggle more than developed countries to manage urban development by mainstreaming disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA), as well as managing the negative impact of disasters. Thus, this study investigates the inter-organisational changes required for enhancing multi-agency collaboration when considering the impact of climate-induced risks as a key element in urban planning in the emerging economies context, taking Sri Lanka as a case study. The study adopted a case study strategy consisting of 20 semi-structured interviews from national and local level experts and 77 document reviews covering policies, laws, urban plans, national documents, and reports, followed by thematic analysis. As a result, the study identified the barriers and enablers for enhancing stakeholder collaboration in RSUP under five themes: administrative environment, working culture, information and knowledge sharing, organisational capacity, and collaboration process. Furthermore, the study used causal loop diagrams (CLD) as a way of capturing and externalising how various practices and interventions can be propagated through the organisational systems to create conditions that influence the implementation of RSUP. This system modelling approach allows policymakers to see the interrelationships and feedback loops that may not be apparent in traditional linear cause-and-effect thinking and, therefore, will help to identify leverage points in the system to create a positive transformation and impact regarding RSUP. This system analysis helped to identify the key policy changes required for facilitating stakeholder collaboration, including the establishment of mandated collaboration procedures with a clear definition of stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities, the need for power sharing among key stakeholders, and a requirement for continuous collaborative policy evaluations and updates. The study also investigated a suitable collaborative governance arrangement that is conducive to RSUP. The study shows that a hybrid of hierarchy and network structures with neutral leadership, a balanced top-down and bottom-up approach, and decentralisation alongside necessary powers is a suitable collaborative governance arrangement for supporting RSUP.Moreover, this study developed an inter-organisational collaboration maturity grid that will allow organisations to define a pathway to transform their collaboration maturity and to measure it as they transform their practices. Finally, based on the above outcomes, the study developed a framework that contributes to enhancing stakeholder collaboration in RSUP to support the creation of resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements. Keywords: risk-sensitive urban planning; stakeholder collaboration; climate change; disaster risk reduction; system thinking; maturity grid