12,630 research outputs found

    A resource management scheme for multi-user GFDM with adaptive modulation in frequency selective fading channels

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    The topic is "Low-latency communication for machine-type communication in LTE-A" and need to be specified in more detail.This final project focus on designing and evaluating a resource management scheme for a multi-user generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) system, when a frequency selective fading channel and adaptive modulation is used. GFDM with adaptive subcarrier, sub-symbol and power allocation are considered. Assuming that the transmitter has a perfect knowledge of the instantaneous channel gains for all users, I propose a multi-user GFDM subcarrier, sub-symbol and power allocation algorithm to minimize the total transmit power. This work analyzes the performance of using a specific set of parameters for aligning GFDM with long term evolution (LTE) grid. The results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm using GFDM is closer to the performance of using OFDM and outperforms multiuser GFDM systems with static frequency division multiple access (FDMA) techniques which employ fixed subcarrier allocation schemes. The advantage between GFDM and OFDM is that the latency of the system can be reduced by a factor of 15 if independent demodulation is considered.El objetivo de este proyecto final es el de diseñar y evaluar un esquema para administrar los recursos de un sistema multi-usuario donde se utiliza generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), cuando el canal es de frequencia de desvanecimiento selectivo y se utiliza modulación adaptiva. Consideramos un sistema GFDM con subportadora, sub-símbolo i asignación de potencia adaptiva. Asumiendo que el transmisor conoce perfectamente el estado del canal para todos los usuarios, propongo un algoritmo que asigna los recursos de forma que la potencia total de transmisión es mínima. Este trabajo analiza la eficiencia de utilizar un grupo de parámetros concretos para alinear el sistema GFDM con el sistema de LTE. Los resultados muestran que el comportamiento del algoritmo en GFDM es muy similar al de OFDM, pero mucho mayor que cuando se compara con sistemas de asignación de recursos estáticos.L’objectiu d’aquest projecte final es dissenyar i avaluar un esquema per administrar els recursos per a un sistema multi-usuari fent servir generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), quan el canal es de freqüència esvaniment selectiu i es fa servir modulació adaptativa. Considerem un sistema GFDM amb subportadora, sub-símbol i assignació de potencia adaptativa. Assumint que el transmissor coneix perfectament l’estat del canal per tots els usuaris, proposo un algoritme que assigna els recursos de forma que la potencia total de transmissió es la mínima. Aquest treball analitza l’eficiència de fer servir un grup de paràmetres concrets per tal d’alinear el sistema GFDM amb el sistema de LTE. Els resultats mostren que el comportament de l’algoritme en GFDM es molt similar al de OFDM i que millora bastant els resultats quan el comparem amb sistemes d’assignament de recursos estàtics

    A Stochastic Geometric Analysis of Device-to-Device Communications Operating over Generalized Fading Channels

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communications are now considered as an integral part of future 5G networks which will enable direct communication between user equipment (UE) without unnecessary routing via the network infrastructure. This architecture will result in higher throughputs than conventional cellular networks, but with the increased potential for co-channel interference induced by randomly located cellular and D2D UEs. The physical channels which constitute D2D communications can be expected to be complex in nature, experiencing both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) conditions across closely located D2D pairs. As well as this, given the diverse range of operating environments, they may also be subject to clustering of the scattered multipath contribution, i.e., propagation characteristics which are quite dissimilar to conventional Rayeligh fading environments. To address these challenges, we consider two recently proposed generalized fading models, namely κμ\kappa-\mu and ημ\eta-\mu, to characterize the fading behavior in D2D communications. Together, these models encompass many of the most widely encountered and utilized fading models in the literature such as Rayleigh, Rice (Nakagami-nn), Nakagami-mm, Hoyt (Nakagami-qq) and One-Sided Gaussian. Using stochastic geometry we evaluate the rate and bit error probability of D2D networks under generalized fading conditions. Based on the analytical results, we present new insights into the trade-offs between the reliability, rate, and mode selection under realistic operating conditions. Our results suggest that D2D mode achieves higher rates over cellular link at the expense of a higher bit error probability. Through numerical evaluations, we also investigate the performance gains of D2D networks and demonstrate their superiority over traditional cellular networks.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    A use case of low power wide area networks in future 5G healthcare applications

