32 research outputs found

    Implications of Knowledge Management in Vocational Education

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    This study analyzes the differences between the levels of management knowledge possessed by vocational high school teachers. The problem in this research is the shortage of vocational teachers who teach productive subjects, so that there is a gap in the skills possessed by graduates. This study uses a quantitative approach with Chi-Squared analysis, data collection is done by distributing online questionnaires and documents. The sample amounted to 62 respondents using a non-probability sampling technique, namely saturated sampling. The results showed that there was no significant difference between knowledge management and the category of teachers (vocational and non-vocational). These results mean that every teacher who teaches at Muhammadiyah vocational schools has the same knowledge competence in designing, organizing, carrying out tasks, and controlling school programs


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    This study examines employee competence's effect on the management of tax revenue receivables in the context of imports, with knowledge management as a moderating variable. The data used in this study was derived from a questionnaire survey distributed from March to July 2022 to the respondents, who were officials in the treasury unit that manages tax receivables and officials in the unit that handles financial statements in the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. This study concludes that employee competence and knowledge management positively affect the management of tax revenue receivables in the context of imports. However, knowledge management cannot strengthen employee competence's positive influence on tax revenue receivables in the context of imports


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    This study examines employee competence's effect on the management of tax revenue receivables in the context of imports, with knowledge management as a moderating variable. The data used in this study was derived from a questionnaire survey distributed from March to July 2022 to the respondents, who were officials in the treasury unit that manages tax receivables and officials in the unit that handles financial statements in the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. This study concludes that employee competence and knowledge management positively affect the management of tax revenue receivables in the context of imports. However, knowledge management cannot strengthen employee competence's positive influence on tax revenue receivables in the context of imports

    A Guiding Conceptual Framework for Individualised Knowledge Management Model Building

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework for use, by organizational researchers, knowledge management practitioners and business analysts, as a guide to building Knowledge Management (KM) models. This is accomplished through a careful selection of ten prominent KM models which have been discussed critically and used to deepen the theoretical understanding of KM implementation and development. A critical review of ten KM models offers practitioners, as well as researchers, an examination of the ontological and epistemological backgrounds and origins of existing models’ in order to highlight the required components for composing effective KM models. There is limited research supporting the utilization, adaptation or even adoption of KM models that can assist managers seeking a competitive advantage through the implementation of KM processes. Authors of existing KM models claim to provide holistic KM models but when referring back to the central meaning of knowledge and management concepts those models do not generate a thorough coverage of the required characteristics and components. This paper has critically investigated ten widely acknowledged KM models but recognizes that there is a plethora of KM models emerging which have varied foci. The conceptual review of KM models is not an empirical investigation, moreover, a critical analysis that presents a conceptual framework for KM model building. In carrying out this research study, the paper presents the shortfalls of this theoretical research approach but nevertheless, the proposed conceptual framework is envisaged as having value to both practitioners and researchers. This paper sheds light on a series of concerns related to existing KM models, their origins, constructs, and contextualization. For organizational researchers, knowledge management practitioners and business analysts this research study elaborates on issues related to validity, applicability, and generalizability of KM models and defines a set of criteria for KM model building. The paper also impacts on the science of KM presenting perspectives, scope, and contexts in which knowledge is processed

    The effectiveness of knowledge transfer among personnel management

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    Nowadays, knowledge transfer has been widely accepted and identified as one way to improve the competitiveness of an organization. In order to enhance competitiveness, Company A is also noteworthy of the transfer of knowledge within the organization aimed at improving the quality of the employees and improving the productivity of the company. In the context of this study, the level of understanding, importance, effectiveness, communication elements and impacts in the transfer of knowledge was examined among management personnel at Company A. The findings of this study show that management personnel understand the meaning of transfer of knowledge in general and they also say transfer of knowledge is very important in the organization. Although management personnel are aware of the importance of transferring knowledge, the effectiveness of implementation in the Company's management is less effective. According to informants, the company practiced the knowledge transfer and the communication elements that were preached in Company A for the transfer of knowledge involve verbal and non verbal communication. This is because they say these elements of communication are very important in the transfer of knowledge as it has a great impact on the improvement of employee and organization productivity, solving problems and create collaboration between employees and employers in learning new skills to be practice. Therefore it can be concluded that the essence of this new discovery are important to the designers and policy makers related to this matter are intended as guidelines to improve existing system become more robust in the future. This is because transfer of knowledge is very important to use in the era of globalization so that organizations can always be competitive in both domestic and foreign markets

