38 research outputs found

    Design techniques for low noise and high speed A/D converters

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    Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion is a process that bridges the real analog world to digital signal processing. It takes a continuous-time, continuous amplitude signal as its input and outputs a discrete-time, discrete-amplitude signal. The resolution and sampling rate of an A/D converter vary depending on the application. Recently, there has been a growing demand for broadband (>1 MHz), high-resolution (>14bits) A/D converters. Applications that demand such converters include asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) modems, cellular systems, high accuracy instrumentation, and medical imaging systems. This thesis suggests some design techniques for such high resolution and high sampling rate A/D converters. As the A/D converter performance keeps on increasing it becomes increasingly difficult for the input driver to settle to required accuracy within the sampling time. This is because of the use of larger sampling capacitor (increased resolution) and a decrease in sampling time (higher speed). So there is an increasing trend to have a driver integrated onchip along with A/D converter. The first contribution of this thesis is to present a new precharge scheme which enables integrating the input buffer with A/D converter in standard CMOS process. The buffer also uses a novel multi-path common mode feedback scheme to stabilize the common mode loop at high speeds. Another major problem in achieving very high Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SNDR) is the capacitor mismatch in Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) inherent in the A/D converters. The mismatch between the capacitor causes harmonic distortion, which may not be acceptable. The analysis of Dynamic Element Matching (DEM) technique as applicable to broadband data-converters is presented and a novel second order notch-DEM is introduced. In this thesis we present a method to calibrate the DAC. We also show that a combination of digital error correction and dynamic element matching is optimal in terms of test time or calibration time. Even if we are using dynamic element matching techniques, it is still critical to get the best matching of unit elements possible in a given technology. The matching obtained may be limited either by random variations in the unit capacitor or by gradient effects. In this thesis we present layout techniques for capacitor arrays, and the matching results obtained in measurement from a test-chip are presented. Thus we present various design techniques for high speed and low noise A/D converters in this thesis. The techniques described are quite general and can be applied to most of the types of A/D converters

    Bandpass electromechanical sigma-delta modulator

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    A digital polar transmitter for multi-band OFDM Ultra-WideBand

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    Linear power amplifiers used to implement the Ultra-Wideband standard must be backed off from optimum power efficiency to meet the standard specifications and the power efficiency suffers. The problem of low efficiency can be mitigated by polar modulation. Digital polar architectures have been employed on numerous wireless standards like GSM, EDGE, and WLAN, where the fractional bandwidths achieved are only about 1%, and the power levels achieved are often in the vicinity of 20 dBm. Can the architecture be employed on wireless standards with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements and yet achieve good power efficiency? To answer these question, this thesis studies the application of a digital polar transmitter architecture with parallel amplifier stages for UWB. The concept of the digital transmitter is motivated and inspired by three factors. First, unrelenting advances in the CMOS technology in deep-submicron process and the prevalence of low-cost Digital Signal processing have resulted in the realization of higher level of integration using digitally intensive approaches. Furthermore, the architecture is an evolution of polar modulation, which is known for high power efficiency in other wireless applications. Finally, the architecture is operated as a digital-to-analog converter which circumvents the use of converters in conventional transmitters. Modeling and simulation of the system architecture is performed on the Agilent Advanced Design System Ptolemy simulation platform. First, by studying the envelope signal, we found that envelope clipping results in a reduction in the peak-to-average power ratio which in turn improves the error vector magnitude performance (figure of merit for the study). In addition, we have demonstrated that a resolution of three bits suffices for the digital polar transmitter when envelope clipping is performed. Next, this thesis covers a theoretical derivation for the estimate of the error vector magnitude based on the resolution, quantization and phase noise errors. An analysis on the process variations - which result in gain and delay mismatches - for a digital transmitter architecture with four bits ensues. The above studies allow RF designers to estimate the number of bits required and the amount of distortion that can be tolerated in the system. Next, a study on the circuit implementation was conducted. A DPA that comprises 7 parallel RF amplifiers driven by a constant RF phase-modulated signal and 7 cascode transistors (individually connected in series with the bottom amplifiers) digitally controlled by a 3-bit digitized envelope signal to reconstruct the UWB signal at the output. Through the use of NFET models from the IBM 130-nm technology, our simulation reveals that our DPA is able to achieve an EVM of - 22 dB. The DPA simulations have been performed at 3.432 GHz centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 528 MHz, which translates to a fractional bandwidth of 15.4%. Drain efficiencies of 13.2/19.5/21.0% have been obtained while delivering -1.9/2.5/5.5 dBm of output power and consuming 5/9/17 mW of power. In addition, we performed a yield analysis on the digital polar amplifier, based on unit-weighted and binary-weighted architecture, when gain variations are introduced in all the individual stages. The dynamic element matching method is also introduced for the unit-weighted digital polar transmitter. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that when the gain of the amplifiers are allowed to vary at a mean of 1 with a standard deviation of 0.2, the binary-weighted architecture obtained a yield of 79%, while the yields of the unit-weighted architectures are in the neighbourhood of 95%. Moreover, the dynamic element matching technique demonstrates an improvement in the yield by approximately 3%. Finally, a hardware implementation for this architecture based on software-defined arbitrary waveform generators is studied. In this section, we demonstrate that the error vector magnitude results obtained with a four-stage binary-weighted digital polar transmitter under ideal combining conditions fulfill the European Computer Manufacturers Association requirements. The proposed experimental setup, believed to be the first ever attempted, confirm the feasibility of a digital polar transmitter architecture for Ultra-Wideband. In addition, we propose a number of power combining techniques suitable for the hardware implementation. Spatial power combining, in particular, shows a high potential for the digital polar transmitter architecture. The above studies demonstrate the feasibility of the digital polar architecture with good power efficiency for a wideband wireless standard with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements