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    Abstract. The trend in all cellular evolution to the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) has always been to offer users continuously increasing data rates. However, the next leap forwards towards the 5th Generation Mobile Networks (5G) will be mainly addressing the needs of devices. Machines communicating with each other, sensors reporting to a server, or even machines communicating with humans, these are all different aspects of the same technology; the Internet of Things (IoT). The key differentiator between Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications and IoT will be the added -feature of connecting devices and sensors not only to themselves, but also to the internet. The appropriate communications network is the key to allow this connectivity. Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) have been thought of as enablers for IoT, but since they both suffered from limitations in IoT aspects, the need for a new enabling technology was evident. LPWANs are networks dedicated to catering for the needs of IoT such as providing low energy consumption for wireless devices. LPWANs can be categorized into proprietary LPWANs and cellular LPWANs. Proprietary LPWANs are created by an alliance of companies working together on creating a communications standard operating in unlicensed frequency bands. An example of proprietary LPWANs is LoRa. Whereas cellular LPWANs are standardized by the 3rd Partnership Project (3GPP) and they are basically versions of the LTE standard especially designed for machine communications. An example of cellular LPWANs is Narrowband IoT (NB IoT). This diploma thesis documents the usage of LoRa and NB IoT in a healthcare use case of IoT. It describes the steps and challenges of deploying an LTE network at a target site, which will be used by the LoRa and NB IoT sensors to transmit data through the 5G test network (5GTN) to a desired server location for storing and later analysis.Matalan tehonkulutuksen ja pitkänkantaman teknologian käyttötapaus tulevaisuuden 5G:tä hyödyntävissä terveydenhoidon sovelluksissa. Tiivistelmä. Pitemmän aikavälin tarkastelussa matkaviestintäteknologian kehittyminen nykyisin käytössä olevaan Long-Term Evolution (LTE) teknologiaan on tarkoittanut käyttäjille yhä suurempia datanopeuksia. Seuraavassa askeleessa kohti 5. sukupolven matkaviestintäverkkoja (5G) lähestytään kehitystä myös laitteiden tarpeiden lähtökohdista. Toistensa kanssa kommunikoivat koneet, palvelimille dataa lähettävät anturit tai jopa ihmisten kanssa kommunikoivat koneet ovat kaikki eri puolia samasta teknologisesta käsitteestä; esineiden internetistä (IoT). Oleellisin ero koneiden välisessä kommunikoinnissa (M2M) ja IoT:ssä on, että erinäiset laitteet tulevat olemaan yhdistettyinä paitsi toisiinsa myös internettiin. Tätä kytkentäisyyttä varten tarvitaan tarkoitukseen kehitetty matkaviestinverkko. Sekä lähiverkkoja (LAN) että suuralueverkkoja (WAN) on pidetty mahdollisina IoT mahdollistajina, mutta näiden molempien käsitteiden alle kuuluvissa teknologioissa on rajoitteita IoT:n vaatimusten lähtökohdista, joten uuden teknologian kehittäminen oli tarpeellista. Matalan tehonkulutuksen suuralueverkko (LP-WAN) on käsite, johon luokitellaan eri teknologioita, joita on kehitetty erityisesti IoT:n tarpeista lähtien. LP-WAN voidaan jaotella ainakin itse kehitettyihin ja matkaviestinverkkoihin perustuviin teknologisiin ratkaisuihin. Itse kehitetyt ratkaisut on luotu lukuisten yritysten yhteenliittymissä eli alliansseissa ja nämä ratkaisut keskittyvät lisensoimattomilla taajuuksilla toimiviin langattomiin ratkaisuihin, joista esimerkkinä laajasti käytössä oleva LoRa. Matkaviestinverkkoihin perustuvat lisensoiduilla taajuuksilla toimivat ratkaisut on puolestaan erikseen standardoitu 3GPP-nimisessä yhteenliittymässä, joka nykyisellään vastaa 2G, 3G ja LTE:n standardoiduista päätöksistä. Esimerkki 3GPP:n alaisesta LPWAN-luokkaan kuuluvasta teknologiasta on kapea kaistainen IoT-teknologia, NB-IoT. Tässä diplomityössä keskitytään terveydenhoidon käyttötapaukseen, missä antureiden mittaamaa tietoa siirretään langattomasti käyttäen sekä LoRa että NB-IoT teknologioita. Työssä kuvataan eri vaiheet ja haasteet, joita liittyi kun rakennetaan erikseen tiettyyn kohteeseen LTE-verkon radiopeitto, jotta LoRa:a ja NB-IoT:a käyttävät anturit saadaan välittämään mitattua dataa halutulle palvelimelle säilytykseen ja myöhempää analysointia varten. LTE-radiopeiton rakensi Oulun yliopiston omistama 5G testiverkko, jonka tarkoitus on tukea sekä tutkimusta että ympäröivää ekosysteemiä tulevaisuuden 5G:n kehityksessä


