1,336 research outputs found

    Desktop multimedia environments to support collaborative distance learning

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    Desktop multimedia conferencing, when two or more persons can communicate among themselves via personal computers with the opportunity to see and hear one another as well as communicate via text messages while working with commonly available stored resources, appears to have important applications to the support of collaborative learning. In this paper we explore this potential in three ways: (a) through an analysis of particular learner needs when learning and working collaboratively with others outside of face-to-face situations; (b) through an analysis of different forms of conferencing environments, including desktop multimedia environments, relative to their effectiveness in terms of meeting learner needs for distributed collaboration; and (c) through reporting the results of a formative evaluation of a prototype desktop multimedia conferencing system developed especially for the support of collaborative learning. Via these analyses, suggestions are offered relating to the functionalities of desktop multimedia conferencing systems for the support of collaborative learning, reflecting new developments in both the technologies available for such systems and in our awareness of learner needs when working collaboratively with one other outside of face-to-face situations

    NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review. Executive summary

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    Research and Development projects in automation technology for the Space Station are described. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics

    NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review

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    Research and Development projects in automation for the Space Station are discussed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automation technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics. AI technology will also be developed for the servicing of satellites at the Space Station, system monitoring and diagnosis, space manufacturing, and the assembly of large space structures

    Professor Avatar Holographic Telepresence Model

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    Introduced into theaters in the 1860s, Pepper’s Ghost startled theatergoers with an effect that allowed live people or objects to materialize into the scene. The illusion of a ghost is an actor located forward of and below the stage floor. The glass illustrates the reflection of the offstage “ghost,” while the leftmost “ghost” simulates what the audiences see. Modern versions of this effect consist of a completely new way of projecting video to create the illusion of life-size, full-color, moving images but projected as 2D images into a set. The mind of the audience creates the 3D illusion. This technology enables a new line of communication, which is called “holographic telepresence” that delivers a life-sized holographic experience in real time, enabling to connect more effectively and make an impact on audiences. The technology reduces expenses and saves on time travel. This project identified the parameters for correct setup of holographic telepresence, so that future users will be able to replicate and use with ease. The project used action research, which provides fast and effective solutions. The results demonstrated that it was possible that by defining the parameters and a guide for setting up a holographic telepresence

    Multimodal active speaker detection and virtual cinematography for video conferencing

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    Active speaker detection (ASD) and virtual cinematography (VC) can significantly improve the remote user experience of a video conference by automatically panning, tilting and zooming of a video conferencing camera: users subjectively rate an expert video cinematographer's video significantly higher than unedited video. We describe a new automated ASD and VC that performs within 0.3 MOS of an expert cinematographer based on subjective ratings with a 1-5 scale. This system uses a 4K wide-FOV camera, a depth camera, and a microphone array; it extracts features from each modality and trains an ASD using an AdaBoost machine learning system that is very efficient and runs in real-time. A VC is similarly trained using machine learning to optimize the subjective quality of the overall experience. To avoid distracting the room participants and reduce switching latency the system has no moving parts -- the VC works by cropping and zooming the 4K wide-FOV video stream. The system was tuned and evaluated using extensive crowdsourcing techniques and evaluated on a dataset with N=100 meetings, each 2-5 minutes in length

    Overcoming distance in virtual teams : effects of communication media, experience, and time pressure on distributed teamwork

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    Een virtueel team is een team waarvan de leden elkaar niet of zelden in levenden lijve ontmoeten, bijvoorbeeld omdat de teamleden verschillende werktijden hebben of op verschillende vestigingen van een organisatie werken. Anders dan reguliere teams zijn virtuele teams in grote mate afhankelijk van informatie- en communicatietechnologie. Een voorbeeld van een virtueel team is een ontwerpteam dat binnen een multinationaal bedrijf een nieuwe productlijn ontwikkelt vanaf verschillende locaties door gebruik te maken van e-mail en videovergaderingen. Een belangrijke bijdrage van het huidige onderzoek is dat het laat zien dat de beperkingen van gedistribueerd samenwerken die de wijdverbreide toepassing van virtuele teams hinderen, zijn te overkomen. Door een combinatie van relevante groupware en ervaring met samenwerken op afstand, kunnen virtuele teams werk produceren dat qua kwaliteit en hoeveelheid vergelijkbaar is met het werk van face-to-face teams. Het lijkt er dan ook op dat virtuele teams geen modeverschijnsel zijn. Virtuele teams zijn de toekomst

