44,308 research outputs found

    Design study of a regenerative pump using one-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical techniques

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    Regenerative pumps are low cost, compact, able to deliver high heads at low flow rates. Furthermore with stable performance characteristics they can operate with very small NPSH. The complexity of the flow field is a serious challenge for any kind of mathematical modelling. This paper compares an analytical and numerical technique of resolving the performance for a new regenerative pump design. The performance characteristics computed by a CFD approach and a new one-dimensional model are compared and matched to experimental test results. The approaches of both modelling techniques are assessed as potential design tools. The approaches are shown to not only successfully resolve the complex flow field within the pump; the CFD is also capable of resolving local flow properties to conduct further refinements. The flow field is represented by the CFD as it has never been before. A new design process is suggested. The new regenerative pump design is considered with a comparable duty centrifugal pump, proving that for many high head low flow rate applications the regenerative pump is a better choice

    Analysis of externally loaded bolted joints : analytical, computational and experimental study

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    The behaviour of a simple single-bolted-joint under tensile separating loads is analysed using conventional analytical methods, a finite element approach and experimental techniques. The variation in bolt force with external load predicted by the finite element analysis conforms well to the experimental results. It is demonstrated that certain detailed features such thread interaction do not need to be modelled to ensure useful results. Behaviour during the pre-loading phase of use agrees with previous long-standing studies. However, the pre-loading analysis does not carry over to the stage when external loading is applied, as is normally assumed and it is shown that the current, conventional analytical methods substantially over-predict the proportion of the external load carried by the bolt. The basic reason for this is shown to be related to the non-linear variation in contact conditions between the clamped members during the external loading stage

    Geometric study of Lagrangian and Eulerian structures in turbulent channel flow

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    We report the detailed multi-scale and multi-directional geometric study of both evolving Lagrangian and instantaneous Eulerian structures in turbulent channel flow at low and moderate Reynolds numbers. The Lagrangian structures (material surfaces) are obtained by tracking the Lagrangian scalar field, and Eulerian structures are extracted from the swirling strength field at a time instant. The multi-scale and multi-directional geometric analysis, based on the mirror-extended curvelet transform, is developed to quantify the geometry, including the averaged inclination and sweep angles, of both structures at up to eight scales ranging from the half-height δ of the channel to several viscous length scales δ_ν. Here, the inclination angle is on the plane of the streamwise and wall-normal directions, and the sweep angle is on the plane of streamwise and spanwise directions. The results show that coherent quasi-streamwise structures in the near-wall region are composed of inclined objects with averaged inclination angle 35°–45°, averaged sweep angle 30°–40° and characteristic scale 20δ_ν, and 'curved legs' with averaged inclination angle 20°–30°, averaged sweep angle 15°–30° and length scale 5δ_ν–10δ_ν. The temporal evolution of Lagrangian structures shows increasing inclination and sweep angles with time, which may correspond to the lifting process of near-wall quasi-streamwise vortices. The large-scale structures that appear to be composed of a number of individual small-scale objects are detected using cross-correlations between Eulerian structures with large and small scales. These packets are located at the near-wall region with the typical height 0.25δ and may extend over 10δ in the streamwise direction in moderate-Reynolds-number, long channel flows. In addition, the effects of the Reynolds number and comparisons between Lagrangian and Eulerian structures are discussed

    A Feasibility Study on the Use of a Structured Light Depth-Camera for Three-Dimensional Body Measurements of Dairy Cows in Free-Stall Barns

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    Frequent checks on livestock\u2019s body growth can help reducing problems related to cow infertility or other welfare implications, and recognizing health\u2019s anomalies. In the last ten years, optical methods have been proposed to extract information on various parameters while avoiding direct contact with animals\u2019 body, generally causes stress. This research aims to evaluate a new monitoring system, which is suitable to frequently check calves and cow\u2019s growth through a three-dimensional analysis of their bodies\u2019 portions. The innovative system is based on multiple acquisitions from a low cost Structured Light Depth-Camera (Microsoft Kinect\u2122 v1). The metrological performance of the instrument is proved through an uncertainty analysis and a proper calibration procedure. The paper reports application of the depth camera for extraction of different body parameters. Expanded uncertainty ranging between 3 and 15 mm is reported in the case of ten repeated measurements. Coef\ufb01cients of determination R2> 0.84 and deviations lower than 6% from manual measurements where in general detected in the case of head size, hips distance, withers to tail length, chest girth, hips, and withers height. Conversely, lower performances where recognized in the case of animal depth (R2 = 0.74) and back slope (R2 = 0.12)

    Phase-field boundary conditions for the voxel finite cell method: surface-free stress analysis of CT-based bone structures

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    The voxel finite cell method employs unfitted finite element meshes and voxel quadrature rules to seamlessly transfer CT data into patient-specific bone discretizations. The method, however, still requires the explicit parametrization of boundary surfaces to impose traction and displacement boundary conditions, which constitutes a potential roadblock to automation. We explore a phase-field based formulation for imposing traction and displacement constraints in a diffuse sense. Its essential component is a diffuse geometry model generated from metastable phase-field solutions of the Allen-Cahn problem that assumes the imaging data as initial condition. Phase-field approximations of the boundary and its gradient are then employed to transfer all boundary terms in the variational formulation into volumetric terms. We show that in the context of the voxel finite cell method, diffuse boundary conditions achieve the same accuracy as boundary conditions defined over explicit sharp surfaces, if the inherent length scales, i.e., the interface width of the phase-field, the voxel spacing and the mesh size, are properly related. We demonstrate the flexibility of the new method by analyzing stresses in a human femur and a vertebral body

    Computing the force distribution on the surface of complex, deforming geometries using vortex methods and Brinkman penalization

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    The distribution of forces on the surface of complex, deforming geometries is an invaluable output of flow simulations. One particular example of such geometries involves self-propelled swimmers. Surface forces can provide significant information about the flow field sensed by the swimmers, and are difficult to obtain experimentally. At the same time, simulations of flow around complex, deforming shapes can be computationally prohibitive when body-fitted grids are used. Alternatively, such simulations may employ penalization techniques. Penalization methods rely on simple Cartesian grids to discretize the governing equations, which are enhanced by a penalty term to account for the boundary conditions. They have been shown to provide a robust estimation of mean quantities, such as drag and propulsion velocity, but the computation of surface force distribution remains a challenge. We present a method for determining flow- induced forces on the surface of both rigid and deforming bodies, in simulations using re-meshed vortex methods and Brinkman penalization. The pressure field is recovered from the velocity by solving a Poisson's equation using the Green's function approach, augmented with a fast multipole expansion and a tree- code algorithm. The viscous forces are determined by evaluating the strain-rate tensor on the surface of deforming bodies, and on a 'lifted' surface in simulations involving rigid objects. We present results for benchmark flows demonstrating that we can obtain an accurate distribution of flow-induced surface-forces. The capabilities of our method are demonstrated using simulations of self-propelled swimmers, where we obtain the pressure and shear distribution on their deforming surfaces