    Pipeline analog-to-digital converters for wide-band wireless communications

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    During the last decade, the development of the analog electronics has been dictated by the enormous growth of the wireless communications. Typical for the new communication standards has been an evolution towards higher data rates, which allows more services to be provided. Simultaneously, the boundary between analog and digital signal processing is moving closer to the antenna, thus aiming for a software defined radio. For analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) of radio receivers this indicates higher sample rate, wider bandwidth, higher resolution, and lower power dissipation. The radio receiver architectures, showing the greatest potential to meet the commercial trends, include the direct conversion receiver and the super heterodyne receiver with an ADC sampling at the intermediate frequency (IF). The pipelined ADC architecture, based on the switched capacitor (SC) technique, has most successfully covered the widely separated resolution and sample rate requirements of these receiver architectures. In this thesis, the requirements of ADCs in both of these receiver architectures are studied using the system specifications of the 3G WCDMA standard. From the standard and from the limited performance of the circuit building blocks, design constraints for pipeline ADCs, at the architectural and circuit level, are drawn. At the circuit level, novel topologies for all the essential blocks of the pipeline ADC have been developed. These include a dual-mode operational amplifier, low-power voltage reference circuits with buffering, and a floating-bulk bootstrapped switch for highly-linear IF-sampling. The emphasis has been on dynamic comparators: a new mismatch insensitive topology is proposed and measurement results for three different topologies are presented. At the architectural level, the optimization of the ADCs in the single-chip direct conversion receivers is discussed: the need for small area, low power, suppression of substrate noise, input and output interfaces, etc. Adaptation of the resolution and sample rate of a pipeline ADC, to be used in more flexible multi-mode receivers, is also an important topic included. A 6-bit 15.36-MS/s embedded CMOS pipeline ADC and an 8-bit 1/15.36-MS/s dual-mode CMOS pipeline ADC, optimized for low-power single-chip direct conversion receivers with single-channel reception, have been designed. The bandwidth of a pipeline ADC can be extended by employing parallelism to allow multi-channel reception. The errors resulted from mismatch of parallel signal paths are analyzed and their elimination is presented. Particularly, an optimal partitioning of the resolution between the stages, and the number of parallel channels, in time-interleaved ADCs are derived. A low-power 10-bit 200-MS/s CMOS parallel pipeline ADC employing double sampling and a front-end sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit is implemented. Emphasis of the thesis is on high-resolution pipeline ADCs with IF-sampling capability. The resolution is extended beyond the limits set by device matching by using calibration, while time interleaving is applied to widen the signal bandwidth. A review of calibration and error averaging techniques is presented. A simple digital self-calibration technique to compensate capacitor mismatch within a single-channel pipeline ADC, and the gain and offset mismatch between the channels of a time-interleaved ADC, is developed. The new calibration method is validated with two high-resolution BiCMOS prototypes, a 13-bit 50-MS/s single-channel and a 14-bit 160-MS/s parallel pipeline ADC, both utilizing a highly linear front-end allowing sampling from 200-MHz IF-band.reviewe

