2,532 research outputs found

    The close circumstellar environment of Betelgeuse - Adaptive optics spectro-imaging in the near-IR with VLT/NACO

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    Context: Betelgeuse is one the largest stars in the sky in terms of angular diameter. Structures on the stellar photosphere have been detected in the visible and near-infrared as well as a compact molecular environment called the MOLsphere. Mid-infrared observations have revealed the nature of some of the molecules in the MOLsphere, some being the precursor of dust. Aims: Betelgeuse is an excellent candidate to understand the process of mass loss in red supergiants. Using diffraction-limited adaptive optics (AO) in the near-infrared, we probe the photosphere and close environment of Betelgeuse to study the wavelength dependence of its extension, and to search for asymmetries. Methods: We obtained AO images with the VLT/NACO instrument, taking advantage of the "cube" mode of the CONICA camera to record separately a large number of short-exposure frames. This allowed us to adopt a "lucky imaging" approach for the data reduction, and obtain diffraction-limited images over the spectral range 1.04-2.17 ÎĽ\mum in 10 narrow-band filters. Results: In all filters, the photosphere of Betelgeuse appears partly resolved. We identify an asymmetric envelope around the star, with in particular a relatively bright "plume" extending in the southwestern quadrant up to a radius of approximately six times the photosphere. The CN molecule provides an excellent match to the 1.09 mic bandhead in absorption in front of the stellar photosphere, but the emission spectrum of the plume is more difficult to interpret. Conclusions: Our AO images show that the envelope surrounding Betelgeuse has a complex and irregular structure. We propose that the southwestern plume is linked either to the presence of a convective hot spot on the photosphere, or to the rotation of the star.Comment: 12 pages. Astronomy and Astrophysics (2009) in pres

    The effect of wavefront corrugations on fringe motion in an astronomical interferometer with spatial filters

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    Numerical simulations of atmospheric turbulence and AO wavefront correction are performed to investigate the timescale for fringe motion in optical interferometers with spatial filters. These simulations focus especially on partial AO correction, where only a finite number of Zernike modes are compensated. The fringe motion is found to depend strongly on both the aperture diameter and the level of AO correction used. In all of the simulations the coherence timescale for interference fringes is found to decrease dramatically when the Strehl ratio provided by the AO correction is <~30%. For AO systems which give perfect compensation of a limited number of Zernike modes, the aperture size which gives the optimum signal for fringe phase tracking is calculated. For AO systems which provide noisy compensation of Zernike modes (but are perfectly piston-neutral), the noise properties of the AO system determine the coherence timescale of the fringes when the Strehl ratio is <~30%.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Applied Optics 17 August 2004, accepted 2 June 200

    An Unsupervised Generative Neural Approach for InSAR Phase Filtering and Coherence Estimation

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    Phase filtering and pixel quality (coherence) estimation is critical in producing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) images, as it removes spatial inconsistencies (residues) and immensely improves the subsequent unwrapping. Large amount of InSAR data facilitates Wide Area Monitoring (WAM) over geographical regions. Advances in parallel computing have accelerated Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), giving them advantages over human performance on visual pattern recognition, which makes CNNs a good choice for WAM. Nevertheless, this research is largely unexplored. We thus propose "GenInSAR", a CNN-based generative model for joint phase filtering and coherence estimation, that directly learns the InSAR data distribution. GenInSAR's unsupervised training on satellite and simulated noisy InSAR images outperforms other five related methods in total residue reduction (over 16.5% better on average) with less over-smoothing/artefacts around branch cuts. GenInSAR's Phase, and Coherence Root-Mean-Squared-Error and Phase Cosine Error have average improvements of 0.54, 0.07, and 0.05 respectively compared to the related methods.Comment: to be published in a future issue of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter

    Amplitude-Driven-Adaptive-Neighbourhood Filtering of High-Resolution Pol-InSAR Information

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    International audienceIn this paper a new method for fltering coherency matrices issued from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) polarimetric interferometric data is presented. For each pixel of the interferogram, an adaptive neighborhood is determined by a region growing technique driven exclusively by the amplitude image information. All the available amplitude images of the interferometric couple are fused in the region growing process to ensure the stationarity hypothesis of the derived statistical population. In addition, for preserving local stationarity requirement of the interferogram, a phase compensation step is performed. Afterwards, all the pixels within the obtained adaptive neighborhood are complex averaged to yield the fltered values of the polarimetric and interferometric coherency matrices. The method has been tested on airborne high-resolution polarimetric interferometric SAR images (Oberpfaffenhofen area - German Space Agency). For comparison purposes, the standard phase compensated fixed multi-look flter and the linear adaptive coherence flter proposed by Lee at al. were also implemented. Both subjective and objective performance analysis, including coherence edge detection, ROC graph and bias reduction tables, recommends the proposed algorithm as a powerful post-processing POL-InSAR tool

    Estimation de l'enveloppe et de la fréquence locales par les opérateurs de Teager-Kaiser en interférométrie en lumière blanche.

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    In this work, a new method for surface extraction in white light scanning interferometry (WLSI) is introduced. The proposed extraction scheme is based on the Teager-Kaiser energy operator and its extended versions. This non-linear class of operators is helpful to extract the local instantaneous envelope and frequency of any narrow band AM-FM signal. Namely, the combination of the envelope and frequency information, allows effective surface extraction by an iterative re-estimation of the phase in association with a new correlation technique, based on a recent TK crossenergy operator. Through the experiments, it is shown that the proposed method produces substantially effective results in term of surface extraction compared to the peak fringe scanning technique, the five step phase shifting algorithm and the continuous wavelet transform based method. In addition, the results obtained show the robustness of the proposed method to noise and to the fluctuations of the carrier frequency

    Stellar Intensity Interferometry: Astrophysical targets for sub-milliarcsecond imaging

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    Intensity interferometry permits very long optical baselines and the observation of sub-milliarcsecond structures. Using planned kilometric arrays of air Cherenkov telescopes at short wavelengths, intensity interferometry may increase the spatial resolution achieved in optical astronomy by an order of magnitude, inviting detailed studies of the shapes of rapidly rotating hot stars with structures in their circumstellar disks and winds, or mapping out patterns of nonradial pulsations across stellar surfaces. Signal-to-noise in intensity interferometry favors high-temperature sources and emission-line structures, and is independent of the optical passband, be it a single spectral line or the broad spectral continuum. Prime candidate sources have been identified among classes of bright and hot stars. Observations are simulated for telescope configurations envisioned for large Cherenkov facilities, synthesizing numerous optical baselines in software, confirming that resolutions of tens of microarcseconds are feasible for numerous astrophysical targets.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; presented at the SPIE conference "Optical and Infrared Interferometry II", San Diego, CA, USA (June 2010
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