103 research outputs found

    Exploring single-sample SNP and INDEL calling with whole-genome de novo assembly

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    Motivation: Eugene Myers in his string graph paper (Myers, 2005) suggested that in a string graph or equivalently a unitig graph, any path spells a valid assembly. As a string/unitig graph also encodes every valid assembly of reads, such a graph, provided that it can be constructed correctly, is in fact a lossless representation of reads. In principle, every analysis based on whole-genome shotgun sequencing (WGS) data, such as SNP and insertion/deletion (INDEL) calling, can also be achieved with unitigs. Results: To explore the feasibility of using de novo assembly in the context of resequencing, we developed a de novo assembler, fermi, that assembles Illumina short reads into unitigs while preserving most of information of the input reads. SNPs and INDELs can be called by mapping the unitigs against a reference genome. By applying the method on 35-fold human resequencing data, we showed that in comparison to the standard pipeline, our approach yields similar accuracy for SNP calling and better results for INDEL calling. It has higher sensitivity than other de novo assembly based methods for variant calling. Our work suggests that variant calling with de novo assembly be a beneficial complement to the standard variant calling pipeline for whole-genome resequencing. In the methodological aspects, we proposed FMD-index for forward-backward extension of DNA sequences, a fast algorithm for finding all super-maximal exact matches and one-pass construction of unitigs from an FMD-index. Availability: http://github.com/lh3/fermi Contact: [email protected]: Rev2: submitted version with minor improvements; 7 page

    Lightweight Massively Parallel Suffix Array Construction

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    The suffix array is an array of sorted suffixes in lexicographic order, where each sorted suffix is represented by its starting position in the input string. It is a fundamental data structure that finds various applications in areas such as string processing, text indexing, data compression, computational biology, and many more. Over the last three decades, researchers have proposed a broad spectrum of suffix array construction algorithms (SACAs). However, the majority of SACAs were implemented using sequential and parallel programming models. The maturity of GPU programming opened doors to the development of massively parallel GPU SACAs that outperform the fastest versions of suffix sorting algorithms optimized for the CPU parallel computing. Over the last five years, several GPU SACA approaches were proposed and implemented. They prioritized the running time over lightweight design. In this thesis, we design and implement a lightweight massively parallel SACA on the GPU using the prefix-doubling technique. Our prefix-doubling implementation is memory-efficient and can successfully construct the suffix array for input strings as large as 640 megabytes (MB) on Tesla P100 GPU. On large datasets, our implementation achieves a speedup of 7-16x over the fastest, highly optimized, OpenMP-accelerated suffix array constructor, libdivsufsort, that leverages the CPU shared memory parallelism. The performance of our algorithm relies on several high-performance parallel primitives such as radix sort, conditional filtering, inclusive prefix sum, random memory scattering, and segmented sort. We evaluate the performance of our implementation over a variety of real-world datasets with respect to its runtime, throughput, memory usage, and scalability. We compare our results against libdivsufsort that we run on a Haswell compute node equipped with 24 cores. Our GPU SACA is simple and compact, consisting of less than 300 lines of readable and effective source code. Additionally, we design and implement a fast and lightweight algorithm for checking the correctness of the suffix array

    Fast Parallel Suffix Array on the GPU

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    BASE: a practical de novo assembler for large genomes using long NGS reads

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Background: De novo genome assembly using NGS data remains a computation-intensive task especially for large genomes. In practice, efficiency is often a primary concern and favors using a more efficient assembler like SOAPdenovo2. Yet SOAPdenovo2, based on de Bruijn graph, fails to take full advantage of longer NGS reads (say, 150 bp to 250 bp from Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq). Assemblers that are based on string graphs (e.g., SGA), though less popular and also very slow, are more favorable for longer reads. Methods: This paper shows a new de novo assembler called BASE. It enhances the classic seed-extension approach by indexing the reads efficiently to generate adaptive seeds that have high probability to appear uniquely in the genome. Such seeds form the basis for BASE to build extension trees and then to use reverse validation to remove the branches based on read coverage and paired-end information, resulting in high-quality consensus sequences of reads sharing the seeds. Such consensus sequences are then extended to contigs. Results: Experiments on two bacteria and four human datasets shows the advantage of BASE in both contig quality and speed in dealing with longer reads. In the experiment on bacteria, two datasets with read length of 100 bp and 250 bp were used. Especially for the 250 bp dataset, BASE gives much better quality than SOAPdenovo2 and SGA and is simlilar to SPAdes. Regarding speed, BASE is consistently a few times faster than SPAdes and SGA, but still slower than SOAPdenovo2. BASE and Soapdenov2 are further compared using human datasets with read length 100 bp, 150 bp and 250 bp. BASE shows a higher N50 for all datasets, while the improvement becomes more significant when read length reaches 250 bp. Besides, BASE is more-meory efficent than SOAPdenovo2 when sequencing data with error rate. Conclusions: BASE is a practically efficient tool for constructing contig, with significant improvement in quality for long NGS reads. It is relatively easy to extend BASE to include scaffolding.published_or_final_versio

    ALFALFA : fast and accurate mapping of long next generation sequencing reads

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    Fast parallel skew and prefix‐doubling suffix array construction on the GPU

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    Suffix arrays are fundamental full-text index data structures of importance to a broad spectrum of applications in such fields as bioinformatics, Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT)-based lossless data compression, and information retrieval. In this work, we propose and implement two massively parallel approaches on the GPU based on two classes of suffix array construction algorithms. The first, parallel skew, makes algorithmic improvements to the previous work of Deo and Keely to achieve a speedup of 1.45x over their work. The second, a hybrid skew and prefix-doubling implementation, is the first of its kind on the GPU and achieves a speedup of 2.3–4.4x over Osipov’s prefix-doubling and 2.4–7.9x over our skew implementation on large datasets. Our implementations rely on two efficient parallel primitives, a merge and a segmented sort. We theoretically analyze the two formulations of suffix array construction algorithms and show performance comparisons on a large variety of practical inputs. We conclude that, with the novel use of our efficient segmented sort, prefix-doubling is more competitive than skew on the GPU. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in our implementations of the Burrows-Wheeler transform and in a parallel FM-index for pattern searching. This is the submitted version of the paper

    PASQUAL: Parallel Techniques for Next Generation Genome Sequence Assembly

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    Scalable String and Suffix Sorting: Algorithms, Techniques, and Tools

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    This dissertation focuses on two fundamental sorting problems: string sorting and suffix sorting. The first part considers parallel string sorting on shared-memory multi-core machines, the second part external memory suffix sorting using the induced sorting principle, and the third part distributed external memory suffix sorting with a new distributed algorithmic big data framework named Thrill.Comment: 396 pages, dissertation, Karlsruher Instituts f\"ur Technologie (2018). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1101.3448 by other author