    Design of a Dual Band Local Positioning System

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    This work presents a robust dual band local positioning system (LPS) working in the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz industrial science medical (ISM) bands. Position measurement is based on the frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar approach, which uses radio frequency (RF) chirp signals for propagation time and therefore distance measurements. Contrary to state of the art LPS, the presented system uses data from both bands to improve accuracy, precision and robustness. A complete system prototype is designed consisting of base stations and tags encapsulating most of the RF and analogue signal processing in custom integrated circuits. This design approach allows to reduce size and power consumption compared to a hybrid system using off-the-shelf components. Key components are implemented using concepts, which support operation in multiple frequency bands, namely, the receiver consisting of a low noise amplifier (LNA), mixer, frequency synthesizer with a wide band voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) having broadband chirp generation capabilities and a dual band power amplifier. System imperfections occurring in FMCW radar systems are modelled. Effects neglected in literature such as compression, intermodulation, the influence of automatic gain control, blockers and spurious emissions are modeled. The results are used to derive a specification set for the circuit design. Position estimation from measured distances is done using an enhanced version of the grid search algorithm, which makes use of data from multiple frequency bands. The algorithm is designed to be easily and efficiently implemented in embedded systems. Measurements show a coverage range of the system of at least 245m. Ranging accuracy in an outdoor scenario can be as low as 8.2cm. Comparative dual band position measurements prove an effective outlier filtering in indoor and outdoor scenarios compared to single band results, yielding in a large gain of accuracy. Positioning accuracy in an indoor scenario with an area of 276m² can be improved from 1.27m at 2.4GHz and 1.86m at 5.8GHz to only 0.38m in the dual band case, corresponding to an improvement by at least a factor of 3.3. In a large outdoor scenario of 4.8 km², accuracy improves from 1.88m at 2.4GHz and 5.93m at 5.8GHz to 0.68m with dual band processing, which is a factor of at least 2.8.Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Entwurf eines robusten lokalen Positionierungssystems (LPS), welches in den lizenzfreien Frequenzbereichen für industrielle, wissenschaftliche und medizinische Zwecke (industrial, scientific, medical, ISM) bei 2,4GHz und 5,8GHz arbeitet. Die Positionsbestimmung beruht auf dem Prinzip des frequenzmodulierten Dauerstrichradars (frequency modulated continuous wave, FMCW-Radar), welches hochfrequente Rampensignale für Laufzeitmessungen und damit Abstandsmessungen benutzt. Im Gegensatz zu aktuellen Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet benutzt das vorgestellte System Daten aus beiden Frequenzbändern zur Erhöhung der Genauigkeit und Präzision sowie Verbesserung der Robustheit. Ein Prototyp des kompletten Systems bestehend aus Basisstationen und mobilen Stationen wurde entworfen. Fast die gesamte analoge hochfrequente Signalverarbeitungskette wurde als anwendungsspezifische integrierte Schaltung realisiert. Verglichen mit Systemen aus Standardkomponenten erlaubt dieser Ansatz die Miniaturisierung der Systemkomponenten und die Einsparung von Leistung. Schlüsselkomponenten wurden mit Konzepten für mehrbandige oder breitbandige Schaltungen entworfen. Dabei wurden Sender und Empfänger bestehend aus rauscharmem Verstärker, Mischer und Frequenzsynthesizer mit breitbandiger Frequenzrampenfunktion implementiert. Außerdem wurde ein Leistungsverstärker für die gleichzeitige Nutzung der beiden definierten Frequenzbänder entworfen. Um Spezifikationen für den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten, wurden in der Fachliteratur vernachlässigte Nichtidealitäten von FMCW-Radarsystemen modelliert. Dazu gehören Signalverzerrungen durch Kompression oder Intermodulation, der Einfluss der automatischen Verstärkungseinstellung sowie schmalbandige Störer und Nebenschwingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung wurden benutzt, um eine Spezifikation für den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten. Die Schätzung der Position aus gemessenen Abständen wurde über eine erweiterte Version des Gittersuchalgorithmus erreicht. Dieser nutzt die Abstandsmessdaten aus beiden Frequenzbändern. Der Algorithmus ist so entworfen, dass er effizient in einem eingebetteten System implementiert werden kann. Messungen zeigen eine maximale Reichweite des Systems von mindestens 245m. Die Genauigkeit von Abstandsmessungen im Freiland beträgt 8,2cm. Positionsmessungen wurden unter Verwendung beider Einzelbänder durchgeführt und mit den Ergebnissen des Zweiband-Gittersuchalgorithmus verglichen. Damit konnte eine starke Verbesserung der Positionsgenauigkeit erreicht werden. Die Genauigkeit in einem Innenraum mit einer Grundfläche von 276m² kann verbessert werden von 1,27m bei 2,4GHz und 1,86m bei 5,8GHz zu nur 0,38m im Zweibandverfahren. Das entspricht einer Verbesserung um einen Faktor von mindestens 3,3. In einem größeren Außenszenario mit einer Fläche von 4,8 km² verbessert sich die Genauigkeit um einen Faktor von mindestens 2,8 von 1,88m bei 2,4GHz und 5,93m bei 5,8GHz auf 0,68m bei Nutzung von Daten aus beiden Frequenzbändern