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    Advances in cellular network technology continue to develop to address increasing demands from the growing number of devices resulting from the Internet of Things, or IoT. IoT has brought forth countless new equipment competing for service on cellular networks. The latest in cellular technology is 5th Generation Cloud Radio Access Networks, or 5G C-RAN, which consists of an architectural design created specifically to meet novel and necessary requirements for better performance, reduced latency of service, and scalability. As part of this design is the inclusion of a virtual cache, there is a necessity for useful cache management schemes and protocols, which ultimately will provide users better performance on the cellular network. This paper explores a few different cache management schemes, and analyzes their performance in comparison to each other. They include a probability based scoring scheme for cache elements; a hierarchical, or tiered, approach aimed at separating the cache into different levels or sections; and enhancements to previously existing approaches including reverse random marking as well as a scheme based on an exponential decay model. These schemes aim to offer better hit ratios, reduced latency of request service, preferential treatment based on users’ service levels and mobility, and a reduction in network traffic compared to other traditional and classic caching mechanisms

    A Taxonomy for Management and Optimization of Multiple Resources in Edge Computing

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    Edge computing is promoted to meet increasing performance needs of data-driven services using computational and storage resources close to the end devices, at the edge of the current network. To achieve higher performance in this new paradigm one has to consider how to combine the efficiency of resource usage at all three layers of architecture: end devices, edge devices, and the cloud. While cloud capacity is elastically extendable, end devices and edge devices are to various degrees resource-constrained. Hence, an efficient resource management is essential to make edge computing a reality. In this work, we first present terminology and architectures to characterize current works within the field of edge computing. Then, we review a wide range of recent articles and categorize relevant aspects in terms of 4 perspectives: resource type, resource management objective, resource location, and resource use. This taxonomy and the ensuing analysis is used to identify some gaps in the existing research. Among several research gaps, we found that research is less prevalent on data, storage, and energy as a resource, and less extensive towards the estimation, discovery and sharing objectives. As for resource types, the most well-studied resources are computation and communication resources. Our analysis shows that resource management at the edge requires a deeper understanding of how methods applied at different levels and geared towards different resource types interact. Specifically, the impact of mobility and collaboration schemes requiring incentives are expected to be different in edge architectures compared to the classic cloud solutions. Finally, we find that fewer works are dedicated to the study of non-functional properties or to quantifying the footprint of resource management techniques, including edge-specific means of migrating data and services.Comment: Accepted in the Special Issue Mobile Edge Computing of the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journa

    Wireless communication technologies for the Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is the inter-networking paradigm based on many processes such as identifying, sensing, networking and computation. An IoT technology stack provides seamless connectivity between various physical and virtual objects. The increasing number of IoT applications leads to the issue of transmitting, storing, and processing a large amount of data. Therefore, it is necessary to enable a system capable to handle the growing traffic requirements with the required level of QoS (Quality of Service). IoT devices become more complex due to the various components such as sensors and network interfaces. The IoT environment is often demanding for mobile power source, QoS, mobility, reliability, security, and other requirements. Therefore, new IoT technologies are required to overcome some of these issues. In recent years new wireless communication technologies are being developed to support the development of new IoT applications. This paper provides an overview of some of the most widely used wireless communication technologies used for IoT applications

    Ultra reliable low latency communication in MTC network

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    Abstract. Internet of things is in progress to build the smart society, and wireless networks are critical enablers for many of its use cases. In this thesis, we present some of the vital concept of diversity and multi-connectivity to achieve ultra-reliability and low latency for machine type wireless communication networks. Diversity is one of the critical factors to deal with fading channel impairments, which in term is a crucial factor to achieve targeted outage probabilities and try to reach out such requirement of five 9’s as defined by some standardization bodies. We evaluate an interference-limited network composed of multiple remote radio heads connected to the user equipment. Some of those links are allowed to cooperate, thus reducing interference, or to perform more elaborated strategies such as selection combining or maximal ratio combining. Therefore, we derive their respective closed-form analytical solutions for respective outage probabilities. We provide extensive numerical analysis and discuss the gains of cooperation and multi-connectivity enabled to be a centralized radio access network