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Telepresence-Enabled Cognitive Apprenticeship Model of Teacher Professional Development

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    This exploratory research used a mixed-methods design to compare the effectiveness of a telepresence-enabled cognitive apprenticeship model of teacher professional development (TEAM-PD) to that of a traditional workshop model by examining outcomes in teacher pedagogy and student achievement. Measures of the lll degree to which teachers in both groups enacted mathematics pedagogy provided mixed results. Both groups demonstrated similar patterns of behavior and cognition, indicating modest levels of pedagogy implementation. Although the experimental group demonstrated higher levels of enactment of the mathematics pedagogy, the comparison group demonstrated a faster rate of growth. Student outcome data were clear: students of teachers in the experimental group scored substantially higher on a test of relevant mathematics content than students of teachers in the comparison group. Collectively the results suggest that TEAM-PD has potential to be an effective model of teacher professional development

    Telepresence learning environments for opera singing, a case study

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    The present study analyzes the data obtained in the execution of the Opera eLearning project, a multidisciplinary effort to develop a solution for Opera singing distance lessons at the graduate level, using high bandwidth to deliver quality audio and video experience that has been evaluated by singing teachers, chorus and orchestra directors, singers and other professional musicians. The research work includes the phases of design, execution and evaluation of pilot tests, followed by further development and execution of several experimental exercises with the system, all of them carried out between July 2008 and April 2009. This is an empirical research, an exploratory case study that has provided enough data to arrive to a sustainable model for a telepresence learning environment. Different usability methods have been implemented in order to assure users of the quality of the product. The main objective is to prove whether the system or artifact proposed can be used to deliver a complete remote singing class at a higher education level; for that purpose, we have defined several research categories that describe the usability of the system in multiple dimensions. We have used “design as research” approaches to promote innovation in the technological area. The theoretical framework is based on a wide variety of fields; from acoustics, physics, music, professional singing to telecommunications and multimedia technology. However, the common thread and central issue under analysis is distance education, through the construction of a remote learning system. We have also included the corresponding justification of the scientific methodology employedEl presente estudio analiza los datos obtenidos en la ejecución del proyecto Opera eLearning, un esfuerzo multidisciplinario para desarrollar una solución que permita dar clases a distancia de canto lírico a nivel de educación superior, utilizando conexiones de banda ancha con el fin de proveer una experiencia de vídeo y audio de calidad, la que ha sido evaluada por profesores de canto, directores de coros y orquesta, cantantes y otros músicos profesionales. El trabajo de investigación incluye las fases de diseño, ejecución y evaluación de las pruebas piloto, seguido del posterior desarrollo y ejecución de varios ejercicios experimentales con el sistema, todos ellos efectuados entre Julio de 2008 y Abril de 2009. Esta es una investigación empírica, un caso de estudio exploratorio que ha obtenido datos suficientes como para definir un modelo sostenible de entorno de enseñanza por telepresencia. Diversos métodos de usabilidad fueron implementados con el fin de asegurar a los usuarios la calidad del producto. El objetivo principal es probar si el sistema o artefacto propuesto puede ser usado para realizar de modo remoto una clase completa de canto lírico a nivel de educación superior; con tal propósito, hemos definido varias categorías de investigación que describen la usabilidad del sistema en múltiples dimensiones. Hemos utilizado el enfoque de “diseño como investigación” para promover la innovación en el área tecnológica. El marco teórico se basa en una amplia variedad de campos; desde la acústica, la física, la música, el canto profesional hasta las telecomunicaciones y tecnología multimedia. Sin embargo, el hilo común y tema central bajo análisis es la educación a distancia, ya que se trata de la construcción de un sistema de aprendizaje remoto. También se he incluido la justificación correspondiente a la metodología científica empleada