    Interorganizational information acquisition in an innovative SME network: innovation and information types

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    Information and innovation have been increasingly recognised as sources for firms’ competitive advantage. One of the ways firms have used to acquire these resources is through cooperative relationships, such as networks. This research proposes a conceptual model of antecedents and consequences of the volume of relevant information acquisition and innovation generation in the context of a Portuguese Innovative SME Network. This is an exploratory descriptive study, conducted through a survey of 60 SMEs (34.9% of the population). The results showed that for most firms, the participation on the network does not contribute to the acquisition of relevant information from other firms.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Influential Article Review - Independent Information Sharing Conduct in Dynamic Virtual Communities: The Viewpoints of Network Effects and Rank Competition

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    This paper examines education. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: While most literature concerning knowledge sharing examines it as an organizational method for innovation and value creation, this paper considers online knowledge sharing as an individual behavior decision embedded in a virtual community. We attempt to explore which sharing behavior can help individual participants gain a better position in an online community, improving social status, reputation, and other social networking interests. We collected and measured the knowledge sharing activities and discussion from a Chinese online expertise knowledge network in Business Management Consulting. We tested the mediating effects of the sharing behavior of the major members of the online knowledge network on members’ status (network centrality) in different time units (days). In a dynamic virtual community, the direct result of knowledge sharing behavior is reflected in the individual status position (the degree of node centrality). At the same time, individual knowledge sharing behavior has an “inertia effect”: individual prior status (the degree of node centrality) affects current knowledge sharing behavior, while current knowledge sharing behavior affects current status in the knowledge network, forming an inertial circuit between personal behavior and network status. We expound the theory of individual knowledge sharing in the context of an inter-person dynamic virtual community; we provide action “strategies” for individual knowledge sharing behavior choice, for better understanding the nature of individual knowledge behavior, and we also propose and test the “inertia effect” of knowledge sharing behavior and the knowledge network, and demonstrate the theory of network effects from an individual perspective. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    Understanding how additive manufacturing influences organizations’ strategy in knowledge economy

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    Industry 4.0 constituted a trigger to a new phase in the Industrial Revolution, heavily focused in the interconnectivity of the systems, bringing disruptive technologies such as Additive Manufacturing (AM). On top of that, the shift from an industrial economy to a knowledge-based economy, where knowledge is the actual raw material, is implicating changes on the labor market, as new jobs strongly rely on knowledge-intensive activities. This is forcing organizations to rethink their way to operate, since markets are getting even more competitive and susceptible to greater volatility. Herewith organizations are resorting to AM as way to strengthen competitive position, as this technology allows to seize new opportunities. As response to that, this paper presents an industry analysis to AM based on Porter’s Five forces model, where forces such as threat of new entrants, bargaining power of customers, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of suppliers and rivalry among the existent competitors will be discussed under a knowledge perspective. The compiled evidence show that AM industry will plausibly suffer from a high rivalry in the next few years, as consequence of the increased power of customers and suppliers, low entry barriers for new entrants and due to pressures for a more sustainable society. Although these forces will not be totally controllable, organizations can plan their business strategy according to the knowledge they have on them. This type of approach will allow organizations to influence these forces more closely and at the same time to predict possible scenarios, identify tendencies and map the sector. In the present paper is proposed a conceptual model based on Porter’s five forces to analyze the impact of AM on firms’ strategy. For future development this model will be extended to organizations operating with AM in Portugal for validating its practical applicability, which will be performed through questionnaire and/or case study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artikel Implications of Knowledge Management in Vocational Education

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