    Design of RF/IF analog to digital converters for software radio communication receivers

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    Software radio architecture can support multiple standards by performing analogto- digital (A/D) conversion of the radio frequency (RF) signals and running reconfigurable software programs on the backend digital signal processor (DSP). A slight variation of this architecture is the software defined radio architecture in which the A/D conversion is performed on intermediate frequency (IF) signals after a single down conversion. The first part of this research deals with the design and implementation of a fourth order continuous time bandpass sigma-delta (CT BP) C based on LC filters for direct RF digitization at 950 MHz with a clock frequency of 3.8 GHz. A new ADC architecture is proposed which uses only non-return to zero feedback digital to analog converter pulses to mitigate problems associated with clock jitter. The architecture also has full control over tuning of the coefficients of the noise transfer function for obtaining the best signal to noise ratio (SNR) performance. The operation of the architecture is examined in detail and extra design parameters are introduced to ensure robust operation of the ADC. Measurement results of the ADC, implemented in IBM 0.25 µm SiGe BiCMOS technology, show SNR of 63 dB and 59 dB in signal bandwidths of 200 kHz and 1 MHz, respectively, around 950 MHz while consuming 75 mW of power from ± 1.25 V supply. The second part of this research deals with the design of a fourth order CT BP ADC based on gm-C integrators with an automatic digital tuning scheme for IF digitization at 125 MHz and a clock frequency of 500 MHz. A linearized CMOS OTA architecture combines both cross coupling and source degeneration in order to obtain good IM3 performance. A system level digital tuning scheme is proposed to tune the ADC performance over process, voltage and temperature variations. The output bit stream of the ADC is captured using an external DSP, where a software tuning algorithm tunes the ADC parameters for best SNR performance. The IF ADC was designed in TSMC 0.35 µm CMOS technology and it consumes 152 mW of power from ± 1.65 V supply